The Challenge Two Alphas, One Girl

Chapter 49: Berryndale Bienvenue

Chapter 49: Berryndale Bienvenue

Katrina’s POV

My coven was on high alert. My stepfather, Ezekiel Victor Van Der Windt, was using his status as the “ Vampire King” to sway newer coven members into spying for him. No sane and seasoned vampire would dare enter Marigold, a walled-in werewolf town and fortress, an unfriendly territory where vampires were unwelcome. Berryndale was a friendlier territory, allowing vampires to enter into it but under close supervision and with the necessary documentation. Also, no one wanted to be on the receiving end of the wrath of the “Seven Foot Alpha.” My stepbrother had told me that the Seven Foot Alpha had snapped the neck of a top-ranking vampire warrior and spy while still in his human form without breaking a sweat. He did not need to shift to fight. Neither did many of the Marigold warriors. Former Alpha Malachi supposedly kept a tally in his weapons room of his private home of how many vampires he had slain by etching a mark into the wall each time. The room was rumoured to not have space for anymore marks in the four walls, floor and ceiling. They had a new alpha now, the son of Malachi. Despite all of this my coven was determined to snatch the little wolf-less Luna from under the noses of the Seven Foot Alpha and the son of Malachi.

I sighed deeply. Why had leven agreed to this? I had liked him. From the moment I saw the Beta wolf, I had just found him…special. He had a mate though and the kidnapping target was his sister whom I thought he hated but now apparently loved. Why was my life such a mess? If I did not find a way to call off this kidnapping plot, Fang would hate me. He could even end up dead, killed by either side as a traitor depending on how they looked at it. I kept having nightmares about his warm brown eyes becoming cold shuddered and pulled my black coat more tightly around me. Ezra was helping me. He was ever the egalitarian. He wanted a world where vampires, werewolves, witches, wizards and humans all got along and sang around a campfire together roasting s’mores. He was an idealist too.

It was the wee hours of the morning. Almost three o’clock. There was a twenty-four-diner on the outskirts of Berryndale just beyond a heavily guarded part of the Marigold wall. I knew Fang would not pass there. He would leave through a less heavily secured gate even though as Beta he always had security

clearance to go in and out. Then he would drive around and meet me at the diner. I had already came to the diner the night before and cut the wires in all the security cameras. There were only three people in there when I walked in. It was dimly lit and the cook and one waitress on the night shift had been bribed. Two of the three people comprised both halves of a drunk couple. There were werewolves. The she-wolf was asleep, her head on the table at her booth and her mate was talking to her in a slurred voice as though she were awake. The third person was hooded, dressed all in black, sitting in the last booth facing the door so he could watch who came and went.

“Hey!” I whispered. Fang sighed.

“So it’s off or not? And why couldn’t we talk about this over the phone?!” Fang demanded, practically snarling

I recoiled but sat down. “It’s nice to see you too,” I mumbled.

His eyes softened and he took my hand in his. His hand was so large and so warm against my tiny cold one. I smiled.

“Listen, Katrina, this was a dumb idea from the start and I was drunk and hateful when I came up with Everything is upside down. Im not even sure if there is a real challenge anymore, ne saia.

“What do you mean, if there’s a real challenge?” I asked, confused.

“It doesn’t matter!” Fang said quickly, looking uncomfortable. “You need to call it off somehow. It doesn’t make sense. A lot of other people could die, especially your coven members. Maze and Thaddeus are… kinda working well together. They would fight your coven in unison not divided and you couldn’t win then, not a chance.”

I squirmed. “Well, we always thought they would both want revenge whether they collaborated or not but kidnapping the Luna would weaken both Alphas and make them emotional, impulsive, less strategic.”

“That would only work if you meant to kill her which was never the plan,” Fang said, narrowing his eyes and looking at me strangely.

That was always the plan. s**t. I had just insinuated that my stepfather had always meant for Friday to die to help bring down her Alphas. I had never explicitly told Fang this. I had promised him she would become a captive servant like long ago when my family had stolen many werewolves and humans to keep as servants.

“You always meant to kill her, didn’t you,” Fang said but it was not actually a question. I could tell. “Not me! No!” I said quickly. Fang’s eyes were black. “You took me for a fool this whole time.”

“Please, relax,” I said, imploring him with my eyes. “I intend to fix this! You don’t have grounds to look down on someone for making a stupid spur of the moment choice,” I snapped, the last part slipping out. I expected him to fly into a rage.

