The CEO Alpha King

Chapter 8 Meeting him

Chapter 8 Meeting him

Writer's POV

As she found the mini mansion, Emi left, reminding Serena that she owed her one.

Emi was weird, because she liked Serena. It wasn't that liking her was wrong. But when you've

been hated by almost everyone you have come across, you start to find it weird if someone likes you.

Emi also made her uncomfortable with the stares she gave she gave Serena. She couldn't quite

put a finger on the emotions the look she dissipated and she didn't want to ask and make it more

awkward than it was supposed to.

As Serena made her way through the mini mansion, she saw Grandma Felicia who was talking to

two servants. And as she finished, she turned them away tiredly, before smiling when Serena came to


"How was your first day working for the king dear?" She asked, flashing a toothy grin.

"It was okay ma'am." Serena said, not wanting to go into details of what had happened with the

king in his bedroom.

"Okay dear, you must be hungry. Whenever you are hungry, you can either tell me Isaac. You can

even go into the kitchen and make something for yourself if you please. Now go to the dinning, join the

others to eat breakfast." Grandma Felicia said and her stomach grumbled at the mention of food.

She just realized she had been in a hurry to leave and hadn't waited for breakfast.

"Thanks ma'am." Serena responded, walking off to the dining room. There were four guys only,

and Isaac was one of them. She was a little glad that there weren't any girls around, they gave off a

different vibe and Serena felt uncomfortable in their presence.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

"Hey darling, you must be done with your duties for now. Come sit beside me." Isaac called,

waving his hand at her.

Shyly, she went to him and took the empty seat at his left. The other guys spared her a glance but

said nothing as they returned to their phones and meal.

As Serena glanced around the kitchen, her stomach rumbled in hunger Isaac laughed. "Someone

will come through with your breakfast. Don't worry much, so how was your first day with the king? Or

literally in the king's bedroom?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Serena blushed in embarrassment, the way Isaac had said it made it look like she had done

something other than bathe him. And even the other guys chuckled.

"I. Ugh. Nothing." Serena said, stumbling over her words, fixing her hazel eyes on her laps. She

could feel them grinning in amusement.

"Come on, hope you didn't piss him off? Did you hurt your nose? Why is that tissue stuck in

there?" Isaac said, pulling her face upward, as worry clouded his features.

She pulled out the tissue, earning horrified looks from the guys who were eating. She mumbled s

sorry before wrapping it in her hand to throw away later. She was glad the bleeding had stopped, no

wonder grandma Felicia hadn't noticed.

"I can see that you're shy. No need to be shy around me, love." Isaac grinned, leaving her face and

she bowed her head once more.

"Oh...yeah, Serena. On a serious note, you and I are heading out of the castle today for grocery

shopping. I'll be taking you with me so prepare yourself after breakfast." Isaac announced making

Serena lift her eyes to stare at him in shock.

Before she could express her gratitude a female servant walked in, keeping a tray of food in front

of Serena. She mouthed a thank you at her but the girl walked over to Isaac and he kissed her in the


As she giggled and left, Serena raised her brows at Isaac. Was he also dating her as well as

Betty? She was confused. But Isaac laughed, and said nothing to clear her confusion.

Digging into her meal, her mind travelled to the events that had happened today. And she quickly

downed her food, enjoying the discussion Isaac had with the guys.

She finally retired to her room minutes after to bathe and get dressed for shopping with Isaac later

in the day.

She found the note with the rules and sat on her bed, reading it.

Everything she was supposed to do on a daily basis was written here.

"Wow!" She breathed out after going through the rules.

Was she really supposed to bathe the king when he asked? She wondered. Getting her emotions

in place would have to be the first step in pleasing the king. She couldn't allow a repeat of what

happened today. Also she needs to keep her thoughts away from him.

"Serena baby, I think you should take a bath now. I'll be coming back to pick you." Isaac called

from outside her room and she grinned, hoping into the bathroom soon after.

After scrubbing down her body and cleaning her nose, she went through her dresses and found a

blue summer dress with white petals as design. She pulled her hair up in a ponytail checking herself in

the mirror before walking out of the room.

Isaac wasn't waiting outside and she wondered where his room was.

How was he going to know she was ready? She wondered before deciding to wait in the dinning for


On getting there, she met a guy sitting alone. He had sandy brown hair that fell past his shoulders.

She took a seat far away from him and concentrated her attention on one of the vases that was

painted in silver.

"Are you waiting for Isaac?" The guy spoke for the first time, and Serena turned to him, nodding


"Okay, I'll tell him." He said, before leaving the dining room.

A few moments later, she felt a presence behind her and she turned to see Isaac walking hand in

hand with another female servant. A flirty smile on his face as he glanced at his phone totally ignoring

what the female was saying.

She didn't take her eyes off him, boring holes into his head, he finally looked up smiling at her and

tucking his phone away before turning to the girl in his hand.

"Ok Bella. I'll have to go now sweetie." Isaac planted a kiss on her forehead, but she pulled him

back engulfing him in a deep kiss before pulling apart and walking away.

But not before she glared at Serena, swaying her hips as she left. Serena wondered why she

would react that way. Was it because she would be leaving with Isaac to the store? She wasn't sure.

Isaac sensing her worry, came over to her, extending his right hand to Serena.

"Don't mind her, let's go." Isaac said but Serena didn't take his hand, instead she stood up and

they both started walking to the entrance of the house.

