The Mafia’s Seductress


Isadora’s POV

“Stop that.” I said sharply to Leo while looking over my shoulder.

“Stop what?” He grinned.

“You know what. Stop or I’ll beat you with this spatula.” I warn him. I finish flipping a pancake and wave the spatula in his face. He looks at Mirella confused.

“Tell me princess, what did I do? I was just sitting here.” He says innocently. He is anything but innocent.

” You were staring at her. Santi doesnt like it when boys stare at her.” She stated. He glared and stuck his tongue out at her, making her giggle. I set a plate of pancakes in front of her.

“Exactly. Thank you princess.” I kiss her head and go back to the stove. He follows. Leaning on the counter top, he got that look on his face. That look that said he wanted to ask me something inappropriate.

“Whatever it is, the answer is no” I warned him.

” I didn’t say anything.” He said nonchalantly. I roll my eyes and stand on my tip toes to reach the cinnamon on the spice rack above the stove. I feel something hard and warm pressed against my backside. Oh my god! Is he fucking grinding against my ass! ? I see Leo’s hand grab the botle and I push him hard away from me.

“Are you kidding me?” I holler and he throws his hands in the air.

“You’re short, so I was just trying to help.” He tosses the cinnamon at me. I catch it and throw it right back, hitting him in the shoulder.

“Real mature.”

“Shut up! You know what you did. Did you not learn your lesson the first time? Was the beating you got not substantial enough to be a reminder? There’s a reason Rafael says don’t touch me. I don’t want to be touched.”

“I see you give the guys hugs all the time! You let them touch you.” He sneers, getting frustrated.

“They wouldn’t try to cop a feel like you just did! When they hug me, that’s exactly all it is, a hug. If you hugged me, you would try to feel me up somehow.” I sneer back.

“A bit of a presumptuous judgement seeing as you don’t know me.” He took a step closer. I look behind him and see Rafael and his brothers. Oh shit! How long have they been standing there. Rafael was livid.

“Maybe I don’t, but Rafael does.” I nod, indicating for him to look behind him. When he turns and sees them he breaks out into nervous laughter.

“Did I not say I would break your fucking hand if you touched her?” Rafael asked calmly. He was murdering Leo with his eyes. He took a step forward and Leo panicked. This wasn’t Rafael. This was The Shiv.

“You know I like to joke around primo. (Cousin) I meant no harm.” He chuckled. One second I see Rafael’s hands are empty. I look at the guys who were just as angry, then back at Rafael’s hand. He was holding a blade. Rafael took a step towards him and Leo held out his hands to stop him. Rafael pinned him to the wall and stabbed the blade into L. eo’s hand, going straight through to the wall.

“Ahh! Fuck!” He yelled and sucked air through his teeth. Rafael backed away and took another blade out, twirling it in his fingers. Leo tried removing the blade in his hand and Rafael threw the one in his hand at Leo. Landing dangerously close to his head, Leo stopped and put his hand down.

“Try to remove it before I say you can and I’l put another one in your other hand.” He growled and took out yet another blade from his pocket. How many blades does he carry on him !?

“Okay Raf, calm down.” Alfie said taking a step towards him. Rafael snapped his head around and pointed his blade in Alfie’s face.

“If any of you release him before the others get home, you’ll get the same treatment. Do. Not. Test.. Me.” He gritted through his teeth. Emphasizing every word. He grabs a chair and sits down facing Leo.

“The stress of dealing with Rodrigo, my fiancee being pregnant and now dad in the hospital, my nerves are fried Leo! Even with all that going on, you still wanna push my buttons. I told you twice! Do not touch her and yet you just can’t seem to help yourself. You should count yourself lucky that I’m not adding you to my art collection cousin. It’s been a while since I’ve felt the motivation to be artistic, but I can always count on you to give me that single push that sends me over the fucking edge!” He yells. I signal for one of the guys to take Mirella out of the kitchen. Javier grabs her and takes her out of the room. I don’t blame him for not wanting to relive the memory of his beat down.

“I get it and I’m sorry Raf but I like her. I cant help it.” Leo smiles. Rafael, eerily calm, looks at him. “She’s just so fucking sexy, with those eyes, those lips and that ass of hers.” He winks at me.

