The Last Spirit Wolf (Elena Norwood)

The Rise Of The King Chapter 44


"What is going on here?!" An angry Sofia barges through the door, breaking my moment with Luna Irene.

Irene separates from me, putting several feet in between us, clearly shaken; one hand on her pendant while the other wipes away her tears.

"Luna Irene, is there a reason why my people are being forcefully held by your guards?!" Sofia says, her alpha aura rising.

Luna Irene doesn't say a word; she still hasn't taken her eyes off of me.

*Take everyone out,* I mind link Sofia.

"Everyone, OUT!" She roars, without hesitation.

Sofia is so intimidating with her alpha aura that even the guards of the Goldmoon pack listen to her; they quickly look at Luna Irene and when she doesn't object, they all leave. *What happened?* Sofia mind links me once everyone is gone; Luna Irene still hasn't reacted.

I turn to Sofia, opening my mouth to explain but Luna Irene speaks first.

"All of you, explain to me *now* what you are really doing here and why *you* have my daughter's earring."

Sofia and Dr. Owens turn to me, questioningly.

I gulp.

*This earring was in the Castle, I brought it with me but I didn't know it was Ellie Goldmoon's. It's the same as Irene's pendant,* I quickly explain to Sofia.

"NOW!" Luna Irene growls.

Sofia purses her lips, taking a quick glance at Irene's necklace.

None of us say anything; how do we even begin to explain this? We never planned on coming forward with the truth, but it seems like that's our only option right now.

"If you won't tell me, the guards will be happy to torture it out of you," she says.

Even if she doesn't actually have the power to command the guards and it would be suicidal to torture wolves from Dark Moon, including our Alpha, there's a seriousness in her tone that can't be ignored. Afterall, this is her long lost daughter we're talking about; I would also do everything in my power to know more.

Her eyes begin to glaze over, but before she can mind link anyone, I step in front of her, my hands up.

She reacts, momentarily distracted.

"Please, we'll tell you everything, but what I'm about to tell you cannot leave this room."

Luna Irene purses her lips, considering her options.

In the end, what's most important to her is to know what happened to Ellie, so she calmly walks

to one of the tables off to the side and sits down. She gestures to the other seats on the table, beckoning us over.

The three of us share a glance, Sofia quickly mind linking us.

*Are you going to tell her the truth?

*What other option do we have?*

She nods, and all three of us walk over to the table where Luna Irene patiently waits.

We each take our seat, me seating directly in front of Irene.

"Well, who's going to start?" she asks, her eyebrows raised at me.

"Luna Irene, what I'm about to tell you can't leave this room," I begin.

"You said that already." she interrupts me.

"Yes, but I have to make sure you understand."

It takes her a moment, but she finally nods.

I open my palm and place the earring in the middle of the table.

"Your daughter, Ellie, wasn't taken and killed by lycans, as you have all been told, she escaped."

I weigh my words carefully, letting that first piece of information settle in.

She scoffs.

"That's ridiculous," she says, closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose.

"She met her fated mate there, he was the King of the lycans, Alexander. They had a son," I continue.

Her eyes snap open, sneering at me.

"Their son is now the King of the lycans," I finish.

Her eyes are still glued to me, narrowed.

Then, after a couple of silent, tense seconds, she... laughs. It's a humorless, almost manic laugh, and it's not at all what I was expecting. "Well, I have to hand it to you, in all my years, never did I hear anything so nonsensical."

She gets up forcefully from her chair, readying herself to call the guards.

"Alpha Samael abused her, that's why she ran away," I tell her, not really wanting to look her in

the eye as the scenes from the vision are still too fresh in my mind.

She's still standing; I can feel her eyes burrowing into my skull.

She sits back down, slowly. Something I said must have struck a chord with her.

"And you know this *how exactly?" she asks cautiously.

"I saw it, and so did Alpha Silas, I believe that's why he hasn't woken up."

All mockery is over, she has no snarky remark or comment.

"*How did you see it?"

I look over to Sofia who has a serious look on her face; I'm not sure I want to get into my family history with the Goldmoons.

After none of us answer, Luna Irene breaks the silence.

"Show me."

I turn to look at her, surprised.

"Luna Irene, with all due respect, I don't think you want to see..."

"Show me" she says again.

I turn to Sofia, almost as if asking her if this is a good idea. She simply nods.

