The Challenge Two Alphas, One Girl

Chapter 46: Future Fenestra

Chapter 46: Future Fenestra

Theo’s POV

It was Friday’s fourth and hopefully final day of heat. The following day would be the final Marigold day of the challenge. Finally we were at the half-way point and would be leaving these pack lands. Finally, I was going home. I could not wait to see my mate, Ida, and my son. I had not planned to be away from them for two weeks. I had thought I was accompanying my Alpha, Thaddeus, to the stifflands of Marigold for a day or two just to play nice with our allies for the Peace Treaty Celebration. Who would have thought that visit to Marigold would flip Thaddeus’ world upside down. I was anxious to see him again too. I hated being in a foreign pack house without my Bro here. I knew he was probably having an even shittier time with Maze than I was having with Fang. Fang had been almost human these past few days. It was a sight to see.

I went to the Beta dining room. The twins were there. I forced myself not to roll my eyes. They had literally had one job. Watch Friday for two minutes while Fang and I part the she-wolf fight. They had completely deserted their posts to come see the commotion and Friday had had a close call with Thaddeus and Maze. She denied this but I was not an i***t. I had a nose. I was a Beta. I

knew my Alpha’s smell anywhere. Friday had tried to play it off as though the scent was old from his clothes I had given her. Yeah, right, Friday. The scent was as fresh as bread baked two seconds ago. I did not question Thaddeus about it but he sounded guilty in his mind-links or troubled in some way. I was glad he and Maze had not messed up the challenge. I could not speak for Maze but I knew Thaddeus wanted to court Friday properly and make her first official time special.

“Morning Theo!” Chorused Fallon and Fargo, their mouths full of waffles. Their plates were piled up with chocolate chip waffles, topped with whipped cream and more chocolate chips. I smiled. They had similar tastes in food as their little sister. They promptly started to argue.

“You ask him! Now!” Hissed Fallon. “No! You!” Insisted Fargo. I could hear them plainly. I raised my eyebrows. Fallon cleared his throat.

“Beta Theo,” he said, suddenly formal, “my brother, Fargo, and I would like to accompany the challenge party back to Berryndale and stay there for the remainder of the challenge.”

“To keep an eye on our sister!” Added Fargo. Iscoffed. Babysitting was not their forte. “Also, Mommy is going!” Exclaimed Fallon. Fargo nudged him. “Ow!” Said Fallon. “But she is going! Who will feed us? Everyone is gonna be in Berryndale and Dad left.”

My ears perked up. We had sent out patrols since the shooting to look for Farris. He was on the lam specifically unharmed. Maze had told Fang he wanted to handle the punishment aspect himself as the matter was delicate. Farris had shot his Dad but he was also the Dad of his mate. I did not envy Maze right now and some of the decisions he would have to make.

“I don’t see why you’re asking me, boys,” I admitted, putting bacon and eggs on my plate. gonna be your step-aaa ana the current aipna nopes to be your brother-in-law. Your brother is the beta. Regarding Berryndale, my Alpha is also determined to be your brother-in-law and your sister is likely to be the Luna,” I said, buttering them up way more than they deserved but the twin terrors really did have a lot of connections to high places so I was not about to stop them from tagging along. I was not sure why they had asked me instead of their long list of pack leader relatives. They were not bad sorts really.

Just then, Fang came into the Beta dining room with a beaming Astrid. Fang was being very careful and gentle with her. I wondered if she had threatened to leave him or something for his outbursts in the days prior.

“I’m coming with you all to Berryndale,” Astrid announced.

You couldn’t pay people to stay in Marigold! Fallon and Fargo raised their glasses to her. Friday appeared walking gingerly. She was clearly still in pain. She sat at the very end of the table and put her head in her hands. An attendant tried to offer her food and sweet milky coffee. She smiled at the attendant,

grateful for the drink but refusing the food.

“We’re gonna have a good time,” Fallon said. “In Berryndale, as a family,” Fargo said. Friday perked up at the word family. “You two aren’t going,” said Fang simply. “Yes we are!” Said Fallon. “Theo said it’s ok.”

Oh, great, throw me into. That was not exactly what I said. I told them to ask their would-be brother in laws or their future step-dad.

Fang rolled his eyes. “Theo probably wasn’t even listening to what you said. He probably just nods at everything you guys say hoping you will go away faster.”