To the contrary, he said, “You’re right, I don’t.” He sighed and looked at the table.

“So Ezra intends to work from within to foil the plans of the vampire spies marking Friday but there will be casualties. Only novices were dumb enough to take the job,” I said, wincing because foiling their plans involved exposing them.

“Oh you mean vampire casualties like Ezra will make sure those novices are found out by us so the werewolf warriors will kill them before they can feed information back to your Dad,” Fang said offhandedly, smiling, liking the idea.

It was a decent idea for my idiotic idealist but lovable Ezra to come up with but I bridled at Fang’s insinuation. “Vampire casualties? Well yes, we’d be sacrificing the novices when we mess up their cover but why say it like vampires dying means nothing to you.”

I was hurt.

“Hey!” Fang said, grabbing my hand. “I meant they’re not me or you or Friday. They’re strangers. Of course, I don’t want anything to happen to you either.”

Trelaxed. “Did you think about what I said the last time we met in person?” I asked before I could help myself.

“Katrina,” said Fang disapprovingly, releasing my hand. I kept my hand on the middle of the table hoping he would grab it again. “I have a mate. You know that,” Fang said. “We’re friends so I care about you.” I winced. Friends? I wished his mate was one of the casualties. “But I don’t mind…”I mumbled, trailing off.

I smiled sadly. “Especially now with her hormones raging,” he added. “She’s on her period,” I said, laughing. “Nah, she’s pregnant,” Fang said absentmindedly.

That hit me like a two-tonne truck speeding down the highway. Thank goodness, I was immortal. I was not exempt from emotional pain though. I forced a smile.

“Congratulations,” I said trying to make it sound genuine and not stiff. Fang was going to be a Dad. He would never leave her now, especially not if it was a boy and heir for the Beta position. Suddenly, I felt like the biggest i***t alive. Fang was not ever going to be mine no matter what and here I was risking my own standing with my coven for his sister whom he had hated a few days ago. He was so fickle. I was seething.

Fang’s POV

After the meeting at the diner with Katrina, I went to my childhood home to shower but stopped dead in my tracks. There was a patrol of warriors there. s**t! It hit me. They were stationed there in case my trigger-happy father came back to get something so they could arrest him. I couldn’t get out the car with vampire stench all over me. They would obviously recognise me and the vampire scent, and with my father’s recent betrayal of his former alpha, they would figure the apple did not fall too far from the tree. I sighed. In all fairness, Malachi had betrayed my father first by sleeping with my mom all those years. She

was his rejected mate. What was with these Mason Alphas like Malachi and Maze taking their rejections back at the drop of the hat. They were so fickle. I wondered how Maze’s Mom was doing as I drove to the shabbiest motel I could find: The Marigold Marigold. What?

I went inside and the decor was all bright yellows and oranges. Jarring. It was meant to resemble marigolds, the flower. I asked for a room under a fake name and thankfully the concierge was a werwolf in his late teens scrolling through his feed on his phone. He did not even look up long enough to register | was the pack’s Beta. I showered as quickly as I could. I had to get back and make sure we were all ready to travel to Berryndale. I was in the lobby when something wet sloshed all over me. I smelled it. White wine?

“Whoopsie,” slurred a familiar voice. She had a snobbish drawl. Of all the people in the world. Elizabeth! Maze’s Mom. I hoped she was too drunk to really recall this impromptu meeting.

“Fang!” She exclaimed. Ugh! She actually threw her arms around me, hugging me. “Thanks for being there for my Maze, dropping him to the hospital everyday…” she began.

“That’s Thaddeus, Mrs Mason. The Alpha. I’m the Beta…” I stopped myself. What the f**k was doing identifying myself like that.

“Oh yeah, you’re welcome,” I said instead.

She seemed to have gotten upset at being called Mrs Mason. I flinched realising the dissolution of her marriage is what had her spiralling downwards into alcoholism. She was going through this because of the lies and choices of Malachi and my mom. Guilt consumed me. It was not my fault but I knew what it was to make a devastatingly stupid choice that screwed someone else over. I had almost screwed over Friday and we still were not fully in the clear yet. I was trying to right my wrongs. People should clean up their own mess. Malachi and my Mom had left their old partners to alcoholism and a life of crime. I did not even want to think about my Dad. That’s how I was coping with it, ignoring it. I decided then and there to make another possibly terrible judgment call but at least I genuinely felt good about this one.

