“Don’t goooo!!” She whined, making me smile. “I miss you alreadyyyy.” My wife could be a big baby sometimes.

“I would be back before you know it.” I smiled. “Come here and give me a kiss.” I walked closer to the bed and bent down for a kiss. She pouted in mock annoyance, before finally giving in and kissing me. While she kissed me, her hands snaked around my neck, holding me very close to her. We broke off the kiss and she still refused to let go. “Babe?” I muttered. “I need to leave now, don’t want to keep my men waiting.”

“I’m sorry.” She pulled away, looking a bit distraught. “I don’t even know what is wrong with me. Crazy hormones.” She sighed.

“But I do not like the way you look. If you insist I should remain home, then I would.”

“No no no!” She rushed out. “Not at all. You don’t need to do that. All you just have to do is go and come back to me in one piece. I’m just naturally worried because nowhere seems safe for us anymore, and my senses feel more heightened due to my hormones.”

“Hmmm…” I nodded, before squinting my eyes in thoughts. “Is this about the discussion we had about ‘X’ last night?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Maybe.”

“Then do not worry babe, I would be fine. Moreover, I think we are very close to finding him out. Patawan was clearly working together with Jacobo and this ‘X’ guy. Once we hear from his men that we had been able to seize alive, we should know who the unknown bastard is.”

“Alright, but just be careful.”

“Relax babe.” I smiled warmly, rubbing her arms to give her some form of calmness.

“Is Alexander going with you?”

“No, love. I asked him not to bother. I really do not want him leaving Bella’s side in her frail state. It’s just an interrogation with the men, nothing I can’t handle. Now, have some rest and wait for me to return.” I urged and dropped a chaste kiss on her forehead. We had discussed into the early hours of the morning, and were not really able to have enough rest. I wanted her to rest now, because we still had more things to discuss once I returned from the interrogation session with my men.

“Alright.” She managed a small smile and fell onto the middle of the bed, covering herself with the duvet. “See you soon.”

“Hmmm.” I nodded and walked away. Why was this nudging feeling my my chest? I felt this strong urge to stay back home with my wife, but I had no other choice but to leave. The earlier I found out who exactly this man was, the better for us all. Russo was no longer safe, and I had to ensure the situation changed. That was my responsibility.

Once I got out of the house, I made for my car and drove out of the estate. It took roughly 45 minutes to get to the Russo barracks and immediately I got there, I headed to the private dungeons. I got to the dungeons to see my men in there, surrounding the culprits and quite busy with their funny method of torture.

“Don!” They all yelled out in chorus the moment the noticed my presence.

“Any progress?” I went straight to the point, folding up my sleeves as I did. I had a feeling it was gonna be a long morning. Looking around the room, four different men were chained to the metallic seats. I could see cuts all over their bodies, and it made me miss Massimo for a second. He had a better way of handling these kinds of people. I definitely would not expect them to spill by giving them cuts with pocket knives. That was such a lame thing to do! I was almost tempted to make a query and know which of my men was supervising this interrogation process before I arrived. They did a shit work out of it. Couldn’t these men just get it right without Massimo?!

“None of them have agreed to say a word, Don.”

“I seeee…..” I drawled, a smirk on my face. “How about I speak to them in a language they’d definitely understand?” I asked rhetorically. “Get the hot coals and branding irons. Let’s do it like in the days of the old.” I smiled to the man sitting on the chair directly before me. I could see the obvious fear in his eyes, making me wonder what my men were really thinking for not taking things seriously from the beginning. They were only slowing down the entire process of catching ‘X’. I didn’t blame them though, they weren’t really my best men. These ones were still under training.

After a few seconds, the doors opened and one of my favourite men; Wolfe, walked in through the door with a large metal bucket containing hot coals. Immediately, Patawan’s men started struggling in their seats and it only made me give a humourless chuckle. Were they really being serious right now? What made them think that they could escape now, when they couldn’t do so when they had been captured. It was an obvious lost cause, if they thought they could run now.

“Alright then.” I took the long branding iron from Wolfe and stretched my hands widely, in mock elation. “Gentlemen, shall we?”



