The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Walking into the law firm felt like stepping into a lion’s den. The scandal that had engulfed my life had found its way into the workplace, and my co-workers seemed all too eager to taunt me. They huddled in small groups, whispering and casting judgmental glances in my direction. | could hear their hushed voices, their words dripping with malice, as they listened to Jasper’s slanderous tales.

had expected some level of hostility, but the reality of their taunts and sneers cut deeper than | could have imagined. | had become a pariah in my own workplace, a target of ridicule and gossip.

As | made my way to my desk, | couldn’t escape the feeling of being watched. Their gazes bore into me, their smirks and knowing looks far from hidden.

“| don’t know how we didn’t see it,” one coworker, Talia, muttered. “She was always so bold with him. Jasper was right.” Another one chimed in, “No wonder | haven’t been moving up. Clearly, some people don’t have to work as hard...”

Jasper, emboldened by the attention he was receiving, had taken to openly fueling the gossip. He didn’t even attempt to hide his satisfaction as he regaled my co- workers with his version of the story. His accusations were as cruel as they were baseless, and | could feel the walls closing in on me.

“| thought he was taking advantage at first,” he said, standing in the middle of the room where others have gathered. “But after hearing that one conversation, | realized who she really was.”

“Really!” Talia exclaimed, casting a glare in my direction. “And she always looked so innocent before, walking around in oversized sweaters and long sweaters. A guess she figured the librarian look wouldn't give her the opportunities she needed.”

Lori guffawed. “Oh! No wonder she’s been looking like a skank recently!”

At that, the group erupted with laughter, barely acknowledging the need for curtesy at that point. | knew | couldn't let this continue. | needed to confront Erickson, to demand that

he dismiss Jasper’s claims and put an end to this madness. With a determined


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Chapter 120

stride. | made my way to Erickson’s office and threw open his door.

Erickson was behind his desk, engrossed in paperwork, when | entered. He looked up, his expression unreadable, as | approached.

“Erickson.” | began, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging within me. “You need to do something about Jasper. His lies are ruining my career!

Erickson regarded me with a detached air, his eyes flicking over me as if | were nothing more than an inconvenience. “Evie, I’ve already spoken to Jasper. He assured me that he’s merely stating the truth.”

| felt a surge of anger and frustration. “How? You were there, and you known dam well that | wouldn’t even lay a finger on you, let alone kiss you!”

He grunted and turned back to his computer, as if my insult hardly grazed him. | suppose it wouldn’t. He wasn’t exactly considered the victim in the eyes of the public, but they had reduced his influence to that of a bystander rather than my actual controlling boss.

This scandal would hardly touch him, and he knew it.

“Those accusations against me are false, and you know it. Jasper is using this situation to boost his own ego and credibility. You need to put a stop to it!”

Erickson leaned back in his chair, a mocking smile playing on his lips. “Evie, you and | both know that you've benefited from our relationship. Remember, you've been using me to lift your own status within the firm.”

| couldn't believe what | was hearing. The man | had once respected and trusted was now twisting the truth to fit his own narrative. The sense of betrayal cut deep. and | couldn’t contain my anger any longer.

“You're just as complicit in this scandal as Jasper is,” | accused, my voice trembling with emotion. “You can’t even admit that you're using me as a shield to protect your own reputation.”

With that, | turned and stormed out of Erickson’s office, leaving him behind with his smug expression. The weight of the situation, the relentless gossip and slander, had become too much to bear, and | needed to escape the toxicity of it all.

As | left the office building, my emotions were in turmoil. The sense of isolation and despair weighed heavily on me, and I wondered if there was any way to escape


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Chapore 120

this nightmare. My status as a competent and hardworking Lawyer had become a myth to the public.

As | arrived back at my apartment, | could barely carry myself inside before falling to my knees by the door. The scandal that had tainted my life was now seeping into every corner, and all | had were my friends to back me up. Unfortunately for them, it was only us against the public.

When | looked up, eyes burning with fresh tears. | was met with the sight of Penny sitting on the couch. She was watching me; her look full of pity as she stood up and rushed over.

“Aria let me in. | heard everything,” Penny stated gently, taking my hand. | let her haul me up and guide me to the couch. As we Sat down. | sank into the cushion beside her, the exhaustion weighing me down. “It's terrible, Penny,” | began. “The hate just won’t stop. Everywhere | go, people want to know who | am. what I’m doing...”

Penny’s brow furrowed as she listened, her concern deepening. “But surely you c do something about it, right? Can you confront them both, Jasper and Erickson?”

| sighed, rapidly-shaking my head. I’ve tried. Penny. | confronted Erickson, told him to dismiss Jasper’s claims, but he’s just as complicit in this mess. He won't lift a finger to help me.”

Penny hummed thoughifully and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry you’re going through this, Evie. This is a huge mess, even for me.” | looked at her, blinking through the tears. “I know you can only do so much, but would you be able to do something to stop this?”

Penny nodded, her expression determined. “I'll see what | can do, Evie. But | have to be honest with you-it won't be easy. A lot of damage has already been done, and the scandal has spread far and wide. We'll need a solid strategy to counteract the negative publicity.”

| appreciated Penny's honesty, even if it meant facing the harsh reality of my situation. “I trust your judgment, Penny. If anyone can help me navigate this mess,

Need Top Metal Stamping? Get a 10% Discount (Start Now) Chapter 120 it's you.”NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Unlike before, | didn’t feel as hopeful by Penny's promises. She’d proven her worth more times than not, but this case was different. I'd always suspected that any fans | had were merely there by the circumstances of me being attached to Timothy.

If Timothy no longer seemed to favor me in the public eye, it was only a matter of time before they lost interest. That didn’t mean they would allow me to fade into obscurity. They were more content with making me suffer first..

And the suffering had only just begun. 3)




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