The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Part 10

As soon as she had done that, she heavily Shielded her thoughts and communications from the

children, and immediately informed Mark, Talia, Hilsith, Yazadril, and Yzell of the state of affairs with a

single burst of psionic thought that would have staggered most minds.

None of those five were discomfited by the suddenness of the burst of information, though they were

mightily discomfited indeed by what they learned. A moment later the five were standing silently in the

kitchen with their eyes closed, concentrating intently on passively psionicly following what the children

were doing, without interfering in any way. Alilia joined them in this.

Though all six adults were almost consumed with the need to put a stop to this incredibly dangerous

procedure, they all realized that to even disturb the process in the slightest way might have dire

consequences. The work was already well underway, the chance to put a stop to it was hours in the

past, and all they could do was wait and hope that everything came out well. The only truly bright side

to the situation was the children’s certainty that they were almost finished.

Mark called Povon and Quewanak into a Link, updated them on what was happening, and asked for


“I’ve been following what they’ve been doing since they began.” Quewanak informed the rest. “Don’t

worry; they have things well in hand.”

“I have to agree.” Hilsith stated. “Their examination of the evidence was thorough and well-considered,

their chain of logic is flawless, and it appears that between the three of them, they have the skills to do

this. It’s only the fact that they’re in no way qualified to be doing it that’s so worrisome.

“You know, in these last few months Helemia has scoured my mind for much of what I know as a

Healer, but I didn’t think she’d be able to internalize enough of it for it to be useful to her for years yet.

Yet it certainly appears that I was wrong about that.” RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

“Obviously so.” Quewanak agreed. “This is innovative and ground-breaking work, as well as a brilliant

display of technique. Furthermore, the importance of being able to awaken latent psionic and magical

ability can hardly be overstated.”

“By herself, Helemia probably couldn’t use all the Healing she’s learned yet.” Talia stated. “But she

never does anything by herself, any more than Mark or Alilia or I do these days. She and Reggie share

every thought and task, whether it seems like they are or not. They’re capable of so much more

together than they could ever do separately. And now that they’ve added Valentia’s deft and sure grasp

of magic to the mix, the three of them are obviously a potent combination.”

“I’ll say!” Mark agreed. “That’s some delicate work they’re doing! I’ve never even conceived of working

on anything at such small scales!”

Their conversation faltered as they concentrated on their observations of the children’s operation.

Hilsith began tracing everything they’d done in the process, and preparing procedures to reverse it if

necessary, should things turn out badly. It was so complex that she had to have Yazadril help her in

order to keep all the details firmly in mind.

Then Talia gave herself a shake, and started making breakfast. Mark smiled, shrugged, and joined her

in the task. They knew their children would need some quick food energy when they were finished, at

the very least. They used magic to hurry the task as much as possible, and were finished in less than

three minutes, then spelled it to stay hot and fresh until the children were done.

Almost fifty nerve-racking minutes later the children finished and began meticulously double-checking

their work, and after another three minutes they were filled with the joy of their triumph.

The three babes shared their hug and their Link for one more long moment, just to savor their love and

closeness and the joy of success as the adults who were physically present ran into the room. Then the

three of them relaxed and laid back on the bed, extricated their legs from around each other, and

began stretching muscles stiff and sore from holding their positions for many hours. All three had bright

red spots on either side of their foreheads from pressing their heads together for so long.

Finally Alilia could contain herself no more, and she leaped onto the bed and tried to hug all three of

them at once. “You crazy kids!” she cried as her tension and fear were released in tears. “You crazy,

crazy kids! Gods how I love you so!”

Mark and Talia sat on the bed and wordlessly joined the big hug.

“We’re sorry we worried you.” Reggie said, but his huge grin detracted from the apparent sincerity of

his apology. “We didn’t plan to do all that last night, but we did the first step, and then we did the

second, and by the time we realized that there was a point where it wouldn’t be very smart to stop

anymore, we were already past it.”

“It was still foolish of you to even start such work unsupervised, with the meager experience that you

have!” Hilsith insisted.

“Was it?” Helemia asked over Mark’s shoulder with a defiant grin of her own. “Nobody ever did that

before, so we were as experienced at it as anyone else. Sometimes you have to act when the

inspiration strikes. And it worked.”

She lifted the pebble from the bed with Movement without even looking at it, and brought it around in

front of her. “Look at that. Just a pebble floating in the air. But it means so much.”

“It sure does!” Reggie agreed with a giggle, and lifted his whole family off the bed with Movement.

“And I’m psionic now.” Valentia announced with profound pleasure without physically speaking. “Reggie

says I’m pretty strong at it too.”

“You are.” Povon confirmed, with a bit of a mental snicker. “Particularly if being among the thirty most

psionicly powerful humanoids can be considered ‘pretty strong’.”

“Zi pekbaz kvi Gron! I’m starved!” Helemia suddenly exclaimed, and the three youngsters pulled from

their parents’ embraces as Reggie dropped them all fifteen centimeters onto the bed, then they jumped

off the bed and flew for the kitchen, darting around the other adults like pins in an obstacle course.

“Zi pekbaz kvi Gron?” Mark asked as he rose from the bed and they followed their children at a more

sedate pace.

“It’s a common epithet in the Sylvan Blezogeth language.” Quewanak psionicly informed them. “It

translates literally as; ‘By the loins of Gron’, and refers to a famous prostitute who lived in Serminak

some two and a half eons ago.”

“Oh.” Mark said with raised eyebrows as they entered the kitchen, where the children were already

serving themselves up. “You know, I think I’ve done a pretty good job at resisting it so far, but parenting

is starting to be a pretty mind-boggling experience.”

“My mind is more than boggled!” Alilia angrily declared at the children. “I’m immensely relieved that you

seem to have come through that with no adverse side effects, but it was still incredibly foolish, as

Hilsith said! When I entered that bedroom this morning and realized what you were doing, it scared the

life out of me! Perhaps no one could help direct you in your work, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t

completely stupid to not have Hilsith standing by and observing in case anything went wrong! She or

any of us would have been glad to help you with this, even if it was a surprise in the middle of the night!

Not to mention how hurt I was to realize that you were deliberately deceiving us with a false psionic

impression that you were sleeping!”

Suddenly her anger broke and she burst into tears as she turned to Talia and hugged her, burying her

face in the younger woman’s hair. “Sweet missing gods, I was so scared they would injure their brains

beyond recovery.” she sobbed into Talia’s shoulder.

The children had frozen in mid-motion at Alilia’s angry outburst. None of their three parents had ever

truly been angry with them before, nor had they ever seen one of their parents cry.

Valentia started crying too, and flew over to hug Alilia’s neck. “I’m so sorry Mother! Please don’t cry!”

she sobbed.

Reggie and Helemia’s eyes brimmed with tears, but they held their composure other than that.

“We’re sorry we scared you, and we’re sorry we hurt you.” Reggie quietly declared. “We sent the false

sleep signal when we were working on Valentia’s psionics. That wasn’t dangerous, but it was tricky, and

we just didn’t want to be disturbed. We just left it on after that. We didn’t deliberately use it to hide the

fact that we were doing something dangerous.

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