I found myself driving at such high speed, unable to believe what I had just learned. It was him? All along? What the fuck? Immediately, I put a call across to Alexander, wanting to tell him my findings already. How could I not have seen this all along? I was sooo blind and tactless, and it was quite unusual.

I tried his number for the fourth time, but he still wasn’t picking up. What was happening? Where was he? I dropped my phone by the passengers seat in defeat, hoping to get home already and put actions in place to….Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I hadn’t seen it coming when another car came at me in such full speed, making it impossible for me to dodge the eventual accident. Then next thing I knew, my car was somersaulting and I went light headed, hanging upside down in my squashed up car. The feeling of a deja vu rushed through me, and I instantly realized this had happened before. It was the exact same way it had happened five years ago, only proving the information I had gotten today very accurate.

I was gradually slipping out of consciousness, but tried to keep my eyes open. I could see the legs walking towards my car, and I knew I was in danger. Fuck! I was already losing energy and the only thing I could think of doing at that point, was reaching out for the minute device in glove compartment and turning it on, hoping it would serve it’s purpose in due time.




I gave a small stretch the moment I woke up, and stepped out of bed. Heading for the bathroom, I peeled off my night dress from my body and made my way inside. A warm bath was just what I needed right now. After taking my time to wash up, I walked back to the bedroom and that was when I looked at my phone to see the time. It was late afternoon already, yet my husband wasn’t here. Or maybe he had returned home, but was downstairs with the rest of the family. Feeling the latter was the case, I hurriedly dressed up and walked out of the room to go be with him. On getting to the living room, I was disappointed to see everyone else in the living room, except him.

“Bianca dear, you are finally awake.” My mother in law called out to me with a small wave.

“Yes mom. Manuel isn’t back?” I asked, and she shook her head in negation.

“No, not yet. You miss him already?” She grinned, making me smile.

“Of course.” Why did my heart keep constricting painfully? Why was I missing Manuel so much today? I had felt the same way when he was leaving this morning. But then, I had expected him to be back already. He said he wasn’t gonna stay long with the men, and now it was almost evening.

“Don’t worry too much. Just join us here and wait for him to return. He should be here anytime soon.”

“Alright.” I released a sigh and walked towards where she had been sitting with my father in law. I squeezed myself in between them both like a sandwich, groaning in frustration. Everyone laughed in amusement, but it was far from being amusing to me. No one understood how I felt. I was terribly missing my man.

We remained in the living room for a while longer, before a call came into my father in law’s phone and he pulled away from me to answer the call, leaving me to rest on his wife’s shoulders.

“Hello? Dito.” He muttered, but my attention wasn’t even on the phone call until he stood up in shock. “What?! When?”

“What’s happening?” Mia softly asked, but got no response from the clearly agitated man who was still on the phone.

“Dad what’s happening?” Greta asked in concern, but the man was too shocked by whatever news he had gotten, to even say a word.

“Inform the rest, I’m on it.” He said, visibly grounding his teeth against each other.

“Sweetie, you don’t look okay. What did Dito say?” Mia pressed.

“It’s… it’s…” He turned to look at me, a sympathetic expression on his face. Immediately, I knew something was wrong.

“Where is Manuel?” That was the only person on my mind, and I was extremely disturbed.

“Calm down.” He whispered as he walked closer to me and held my shoulders.

“But I cannot calm down when I’m not sure my husband is okay.” I reasoned. “Is he fine?” I asked, but the older man remained quiet. Just great! Now, I was very sure all wasn’t well. “Dad please tell me what’s going on.” I pleaded, that painful constriction happening in my chest again.

“Your husband is…. missing.”

“What?” Greta and I said at the same time. What did he mean by that statement? I felt my heart giving up on me, but tried to remain on my feet.

“W.. wh… what happened t.. to him?” I stuttered, my breathe rapidly increasing.

“A repeat of what happened a few years back. His car was found squashed up in the middle of the road, but his body wasn’t inside. Just his phone and suit jacket.” Right then, it felt like someone had pulled my heart out of my chest and continuously stomped on it. Oh God. I was feeling light headed already and almost fell on my back, but luckily, my father in law held me firmly.

