The Fated Match


” I was at the funeral but with all the people there i stayed hidden. There’s no surprise with the number of people that came to pay their respects to him. He was one hell of a man” Mateo said as he drove both me and Aika to the airport.

We spent the whole evening talking about my grandfather, he had some interesting stories that he was dying to tell me and I was more than happy to listen too and so was Aika actually. The best kind of healing I believe is when you relive those fond happy memories. A lesson which im glad Aika already has learnt.

Theo’s family were overdue for a visit to the city of London so what better way to surprise good old Theo. Somehow they had no idea about the incident back last month.

Since Aika is coming back with me there is no reason to stay much longer, thankfully everyone at the house understood the importance of me getting back to my job.

Tina was doing a pretty good job in managing everything back home but from Ryans messages, I could tell that she was underpressure with it all.

Melissa got in an accident travelling to training.

” Chloe have some manners will you” Justina, Theo’s mom said lightly slapping Chloe for asking me such personal questions.

“no its okay. Honestly it wasn’t something that serious. It wasn’t a surprise that another girl was the cause of it but I think Theo didn’t agree on my behaviour with how I dealt with it.

Above everything though Theo is a great friend of mine” I said honestly, I doubt I should lie to his own family. I didn’t know how much truth Theo will tell but id rather not be caught lying.

I caught Mateo’s eyes through the rearview mirror as he smiled at me.

” I’m totally going to slap him silly for ditching you the same day your heard about Aika here. Hes got some bad timing” chloe shaked her head her annoyance for her brother clear as day.

” he didn’t know” I reassured her but she wasn’t prepared to listen to me.

This feels weird.

I’ve met his whole family and now im travelling home with all of them and we’re not even together but I guess there is nothing wrong with meeting your friends family.

It took us another full day to get home and by the time we arrived in heathrow we were all exhausted. Mateo suggested that they stay at the close hotel right near the airport and surprise Theo tomorrow.

” I’m sure we will see you tomorrow, we would love to see the sport campus” Justina said as she walked with me over to the exit. Dad was picking us up, from the sound of his voicemail he was very excited to see Aika again.

Aika always preferred My step father rather than my real father.

” youre welcome aytime but theres no rush” I said to her. I was also kind of worried that they would want to spend more time with me, I don’t how weird it will be for me and Theo.

The three of them took a taxi straight to the hotel and me and Aika waited by the entrance waiting for my dad. 10 minutes later dads big range rover pulled up to the entrance, he barely cut off the engine before leaping out and picking up Aika spinning her around.

” oh my god little one, you are so big now look at you” I smiled fondly at dads reaction to seeing her again. Aika giggled like the little school girl that she is.

” oh hey sweetie” Dad cocked his head over to me just realising that his own blood was standing here as well, well not technically but you get my point. Its great to know that he remembers.

Aika giggled as she slid into the passenger seat.

Dad and Aika were talking my ear off throughout the whole drive. Aika seemed to forget about all her problems and chatted about anything and everything she could think of.

I was too tired to get into any sort of conversation so I just laid my head against the window as I waited to get home.

Dad quickly parked in my driveway, he helped Aika bring her bags inside as I went straight for the kitchen and started making some drinks.

I heard Aika run to the spare room and dad met me in the kitchen. He was pulling on his coat ” I’m more than happy to spend the day with Aika whilst you’re at work sweetie” I poured the hot water into two mugs.

” That would be great dad, I can always ave her with me but I think she would enjoy that father figure, possible get her mind of it all” I said to him.

” she misses him like crazy doesn’t she” he asked, well it was more like a statement than anything.

” of course she does. Hiroki doesn’t just come and go, he makes a big impact on everyones life. She was young when he was alive she knew nothing else” I told him knowing full well how she must be feeling but at the same time I kind of don’t because we all deal with pain differently.

“Don’t I know it” he said quietely probably having his very own fond memory of my grandfather.

Next Morning

I woke up early and prepared my breakfast in the morning, I just had a feeling today was going to be a very long day and I needed to be prepared for it. At 7 Aika was running down the stairs excited for her day hanging out with dad who planned some surprises for her.