“Elizabeth,” I said. She did not object to being called my her first name. I was sure Mrs Mason or Luna corrected myseu realising it was tour in the morning ana ine challenge members were to wake up at five.

Maze’s POV

“Where’s Fang?” I asked, trying not to sound as annoyed as I was.

It was five in the morning. I had to tip-toe around Fang these days which was unnatural for me being the Alpha and him being my Beta. Our situation had become complicated though. We were almost stepbrothers or brothers-in-law depending on whether my Dad and Felicity married before Friday and I did. Also, his Dad had shot my Dad and would potentially be put to death for it. My Dad had been sleeping with his Dad’s wife for over two decades but nothing warranted murder in the Marigold pack especially not of the alpha or former alpha. I was standing in the Alpha dining room, going over everything with Slogan, my Gamma, since my Beta was absent and we needed to go through a checklist before departure.

Thaddeus and Theo did not seem to have a checklist. They both had mugs of beer. At five in the morning. I rolled my eyes at Thaddeus’ beer mug and he raised the mug to me in a mock cheers. I snickered. Theo bristled, clearly annoyed at us getting along.

Fang came into the room looking extremely tired. Finally. Someone was peaking out from behind Fang. I recognised her scent immediately and it soothed me. Mom!

“Hey, Mazey!” Said my Mom shyly, hiccoughing. I sighed. She was hungover.

“Come here, Mom,” I said, extending my arms to her. She hugged me and I put my blazer on her. She was in a sparkly short dress with frilly sleeves like she had just come from a seventies’ disco or something. She pulled the warm blazer around herself and swayed on the spot a little. Perhaps, she was still drunk rather than hungover.

What is she doing here? I mind-linked Fang privately. Fang hesitated. I ran into her by accident in a seedy motel. I bristled, horrified. What was she doing there?I asked. No idea, said Fang shrugging. But I didn’t wanna leave her there. I arranged for her to stay at a hotel, a safe nice one, indefinitely, I said.

She left there. Her clothes were in her motel room. She has her stuff packed. I helped her get ready for Berryndale. I’m sorry for being late by the way! Fang said.

Excuse me! She’s not going to Berryndale. She can stay in the pack house on the Alpha floor, curtly.

Ok but you’ll have to tell her. She won’t listen to me. She’s the former Luna and mother of the Alpha, Fang said, playing his trump card. He knew I could not bear to refuse her right now. Was he trying to mess up my time with Friday?

My Mom spotted Thaddeus and he bear-hugged her just as Friday walked in looking angelically beautiful as always. She was in a white satin mini dress today with a flower crown of white roses in her hair. Astrid was with her, clearly proud of her handiwork. She was still helping Friday get ready for things even though Friday’s foot had healed. It was customary for Luna’s to be crowned with flowers or wreaths of leaves during ceremonies when they were betrothed. Once the Luna was actually marked, mated and married to her Alpha, she would graduate to gold crowns encrusted with jewels.

Friday was staring at my Mom who was still talking to Thaddeus. “Hi, Luna Elizabeth!” Said Friday gently with a little wave. “Hi?!” scoffed my mother at Friday’s greeting. “We’re not gal-pals, Friday. I’d prefer if you said Good

I said

Everyone in the room stiftened even Gamma Slogan who narrowed his eyes at my mother but quickly recovered a neutral expression, Fang instantly assumed a regretful expression. Good, he really should not have brought her. She needed time to heal and process things. She would only be spiteful and miserable around Friday right now with how much she resembled Felicity.

“Mom, that’s a bit harsh,” I said in a barely-there whisper so as not to embarrass her.

“Harsh!” She repeated loudly. “How so? Isn’t the Luna supposed to learn what’s proper! The Luna is a reflection of her Alpha and her pack. She is supposed to be well-mannered, cultured and adept with social graces. She is supposed to be modest!” Said my Mom eyeing the length of Friday’s dress.

Thaddeus was clearly angry but also feeling sorry for my Mom. The room had become filled with staff suddenly preparing the final Marigold breakfast of the challenge. Friday looked away from my Mom, keeping her eyes on the floor, embarrassed. I groaned inwardly.

Friday’s POV

Elizabeth, Maze’s Mom, made sure to announce all the things | should be but wasn’t as a Luna in front of a room-full of people. My wolf was snarling.

Assert yourself! You are a true Luna twice over. She was never truly anyone’s Luna! How dare she?

