The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 367



Just when Harriet finished consoling me about the argument with my grandfather, she suggested we go to the bar Anger still simmered within me, but I agreed, needing an outlet for my frustration. We made our way to the nearest bar, the neon lights casting an eerie glow on the sidewalk.

Upon entering the establishment, I wasted no time ordering a variety of bottles. I needed something to numb the pain and drown out the echoes of my grandfather’s harsh words.

Harriet sat quietly beside me, watching as I downed one drink after another. I could feel her concerned gaze on me, but I ignored it, drowning myself further in the alcohol’s haze.

Suddenly, she excused herself, saying she would be back. I barely acknowledged her departure; I was too consumed by my own thoughts to care. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

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I continued drinking, turmoil. I felt a presence beside me. It was Daniel and Bryan, and they

were just staring at me.

“Luke, what’s going on? Why are you drinking so much?” Daniel’s voice cut through the fog of my mind.

I shrugged, unwilling to share the pain that gnawed at my heart. “I just need to forget about some things,” I mumbled, taking another swig from the bottle.

Bryan frowned, concern etched on his face. “You know drinking won’t solve anything, Luke. You need to

talk to us.”

But I remained stubbornly silent, refusing to let them see the turmoil raging inside me. Instead, I drowned myself in another drink, hoping to numb the ache that pulsed through my veins.

The weight of my argument with my grandfather pressed down on me, crushing me beneath its suffocating grip. I drank to numb the pain, but with each sip, it only seemed to grow stronger.

Daniel and Bryan exchanged concerned glances, but I waved them off, not wanting to burden them with my troubles. Deep down, though, I longed for someone to understand, to see the hurt behind my facade.

Harriet returned to the table, her eyes filled with worry as she glanced at the empty bottles scattered around me. “Hey, Luke. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

I turned to her, my vision slightly blurred from the alcohol. “What is it, Harriet? My words slurred slightly.

“I think we should go outside for some fresh air,” she suggested, her eyes pleading with me.

I shook my head stubbornly. “I don’t want to go outside. I want to stay here and drink,” I said, pouring another glass

“Luke, please. I don’t want to see you like this. Let’s go outside and talk.”

Daniel and Bryan exchanged worried glances but remained silent. They didn’t know Harriet, but they

obviously had a feeling that she was the only one who could calm me down.



With a heavy sigh, I got up, stumbling a little. Harriet grabbed my arm to steady me, and we made our way outside. The cool night air hit me, clearing my head slightly.

“Luke, I know you’re upset about what happened with your grandfather,” she said softly.

I took a gulp of my drink, my anger bubbling up. “He has no right to control my life like this,” I muttered.

Harriet nodded, her hand resting on my shoulder. “But you can’t let him get to you like this. Drinking won’t

solve anything.”

I sighed, feeling lost. “I just feel so lost, Harriet. I don’t know what to do.”

She suggested I take a break from everything and figure out what I want. “And I’ll be right here by your side, supporting you,” she promised.

Her words softened me, and I pulled her into a hug. “Thank you, Harriet. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

She smiled, and as we pulled away, her phone rang. She excused herself, leaving me alone with my thoughts. My friends looked at me sympathetically.

“Man, what happened with you and your grandpa?” Daniel asked, breaking the silence.

I sighed, not wanting to delve into it. “It’s a long story. But right now, I just need to forget everything and have some fun,” I said, pouring another drink.

Bryan shook his head. “Drinking your problems away won’t make them disappear, Luke. You need to face

them head–on.”

I laughed bitterly. “Easy for you to say. You don’t have a grandfather who wants to control your life.”

Harriet returned, seeing me drinking more than I should. She suggested we go home, and despite my protests, I agreed to finish our drinks. We drove back, exhaustion washed over me, and I fell asleep in the


Stirring from the haze of unconsciousness, the throbbing ache in my head reminded me of the mistakes of the night before. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I found myself sitting in the passenger seat of the car parked in the driveway.

My limbs felt heavy and uncoordinated, and the faint memories of last night’s alcohol–fueled escapade flooded back to me. I struggled to push myself upright, my movements sluggish and clumsy.

“Luke, are you alright there?” Daniel’s voice broke through the fog of thy mind, his concern evident in his

brow furrow.

I managed a feeble nod, my throat dry and scratchy as I attempted to form words. “Yeah, just… feeling a bit rough,” I muttered, my speech slurred from the lingering effects of the alcohol.

Bryan appeared beside me, offering a steady hand as I stumbled out of the car. “Come on, let’s get you Inside,” he said, his tone gentle yet firm.

With their help, I made my way into the house, each step feeling like a monumental effort. My room seemed miles away, but we finally reached our destination with Daniel and Bryan’s support.


Collapsing onto the bed, I let out a heavy sigh. The softness of the mattress was a welcome relief against my aching body. Daniel and Bryan hovered nearby; their expressions were a mix of sympathy and concern. “Thanks, guys,” I mumbled, my words barely audible as exhaustion threatened to pull me back into the depths of sleep.

Daniel laid a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Don’t mention it, Luke. Just focus on resting up.”

Bryan nodded in agreement. “Yeah, we’ll take care of everything. You just take it easy.”

Their reassurances washed over me like a soothing balm, momentarily easing the turmoil that still churned within me. With a grateful nod, I closed my eyes, succumbing once again to the oblivion of sleep, the previous night’s events fading into the distant recesses of my mind.

Some minutes later, the door slowly opened, but I didn’t pay much attention as I closed my eyes, wandering back to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping and the sun shining through the window. As I slowly opened my eyes, I felt a weight on my chest and saw a woman lying next to me in bed. My heart stopped as I realized that we were both half–naked.

mind I let out a gasp and quickly sat up, causing the woman to stir a little bit. She didn’t wake up, and my wasn’t settled about this one. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I didn’t even know this woman’s name, let alone how we ended up in bed together. My mind was racing with questions and frustration.

“What the hell is going on?” I yelled, my voice filled with intense rage, because this was just so fucked up!”

The woman sat up immediately and looked at me in shock. She scanned the room, making a confused face, and gasped at that moment.

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