The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

The woman's eyes widened in surprise, and she seemed taken aback by my reaction. “Wait, | know you. You're the woman who helped me that night.”

My jaw tightened as | crossed my arms over my chest, my skepticism unwavering. “Is that what you call it? You lied to me!”

She looked genuinely apologetic now, her gaze dropping to the ground. “I know, and I’m so sorry. It wasn’t right, and | feel awful about it.”

“Oh, that’s rich!” | barked. “Please, let me explain!” she pleaded, raising her hands in surrender. | hesitated, still hardly containing my anger. “Explain? What could you possibly say to justify what you did?”

She took a deep breath, her eyes locked onto mine. “I owe you an apology. | guess | didn’t really consider how crazy fans would get. I’m truly sorry.”

My brow furrowed as | regarded her cautiously. “Apology? You expect me to believe that?” The woman nodded, her expression earnest. “I am. You see, | needed a story to keep my job, so when | saw you coming out the firm, | pounced.”

“So you're just another desperate reporter,” | said icily, jamming a finger in her face. “And | don’t think you realize just how insane Timothy's fans are.”

She looked genuinely apologetic now, her gaze dropping to the ground. “Trust me, | do. Which is why I regret it deeply.”

| kissed my teeth and adjusted the purse on my shoulder. Her apology was sounding pretty lousy so far. Looking at her down, her older, homely appearance. has also diminished significantly.

She had a round but upbeat face framed by wavy, black hair. Her gray eyes were round and expressive, and they certainly seemed downtrodden in that moment. She looked cleaner overall, having exchanged the theater impression of a homeless woman with a cardigan and some slacks.

“Who even are you?” | asked, my gaze tracing over her. “I mean, when you're not impersonating homeless people, that is.” Head Top | Stamping? Get a 10% Discount (Start Now)

12:23 Fri, 22 Mar (D)

Chapter 77

She took a deep breath, her voice sincere as she began to speak. “My name is Penelope Carter, but everyone calls me Penny. I'm a self-employed undercover reporter.”


| studied her carefully, her expression seeming genuine, and yet my guard remained firmly in place. “Well, Penny, I’m not sure what you’re expecting from me. Why would you be sorry


Penny looked up at me, her eyes earnest. “For deceiving you and using your kindness for a story. But | want you to know that | genuinely appreciate the kindness you showed me that night. You didn’t have to help, but you did.”

My skepticism wavered slightly, and | found myself listening more closely to her words. “That was a crappy thing for you to do.”

“| know, and | want to find a way to make things right,” she continued, her voice. low and barely audible. “So it’s fortunate | ran into you.”

| crossed my arms, still not fully convinced of her sincerity. “And how do you plan to do that?” Penny's gaze never wavered as she spoke. “I’ve been following Timothy Hayes‘ scandals very closely. As a fan of his, I’ve seen the dedication you've put into his defense.”

| winced at her words. Part of me itched to see how deep she’d gotten into Timothy's private life, and just how much of it exposed his relation to me. | was already being dragged through the gutters for being his so-called “lawyer turned lover".

“| want to help,” Penny added.

My skepticism wavered slightly, replaced by a glimmer of curiosity. “Help? In what way?” She took a step closer, her fingers fiddling with the hems of her sleeves.

“| have a unique skill set that can shape public perception. | want to counter any negative publicity or scandals that might come in your or Timothy’s way. | believe you both deserve a fair chance, and | want to use my abilities to make that happen.”

A mixture of emotions swirled within me—doubt, uncertainty, but also a spark of hope. Could Penny's offer truly be genuine? Could she actually help Timothy's

24 Fri, 22 Ma Chapter 77 case?

| uncrossed my arms, though my guard remained intact. “And why should | trust you?” Penny's voice held a note of sincerity as she met my gaze head-on. “I understand that you don’t trust me, but | promise you, I’m sincere about this. | want to make amends for what | did, and | genuinely believe that | can help.”

| considered her offer, the wheels turning in my mind. Could | trust her again, especially after her previous deceit? “And what’s in it for you?”

Penny’s expression softened as she spoke. “I get to use my skills for something positive for a change. On a more selfish note, helping a big star like Timothy could. boost my business, which I’m sure you know all about.”

Asense of cautious optimism began to creep in as | weighed her words. “You're proposing to handle Timothy's public relations?”

Penny nodded eagerly. “Yes, exactly. And again, | can even help you navigate the negative attention you've been getting in the media.”

| hesitated, torn between my reservations and the potential benefits of having someone with Penny's abilities on our side. This may have been something that | needed to speak with Timothy about, considering his career was on the line as well.

Finally, | sighed and gave her a reluctant nod. “Fine, I'll consider it. But know this- any deception or ulterior motives, and you’re out.”

Penny's face lit up with gratitude, and she quickly scribbled down her contact information on a piece of paper. “Thank you, Evie. | won't let you down.”

As | took the paper from her, | could only try and feel hopeful about what's to come. The paper with her contact information felt crisp and tangible between my fingers.

“Thank you for giving me this opportunity,” Penny said sweetly as she met my


| nodded slowly, still unsure of what to make of all this. “I'll be in touch if | decide to move forward with this.” Penny smiled. “I understand. Take your time.”

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12:23 Fri, 22 Mar F

Chapter 77

With that, she turned and blended seamlessly into the stream of people on the sidewalk, her determined stride a vast contrast to the way she’d been skulking about before. As | watched her disappear into the urban landscape, | felt my stomach churn.


Could Penny truly be trusted? Could she help reshape the narrative surrounding Timothy and me, or was | merely setting myself up for another disappointment?

| folded the piece of paper carefully and slipped it into my bag, my steps carrying me onward toward the firm.

Finally, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the office began to empty out, | found myself standing at the crossroads of a decision.

“Penny Carter,” a voice answered on the other end.

“It's Evie,” | replied, my voice steady despite the flutter of nerves within me. “I’ve made my decision.” fii)

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