The Mate He Hates

Beauty and the Beast

Amanda’s POV

After taking my bath, I went back to Liam’s room but found him sleeping while the nurse was still by his side, attending to him. After making sure he was okay, I decided to go back to my room and get some rest. On my way back, I met Levi in the hallway.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you. How have you been?” he asked.

I sighed. “I’m just exhausted and scared,” I murmured, and suddenly Levi pulled me into his embrace. His action was surprising, but I let myself relax in his arms for a moment before pulling away.

“Thank you.” I flashed him a weak smile. He went to my hair and tucked it behind my ears. “You look so tired. Get some sleep,” he urged, and I nodded before walking away.

Getting back to my room, I lay on the bed, and all that had happened in the past 24 hours played back in my head. I realized that if not for Liam’s sudden illness, Alpha Edward and I would have been separated by now, and the thought of that made me anxious. I thought of Alpha Edward and how he could even think of rejecting me when he claims he loves me. How could he want to let me go just like that?

Sighing heavily, I closed my eyes, and due to exhaustion, I drifted to sleep.

Waking up, I realized the sun had gone down, making me aware that I had slept for a long time. Getting down from the bed, I rushed to Liam’s room and found Alpha Edward and Liam discussing. Noticing my presence, they looked up at me.

“Mama, you are here,” Liam said, his voice strong and energetic.

“Yes, Liam. How are you?” I asked while getting closer to him.

“I’m fine, Mother. I feel better now,” Liam said, causing a smile to spread across my face. “Father has been telling me stories, but the one I am most interested in is the story of the Beast and the beauty. Mother, you will love it,” Liam said excitedly while Alpha Edward and I exchanged glances. Holding his gaze, I realized his eyes looked so weak and lifeless. His usual fascinating green piercing eyes looked so dull, and somehow it made an uncomfortable feeling hit my chest.

“Please continue, Father. What happened next?” Liam pleaded.

Alpha Edward hesitated for a moment before he continued. “The truth was revealed, son. The beauty was innocent of all the charges laid against her, and not just that, but she was the true queen of the beast.”

“What!” Liam exclaimed in shock, clearly engrossed in the story. “Yes, son, she was the beast’s true queen and not her late step-sister,” Alpha Edward announced, and I furrowed my brow.

“What happened next, Father?” Liam urged, clearly so interested in the story.

“The beast realized his mistake, but it was already too late, and the beauty wouldn’t forgive him.”

“She shouldn’t. He caused her a lot of pain. Father, I’m with the beauty on this. No matter what, he shouldn’t have treated her with such cruelty,” Liam murmured, and I stared at him proudly.

Alpha Edward looked my way, while I frowned and looked at Liam, who was still interested in the story.

“What next, Father? What happened?” Liam urged.

Alpha Edward sucked in a deep breath before he continued. “The beast went to war and came back crippled,” he announced, and Liam frowned while I looked at Alpha Edward, whose eyes were avoiding me. It was clearly obvious he was telling Liam our story.

“That serves him right. He should pay for what he did, right, son?” I asked Liam, who nodded vehemently. “Yes, Mother. He deserves to suffer for what he did to the beauty.”

Alpha Edward’s expression tightened, and his voice grew softer. “And when the beast returned from the war, he was severely injured. He couldn’t walk, couldn’t fight. He was at the mercy of those he had wronged.”

Liam’s eyes widened. “What happened then, Father?”

“The beauty had every right to leave him, to let him suffer alone,” Alpha Edward continued, his voice trembling slightly. “But she chose to stay. She chose to care for him, despite everything he had done.”

Liam looked confused. “Why would she do that, Mother? After all the pain he caused her?”

“I think the beauty just wanted to see him suffer,” I sneered while Alpha Edward and I exchanged glances.

“So, did the beast change, Father? Did he become better?”

Alpha Edward looked down, his voice barely above a whisper. “The beast tried. He truly did. But some wounds are hard to heal, and some mistakes are hard to forgive.”

Liam seemed to consider this before looking at me. “What do you think, Mother? Do you think the beauty should forgive the beast? He is now a changed man?” Liam asked, and I couldn’t speak; my words were stuck in my mouth.

“He doesn’t deserve forgiveness, son. The beauty deserves better.” Alpha Edward muttered.

