The Killer Queen (Noella Briony)

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

Beckett's words carried a hint of self-deprecation. When they reached Darcy's ears, they stung a bit more. But Beckett quickly masked his emotions. Years in the cutthroat world of business had taught him to control his feelings with ease, never letting his guard down too much

"Let's go, it's freezing out here. I'll take you to grab something to eat.” Darcy quickly followed him. "Can I have a chance to explain?”

Beckett glanced back with a faint, bright smile. "Did I say no? Ms. Darcy, are you always this bossy with your students? I think you missed your calling. You should have been a lawyer like my buddy Jasper.”

"Why?" “Because you both have a knack for passing judgment without letting the other side defend themselves."

Jasper was notorious in the courtroom for his aggressive tactics, always having his evidence and documents perfectly lined up, leaving the defense speechless! Beckett had witnessed it several times and found that whenever Jasper was involved, the opposition hardly got a chance to speak

Beckett strode ahead, his long legs making Darcy almost jog to keep up. After starting the car and turning on the heat. Beckett finally turned to the woman beside him. "So, Ms. Darcy, what's your explanation?”

On the way here, Darcy had rehearsed what to say, but sitting next to Beckett, she found it hard to begin. "Who was that lady earlier?” Beckett couldn't help but laugh, somewhat exasperated. That's what she was worried about? "Right now, you should be more concerned about what we're eating tonight. I've been starving all day, Ms. Darcy."

He had barely eaten since breakfast at the Schnabel's and rushed to the office. Despite the high stress, Beckett prided himself on being one of the few in his circle without any health issues.

"Well, let's find somewhere to eat then.”

As he drove, Beckett nonchalantly said, "She was a date arranged by my family, but she'll probably end up being set up with Stirling or Jasper next.” "Wait, dates can be passed around?"

"I'm not interested in her, and she's not into me. She's after the Schnabel name.”

Darcy was intrigued. "So, why did you refuse?"

Beckett shot her an annoyed look. "I don't dine alone with women I don't like. Whether it's flirtation or for show, it feels like harassment to me, and I don't need that.”

Above all, he didn't want a misunderstanding from someone already on shaky ground regarding such matters. He had to work too hard to prove his innocence.

Darcy clenched the bouquet in her hand, waiting until the car stopped at a diner before she spoke up. "I... I had a child, ance. Yes, a child.” Beckett's hand froze on the door handle. He turned incredulously towards Darcy. "What? A child? Where did this child come from?"

"A few years ago, around your birthday. But, for various reasons, the baby left me. As a punishment for not protecting my child, I'll never have another. It seems fair.”

Fair? How was any of this fair?

"Why didn't you tell me? You think handling all this by yourself is amusing?”

Beckett was angry but more overwhelmed with guilt and compassion. He had been oblivious all these years!

Darcy forced a pale smile. "It was my fault. But I was scared. Actually, the lady from the Schnabels was just an excuse for me to leave."

Back then, the whole world wanted Darcy to leave Beckett. Even her own mother said she wasn't good enough for him! In her mother’s eyes, if Darcy couldn't have children, the Schnabels would never accept her.

Darcy covered her face. "That year, my mother attempted suicide but failed. She used it to force me to leave you. I'm sorry I didn't choose you.” So, as punishment, she was doomed to remain childless. Beckett was shocked: there was so much he hadn't known. Guilt, pain, regret, and compassion surged through him.

"I never cared much about family, but I've always been influenced by it. My mother had severe narcissistic personality disorder. In her world, there was only herself."

People with narcissistic personality disorder never believe they're at fault. I tried so many times to break away from her, but she... she actually took a knife to Dalia. I called the cops."© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

The recent events weighed heavily on Darcy. The moment her mother aimed a knife at her sister, Darcy nearly broke down. Her mother wanted Darcy to marry a dropout, a nobody. Darcy refused, and her mother attacked Dalia right in front of her!

"It's funny, isn't it? In my family, the mother doesn't act like one, and the daughter doesn't seem to be one either. My father is just a memory now. Beckett... I'm truly sorry. It was all my fault."

Poppy had lost it when she found out about Darcy and Beckett's relationship. She bombarded Darcy with messages, demanding she break up with Beckett and marry a man they could control.

When Darcy was pushed down the stairs by Austin Sinclair's mistress and lost her baby, Poppy actually smiled. She said, "Now it's over. You won't be fantasizing about rising above your station anymore."

Seeing that man, shorter than Darcy, olsiareliare so-called dowry to the house mad@ Darcy sick toher = stomactLYet, Poppy had the =< audacity to say, "What are youc>> complaining about? He's the-best you-can do. Did you really think you Were good enough for Beckett?"

"You don't deserve him! You're nothing but a tramp. dreaming of marrying into the Schnabels? Give up on that fantasy!"

Those words were like sharp thorns, deeply embedded in Darcy's heart.

Beckett took adeep breath. He unbuckled his-seatbelt, turned off the car lights, andleanedinto =X embracéDarcy. The scent of = cedarwood filled the air, and the> mans Sstrong arms and warn body bratight some heat back toWarcy Ss Chilled heart and body. Cantent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

“I'm sorry.”

She heard Beckett's deep voice

close to her. ear. "It was my fault for

not taking are of you and the kid. a

was too Groud, thinking our love was

equally\matched, believing I had>

given you enough security. ILwas

mysdamn pride that stopped me

frém going after you wher you left."

The woman in his arms was much thinner than she had been years ago, feeling as light as a feather, as if she could slip away from him at any moment. Beckett fought to keep his emotions in check, placing a comforting kiss on Darcy's forehead. "You've been through a lot, my Darcy."

It was only when she heard the name Beckett reserved just for her that Darcy realized she wasn't as strong as she had thought! She buried her face in Beckett's shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably.

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