The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Chapter 214 047% 10:53 35)

| took a deep breath as | approached the familiar glass doors of my old firm, my heart pounding in sync with the rhythm of my heels against the polished marble floor. The air crackled with an odd tension, and | couldn’t shake the feeling that something had changed overnight.

Pushing open the door, | stepped into the reception area. The usual hustle and bustle had a subdued quality to it, like the muffled murmurs of a crowd anticipating something big.

The receptionist, usually perky and efficient, looked up at me with wide eyes as | passed. She seemed almost unsure of how to greet me, her usual warm smile replaced with a hesitant nod.

| briskly made my way to the elevator, the metallic doors opening with a soft ding as | stepped inside. As the elevator ascended, | couldn’t shake the feeling that Erickson’s departure had caused a greater shift than I’d expected. My mind raced with thoughts of what would be waiting for me on the second floor.

When the elevator doors slid open on my floor, | hesitated for a moment before stepping out. The hallway seemed longer than | remembered, the doors to the various offices appearing almost foreboding. | steeled myself and walked toward my office, passing by familiar faces that now regarded me with a mixture of surprise and uncertainty.

Reaching my new office door, | took a deep breath before pushing it open. The sight that greeted me was both shocking and surreal. Mr. Erickson’s office, once adorned with accolades and personal mementos, stood eerily empty. The shelves that had held the weight of his accomplishments were now bare, and the absence of his presence left a void that seemed to echo through the room.

| stood there, momentarily frozen, taking in the emptiness. It was as if the very soul of the office had been plucked away, leaving behind an unsettling void for me to fill.

As | tried to make sense of the situation, my colleagues began to trickle into the office. | felt their eyes on me, assessing my reaction. Some nodded in acknowledgment, while others exchanged furtive glances that hinted at the unspoken speculation swirling around the office.

Gathering my composure, | decided to address the elephant in the room. | cleared my throat and spoke, my voice carrying through the silence that had settled over the office.

“Good morning, everyone,” | began, my gaze sweeping across the room. “I’m sure you've noticed the changes around here. As of today, | am stepping into the role of senior, and | intend to bring about positive changes for


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Emergency calls only L Chapter 214

our team.”

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Aripple of whispers and exchanged glances followed my announcement. | could sense skepticism lingering in the air, like a subtle undercurrent. | knew that some of my colleagues were questioning my sudden return to the firm and the circumstances surrounding Mr. Erickson’s abrupt departure.

As | spoke, my eyes met those of Jasper, pretty much Mr. Erickson’s second-in-command. His eye had swollen shut and his lip was split. His usually composed demeanor now masked a simmering anger that pulsed beneath the surface.

| could practically feel the heat radiating from him as he stood in the background, his jaw clenched and his eyes shooting daggers in my direction.

Ignoring the tension, | pressed on, detailing the changes | envisioned. But | was acutely aware that the real challenge lay ahead in dealing with Jasper. He had been next in line for the senior position, and my sudden ascent had clearly struck a nerve. | knew I had to address the issue head-on.

After my announcement, | allowed everyone to return to their work. As they all scattered to their offices, only Jasper remained. He was leaning by the water cooler, scrutinizing me with his one eye. | walked toward him, keeping my expression neutral.

“Jasper, | understand that this might be a surprise for you,” | began, maintaining a calm demeanor. “I want to

assure you and everyone else that my goal is not to disrupt the harmony of our team but to enhance it. | believe we can achieve great things together, and | value the contributions of each team member, including yours.”

Jasper’s response was a cold, dismissive laugh that echoed through the room. “Enhance, huh? What it do you know about leading a team, Evie? You waltz in here out of nowhere and expect us to follow your lead?”

| could feel the tension escalating, and | took a deep breath before responding. “Jasper, I’ve spent years honing my skills and learning from the best. | believe in the potential of this team, and | know that without Erickson as a hindrance, we can achieve greatness.”

Jasper scoffed, his eyes narrowing. “This is a joke. You think you can just take over and everything will be sunshine and rainbows? Well, good luck with that. | won’t be part of your little fantasy.”

