The Hockey Star’s Remorse by Riley Above Story

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

My grip on the phone tightened, the memories of his repulsive face flooding back with a vengeance..

“What do you want, Bruce?” I tried to keep my voice steady, to hide the fear that threatened to consume me. A sinister chuckle echoed through the line. “Oh, Evie, always so direct. I thought we could catch up, reminisce about old times.”

I swallowed hard, my mind racing as I considered my options. The memories of our last encounter were still fresh. Timothy’s stitches may have gone, but the scar was still there.

“Was our last reunion not enough fun?” I gritted out through my teeth.

Bruce’s laughter was cold and cruel. “Oh, Evie, the fun never ends between us,” he said hoarsely. I noticed how he’d decided on dropping his nickname for me. Somehow, that unsettled me even more.

“Why are you calling? Was that last beating of yours not enough?” I asked, clutching the phone to my ear. Aria’s calls had been reduced to a deadening silence, one that left me feeling far more alone that I would have liked. Bruce laughed once more, though with far less enthusiasm. “I think you’ll want to hear

what I have to say. It concerns someone you care about.”

My heart stopped, the words striking a nerve. Who else did he drag into our mess? Was shedding blood not enough to stop him in his tracks?

Just the thought of Timothy lying in that hospital bed, pale from blood loss, made my skin prickle. “What did you do?” I demanded, my voice shaking.

“Relax, Evie. No one’s gonna bleed on this round,” he said with an edge to his voice. “Now, hurt feelings are completely on the menu.”

“I don’t have the time or energy for your games, Bruce,” I said with a long sigh. “You almost killed Timothy.” Bruce snorted. “You’re still worried about that douchebag?”

I clenched my jaw. “I guess I am,” I hissed. “So stay away from him!”

Bruce’s laughter was smug. “Or what, Evie? You’ll come running to protect him? How sweet.”


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12:26 Fri, 22 Mar

Chapter 91


My mind raced, considering my options. Bruce had proven himself to be dangerous and impulsive, a frightening combination. It didn’t seem like reasoning with him was even an option, and I certainly couldn’t face him in a brawl.

“I won’t let you hurt him,” I said, my voice a fierce whisper. All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Bruce’s tone turned menacing. “You are one dumb bitch, you know that Evie?”

I didn’t respond to that. He had already made up his mind on that one.

“But I hope you’re enjoying your little romance with Timothy,” he continued. “Because it will be short lived.” My eyebrows knitted together. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, Evie.” He laughed on, almost drunkenly so, as my name escaped his lips. “I have something that could ruin it all.”

Dread gripped me, the words leaving an ominous chill in their wake. Bruce’s threat hung heavy in the air..

As if to punctuate his warning, a video appeared on my phone, and my heart sank. Without a word, I opened the video, my breath catching in my throat as I took in its contents.

The first thing I recognized was Timothy’s messy brown hair as it entered the screen. A thin body was lying curled up on a bed. There was a soft thumping in the speakers, like music was playing in the background. Right as it dawned on me, the small form turned, revealing my High School self in all her exposed glory. My face was tense with concern, even as Timothy placed a hand on my cheek. The words exchanged were inaudible from the video, but I could hear them vividly from my


“Are you okay?” he had whispered, his voice smooth and sensual beside my ear. His calloused hands began combing through my hair at a soothing pace.

“I’ve never done this before…” I mumbled against his lips, right before he silenced me with a kiss.

On that video was damning evidence of that night between Timothy and I. Something that felt so beautiful in the moment but resulted in an immeasurable amount of pain. Panic and anger surged within me, an overwhelming mix of emotions that threatened to suffocate me.


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12:26 Fri, 22 Mar

Chapter 91

Someone had recorded us together, and from the way Timothy would occasionally glance in the camera’s direction, I didn’t have to make too many guesses as to who.

“He… he recorded us?” The words felt foreign on my tongue, as if speaking them. would somehow make the horrifying reality vanish.

I thought he’d changed. That he was different from the person he used to be. I had allowed myself to believe in a different version of Timothy, a person who was capable of growth and change. But now, faced with this chilling revelation, I couldn’t help but question everything.

I clenched my fists, my knuckles turning white under the pressure. The room felt suffocating, the air heavy with the weight of my shattered emotions. I had allowed myself to open up to Timothy, to let down the walls I had

built around me.

And now, it felt as if those walls had crumbled, leaving me exposed and vulnerable. To think I almost kissed him…

“Bruce, how did you-” I choked on the words, my throat closing in as fresh tears stung my eyes. As if it wasn’t bad enough that Timothy recorded us having sex. Somehow, Bruce had obtained the footage.

Every passing second seemed to reverberate with tension, each tick of the clock echoing in my mind. I began pacing the room, my steps light against the floor.

“Bruce, what do you want from me?” I asked bitterly.

His chuckle sent shivers down my spine. “Ah, Evie. Always so direct. I like that.”

I clenched my fists, trying to contain the anger that surged within me. “Cut to the chase, Bruce. What’s your price?”

His voice turned icy, the amusement replaced by a chilling edge. “You know what I want, Evie.”

I took a deep breath, my voice measured. “Fine. I’ll give you the money. Just tell me how much.”

There was a pause on the other end, a silence that stretched between us. When he spoke again, his voice dripped with malice, “Oh, Evie. You underestimate me. The price has gone up, and this time, the payment won’t be monetary.”

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12:26 Fri, 22 Mar

Chapter 91

My heart pounded in my chest, dread tightening its grip around me. I struggled to comprehend his words, to make sense of the sickening proposition he was making.

“What do you mean?” I managed to say, my voice wavering despite my efforts.

His laughter echoed in my ears, a mockery of my vulnerability. “You’re a smart girl. Figure it out.”

A chill ran down my spine, the implications of his words sinking in like a heavy anchor. My mind raced, my thoughts a jumble of confusion and panic. My voice trèmbled as I spoke, my words laced with desperation. “You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, but I am,” he retorted, his voice dripping with satisfaction. “Unless you want the whole world to see your little escapade with Timothy, you’ll do as I say.”

The room spun around me. This couldn’t be happening. I had to find a way out, a way to escape his clutches. My fingers tightened around the phone, my breaths shallow and uneven.

“No,” I whispered, my voice barely audible even to myself. “I won’t let you do this.”

His cruel laughter cut through the air. “Think it over, Evie. You have a week.”

And before I could respond, he hung up.


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