“Really? Who gives the beast the right to make such decisions for the beauty?” I snapped at Alpha Edward.

“Because he knew it. He knew he doesn’t deserve her, so he has to let her go.”

My frown deepened. “I think the beast should let the beauty make the decision herself,” I sneered.

“Well, I think she has because the beauty is now going out with the beast’s cousin. It seems she will end up with him,” Alpha Edward said, and I frowned. What the fuck was wrong with him?

“Really? She left the beast for his cousin?” Liam asked, but I quickly responded.

“No, Liam, the beast was just seeing things the wrong way,” I said firmly, glaring at Alpha Edward. His attempt to twist the story infuriated me. “The beauty didn’t leave the beast for his cousin. She stayed because she saw something in the beast worth saving, despite all the pain he caused her.”

Alpha Edward’s eyes met mine, filled with a mixture of regret and longing. I refused to back down. “The beauty deserves to make her own decisions, and she deserves happiness,” I continued, my voice steady. “If the beast truly loves her, he would respect that.”

Liam looked between us, sensing the tension. “But what if the beast really tries to change, Mother? Doesn’t everyone deserve a second chance?”

I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. “It’s not about deserving, Liam. It’s about actions. If the beast truly changes, it’s up to the beauty to decide if she can forgive him. But she should never feel obligated to stay because of guilt or pity.”

Alpha Edward’s face tightened, and he turned away slightly, pain evident in his expression. “Sometimes, people make mistakes they can never fully make up for,” he said quietly. “All we can do is try to be better.”

I softened slightly, seeing the torment in his eyes. “Yes, and sometimes, trying is all we can do. But it’s the beauty’s choice whether she wants to give the beast another chance.”

“So what happened, Father? Did the beast and beauty end up together?” Liam asked, and Alpha Edward and I remained silent as we both didn’t know what to say.

“They didn’t,” Alpha Edward spoke, and I glared at him, an uncomfortable feeling blooming in my chest. “The beast isn’t deserving of the beauty, and besides, the beauty found someone better.”

My frown deepened.

“Oh! I wish they ended up together. He was a changed man; he only did what he did to her because he was driven by pain,” Liam murmured, sounding so mature for his age.

I glanced at Liam, amazed at his perceptiveness. Alpha Edward looked pained, his expression filled with regret and longing. I knew he was trying to tell me something through this story, but I wasn’t ready to let my guard down. Not yet.

I sighed and looked at Liam. “Stories don’t always have happy endings, son. Sometimes, people make mistakes that can’t be undone, no matter how much they try to change.”

Liam nodded thoughtfully. “But Mother, don’t you think everyone deserves a second chance if they’re truly sorry?”

“Everyone does, but-”

“Liam.” Alpha Edward cut me off. “You should go to sleep. We will continue tomorrow, okay.”

Liam nodded and lay back on the bed. His personal nurse returned and took her position. “Call us if anything goes wrong,” Alpha Edward said, and the nurse nodded. “Good night, son.” He placed a kiss on Liam’s forehead. “Good night, Father,” Liam whispered, already half asleep.

Alpha Edward glanced at me for a moment before leaving the room.

After he left, I sucked in a deep breath and placed a kiss on Liam’s forehead before leaving the room.

Out of his room, I wanted to go back to my room but decided to have a talk with Alpha Edward.

Without knocking, I entered his room and noticed he was seated on the bed. He seemed surprised to see me. “You have to stop telling such lies,” I murmured, and he lowered his gaze at me. “What lie?”

I frowned. “That I’m having something with Levi when you know it’s not true,” I said, and Alpha Edward chuckled bitterly. “It will only take some time, and you will run into his arms,” he said, causing my anger to bubble. He sounded so sure about it, and I hated it. “And what makes you so sure about it?” I spat.

I glared at Alpha Edward, anger bubbling up inside me. “And what makes you so sure about it?” I spat again.

He chuckled bitterly, his eyes cold. “Because Levi can give you everything I can’t. He can fuck you and do many things I never could.”

The words cut deep, and without thinking, I surged forward, pushing him back onto the bed. “Is that what you think?” I hissed, my face inches from his. “Let me prove to you that you can still fuck me.”

Alpha Edward’s eyes widened in surprise and confusion as I straddled him, feeling the heat of our anger and unresolved tension radiate between us. His hands gripped the sheets, knuckles white, as I leaned down, our breaths mingling.