I knew she was hurting and I reminded her of that situation because I looked so much like my mother, the woman engaged to Elizabeth’s husband. They had not even divorced yet because Elizabeth despite being served the papers had refused to sign.

Maze’s POV

“Good morning, Luna Elizabeth,” said Friday softly. She went to sit at the table and began putting out some food for herself.

“Aren’t you going to serve my son and Thaddeus first before yourself?” Asked my mother, referencing an archaic custom of the Luna plating the Alpha’s food and not starting eating until the Alpha had begun eating or in extreme cases, not eating until the Alpha was finished.

“Mom, you need to go change,” I said softly but sternly, looking at her disco dress pointedly. She blushed. I felt awful for playing the same appearances card on her that my father had used but she was still a bit drunk and I hoped the water would sober her up. I did not actually care about the dress. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Thaddeus seemed to be comforting a shaken Friday, whispering to her softly and placating her with pancakes and sweet, milky coffee.

Day 1 of less sugar for sweet Friday. I put three and three-quarter teaspoons instead of four. We have your Mom/guess to thank for the distraction from the sugar plan, said Thaddeus in my mind.

He was annoyed but understood the complexity of the situation. I’m sorry, Bro. I’m so sorry, Baby, I said including Friday in our mind-link. Friday smiled half-heartedly at me and shrugged.

I said this to Friday only. I know I used to criticise you that same way and it was not justified then and isn’t justified now. The only thing that makes a Luna a Luna is being fated to an Alpha so you’re twice a Luna!

Friday’s POV

Maze had used the same phrase as my wolf about me being twice a Luna. I broke into a genuine smile.

We finished breakfast without anymore complaints even when Elizabeth returned wearing a powder blue skirt and matching blazer with an inner white top. She was a very traditional and demure sort of Luna. mignt never see my atner again, we might never reconcile. i nad never gotten a chance to expand my relationship with him.

We all set out for Berryndale after breakfast with everyone in several different vehicles. We were in the backseat of a white stretch limo as though we were going to a human prom or something. I was sitting between my Alphas with Saturday curled up in my lap, purring. Maze’s mother was on the other side of him, gripping his arm possessively. I sighed inwardly. This was going to be a long second half of the

Challenge with her there, but even she could not spoil it for me. I was so excited to go camping and to leave Marigold. I had never left marigold’s boarders before and Berryndale was supposedly a really open-minded pack. I really hoped Thaddeus’ family liked me.

Igazed out the window at the houses zooming by. We were leaving the town area of Marigold and entering into its rural countryside landscape. The vivid cerulean sky and the forest-green vegetation looked so beautiful. I marvelled at it. I spotted a group of cows grazing, squiggly brown spots their otherwise white bodies. A huge bull was nearby grazing alongside them. We were passing Marigold’s farmlands now. Thaddeus and Maze kept me entertained and warm. Elizabeth had fallen asleep on Maze’s shoulder and was snoring softly. Was snoring no matter how soft befitting of a Luna? Gasp!

Saturday was unfurled a bit and blinked at me but swiftly fell back asleep. My Alphas chuckled softly at his antics.

The drive from the Marigold pack house to the Berryndale pack house was several hours long. It had been around six in the morning when we left and it was now noon. We had left Marigold’s parklands a while ago. I had been amazed by the heavily guarded hundred foot wall encasing Marigold. We were in Berryndale now! The outskirts of their pack-lands comprised of farms, ranches and just undisturbed.

I must have fallen asleep because when I came to, Thaddeus was lifting me up, bridal style, my head cradled to his chest. I looked around for Saturday. He was being held by a disgruntled-looking Maze while his mother gripped his arm and talked about how much she disliked cats and why she had never let Maze have a pet.

“The fur, it sheds, over everything!…” Thaddeus cut her off. We had all just gotten out of our respective vehicles.

“Welcome to Berryndale, everyone,” he boomed. I grinned, still in his arms. He seemed reluctant to put me down and I was still sleepy so I stayed put.

I admired the pack house. It was a colossal white building with a humongous wrap-around veranda. The roof was of red brick. There were five stores and the huge windows I could see were all shaped like half- ovals with a curved top. The windows were tinted in such a way that they sparkled and looked gold in the light of day. Red, White and Gold, the Berryndale colours just as Thaddeus had said.

