The Challenge Two Alphas, One Girl

Chapter 59: Difficult Deliberation

Chapter 59: Difficult Deliberation

Thaddeus’ POV

I was in the basement of the Berryndale Pack House where the dungeons were kept. We usually didn’t keep prisoners in the pack house itself. These cells were reserved for only the most important of prisoners thus they were all empty save for one. Farris was still asleep. He lay on the cot of his cell. The bars were all solid sterling silver. I had not had the heart to put the silver chain around his neck. He was in essence still the man I hoped to be my father in law. I wanted to at least allow him his dignity. The silver bars of the cell should suffice. I sat at the guard’s desk watching Farris sleep. Fang was pacing back and forth. Cody was nervously twiddling his thumbs. They were both acting like they were on trial too.

I was not looking forward to seeing my little Friday’s face when she found her father down here in the dungeons. The door opened and a group of people descended the stone steps. I could hear their echoey footsteps. Malachi and Felicity were the first to approach the cell. Upon seeing his mother, Fang’s eyes welled up with tears. Oh God, did I make a big mistake even asking Cody why he smelled of Farris? Felicity doubled over, sobbing openly. Malachi, startled, scooped her up and held her bridal style, cradling her head to his chest, trying to shush her.

“It’s my fault. It really is,” I heard her whimper. “I drove you both to this point. Put me on trial.”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” I heard Malachi whisper fiercely. He was rocking her a little. He sat in the chair furthest from me still cradling her.

Elizabeth came into view. “Cody?” She said. Cody’s smile was tired. He embraced her. “What do you have to do with any of this?” Elizabeth asked.

“He has helped to bring Farris to justice,” I said vaguely to Elizabeth. Cody was salvageable. I was not so sure about Farris but this situation had been thrust upon Cody. He certainly had not gone looking for Farris.

Fang raised his eyebrows at my careful wording and seemed a bit calmer. I was a peaceful Alpha. Don’t let my seven foot frame fool you. I preferred the least amount of bloodshed possible. That being said, I could still rip a head off if I needed to. My father and mother came down, arm in arm. My father nodded at me in approval and my mother smiled sadly. I knew who would descend the staircase next. I stood up for her. An Alpha should always stand when his Luna enters a room. Friday walked arm in arm with Maze. I could not make head nor tails of Maze’s emotions but Friday’s were crystal clear. She was devastated. Maze released her arm. She walked up to me and put her arms around my waist, burying her face in my chest. I felt the wetness of her tears as I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

“Berryndale as your Aly had captured your most wanted, but it’s your call Alpha Maze by right,” | said.

“Alpha Maze?” Said Maze. “Mazey-Wazey,” I corrected myself. Malachi raised his eyebrows at our little banter but did not say anything. I don’t know what to do, Maze whispered in my mind, his voice sounding small and very young though

What would you do it you made the decision to please only yourself? Remember when you rejected Friday?I asked him.

I try to forget, he said, chuckling sadly. Did you make that decision to please yourself? I asked.

No, of course not. If I’d made that decision with only myself in mind back then, I would’ve given up being Alpha and moved to the woods to sleep on that tiny cot with Friday every night and be immensely happy, said Maze.

I smiled. I need to talk to my father, Maze said. Maze’s POV

I met with my father, my mother and Felicity upstairs in the Berryndale Alpha Dining Room. Thaddeus came with me for emotional support. Cody kept edging nearer and nearer to the doorway though he’d been

asked to wait in the hallway. Fang, Fallon and Fargo were there. They deserved to speak on this. It was their father. My Baby was a wreck, her eyes swollen and puffy. She was clutching one of my monogrammed handkerchiefs in her hands and wringing it. It was soaked with tears. She was wearing Thaddeus’ blazer. I couldn’t wait for today to be over. I needed to hold her. I couldn’t stand the thought of her resenting me.

“I called this impromptu meeting to get an idea of what everyone thinks about the situation. Laws do not always uphold justice. Some circumstances are more complex. A crime was committed and a punishment should be exacted but I wish to hear everyone’s thoughts first because we are… a family. A really weird family,” I said. Thaddeus snorted but smiled warmly at me.

It was true. The twins and Fang were about to be my stepbrothers and my father’s stepsons. I wished to marry Friday which would then make the boys my brothers-in-law. Felicity was my step-mother or perhaps, mother-in-law. Either way, none of us were escaping each other anytime soon. Friday shocked me by speaking first. The little girl in the woods who had fell on her knees when I rejected her would have never done that. She was different now, a true Luna.

“I can’t ask you to ever trust my father again, especially not anywhere near your father, Maze. He can’t go free. That would be unthinkable but I would appreciate him being spared the death penalty,” Friday said, whispering the last few words.

Inodded. I felt Thaddeus’ hands on my shoulders. “I share the same sentiment,” said Fang, “As my sister and Luna.” Friday’s eyes widened at being called Luna by Fang. She smiled sadly at him. Fallon and Fargo were quiet, looking at each other. I could tell they were mind-linking.

My mother sighed. Cody had edged all the way into the room and was standing behind my mother stroking her hair.

“On the day that Farris shot Malachi, he turned and aimed the gun at me,” she said.

The twins gasped, Cody hissed and Felicity sobbed quietly while my father cradled her head in his chest.

“It was Malachi who stopped Farris from shooting me too by injuring Farris and causing him to drop the gun. He would’ve orphaned you, Maze, if he could’ve. I wouldn’t be surprised if he intended to shoot Felicity too for his revenge,” said my mother.

