The Last Spirit Wolf (Elena Norwood)

The Rise Of The King Chapter 34


I stare at John, and he stares at me, for several moments.

Sofia begins to get concerned.

"Vera, is there something wrong?"

I open my mouth to say something, but close it again. I can't really explain what I'm getting

from little John, because I know it just doesn't make sense.

"Vera?" Sofia presses, a concerned frown now forming on her face.

Alex has now become aware of our exchange and is making his way to us, also concerned.

"No, no, there's nothing wrong, it's just..."

"It's just what?" Alex asks, sitting beside Sofia, looking at the interaction between John and I.

"You don't feel it?"

"Feel what?" Sofia asks. "His... aura."

And in truth, that is exactly what it is. This little baby already has a monstruous Alpha aura, but it makes absolutely no sense. Alphas aren't actually born Alphas, their Alpha tendencies and aura comes along only when they have found and bonded with their wolf, and there is no way that this tiny human being already has his wolf.


"Vera, what are you talking about? John is a literal baby, he doesn't have an *aura.*"

"Sofia, I'm telling you right now, this baby is going to be an Alpha, and a powerful one at that."

"Pff," she says, dismissively, "Vera, I think you're a little too tired. This is a "baby.* I mean he's an Allen, of course he'll be an Alpha, but it's too soon to know that for sure."

Sofia takes John back from me and hands me baby Rose.

I observe Rose as she sits on my lap; I get a much more gentle but equally powerful aura from Rose. No doubt this baby is also an Alpha, but I just shake my head. Visit Job ni b .co m to read the complete chapters for free. I won't mention any more of this nonsense because I can't understand how, or why, I can perceive Alpha auras from literal infants.

"Hi, baby Rose," I smile and her and she smiles at me, reaching her tiny hands up to my face.

I bounce her on my lap as Sofia and I continue talking.

After about an hour of chit chat and several friends coming to me and welcoming me back personally, baby Rose and baby John are ready for a well-deserved nap.

"Help me take Rose up," Sofia says.

"I'll be back," I tell the guys, cradling baby Rose in my arms as I stand.

By this point, they have eaten to their hearts content and the only things left of the venison are the bones. Rowan and Colt have even leaned back, unable to hide their full bellies.

"Actually, I think we'll go back to the guest house, we could really use some shut eye," Ezra


The guys nod in agreement and once again thank Sofia before standing up and leaving. "They're a good party," Sofia notes, "although that one guy, what is up his ass?" "Who?"

"The one that gave the speech," she says, heading towards the stairs.

"Rowan?" I laugh, "he's just not used to any of this. He probably got nervous," I explain.

"Goddess, even I got nervous for him."

We both laugh, reaching Sofia's room. Off to a side, she had a nursery built for the twins to make them easier to reach in case of an emergency. Normally, this wouldn't happen; the Alpha's babies have a room to themselves right next to the Alpha's and a whole party of nannies ready to tend to them at any time. Sofia is being extra careful for good reason, however. Sofia and her line are the last of the Allens that we know about, making John and Rose the sole heirs to their bloodline.

I put Rose in her crib, and Sofia does the same thing with John. Both are breathing peacefully as they continue to sleep.

"They're so big." I muse, caressing Rose's cheek with a fingertip.

"They are." Sofia says, a gentle smile on her face, "and they're getting bigger with each passing day."

When we move to the couches on the other side of her room, I suddenly remember another thing I had to discuss with her.

"There's one more thing I wanted to ask you," I say, sitting down.

She sits down, waiting for me to continue.

"I told you how Noah is half wolf, and how he carries Goldmoon blood through his mother," I begin, "but lately he's had... he's had what I can only describe as an incontrollable... Alpha aura.

Sofia regards me with a frown, deeply considering my words.

Amid her silence, I continue,

"It's like nothing I have ever experienced before, Sof. You know I barely even react to Alpha auras, even yours, but with him? I freeze. And I know he won't hurt me, he never has, but his aura is threatening, to put it mildly; and he's not even aware when he uses it which makes it even stranger."

"I see," she simply says, a frown still framing her face. After a few minutes of contemplation, she offers some insight,

"It's not out of the realm of possibility that his wolf side is an Alpha considering his lineage, and this murderous aura you mention is very like the Goldmoons. But, the fact that he isn't consciously using it? I've never heard of that. Normally, we use it with purpose, it doesn't just * flow." She pauses, considering her words carefully, "And I'm just guessing here, but it seems to me that Noah is right to get rid of this Council. Alphas are not meant to have Councils, Vera. Alphas are meant to lead. Not to be subservient, not to *obey* rules or an idiotic Council. It doesn't work that way. *we* don't work that way. Alphas develop a deep feeling of connection to our people, one that nobody else has, so why would it make sense that someone else comes in to tell me how to lead *my people?" she says, pausing again. "Again, this only a guess, but perhaps, the Alpha wolf within him is resenting not being able to freely lead his people."This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

I stare at her.

A lycan - wolf hybrid is unheard of, so going off on the information for the individual species, what she's saying is completely plausible. But this still doesn't explain my second concern,

"Then why can't be feel it when he's using it? He's not even aware of the effect it has on the people around him."

Sofia shrugs.

"Maybe he does feel it, he was just never taught how to use it like most of us are. You have to be very in tune with your wolf to use it and feel it; which is why we are trained young. From what you're describing, it may be possible that his Alpha aura had been dormant all this time." She pauses, "maybe, if Noah is up for it, he could come up here and train with me. An unchecked Alpha aura can be quite dangerous."

I smile at her, appreciating her offer. Maybe once this is all over, we can come stay here for a few weeks while Sofia trains him.

"Thank you, Sof. Hopefully once this whole Council thing is over we can deal with this," I say.

She smiles at me but then her eyes glaze over.

*Alpha, the Goldmoons have accepted your request for a visit,* I hear Thomas's voice in my head, but he's talking to Sofia, *they will be expecting you tomorrow.* *Wonderful news, Thomas. Thank you.*

She looks at me, her eyes turning back to normal.

"Were you able to catch that?" She asks, tilting her head to a side.

"Yes," I answer.

"Hmm, interesting." she simply says, "it's still early, but I suggest you get some rest like the rest

of your party. I had your bag moved to your room. I'll come get you later for dinner."

I thank her once again, hugging her and leaving for my room.

I'm actually really tired, no doubt from running at full speed all the way through wolf territory to the pack house. My wolf must have been really excited to come back home because not once did she protest about the physical task I was demanding of her. Reaching my room, I turn the doorknob and enter, noticing that everything is exactly as I had left it. I smile.

Sofia made sure not to assign this room to anyone else all this time.

My bag has been placed at the foot of my bed so I drop myself on the bed and get comfortable.

As much as I like sleeping with Noah and how much I've become used to his bed, I missed my own bed.

I take several deep breaths, willing myself to sleep.

Soon after, I am lulled by the gentle tik-tok of the clock on my night stand, reminding me of the task at hand.

I fall asleep, well aware that day two of our journey is over and our deadline is looming over our heads.

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