“Please be strong my dear. I promise to search through the entire expanse of this earth, and get your husband back to you in one piece.”

He gently lowered me onto the sofa, and Mia enveloped me in her arms immediately. My head started getting pulled into that hole where I couldn’t hear a word any other person was saying. All of their voices just sounded like distant echoes. I didn’t even know if I was already crying, but I knew for a fact, that I was far from feeling alright. The only thoughts that went through my mind was if Manuel was going to come back to me, and when it was gonna be. I remained in Mia’s embrace for a while, as literally everyone was walking all over, trying to do one thing or the other regarding the situation on ground. A lot of calls were being made at the same time. My mind continued to waver in uncertainty, and I was already feeling sorry for myself. I would never be able to cope if anything happened to him.

“Can I go to my room?” I whispered, and Mia contemplated her response.

“I don’t know. I can’t leave you on your own.” She muttered. “I don’t want a repitition of what happened the last time. It’s clear we are no longer safe, and I wouldn’t dare to put you in harm’s way.”

“I can go up and stay with her.” Greta suggested, making me nod in appreciation. I just wanted to sleep and wake up to realize this was all a terrible dream.

“Let’s go.” Mia said, making Greta give her a confused look. “What? You don’t expect me not to remain with her, do you?”

“Fine. We should ask for some of the security guards to be stationed around the room as well.” Greta muttered.

“I’ve done that already. They would be up any moment from now.” Matteo supplied, giving us the go ahead to go up.

I opened my eyes, only to see myself sandwiched in between Greta and Mia on the bed.

“You’re up.” Mia muttered, and I nodded. I looked around, hoping to see Manuel in the room, but my face fell when I realized it was real after all.

“It is not a dream.” Greta whispered into my ear, making me nod as I fought so hard to hold back my tears. God! I hated this feeling!! It was now it dawned on me all the more. My husband was missing, and there was no assurance he would return any time soon.

“Please do not cry.” Mia rubbed my back soothingly, but I wasn’t having any of it.

“But how can I not?” I choked out in tears. “H.. how?” More tears poured out from my eyes and all I really just wanted was for Manuel to appear and console me. For him to tell me it was all a silly joke, and he wasn’t going to repeat such stunt ever again. Oh, my baby. I didn’t even know if he was fine out there. Was he conscious? Was he hurt? Was he safe?!!! God, I was going crazy here!!!

“Stop pulling your hair.” Greta gently released my hair from the firm grasp of my fingers. “Manuel would be fine, you just have to be strong. We all have to be. Manuel isn’t the type to give up easily. He is too tough to go just like that.” At her words, my mind stilled instantly, and I began to wonder what exactly I was thinking. What was I doing? Was I always going to be so weak and pathetic? Would I just breakdown and cry at every slight opportunity? I had no idea were my husband was, but I had to remind myself that he is the actual leader of this family. Was I supposed to be wallowing in pain, or was I supposed to stand strong in his stead? My next action took them unawares, and Mia looked worried. I stood up from the bed with so much strength, not minding my belly or the remnant tears in my eyes.

“Bianca!” They both called out. The next second, the door flung open and two hefty men rushed in. They looked at me closely, before looking at the two other ladies on the bed.

“She is fine. We are fine.” Mia rushed out, and both men nodded, before making their way out of the room.

“I’m fine.” I sighed, patting my belly lightly. “I would be fine.” I nodded affirmatively. “Because I would get to the bottom of this mess. But first, I have to be sure Bella and the baby are fine. Has Alex shown up here since….” I trailed off, realizing I didn’t even know what time it was. “What time of the day is it?” I asked, looking around for my phone. They were both still looking at me like I had horns on my head, unable to understand my quick change in mood. How do I explain to these women that I just realized I was supposed to be strong for them? I was Bianca Russo; wife to Manuel Russo, the Don of the Russo family. I wasn’t supposed to be weak! I finally found my phone lying on the table in my room, and picked it up. It was 2:47 am in the morning?!

“It’s almost 3?” I muttered in disbelief.

“Hmm.” Greta nodded, eyeing me closely.

“You both haven’t had any sleep?”