I was gripping the table with such force wooden dust fell to the floor. I had not realised Farris meant to kill my mother too simply for being a witness. He was truly a fiend. What had my mother done? Besides be seetning

“Maze,” said Felicity softly, her voice hoarse from crying, “all i ask of you is that you take your time to decide, Whatever decision you make, please think on it for a reasonable amount of time. Don’t decide right away.”

“I want him dead,” said my father plainly. “But I know my little mate wants otherwise,” said Dad, looking down at the top of Felicity’s head. She was still being held by him.

Mom winced at the word mate but then relaxed when Cody wrapped his arms tightly around her. I could not help but notice how dependent werewolves were on their mates for healing. My mother was miles better overnight emotionally because of Cody. And my Father survived a silver bullet laced with wolfsbane when nursed by Felicity whom he had been craving for twenty five years. I looked at Friday, She was already looking at me,

No matter what you do, I love you, Maze, she said simply. I did not deserve her. I love you too, Baby, I said. Fallon and Fargo were the last to speak which was usually never the case. “Maze,” said Fallon gently. “Like our Mom said,” added Fargo. “Please take your time,” Fallon requested. “There’s no rush,” Fargo said. “Thank you, all of you, for you invaluable input,” I said. “Wait!” Said Felicity. She even whined the same as Friday. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Thaddeus didn’t say what he wanted,” Felicity said.

“Baby, he’s just here cause Maze asked him to be,” murmured my Dad in Felicity’s ear as he ran his fingers through her long wavy hair.

My Mom winced again, this time in response to the word “Baby.” My father shocked even me at times with how tender he could be towards Felicity. I had thought it was simply not in his nature but then I remembered how offended I would get when people would be shocked to find me pampering Friday like a little princess. I supposed the apply really didn’t fall too far from the tree.

“I think Thaddeus should give his opinion,” said my Mom. It seemed as though she just wanted to disagree with my Dad but I valued Thaddeus’ opinion was well.

“Thaddeus?” I said, looking back at him. He stared at me and then at Friday who smiled though there were tears in her eyes.

“Honestly,” said Thaddeus in his deep rumbly voice, “I don’t trust Farris, And I never will but life has indeed dealt him a tough hand with which to play.”

Felicity drew a sharp intake of breath. Friday bit her lip. Fang looked like he didn’t blame him. Fallon and Fargo were impassive. My Dad was pensive and My Mom looked at Thaddeus curiously,

“And for that reason,” said Thaddeus. “I would spare his life but I would wipe his memory, rendering him no longer an enemy and then I would banish him.”

The room was silent save for my mother who gasped. Cody nodded in agreement. I had forgotten that in Berryndale, they used magic at times in their punishments. By magically wiping his memory, he could no longer plot revenge but he would forget everything, his children’s names and their faces. He would forget the fact that he ever had children, that he had ever married. In Farris’ case, this would truly free him. Did he deserve be left off the hook like that. I adjourned the meeting without an official ruling. I needed intensely stupid choices when we made quick rasn decisions. I had almost IOSC Friday being nasty in

my choices and my Dad had been without his mate in the full capacity for twenty-five years though they had lurked in the shadows together.

“Thank you, Thaddeus. You’ve given me a lot to consider. You all have,” I said, standing to leave.

My parents came over and hugged me. It was possibly the first time in my life they had ever hugged me together. They usually have such an aversion to each other. I sighed, re

uch an aversion to each other. I sighed, relaxing in the embrace. I felt like ten years old again, confused. I wished Dad could just make the decision for me. He would undoubtedly kill Farris and go onto marry Felicity like it was no big deal but I wasn’t like that. I didn’t think I could sleep peacefully next to Friday knowing I’d sentenced her father to death. I’d rather sentence him to life in prison. Thaddeus wanted to send the man on a lifelong vacation, wiping his memory of all grudges, passed grievances, misdeeds and responsibilities. It was certainly very merciful. I knew how Thaddeus thought. He had longed for a mate for so many years. He felt a mate was the greatest comfort. He was probably right about that. Thaddeus saw everyone else getting their hoarily ever after except Farris and it did not sit right with him even though Farris was an asshole and an alcoholic, creating his own problems.



“Tomorrow is Day nineteen of the challenge. Can you believe it?” Said Thaddeus, grinning.

It was my day tomorrow and I had no idea what I wanted to do. I had just gotten the news that my paternal grandparents would be arriving on Day Twenty of the Challenge (the day after tomorrow). These were the same grandparents who had conspired to keep my Dad and Felicity, and my Mom and Cody apart. Meanwhile, the forced my Mom and Dad together for money and prestige. They had spoiled me growing up but our relationship had been a bit hollow and had mostly centred around lavish gift-giving.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“Maze?” Asked Thaddeus.

“Sorry, Bro, just thinking,” I said.

“She’s not gonna hate you, Bro,” said Thaddeus.

Just then, Friday exited the bathroom in a tiny pair of pink polkadot shorts and a matching short sleeved top. She honestly looked so adorable. She straddled me and cupped my face in her hands.

“Stop worrying, Maze. It’s driving me and my wolf crazy,” whined Friday. Thaddeus grinned. “Her wolf,” I repeated to him.

“Little Red Riding Hood is a wolf now,” I said smirking. “She’s not so innocent anymore,”I murmured lifting her blouse to kiss her torso, making her moan.

“She’s still outnumbered though,” said Thaddeus as he pushed her onto her back and I turned off the lights.

“This story has two big bad wolves,” whispered Friday in the darkness as two pairs of hands began eagerly roaming her body. I could smell her getting wetter and wetter and regrettably we tore the tiny polkadot shorts to shreds. No big deal. Thaddeus or I would buy her another pair.

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