"Okay. Okay, I understand." Isaac mumbled. But Serena paid him no mind as she started to grow

nervous as he pulled open the door.

Was she really allowed to leave the castle? She made to ask as they walked to a black Jeep

waiting outside for them.

Isaac held the door open for her and she started to chew on her fingernails as she got in. He

slammed the door shut, walking all the way to the driver seat and stepping in.

He glanced at Serena worriedly and said nothing, starting the car, they started to drive out of the


She noticed the guards once more, and the lavishness of the estate. They drove out, and into the

street. She sighed, finally seeing civilization again.

She didn't realize how much she had missed the wind in her face, the sun burning down against

her, or watching people go about their business.

They finally pulled to a stop in one of the city's largest malls. She blushed, realising that she had

been there before but not for shopping reasons,or hanging out either.

Issac shuffled his hand in his pocket, before taking out a small piece of paper that looked like it

had a list written in it.

"So, the two of us are gonna do this real quick." He said, opening the door, and getting out. Serena

didn't wait for him to open her door, as she got out and stood beside him. He pressed a button in the

keys and the car made a beep noise.

As they walked into the mall, the memories of why she had come here in the first place resonated

in her head. She had come to apply for any vacant position. So desperate she was willing to take any

post even as a cleaner. But they had turned her away.

She didn't know why either, but she had guessed it was because she was so ugly.

She followed Isaac down the aisle taking out a hand cart and headed to the foodstuff aisle. He

read items off the list and Serena had to pick them out, shuffling them into the cart.

Despite shopping for groceries being a chore, she couldn't help but feel happy as they talked

about random things, and laughed all the way.

She started to feel very comfortable around Isaac, there was something about him that made her

feel so herself, like she could trust him.

And finally taking a break out of the estate felt like the best gift she could ever ask for. Throughout

today, she had been practicing holding down her emotions. So that when she stood beside him he

couldn't feel the fear inside of her.

They kept shopping for groceries, going around the shopping mall. Laughing and talking about

random things.

Serena couldn't ask for more. Part of her was happy that she finally got to leave her house, the

people she called her family and found a friend at the king's castle but part of her kept reminding her

about the king's temper.

The smile dropped from her face, she wasn't sure she could do it. For years, she had always

doubted herself in everything. But right now, she felt worse, scared for her life, scared of displeasing

the King.

But right now, right here, she was grateful, the least she could do was enjoy shopping however

long it lasted.

"Hey Serena right?" She turned at the familiar voice from behind her.

It was the blonde guy from the company, one of the interns, who had helped her up when she had

fallen after spilling coffee in the Alpha king.

"Yes. Hi," Serena replied shyly, tucking a bang of her black hair that had fallen out of her ponytail.

She felt Isaac turn to watch them.

"You know him?" Isaac asked suspiciously, raising a brow at her.

"Yes." She replied, and the blonde guy nodded also and Isaac sighed.

"Okay, I'll leave you two. We are done with the list anyways, meet me at the counter." He said

before walking out in the opposite direction.

Serena watches him go before turning to face the blonde guy.

"I'm Martins. I never really told you my name." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah. It's cool." Serena replied, not knowing what to say. She was never one for conversations or

small talks.

"Okay. Uh. Is that your boyfriend?" Martins pointed at Isaac who just turned the corner,

disappearing from sight.

"No." Serena blushed, answering too quickly. "He's a friend." She said truthfully.

"Woah." He sounded surprised. "Here I was thinking you had no friends. I didn't know you had

such cute friends. So you got fired from the king's company?" He asked.

", not like that. I never really got in anyways, but you won't be seeing me there," Serena

replied, feeling a little sad that she never really got a chance to work at such a huge recognized


"Oh, I'm so sorry about that. I was thinking about us being friends, but turns out I won't be seeing

you there anymore." Martin said, his gaze lowered with sadness.

"Yeah, you can give me your number right?" Martin suddenly asked.

"Yes, yes," Serena quickly agreed. Taking his phone and typing her number in it.

"Alright, I'll call you later then." Martin smiled and left but she didn't see the evil glint in his eyes

and the smirk over his face.

She blushed in excitement. She couldn't believe that Martin had asked for her number, he was so

handsome and wanted to be her friend.

Finally meeting up with Isaac, they finished up and drove back to the estate.

"So, who is he really? You look happy seeing him," Isaac asked, emptying the foodstuffs on the


"Um..who?" Serena tried playing dumb, a huge smile on her face.

"That guy at the mall. Is he your crush?"

"He is, he is your crush. Don't even try to hide it." Isaac said, not even giving her a chance to reply.

She buried her face in her palm and he laughed.

"Well, he is really handsome but not as handsome as I am though."

This time she lifted up her head to stare at him. "You bet." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, see you defending him. That means you really like him. How did you meet him? He doesn't

seem to know about your current situation."

She told him how she met Martins and felt super proud she had a new friend.

Isaac smiled. "Then he must be a great guy then. You can see him when we go grocery shopping.

I want you to see outside more." Isaac promised.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For everything. For making me your friend, for allowing me to speak with him, for promising to

take me with you every time." Serena said.

"It's nothing, love." He smiled at her.

She remembered when they had checked their car at the security post while coming into the

castle, and she frowned. Their actions puzzled Serena.

"Why do they keep searching us even though they already know we work here?" She bluttered


"Yeah. You can't be too sure. This is the king's castle. Security has to be extremely tight here."

Isaac answered and she shrugged.

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