“Because we had to make sure you were fine.” She reasoned, making my heart do a little flip in my chest. I wasn’t supposed to make them so worried. Now, I didn’t even know how I felt. Sad? Grateful? I was really touched by the way these people cared for me.

“Okay.” I took a deep breathe, before asking my initial question again. “Has Alex shown up here since yesterday evening?”

“Yes, he has.” Mia supplied. “But he left almost immediately. The situation is very confusing and everyone is on the tip of their toes, trying to make sure Manuel is safe and comes back in one piece.”

“Of course.” I muttered. “Nonno? Does he know of the recent development yet?”

“According to Alex, they haven’t been able to reach him yet.”

“What?” My eyes widen in a mix of shock and worry. “Why?”

“We are not really sure, but my husband thinks Nonno isn’t safe as well. We have also tried reaching out to his personal body guard, all to no avail. We called the mansion in Sicily, only to be told he had been away for a couple of days now, unaware of his present location. We called Aggie at the penthouse, but she supplied that she hadn’t seen or heard from Nonno ever since he left to go join you at his mansion in Sicily.”

“Fuck.” I cursed out, unable to hold it in. Immediately, I took my phone and tried putting a call across to Nonno. It was ringing, but he wasn’t answering. I tried for a second time and was suprised when the call was answered. “Nonno!” I rushed out, grasping Greta and Mia’s attention as they hopped down the bed and made their way towards me.

“Nipotina!” That was definitely Nonno. I sighed in relief at the knowledge that he was okay.

“Nonno, what’s going on? We have been trying to reach you for hours.”

“That, I can see.” I released a sigh. “I just turned on my phone, it has been switched off the entire day.”

“Why?” I queried.

“Because it’s Rosa’s memorial today. So I thought to pray for her soul yesterday.”

“It’s Nonna’s memorial today?” I whispered, and he hummed in agreement. Why did something feel off here?

“Is there a problem?”

“Yes, a big one. Nonno where are you?” I asked, and was quite suprised by his answer.

“I’m in Moscow. I went to see Rosa.”

“Nonno, you have to return immediately.” I rushed out. “Manuel has been abducted, and no one has an idea who took him.” His end of the line went his silent after I told him the latest development. “Nonno? Are you there?”

“When did this happen?” The tone of his voice had changed as expected.

“Just yesterday. I’m not sure when, but it happened yesterday.”

“I see.” He whispered.

“Nonno you have to return as soon as possible. Bella and the baby are not safe here, and I would be more relieved if she goes with her baby, to stay at the masion in Sicily. That is why you have to return immediately.” The fact that today was Nonna’s memorial left a strange feeling in my heart. There seemed to be a major coincidence, and I was going to unravel the puzzle here.

After supplying some more information to Nonno, I hung up the call and put another call to Alex, informing him of my plans to have Bella and the baby in Sicily. Apparently he had also been trying to reach out to Nonno for that same reason. I let him know that Nonno was going to be in Sicily before the end of today, and that he should make plans for Bella to be there with Nonno. That was the only place I could be rest assured that she’d be safe. Nonno’s security team were too good to be easily overridden. I was glad he thought my plan was great and promised Bella and the baby would be away before the end of the day. I was still pacing up and down, thinking of my next mode of action, when another call came in through my phone. Immediately I reached out for the phone, hoping it was information about who had Manuel. I was suprised to see it was Massimo.

Considering the way things had ended the last time he was here, and given the time of the day, I hadn’t expected to see his call. Greta and Mia looked at me, wondering why I was looking at my phone, but not answering it. I didn’t want them getting all suspicious now, especially after Manuel had made everyone think that the man had some sort of feelings for me. So I simply answered the call, and said his name out loudly.

“Massimo. I wasn’t expecting your call.”

“I’m so sorry for calling you so late, Miss B. I heard of the Don’s disappearance yesterday, and there’s something I must tell you.” He sounded unsure, making me more certain that I needed to speak with him. What he had to say was very much likely to be important. “Please could we have a discussion later in the day?”

“Of course!” I rushed out, hoping that whatever he had to say would help with tracking down who had taken Manuel. “I would inform the security to let you into the estate.”

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