Since dad was going to be going for an evening dinner with his friends later I told him to drop her off at the pool. Im sure my team will act as the perfect distraction for her.

I say team but I really mean Scot.

I pulled on a hoodie with my cycling shorts and headed out the door. Arriving at the centre I was expecting to peacefully make it to my office but before I could even get there Scott jumped out of nowhere scaring me half to death.

” SHIT, scott don’t fucking do that” is aid whacking his on the arm for even thinking he could do that. what a nice way to welcome back your coach after having an intense break.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

” why not it worked didn’t it” he shrugged his shoulders avoiding my eyes the best he could.

” oh I’ve missed you coachy” he didn’t hold anything back as he wrapped his big arms around me squeezing me with all his strength.

I wiggled in his hold forcing his hands off me so I could finally get back my personal space.

I stepped back and pointed my arm out to him” this right here, scott is the distance you should always maintain with me. understand” I explained to him. He pouted but nodded his head. ” fiiine, Theo was right you are boring” he bit back storming off into other room.

I was slightly taken back by his words but at this point I didn’t care.

” oh I new I should’ve stayed on long enough to watch Jacob I would have seen it” Melissa complained the minute I walked in. the girls were all huddled around Jenny looking at her phone.

I leant over looking” whats that”

Bryony was the forst w=one to scream before placing her hand on her chest. “bloody hell coach, I early had a heartattack” she said rubbing her chest.

” scott started it” I said jutting my thumb over to the devil in the corner.

Scott glared at me” real mature, and I thought you were an adult”

As soon as everyone realised I was there they all were bombarding me with questions. Questions that I expected to have as soon as I got here. When Tina walked in and saw me standing there I literally saw her breath a sigh of relief.

It amazed me how quickly were able to catch up and get on with our normal routine.

Theo POV

I was worried.

It wasn’t really a surprise to me that I was worried about her but I wish it didn’t get in the way of the things I actually needed to concentrate on. Shes only been gone for two days but after how we left things I was worried, wondering if she is okay.

I woke up this morning with a text from Ryan. He let me know that she was coming into work this morning and that didn’t really surprise me the fact that she couldn’t enjoy her time off before running back to work.

I wondered if she had a good time in japan even considering the reason she went there in the first place.

I dressed Dillon in a matching sports jumpsuit and headed out to the car. I was doing a session with the football team this morning before my day shift at the restaurant. Technically as the owner I don’t have to actually take shifts but I actually do enjoy working and serving customers.

As soon as we got onto the field with the guys there Dillon ran away, his little legs going fast down the pitch. Jackson Ran to meet him like he always does.

Jackson isn’t as bad as I thought. Jenny is my sister and I promised both my parents that I would take care of her whilst shes studying so you can understand the concern.

i grabbed a few balls and kicked them out to the field. The guys were not bad you know, at times they lost concentration and mainly fucked around but at the same time they trained hard and that made my job easier.

The boys all started warming up with the circuits that their coach had set up for them, my role was to just watch over them and goove them some advice on how to improve their skills because of the expereince i have.

I looked over at two of the boys wondering what they were doing, my annoyance increased when i saw a girl ont he pitch.

“Boys, hurry up” i yelled across the field my feet already making my way to them. The girl who was on the field turned to me, she put her hands on er hips.

I realised then that i would have a problem on my hands.

” still so bossy Theodore” this girl said staring at me. The guys next to her chuckled but i sent them a warning glare which had them running off in the complete different direction.

I watched them leave before turning to this girl, only to be sienced completely when i met the warm green eyes that i havent seen in a few years now.

“chloe” her name left my lips.

” oh so you didnt forget about your youngest sister” she said playfully to which she just laughed.

That’s right, Jenny wasnt my only sister. I had another but she was much younger and she stayed with both my parents in japan because all her friends were there. she never really liked the idea of england.

My body moved by itself and i wrapped her up in a tight hug that had her feet flying in the air as i lifted her up.