Is this boy out of his mind !? He should just hold up a sign that says,’Kill Me Now. Rafael took the blade in his hand and stuck it into Leo’s free hand and proceeded to pound his fists into Leo’s face. He instantly started bleeding. His face swelling and bruising quickly. Rafael was hitting him hard. I swear I heard a bone break.

“RAFAEL!” Ricardo yelled and ran into the room. Everyone else followed.

“What the hell is going on !?” Nadi shouted seeing all the commotion. “A lesson in listening.” I said folding my arms. I don’t feel one bit sorry for Leo. He brought this on himself. Rafael’s uncles and brothers pulled him off Leo, trying to restrain him while Esme took the blades out of his hands.

“Esmerelda, you and Nadia take him to the hospital now.” Ricardo ordered. He turned back to Rafael and grabbed his face.

“Calm down boy!” Rafael pushed him and his brothers off and screamed. I ran to him and jumped in his arms, Wrapping my arms around his neck. He reciprocated and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly and putting his face in my neck.

“It’s over baby. Calm down.” I whispered in his ear and felt him relax.

“For shit sake boy. You cant go beating the shit out of every man that touches her. That’s just insane.” Ricardo tried to reason with him. Rafael glared at him.

“She is mine! No one touches what’s mine! I do not share Ric, not even a litle. When it comes to Isa, Im selfish. She is all mine and I will hurt, possibly kill, anyone that tries to touch or take her from me.” Rafael growled. Ricardo chuckles and looks at me.

“What have you done to my nephew?” He jests. I smile and laugh. “Boys, take Rafael to the gym. Let him work off some of this anger. Isa, you come with me. We’re gonna start training your pups.”

–In The Garden–Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

“Okay, I want you to sternly tell them to sit, showing them a flat palm facing down. If they obey, give them a treat and tell them’Good boy:” Ricardo said. I nodded.

“Ice, Shadow. sit.” I command but they only cock their heads to the side.

“Try again but use more authority i your voice.”

“Sit!” I command again and they obeyed. I give them their treats and scratch their heads. “Good boys!”

“Now keep your hand and lower it to the ground and say Down.” I nod.

“Down.” I do as Ricardo said but the they ignore me and begin to play. I giggle.

“Well, they are just pups after all. We’ll train them slowly. Let them get used to one command at a time.” He tosses them both a treat and laughs.

“Can I ask you something?” I ask.

“Of course.” He turns to face me.

“Rafael mentioned an art collection. Is it really art or should I be worried?” I know the answer I want to hear but the pit in my stomach told me it wasn’t going to be what I was hoping it was. He scratched the back of his neck and sighed

“Sorry sweetheart. I wish I could tell you but it’s not my place. That is a story only Rafael can tell and since it was a very dark time in his life, he may be reluctant to tell you.”

Ricardo’s voice was heavy. Iwant to know but I don’t want to force Rafael to talk about something that might hurt him to relive. I’l ask him but if he doesn’t want to talk about, I won’t bring it up again.

“Thank you for helping me train them.” I say with a smile.

“You’re welcome. Im going to go check on that idiot son of mine. You should probably go and find Rafael.” I nod and pick up the pups, taking them into the house. I walk into the gym only to find it empty. Hmm I leave and make my way to the living room. Also empty. I walk upstairs to the bedroom. Opening the door and placing the pups on the floor. I see Rafael lying in the bed with his eyes closed. I strip to my bra and panties and slip into bed next to him. He grabs me instantly and holds me close to his chest. I hate seeing him so angry. Leo better learn his lesson this time because Im certain he won’t get a third chance.

“Baby?” I gently call to him.

“Hmm?” He lazily mumbles and buries his face into my neck.

“Can you tell me about your art collection?” With my back to his chest, I can’t see his face. I’m honestly too nervous to even crane my neck enough to look back at him. I feel him sigh and snuggle closer to me.

“Can I tell you tomorrow? I’ve had enough venting for one day. I just wanna rest right now kitten.” I feel his hand glide over my stomach and stop, rubbing circles with his thumbs.

“Sure baby.” I said putting my hand Over his. Let’s not push it. I’ll wait until tomorrow. Hopefully its not as bad as I think.

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