Fang had his arms around a smug Astrid. Fallon and Fargo looked gleeful. Maze stepped closer to us and further from his mother. Maze’s Gamma had stayed behind to watch over Marigold in the absence of the Alpha and Beta. Theo was grinning from ear to ear as he shot out of the car he was in. There were attendants and warriors from Marigold who had tagged along and the six Berryndale warriors who had accompanied Thaddeus and Theo looked relieved to be back. A woman with a caramel complexion, high cheekbones, almond-shaped eyes, full lips and dark brown hair came running out of the pack house, a baby on her hip. She ran into Theo’s outstretched arms and he embraced her warmly. That must be his mate. I was happy for him, having been away from his mate and baby for so long.

Several others came out of the pack house walking down the wide steps that led to the veranda. I immediately recognised them as Thaddeus’ family. The resemblance was unmistakable.

“Mom! This is my Luna, Friday!” Said Thaddeus with a huge grin. ana i movea forwara. HIS Mother was a tall women, propadiy arouna live root eleven with asn prown wavy hair that tumbled down to her waist. She had the same blue eyes but her features were soft especially her full, pouty lips. She grinned at me and hugged me.

“Awww, look at you,” she said, pinching my cheeks. “Friday this is Mom,” said Thaddeus. “My name is True,” she said sweetly.

“Oh, that’s so nice,” I said, instantly liking that name.

“And this is Dad,”continued Thaddeus, gesturing towards a humongous man while he embraced his


The humorous man was probably an inch or two shorter than seven foot Thaddeus with blue eyes, blond hair to his mid back and an impressive long beard. He laughed in a way that shook the whole house somehow, his voice even deeper than Thaddeus.

His voice was like the sound of mountains moving and yet I was not the least bit afraid of him. He had a very calming aura. He scooped me, lifting me off the ground into a bear hug. He placed me gently on my feet.

“Timbre is my name, little Friday,” he said ruffling my hair. They were incredibly informal for an Alpha and Luna. I felt relieved.

“Yeah, like what you yell when you’re chopping down a tree for firewood,” commented one of the two guys behind True and Timbre.

These were the twins. They were about six and a half feet each. Blue-eyed and blonde like their dad but their hair was a dark ash blonde unlike their father’s medium wheat colour. Their hair reached their broad shoulders and their grins reached their large eyes. They were like cuter less rugged blonde versions of Thaddeus who was bigger, more ruggedly handsome with ash brown hair. They looked very mischievous. I didn’t even need to spend two minutes with them to know that. The one who had spoken

said, “I’m Titus, and the imposter next to me calls himself, Timothy.”

“I’m Timothy, everyone’s favourite,” said Timothy, winking. Both twins hugged me at once leaning towards me. They smelled a bit like pine trees, again reminding me of Thaddeus.

“I’m actually the favourite. Theo even named his son after me,” said Titus.

The baby Theo was holding was adorable beyond words with huge bright eyes and chubby cheeks and a full head of dark shiny hair.

“The baby is named after Theo’s grandfather,” said Thaddeus, pulling me back to him and wrapping his arms around me.

“Thaddeus is a compulsive liar,” said Titus in a stage whisper. “So is Titus,” whispered Timothy. “My twin not the baby.” I chuckled.

“And this is Maze! Alpha of Marigold!” Boomed Thaddeus.

Maze smiled. He was subjected to four hugs and so was his mother. Fang stood very far away from the family of huggers and nodded respectively when Thaddeus introduced him.

“It’s an honour, Alpha Timbre and Luna True,” said Fang. Astrid curtseyed and Fang introduced


“How about a girl chat, Luna to Luna,” said True stealing Elizabeth. “We’ll let the kids explore the pack house before their camping trip.”

“Camping trip?” Asked Elizabeth. inaggeus was born we took him on nis tirst camping trip wnen ne was still a papy. The twins liked it less thought, they like indoor stuff, video games and texting…” True’s voice went on and on as she led Elizabeth inside.

I was so grateful. I needed a break from Elizabeth and so did Maze.

The ground floor was the common grounds for all pack members. Most pack houses were structured this way. I noticed True was taking Elizabeth on a separate tour from the one Thaddeus was taking us on and Elizabeth did not dark say a proper Luna should give a tour to everyone or whatever line she would have used if it were me. True’s voice carried and it was so funny.

“Don’t you just hate wallpaper? I do. All the patterns are so ugly and people who like wallpaper will always try to convince you that it looks good. I made Timbre have it all removed when I became Luna

and the former Luna was pissed but we’re good now. That’s Timbre’s Mom, Tallulah…” True said from another room to Elizabeth.