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. | knew that winning over Jasper would be a difficult task, and | wasn’t sure if | even wanted his trust.

The new junior attorneys arrived not too long after. The timing of it was a little stressful on my part, seeing as 2/5

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Chapter 214

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Erickson would have been handling them before. As | welcomed the new recruits and guided them through the intricacies of their roles, | couldn't help but notice the sharp glances and barely concealed sneers from Jasper.

They initially started out as insults under his breath and cutting looks, but then he got confident and decided to put it all out in the open.

“You know, Evie,” Jasper muttered under his breath as we passed each other in the hallway, “The executive committee was just desperate for a warm body to fill a position. Once that fame of yours dies down, they’ll find someone who’s actually capable.”

| took a deep breath, locking eyes with Jasper. “Jasper, I’ve worked hard for every opportunity that has come my way. If you have concerns about my leadership, | suggest we discuss them privately. Attacking me in front of the team won't solve anything.”

Jasper scoffed, leaning against the door. “Discussion? | doubt you're interested in anything beyond basking in your undeserved glory.”

Fighting the rising anger within me, | chose to redirect my focus to the tasks at hand, determined not to let Jasper’s provocations derail our progress. With a satisfied smirk, he slipped away, as if that concluded his message.

During the lunch break, | decided to confront Jasper head-on. | made my way to the employee lounge, where | found him brooding over his lunch. The room fell silent as | approached.

“Jasper,” | said firmly, “we need to talk. Meet me in my office after the break.” He looked up, a defiant glint in his eyes. “Why should I? You're not my boss.”

| took a deep breath, meeting his gaze with unwavering determination. “Jasper, whether you like it or not, | am your senior, and | expect you to show some respect. Now, meet me in my office. Now.”

He hesitated for a moment, the tension thick in the air. | walked away, not wanting to repeat myself. If he didn’t respect my orders then, | would have to take drastic measures.

As the lunch break came to an end, | retreated to my office, bracing myself for the confrontation that awaited. Jasper entered with a scowl, his arms crossed in defiance.

“What?” he snapped, his tone dripping with contempt. 3/5

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Chapter 214

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| took a moment to collect my thoughts before responding. “Jasper, we can’t continue like this. The constant undermining and hostility are affecting the entire team. | need your cooperation to make this transition smooth for everyone.

He chuckled derisively.” Is that what you're calling it? You know, I've seen my fair share of transitions. But this? This is a farce.”Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

| sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Jasper, let’s be honest. You weren't the executive committee’s first pick either. If they were desperate, why wouldn’t you, someone who claims to have so much skill, be sitting in the senior’s chair right now?”

The room fell silent, the weight of my words hanging in the air. For a moment, Jasper seemed taken aback, his usual bravado momentarily shattered. “So, before you start questioning my legitimacy,” | continued, “maybe you should reflect on your own.”

Jasper’s scowl deepened, but he remained silent, seemingly unable to formulate a response. The silence lingered, a tense standoff between two adversaries vying for control...

Asteely resolve settled within me as | met his gaze. “Whether you like it or not, | am your boss. So, either you cooperate, or I'll have to escalate this matter.”

His eyes narrowed, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. “Escalate? What are you talking about?”

| leaned in, my voice low and firm. “I've been documenting instances of off-duty misconduct, including your aggressive behavior and insubordination. If this continues, | won't hesitate to take it to the executive committee. I’m trying to lead this team in a positive direction, but | won’t allow one person’s resentment to jeopardize the well-being of the entire team.”

Jasper’s expression shifted from defiance to unease. The gravity of my words seemed to sink in as his sneer fell away. “You wouldn't dare,” he muttered, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

| held his gaze, unwavering. “I’ve already decided. Mr. Morgan, you are no longer welcome at this firm. Your actions have created a toxic work environment, and | can’t allow it to persist. Pack up your things and leave.”

His face contorted with rage, and he slammed his hands on my desk. “You can’t do this! You're abusing your power!” 4/5

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