The Girl He Marked

Book 3 Chapter 30

Book 3 Chapter 30

Axel's POV.

On Monday night, I get a text from Grace whilst I'm in the middle of doing some homework.

She said yes!!

I smile and send a response.

How did you get her to agree to it I can't imagine you convince her the same way you convince me…

Her reply is instant.

Ew! That's gross. I played the new girl card. Told her I wouldn't be cool or accepted if I didn't go to the


I smirk at her manipulation technique.

Wow, manipulation Strawberries. Who knew you had it in you

A few minutes later, my phone buzzes with her reply.

I've got a lot of things in me that you don't know about Axel Archer.

I grin as I reply.

That sounds dirty. I like it.

I haven't even put my phone down before his reply comes through.

Haha! It did, didn't it I liked it, too. Hopefully, they'll be something of yours in me soon…



I had a packet of sweets when I got in and the sugar has gone to my head. On a bit of a Haribo high. Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

I chuckle as I read the panicked texts as they come through. My little mate obviously had a moment of

boldness and is regretting it.

It's okay, Strawberries. Glad I'm not there for the comedown.


Tuesday morning, Grace and I sit together in our first period, math.

No one has come up and directly asked me yet, but it seems to be common knowledge that Grace, and

I are a thing.

The stares have stopped a bit, although some people are always nosy. But I notice that a lot fewer girls

flirt with me now.

Not that I talked to loads anyway, but usually, some would come up and strike a conversation. None do

now, and I'm pretty sure the fact that Grace and I are almost glued at the hip, has something to do with


I don't mind one bit.

Miss Mooney is in the middle of describing some theorem, when Grace pokes my arm.

'Yes, Strawberries' I respond quietly.

She smiles at the nickname and then frowns with seriousness.

Oh shit, what have I done

'What do the girls at this school wear to house parties' She whispers her question.

I frown back at her, completely confused. 'What'

'What do they wear Is it dresses and heels or casual jeans kinda thing'

I scrunch up my nose. 'I don't know. Why'

'Because I don't know what to wear on Friday! Come on, you must have been to a ton of parties, you're

part of the popular group. What do they wear'

I shrug uselessly. 'I really couldn't tell you, Grace.'

She scoffs. 'You're a straight guy. You check girls out all the time. You must remember them either

wearing jeans or dresses. Were their legs covered or not'

'Believe it or not, Grace, but the moment you entered my life, every other girl and the memory of them

left. I have no idea. Can't you ask Aurora this kind of stuff'

Her cheeks flush at my unintended compliment and she smiles at me.

'Sure, I'll ask her,' she replies absentmindedly.

When I glance over at her, she's still smiling. It seems she was quite pleased with my answer.


After math, I have to leave Grace and go to P.E. I don't mind so much, mainly because I need to relieve

some pent—up tension.

The rest of the lesson, thanks to Grace's question, I had images of her in short dresses in my head.

I really hope she doesn't wear anything too revealing to the party, because hormones mixed with my

mate and alcohol will make me horny as hell.

Which is not a good thing for a werewolf around his human mate.

We play football for the lesson, seeing as the weather is hot again.

My team is skins, and we play with our t—shirts off. As the second period ends and the bell for break

goes, a crowd forms by the side of the pitch.

The only eyes I'm interested in are the blue ones belonging to Grace Barlow.

She watches me with awe, chewing her bottom lip and clapping enthusiastically whenever I score.

I'm disappointed when the bell rings, signaling the end of the break. My personal cheerleader goes

back inside whilst we finish up.

I take a shower and go to the study room for the half—period before lunch.

'So, at this party…I take it I'm supposed to be continuing this whole 'no getting with anyone not my

mate' thing' Xaden asks me.

I scoff. 'Yes. Obviously.'

He scowls and crosses his arms over his chest.

'Fine. I was kind of hoping parties wouldn't count. You know, they would be like a hall—pass for—'

'No,' I cut him off. 'No hall pass. No making out. No girls. Be loyal for once.'

He growls in frustration. 'Fucking fine but you better tell my mate, if I ever meet her, what a damn saint

I've been the last few days.'

I roll my eyes at his dramatics.

'You haven't had sex in three days, congratulations,' I comment dryly.

Xaden glares at me.

'It's actually been exactly a week since I got laid,' he snaps.

'One week! Well done,' I reply sarcastically.


I'm mildly annoyed that Aurora gets all of my mate's attention at lunch. Despite being sat next to Grace,

I end up talking to my friends most of the time.

Grace and Aurora are lost in girl—world, discussing potential outfits for the party on Friday. I really

didn't realize that it's a big deal.

I thought girls just walked to their wardrobe, picked something out and put it on. It's what I do.

Luckily, we have business studies together. I grab Grace's hand and practically drag her away from


'Can I have some attention now, please' I ask her as we walk to the lesson.

She laughs and hangs off my arm. 'Of course. Was my Axe feeling jealous'

She flushes the moment the words leave her mouth.

'Your Axe' I ask her, raising an eyebrow and trying to resist a smile.

'I—I was just joking around, you know! I d—didn't mean anything—' she splutters, trying to backtrack.

I kiss her, right in the middle of the corridor. People wolf—whistle and bump into us, but I don't care.

'You're adorable and I love being your Axel. Come on, we'll be late for class,' I tell her.

Grace grins and allows me to tug her towards the classroom.

The lesson goes quickly, it focuses mainly on discussion and note—taking. After, I have a free period

with Grace and Xaden.

The three of us sit at the back of the study room talking. At some point, we should probably start

studying, but exams are months away.

'What's your plan for the party by the way' I ask Grace. 'Xaden and Rory usually crash at mine. My

parents don't care what time we come in as long as we're quiet, and I have two guest rooms.'

She shrugs. 'I hadn't thought about it. I suppose I thought I'd get a taxi back.'

I frown at that idea. 'I don't want you getting a taxi by yourself. Also, unless you book in advance, you'll

struggle to get one at three in the morning.'

Grace chews on her thumbnail. 'Oh. I don't know then.'

'Why don't you just stay at Axel's with us We can all get picked up together or get a lift,' Xaden

suggests, and I send him a grateful smile.

Grace looks at me nervously. 'Are you sure it would be okay'

I laugh and kiss her forehead. 'Of course, Strawberries. You can stay in the guest room with Rory, if

you want,' I tell her, not wanting her to feel pressured.

'But just a heads up, my parents will want to meet you in the morning. I'd like to apologize in advance

for their embarrassing behavior.'

Grace chuckles and shrugs. 'That's okay, I can handle parents. They usually like me.'

'They'll love you,' I agree with her. 'What's not to love'


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