The kitchen was huge with white marble everywhere and a red brick oven. There was a huge dining area that could sit dozens upon dozens of people. The living room was similar in its seating capacity and had a huge television the size of a cinema screen that took up an entire wall. I noticed gaming counsels in the glass cabinets next to it which were set up already. There was a library that was a ghost town. No one seemed interested in it but every other common room had been occupied by pack members who grinned and waved and tried to hug or high-five you. The whole pack acted like a gigantic family and the pack house was noisy with everyone sharing stories and constant raucous laughter.

“The one the only, Gamma Westwood,” boomed Thaddeus.

A handsome tall man with dark glossy hair and grey eyes smiled at me. He took my hand in both of his. “It’s an honour my Luna,” he said.

Something about his demeanour and looks reminded me of Maze sol glanced back at my other mate. The main difference was Maze’s longer hair and olive skin whereas Westwood had shortly cropped hair and pale skin. He revealed a woman behind him.

“My mate, Willa,” he said.

She was pretty and petite, even shorter than me. I was short for a she-wolf at five foot five. She must have been about five foot two with huge hazel eyes and mocha coloured skin. Her hair black glossy was tightly curled naturally and she had a floral scarf tied in it as a headband. Her hair was shoulder-length.

“Hey!” I said. A human! “Hi!” She said, just as excited. “Are you still wolf-less?” She blurted out. “Willa!” Said Westwood. “That’s ok,” I said, laughing. “No, I have a wolf. She talks to me now but I have still never shifted.”

“Oh!” Said Willa. Willa yawned and stretched her arms. “I was so excited to meet you Luna I hardly slept.”

“Go take a nap!” I said, pausing and hoping it didn’t sound like an order. “Everyone can call me Friday, “ladded.

“That’s a cool name,” Willa said. “Like a happy version of Wednesday from the Adam’s Family!”

That was a human show that had creatures in it. I smiled. I liked a lot of human television. It had a lot of drama and now that I had a better living situation with a television for the past two weeks at the Marigold pack house I had been watching shows nonstop. Humans called that binge-watching. I looked up humans in preparation for meeting Willa. I saw the silvery mark on her neck where Westwood had now with nim, but no super speea or strength or anytning.

“Are you glad to be immortal now?” I asked curiously, thinking about all the mortals she must know and how she would outlive them.

“I worry a little here and there about relatives and friends but I told myself I’ll be family with every new generation of my family and I can tell them everything about past generations because I was there. Same with my friends. I’ll keep becoming their children’s friend and so on and tell them funny stories about their parents, grandparents, stuff like that,” said Willa.

I really liked her. That was a great idea. She would become a human historian of sorts who experienced all the history herself.

The second floor had offices and conference rooms. The third floor was the Gamma floor and the

second floor was the Beta floor.

“See you later, Friday,” said Ida with a smile. “Bye!” I said, waving.

Astrid and Fang and Ida and Theo went to their rooms. The twins Fallon and Fargo were being shown around by Titus and Timothy. They were arguing already all four of them about video games. The Alpha floor was the fifth and final floor just as I had expected. The master bedrooms were gorgeous with bleached white wood furniture and satin red sheets and pillows and curtains with gold accents here and there. There was a four poster bed in each room along with a table set for two, a loveseat, a television mounted on the wall, a huge fireplace and arm chairs flanking a stocked bookshelf. There was also a desk for writing or using the desktop computer in every room.

Maze, Thaddeus and I sprawled out on Thaddeus’ bed. His room was a bit bigger than the other with warmer golds and cream instead of white. His bed was custom made to be huge enough to more than accommodate being seven feet tall. My eyes were closing of their own accord. Thaddeus was stroking my hair.

They love you! He said.

They do?I asked.

Yep! Said Thaddeus grinning. I kissed him straddling his lap. He rocked me on his lap, making me moan ad my core moistened with anticipation. I broke away from Thaddeus feeling light-headed and breathless but exhilarated. Maze was looking at me adoringly. My stomach clenched. I was alone in a bedroom with this huge bed and my hunky alphas.

“Tonight is our camping!” I reminded my alphas.

“Yeah but there’s no reason we can’t get cosy right now!” Rumbled Thaddeus in my ear making me shiver while crawled towards where we lay on the bed.

“Remember how we owe you? We’re ready to pay up,” Maze said, his voice silky and lust-filled. I squirmed. My wolf purred. She felt we were the luckiest girl.

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