The Cherished Wife

Wife 67

Wife 67

Chapter 67

“1…” Sean bit back his irritation, “Fine, I’m a nice guy. But seriously, Charles, what’s got you hanging around someone’s building like this?”

Charles clicked his seatbelt open and stepped out of the car. Feeling it was a lost cause to argue, Sean followed sult without a word.

Sleepy as he was, Sean could not help but be curious. It was not every day you saw Charles make a beeline for someone’s place, especially to pick them up. Charles had never really had a significant other, and Sean had no clue who this mystery woman was. She had to be something special to get Charles, who was usually as unshakable as an old tree, to make the first move.

After mulling it over, Sean could not help but feel a rush of excitement and a bit of pride, knowing he was the first person Charles had turned to about his crush, It was like being in on the biggest secret. Charles, on the other hand, was not hung up on Sean’s musings. He climbed the stairs to find Noelle, who had the door swung open, waiting.

“Are you sure you can handle all this stuff on your own?” she asked, eyeing the boxes that seemed to have multiplied in the living room.

Noelle had not realized just how much she had collected over the years. A trinket here and a keepsake there all added up to an overwhelming mountain of memories.

Charles just lifted an eyebrow, taking in the cozy little space Noelle called home. It was snug, but it was homey. He gave the boxes a once–over and let out a low whistle. “Wow, that’s quite the collection!”

He had figured a few outfits would be enough, since his place had everything else they needed. Seeing Noelle pack her life away like this, however, it hit him that she was really thinking about their long–term future together.

A blush crept up Noelle’s cheeks as she stammered, “What should we do? I mean, we don’t have to take everything. I just thought that since I’m moving, why not just let go of this place? Now there’s no room for all my stuff!”

“Don’t sweat it,” Charles reassured her. “You don’t have to give up anything. I’ve got everything we need.” This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh!” Noelle nodded, starting to unpack, but Charles gently grabbed her hand. “Hey, no rush,” he said with

a soft smile.

Noelle’s eyebrow quirked up, a silent question in her gaze.

Charles glanced back towards the door with a playful command, “Come on in already!”

Sean shuffled in, grumbling. “Seriously, Charles, is this how you treat a friend? Here I was thinking you had some cool adventure planned, and you drag me over to help you move? With all this stuff… Wait, you’re not that ”

A lightbulb went off in Sean’s head as he turned to Charles, a knowing twinkle in his eyes. His charming gaze shone brightly as he flashed an innocent grin. “Man, Charles, you’re really on top of things today!”

Noelle eyed the unexpected visitor, taking in his simple white shirt and tousled hair that gave him an effortlessly laid–back vibe. Charles gently grabbed her hand, which made her feel a bit on edge despite the visitor’s sharp eyes and smooth smile.


“Hi, I’m Noelle. And you are?” she inquired.

Sean narrowed his eyes playfully and showed off a bright smile. I’m Sean, Charles’s buddy. You can just call me… Hey! Charles, quit stepping on my foot!”

Sean yelped, “I’m just saying hi to her, and you’re getting jealous?”

Noelle blushed and gently chided, “Charles, he’s your friend, so let’s not be too rough, okay?” She figured that Sean must have been roped into helping with the move.


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