Astrid snickered but quickly recovered and began acting daintily again. She was behaving a little strangely.

“Malachi is our step-dad,” said Fargo out of nowhere. “He will say yes.” “Thaddeus and Maze are our brothers in law,” Fallon added. You couldn’t tell these two anything. “Only one of them will be your brother in law,” Fang corrected. Friday was fidgeting uncomfortably. I assumed it was the tail-end of the heat. “Our little sister is the Luna of both places,” added Fargo. Fallon nodded at that.

“Ugh! Not yet! One of those places! Stop counting your chickens before they hatch,” Fang said, getting annoyed.

“I think they should come, Fang,” mumbled Friday. Fang raised his eyebrows.

Friday shrugged. “Mom is busy with Malachi. I’m not sure if they’re coming. Dad is…It’s just us siblings now and Mom when she’s available but she’s probably having a rough time…let’s all stick together,” said Friday softly, the hope evident in her voice.

“Yes, and I’m going! The whole family will be there essentially,” Astrid said brightly. Friday and the twins regarded the eldest. Fang sighed. He nodded. “Ok,” he said. The twins high-fived.

“I wanted to wait until the whole family was here because Maze and Thaddeus are the possible future uncles but I can’t wait any longer…” Astrid paused, her glee evident.

Fallon and Fargo whooped. Friday beamed. Fang actually smiled genuinely.

“Congratulations, Mommy!” I cheered, raising my glass to her. It was a mug of beer not coffee (Don’t judge me! It had been a rough couple of days!).

Katrina’s POV

“Due to the recent shooting of the former alpha by his own former beta, security has been tripled, meaning that now is no longer the opportune time to act,” I said, presenting before the Coven Leaders.

My step-father, Ezekiel Victor Van der Windt, sat in the middle high-backed chair, his taloned hands clutching the arms of said chair. My step-brother Ezra was on his right. There were five of them in total. The other Coven leaders were all from rich prominent vampire families.

Lamina Luxe, a raven-haired beauty with olive skin, hooded eyes and a pouty mouth, sat at Victor’s left. She was wearing a corset that accentuated her ample bosom, tiny waist and wide sensuous hips. Her dress was of a shimmery silver material that reminded me of moonlight.

was a huge man, tall and broad-shouldered with muscles of steel. He had a dark chocolate complexion with chiseled features. He was a bit of a vampire playboy known to have numerous lovers whether they be vampires, witches, human women or even she-wolves. He was sitting on the other side of the seductress Lamina.

On the other side of Ezra sat the mononymous Prophetess. Prophetess was the only made (not born) vampire coven leader. She was made into a vampire by Victor at only twelve years of age in order to save her from dying of the black plague. She was delicate, pale and rosy-cheeked with bright red curly hair and astonishingly green eyes. She had a doll-like face with her button nose, thick lashes and pink

mouth. She was frightfully powerful for a made vampire. She had been born on April the 8th 1350, making her almost 700 years old despite ceasing ageing at twelve when she actually looked ten.

“So what you’re saying is, call off the plan? No more kidnapping the Luna to destabilise the two biggest packs. When will we get a chance like this again? One Luna fated to two Alphas. Two birds, one stone,” she said pointing upwards where two doves nestled together.

“Prophetess is right,” agreed Victor, siding with his favourite creation. “It’s a one in an eternity opportunity.”

“We shouldn’t be hasty,” Ezra said. “If we rush this, we will blow our cover, they’ll quadruple the security and then where would we be?”

Lamina and Sax nodded, agreeing with Ezra. Thank goodness. Three against two. Prophetess folded her arms with a scowl on her face. Victor was stone-faced and silent. Ezra winked at me.

“The kidnapping is postponed not cancelled,” said Victor who had the final say as the eldest vampire.

I gulped. Thaddeus’ POV

Thad driven Maze back to Prestige Gardens’ Private Hospital to see his father. His father had been moved from the resuscitation room in the accident and emergency department to the intensive care unit (ICU) in the wee hours of the morning. He had been doing well in the ICU so he was moved to HDU (High Dependency Unit), a step-down ward between ICU and a regular ward. The doctors explained all of this to Maze and me in a private consultation room. I felt like I was overstepping by being there but Maze had wanted the company. The next goal was to get him from HDU to a regular ward and finally discharged.