Her giggles were the only npise i could here until a scream broke out nearly scaring me half to death.

Chloe turned my head tot he left and i was instantly stunned as i saw the petite woman running over to me. It didn’t take me that long until i relaised who it was and before i could even say a single word thin arms wrapped around my body.

“Mom, what… I’m so confused what are you two doing here” i asked her holding onto her tightly. A thought went through my mind and i started moving my head around to look behind her.

“is dad?” the words were caught in my throat when i saw my dad slowly walking towards us. He had little Dillon in his hands who looked absolutely thrilled.

” Hey Theo, its good to see you my boy” Mom moved to the side and let me hug dad as she took my own son from his hands.

Dillon was already smitten with his grandmother.

” what are you doing here, did something happen?” now i was worried, I didnt imagine for them to come to england anytime soon it would have been easier for me to come to them in Japan which really isnt a problem for me i love that country.

It’s like a second home.

” does something have to happen for me to come visit my two children living on the other side of the world”

well, yes.

He sighed obviously reading my mind.

” we were planning it for a while Theo nothing happened” Chloe said clearing it up for me. i just dont believe it something must have happened for them to come.

” you’re ruining the moment Theo just be happy that theyre here” Jenny said appearing out of nowhere.

From the calmness i guessed she was already surprised or she probably knew about their visit unlike me where i had no fucking clue.

It’s not like this isn’t a normal thing for our family. Two sisters tends to mean im left out a lot, they wonder what drove me to leave.

Jenny wasnt alone though. Behind her was Elle. I had no idea that she was back already, well did because Ryan told me but i didnt think she would actually come in today.

now it makes sense.

” believe it Theo, they were planning it i guess since i was there they found a good motive to come.” she said walking inbetween Chloe and Jenny.

They both smirked at me, chloe was lifting her eyebrows at me.

” Elle managed to come see us yet you can’t even facetime with me once a week, arent you ashamed” my mother said bringing her had up and flicking me.

“ow” i said annoyed that she still did that. I’m not 10 years old anymore she cant still be doing that when im taller than her. its not hard to be she’s tiny.

” Don’t be a baby. you cant be acting like that around your son” she said moving up to lightly pinch Dillon’s cheek. i smiled when he was moving his head away avoding her hands. like father like son.

” okay Theo i’ll take them to the restaurant meet us there alright” Jenny recused me from having to deal with everyone all at once. I still had my job here that i needed to fullfill.

I also don’t plan on letting any of the guys use their charm on my youngest sister.

Dad patted me on the back before leading the pack of wolves off the field. I saw Elle also moving but i latched onto her wrist. I wanted to speak with her or maybe just touch her.

she paused looked down at my hand on hers. ” Are you okay? Thankyou for going to see them you don’t know how happy that makes me” i know that we left things on the wrong foot but at the same time we had an understanding.

” I’m fine Theo. Honestly I’m not even lying to you when i say that” she laughed nervously. god i’ve missed her laugh.

I broke it off with her because i didnt like her actuions and then she goes to japan and practically reunites me with my family without even having a single complaint. is she trying to ruin me.

I’m 100% going to get an earfull from all three girls when i get to them later.

” I wont lie i never expected them to welcome me like they did and come back to england with me but they wanted to. I wasnt going to leave Japan without speakinn to your dad” she explained to me.

God, i hope they didn’t embarrass me but we’re talking about Chloe here that’s practically her side hustle.

“you’re amazing did i ever tell you that” i said taking a step forward. she placed her hand out and rested in on my chest.

” no actually, quite the opposite if i remember correctly” i actually thought she was being serious but she broke into a smile calming my rapidly beating heart.

” Come on Theo dont be so serious, you were completely right i dont blame you at all” This girl.

” Enjoy your time with your family, dont worry about me alright” she said giving my hand a little squeeze. how can she say that when she crosses my mind every time i have a moment to myself.

Elle’s smile was the only thing getting me through this session and also the fact that all my family were here and it was all because of that girl.

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