The Mafia’s Seductress


Rafael’s POV

-The Silver Paw-All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

After cleaning the place up and putting shit back in order, I put an ad out online, looking to hire. In less than an hour, a line of girls were posted outside.

“Mmm .. look at all this potential.” Leo hummed to himself. We walk outside and all the girls swoon and whisper. Is that the owner?

“‘He’s so hot!” He can do anything he wants to me: As much as I love the attention I get from girls, it’s nothing compared to the attention I get from my kitten. In my office going over applications, Isend Javier to bring in the first applicant. In walks this woman with light pink hair, tattoos everywhere and more piercings than a store could sell.

“What’s your name?” I ask. “Vanessa, but you can call me Nessa.”

“You’re applying for the servers job?” “Any job that’s available really”She smiles.

“All positions are available.” She pauses and leans back in the chair. “Is it possible to have two jobs?” She asks. I raise an eyebrow at her.

” I could be a stripper, and when I’m not dancing, I’ll be a server.

“Hm. smart.” Alright. You’re hired. You start today. “”Awesome! ”

“Javi!” I holler and he walks in.” Get Cass in here for me.” He nods. A few seconds later Cass walks in.

“Whatcha need boss man?” He smiles. “This is Vanessa. She will be serving and stripping. Show her the ropes, tell her the rules and give her a servers uniform.” Cass tips his fidora at her and holds out his hand. “Follow me beautiful.” He winks.

“Alright Javi, bring in the next one.” In walks this blonde. She’s already licking her lips and rubbing her legs when she sits down in front of me.


“Molly” She winks and bites her lip. Great another Brianna. If she steps out of line she’ll end up like her too.

“You’re applying to be a stripper?” She nods. I turn to Javi.

“Que te parece hermano?” (What do you think brother?) He nods.

“Alright, you’re hired. You start today. Javi, get Cass to show her the ropes” He nods again.

“Thank you so much! I wont let you down handsome.” She winks and eagerly leaves with Javier. I lean against my desk and rub my temples. This is gonna be a long fucking day. I need my kitten.

Isadora’s POV

-At The Mall-

We’ve been here for hours and have practically bought the entire mall. Gabriella bought baby clothes, shoes, toys, paces, bibs and even a crib.

“Gabriella?” I ask cautiously.

“Yes sweetheart?”

“Dont you think this is too much? We can’t even know the gender yet, but you got me pink baby clothes.” I tried not to sound ungrateful. Im very happy that she is willing to do this for me, but I’ve always been independent. Always had to rely on myself. Im not used to people buying me stuff and waiting on me hand and foot.

“It’s a girl. I can feel it in my bones and my bones are never wrong.” She states. Ijust nod. There’s no point in arguing with her. After we had lunch, we sat at the park for a bit. I miss Rafael. I lean over to Josie.

“Psssst!” I whisper. She leans over and giggles.

“Why are you whispering?”

“Let’s go down to the club and mess with the guys. I need a little trouble to get into.” She cocks an eyebrow at me.

“You wanna go cause you miss Rafael don’t you?” I give her my best resting bitch face but give up and roll my eyes.

“Okay yes.” I sigh. She laughs.

“Alright let’s go.”

-The Silver Paw-

Josie and I walk in and the place is packed. Business is booming. I see Cass behind the bar and drag Josie over with me. “Cass!” I scream and nearly climb over the bar to hug him.

“Hey there kitty cat! I heard the news, congratulations.” He winks.

“Thank you! How you been?”

“Busier than ever now that we hired new servers and dancers.”

“Oh my god! Am I am I being replaced !?” Josie panicked. Cass laughed.

“Nah baby, we could never replace you.” He winks and spins a bottle of tequila in his hand before pouring it into multiple shot glasses. Out of nowhere this beautiful woman with pink hair and piercings galore, came walking up with a tray.

“Pardon me honey” She sets the tray on the bar top. “Cass, I need a long island iced tea and three rum and cokes.” Cass winks at her and prepares her order.

She sighs and looks back at me with a smile. “Sorry about that sweetheart. Didn’t mean to push past you like that. I get too focused on work sometimes. Names Vanessa, but you can call me Nessa.” She holds out her hand.

“Isadora. Nice to meet you.” I shake her hand and smile back. She turns to Josie and hold out her hand. “Josie. Nice to meet you.” Nessa winks at her and turns back to me.

“So you’re the infamous kitty cat Cass has been telling me about. The boss’s girl.” I nod. “Well good for you girl! That is a fine hunk of man you got there.”

“I know” I wiggle my eyebrows at her playfully. “Cass! Boss wantsa whiskey!” Some girl yells across the bar. Mm my man.

“I got it Cass. I’m gonna surprise him.” He winks and hands me the glass of whiskey.

“Excuse me, but if you don’t work here, you don’t go in there. Boss doesn’t want to be disturbed.” She says with an attitude. I know she’s new here and probably doesn’t know who I am yet, so I’l let it slide for now.

“He’ll make an exception for me.” I say politely and walk past her but she grabs my arm and yanks me back.

“I said Rafael doesn’t want to be disturbed! He doesn’t have time for bimbos like you. So why don’t you go and find another dick to suck sweetie.” She hisses. Okay .. tay calm. Stay completely calm. Do not go full Rambo on this barbie bitch. Control yourself Isa Nope! This bitch needs to be taught a lesson. Like Rafael said, make your point clear the first time.

“Josie?” I said calmly while staring this plastic babrie in the eyes.

“Um yeah?” “Do me a favor and hold this for me please?” She takes the drink from me. Once the drink is out of my hand, I grab this bitch by the throat and slam her against the wall.

“Listen up you plastic barbie bitch! I know you’re new here, so you probably don’t know who I am yet. So let me introduce myself. My name is Isadora. I’m Rafael’s girlfriend and the mother of his unborn child.”She struggles against my hold on her. “All I have to do is tell my man that you’ve been harassing me and he will fire you on the spot. No questions asked. So with that being said, you ever disrespect me like that again, not only will you be banned from this club indefinitely, but I will personally beat your motherfucking ass. Got it?”

“What’s going on here?” Iget shivers up my spine and smile.

” Nothing baby. Just introducing myself and giving some advice to our new employees.” I let her go and she falls to the ground gasping for air. I walk over to him and stand on my tip toes to kiss him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me harder.

“Miss me?”

“Always kitten.”

“I was about to bring you your drink but I got side tracked.” I glare at the heavily breathing barbie still on the floor.

“How about I drink you instead?” He growls and nibbles on my neck making me giggle.

” Ugh .. Im so jealous.” Josie sighs.

“Want me to nibble on you beautiful? I would gladly dine on that gorgeous milky flesh of yours.” Nessa winked at josie who turned redder than a tomato. I laughed and turned back to Rafael.

“Wanna go home and snuggle?” I smile at him.

“Cass?” He says never taking his eyes off me.

“I got it covered boss.” Cass chuckles.

” Lets go kitten.” The look on that barbie’s face was priceless when Rafael picked me up, grabbing a handful of my ass. I wish I had my camera. That would have been my new wallpaper.


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