Malachi was in excellent spirits for someone who had been shot by his own Beta for sleeping with said Beta’s wife. Finding your mate really puts you on cloud 9. I was so excited to get back to Friday une

dangers or sugar and now infiammatory it was.

“Where did you guys get that pudding?” I interrupted an indignant Maze while Felicity and Malachi laughed. Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

“I’ll bring you one, Alpha,” said a young nurse.

She scurried off and came back in just a few seconds with a tray filled with pudding choices. I took the same chocolate one Malachi had and handed a plain, no sugar added, lactose-free, organic greek yoghurt to Maze. That sounded like more his style.

“We have patrols scouring the pack lands for Farris,” said Maze. Felicity winced while Malachi simply nodded.

“What will you do when you catch him?” Mumbled Felicity, her voice so low it was difficult for even an Alpha like me to hear.

Maze looked pained. “What do you want me to do?” Maze asked to my surprise.

“Maybe he can just be banished,” implored Felicity again in a soft and small voice that shook with every word.

Malachi held her hand and kissed it. It was good of him to understand that it would not be easy for her to allow Farris to be executed. She felt she was at fault here, but shooting someone was overkill in just about any situation. Farris must have known what the punishment would be. He had been the Beta. I did

her. Friday might be devastated. She always held out hope of being accepted by her various family members. It would wound her deeply to lose Farris before they had had a change to properly reconcile.

“How is your mother doing?” Asked Malachi hesitantly. “Great, she’s got a new boyfriend already,” said Maze sarcastically. “Really?” Asked Malachi, smiling, seemingly happy for her. “NO!” Snapped Maze,


Felicity winced and Malachi stroked her windswept wavy hair. Felicity was dressed differently than before. She seemed to be wearing all new clothes, a black dress with a silvery thread running through it to make it shimmer, with heels and a black bag. I recognised the logos on her new things. They were all costly designer brands. Malachi must have insisted she get some new things. Prior to this, I had seen her wear the same three floral house dresses in rotation. I usually would not notice something like this but the resemblance between her and my gorgeous little Friday meant I was very attuned to anything to do with Felicity. I would probably notice if a single strand of her or Friday’s hair was different. I was happy for her that she had new things. Farris’ alcoholism meant they had had to pinch pennies.

“Maze,” Felicity mumbled. “I’ll apologise everyday if I have to. I’m truly sorry for what I put your mother through.”

“No, Felicity,” said Malachi, sighing, “I put you in that situation when I rejected you. It’s my doing.” He stroked her tear-streaked cheeks.

“I’m sorry…for my outburst,” Maze admitted reluctantly. Felicity and Malachi smiled warmly at him. “Mom…asked me to forfeit the challenge,” he said to them. They gasped. “Why?” Asked Malachi sternly.

“Because she thinks Friday will break my heart,” mumbled Maze. “She also feels a Fenestra woman has already taken her husband. She doesn’t want one taking her son too. She said if I love her, I’ll quit,” Maze said, tears brimming in his eyes. He beseeched them with his eyes, clearly asking for guidance. to some unsuspecting giri. You need to De with your mate, you know that. I know that, Elizabeth knows that!” Said the former alpha, gripping his son by the should and giving him a gentle shake.

Maze nodded fervently. Malachi pulled him into a hug and Friday rubbed her soon-to-be step-sin’s back Maze tried to extricate himself from their embrace after a few seconds but they chuckled not wanting to let him go. I wrapped my arms around Maze and the others, joining the group hug and eliciting a groan of annoyance from the once again uptight Maze.

Friday’s POV

I was counting down the minutes now to when I could see Thaddeus and Maze again. Perhaps, should repeat my video-girl look for their first day back. I smirked at the thought. I winced. The pains were still coming in shorter and less frequent episodes. I had not slept properly since the heat started and every time I closed my eyes my wolf filled my mind with pornographic images. My face was burning from embarrassment, my skin flushed. My wolf was hornier than Thaddeus and Maze combined and there were still two more weeks of the challenge to get through. That reminded me! Tomorrow was the last Marigold day and then we were going to Berryndale! Thaddeus had promised me I would meet humans, witches and wizards and even vampires! At least, I had something to look forward to!

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