I sigh, putting my hands in the middle of the table for Luna Irene; she immediately puts her palms on mine without any skepticism.

"I have to warn you..." I begin, but she interrupts me again.

"Show me the damn thing already!"

I was going to warn her about what this did to her husband, but I guess it doesn't really matter to her.

I take a few deep breaths and focus on the vision I had earlier, drawing Luna Irene in with me. After experiencing this with Alpha Silas, I know what do to.

In a few moments, both of us are plunged into the vision and I can feel all of Luna Irene's emotions as if they were my own. This didn't happen with Alpha Silas, but that could be explained by his drunken state.

I feel her relief and happiness when she sees her daughter playing her flute and singing. I can also feel her horror when Alpha Samael grabs her by her hair and takes her into that room.

My heart wants to beat out of my chest.

I feel it *all*.



Dread. ...Regret.

All condensed in the few minutes that the visions lasts.

When the vision is over, I yank my hands from under hers as if they burned. My heart is still racing and my head is beginning to throb again.

"Vera? Vera, are you okay?" Dr. Owens is beside me on his knees, shaking my shoulder slightly.

I didn't even notice when I fell on the floor. I also didn't notice when I started crying, but I feel it now; my cheeks are damp from the tears.

It takes me a moment to become fully aware of my surroundings.

I've fallen on the floor, my chair upside down next to me. Sofia is tending to Luna Irene on the other side of the table; she's also on the floor.

"No. No no no," she's repeating as Sofia tries to comfort her, "NO!" she yells, slapping Sofia's hand away and standing up abruptly, coming towards me.

Before I can react or realize what her intentions are, she falls on her knees in front of me and grabs my wrists.

"Show me more!" She demands, and just like that, we are plunged into another vision.

What the...?

This time, it's not the same vision. In fact, I've never had this vision before.

I look around. Luna Irene is next to me, also perplexed.

"What... What is this?" She asks.

"I don't know, I've never seen this before."

We're in the middle of the woods, but I don't know in what part or if it's even wolf territory. It'

s broad daylight and there's a gentle breeze flowing through the forest.

"Wait for me!" I hear a voice, immediately turning in its direction.

A toddler comes running towards us, he tumbles and falls several times, but he gets back up and keeps running, surprisingly fast for a boy his age. When he's close enough, I notice he has a dimply smile I would recognize anywhere. It's Noah.

I stare at him, bewildered, as the woman that called for him suddenly comes into view. She's wearing a beautiful, sunny dress and the biggest, brightest smile.

It's Ellie.

Little Noah is running for dear life, but when Ellie finally catches up to him right in front of us, he laughs, delighted.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

"Gotcha!" she says, tackling him to the ground and kissing him all over his tiny face.

Noah is kicking and laughing, trying to set himself free, but Ellie has a tight hold on him.

Beside me, Lune Irene crumbles to the floor, her hand trembling as she reaches it out to Ellie.

"Oh, my child," she says, tears flowing freely from her eyes and falling onto the ground.

"Your father will be here soon, my love, we have to wait for him," Ellie tells Noah, standing him up and dusting him off, completely unaware of us.

"Ellie?" A gentle voice comes from the distance, "where did you two go off to?"

A handsome man appears, with dirty blonde hair and bright, caramel colored eyes.

It's Alexander.

"I told you he'd come get us," Ellie whispers to Noah.

The man reaches us and picks Noah up, grabbing Ellie by her waist and giving her a tender, loving kiss. She responds in like, staring at him with stars in her eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asks her, to which she simply nods, not taking her eyes off his.

They begin walking. Alexander tossing Noah high up in the air and him squealing in delight. Ellie walks a few steps behind them, turning back in our direction, looking utterly content.

She smiles one last time before turning away from us and leaving with Alexander and Noah.

The entire scene is so enchanting, a stark difference from the vision with Alpha Samael.

This was their life once Ellie found Alexander; they were destined mates, and they were sincerely happy.

When I open my eyes again. I'm back on the floor of Alpha Silas's room. A concerned Dr. Owens is holding my hand as Sofia gently places her hand on Luna Irene's back.

Luna Irene is on her knees, endless tears flowing to her cheeks and onto the carpet floor.

I gulp, feeling my own tears forming in my eyes, my heart constricting at the sight of her.

"My baby," Luna Irene whispers, her eyes wide and sorrowful.

After only a few seconds, she collapses, hiding her face with her hands as she wails on the floor.

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