“You think Levi can replace you?” I whispered harshly, my voice shaking with anger. I couldn’t explain why his words were having such an effect on me. “You think he can satisfy me like you did?”

I could feel the hesitation in his body, the conflict in his eyes. But he didn’t resist as I leaned in, capturing his lips with mine in a bruising, demanding kiss. His mouth responded instantly, fierce and hungry, as if he were trying to reclaim something lost.

My hands roamed down his chest, fingers digging into his skin, feeling the tension of his muscles beneath. He groaned into my mouth, his hands finally releasing the sheets to grip my hips, pulling me closer. The feel of his strong, capable hands on me sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a fire in my core.

Breaking the kiss, I yanked off my shirt, tossing it aside before reaching for his. I pulled it over his head, baring his chest to me. I traced the lines of his scars, marks of his battles, both physical and emotional. His eyes watched me, filled with a mix of desire and vulnerability.

“You still think you can’t satisfy me?” I challenged, my voice low and breathless.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Alpha Edward’s eyes widened in surprise, but he didn’t resist as I straddled him, my hands gripping his shoulders with a fierce intensity. His vulnerability and the raw emotion in his gaze only fueled my anger.

“Is this what you wanted?” I growled, leaning down to kiss him hard, my lips pressing against his with a desperate need. He groaned into the kiss, his hands moving to grip my waist. Despite his weakened state, the familiar spark between us ignited, and I could feel his desire matching my own.

I tore my lips from his, staring down at him with a mixture of rage and longing. “You think I need Levi to feel wanted? To feel alive?” I demanded, my voice trembling with emotion.

He shook his head slightly, his eyes darkening with lust. “Amanda, I…”

“Shut up,” I interrupted, pulling off my jeans and tossing them aside. “Show me you can still make me feel something.”

Without waiting for a response, I moved my fingers on his bare chest, trembling with urgency. His breath hitched as I exposed his chest, running my hands over his firm muscles, feeling the heat of his skin beneath my touch.

I leaned down, pressing kisses along his neck and collarbone, biting and sucking hard enough to leave marks. His hands roamed over my body, squeezing my breasts through my bra, his touch sending shivers down my spine. I reached behind me to unclasp my bra, letting it fall away to reveal my bare breasts.

His eyes darkened further, and he groaned, leaning up to take one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking and licking with a fervent hunger. I gasped, arching my back to press myself closer to him, the sensation of his mouth on me driving me wild.

I reached down to undo his pants, my hands brushing against his growing erection. He lifted his hips slightly to help me pull them down, revealing the hard length of him straining against his boxers. I yanked them down, freeing his cock, and he hissed as the cool air hit his skin.

I positioned myself over him, my own pants and underwear already discarded in my frenzy. I took his cock in my hand, guiding it to my entrance, teasing him with the slick heat of my arousal.

“Do you feel that?” I whispered harshly, my eyes locked onto his. “This is what you do to me.”

Without waiting for a response, I sank onto him, taking him deep inside me. We both gasped at the sensation, the tight fit and the raw connection between us almost too much to bear. I began to move, riding him hard and fast, the bed creaking beneath us.

His hands gripped my hips, guiding my movements as he thrust up into me as best he could, his eyes never leaving mine. The intensity of our connection, the blend of anger and passion, drove us both to the edge.

“You still think Levi could give me this?” I panted, my movements growing more frantic as I chased my release.

He shook his head, his voice strained. “No… Amanda, I…”

“Good,” I cut him off, leaning down to kiss him again, our tongues tangling as we both reached the peak of our desire.

I cried out as my orgasm hit, my body trembling with the force of it. He followed me over the edge, his own release filling me as he groaned my name, his hands gripping me tightly.

For a moment, we stayed like that, our bodies entwined, the aftershocks of our release coursing through us. Then I pulled away, my breathing ragged, and looked down at him.

“Don’t ever push me to Levi,” I said softly, my anger fading to be replaced by a deep, aching sadness.

He nodded, his eyes filled with regret and longing. “I’m sorry, Amanda. I just… I don’t want to lose you.”

I sighed, climbing off him and reaching for my discarded clothes. “You have already lost me, Edward. I’m just here for my son.”

With that, I dressed quickly and left the room, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

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