The Billionaire’s Surrogate Wife

Birthday Party

“Happy Birthday Kalvin Anthony Walters.”

Everyone, one by one, seemed enthusiastic in congratulating the handsome four-year-old toddler. Today, Kalvin Anthony Walters is having a birthday.

Not Samuel or Ariana, but Arabella who was so enthusiastic about celebrating her granddaughter’s birthday. Inviting the whole extended family, several friends, colleagues, and not forgetting the orphanage to attend this festive event.

Like a child in general, Kalvin himself seemed so happy. Since earlier, the toddler had not stopped smiling and laughing when he received so many gifts that were dominated by toys.

“Kalvin, happy birthday. Since Kalvin likes cars, Uncle Randa has bought a lot of cars for you.”

“Thank you, Uncle Randa.”

Calvin smiled happily. Not only Randa, Darwin and Samuel’s other cousins also gave more or less the same gifts.

However, as if lowering his mother’s character, once the birthday was over, Kalvin did something unexpected.

“Daddy, there are lots of gifts for Kalvin’s birthday. Can you share them with your friends?”

Samuel, who at that time had just changed her clothes and indeed intended to accompany her son to sleep, immediately looked confused. He was astonished by the sentence his son had just uttered.

“Friends? School friends you mean?”

Considering that Kalvin is currently attending pre-school, of course Samuel will make sure which friend his son is referring to.

“No, Daddy,” the toddler nodded. “But friends who came to Kalvin’s birthday.”

Samuel’s brows knit together. Thinking hard about who his son was referring to. While at the birthday party earlier, there were indeed some small children who also came.

“Which friend, Calvin?”

“That’s what Kalvin recited the prayer.”

Samuel nodded in understanding. Apparently what the son meant was the orphanage children who were celebrating his birthday today.

“Ohh, orphanage kids.”

Calvin nodded.

“They don’t have any toys. Can Kalvin share Kalvin’s toys with them?”

Samuel approached. Sitting crouching while staring closely at the slanted eyes that he passed on to his son. Samuel felt a sense of pride tucked in because her wife was able to teach Kalvin to be a good son. Not stingy, willing to share, and trying to understand the situation around him even though he is still relatively small.

“Yes, honey. Kalvin is free to give some or all of the toys that Kalvin has to friends who need them. Daddy never forbids him. If you want, tomorrow Daddy will accompany you to deliver the toys.”

Kalivin jumped for joy. Happy not to play because his request was immediately granted by his father.

“Now, since it’s already late, you should go to bed and rest soon. Tomorrow, early in the morning, as promised, Daddy and Mami will take you to go and distribute the toys.”

“Okay, daddy. But, tomorrow after coming home from the orphanage, Daddy will keep his promise to take Kalvin to see bobo fish, right?”

Samuel tapped her forehead. It was his own fault that the man often promised his son that he would take him to see sleeping fish when he was even 4 years old. And now? Calvin, who began to understand, kept his promise.

“Yeah, tomorrow we’ll go to Seaworld with the orphans, how about that?”


Samuel nodded. “That’s true, man. When has Daddy ever lied to Kalvin. The important thing is not asking Daddy to just swim with sharks like Mami asked before.”

“No. Kalvin isn’t bad. If Daddy gets eaten by a shark, then Kalvin won’t have a handsome daddy anymore.”

“Smart,” laughed Samuel proudly. It was him who taught his son that there were only two handsome people in this world. Namely himself and his son.

“Now, let’s quickly get ready for bed. It’s getting late.”

Kevin then ran to the bathroom. As usual, the four-year-old boy brushes his teeth and washes his feet before getting into bed.

After completing his usual routine, Kalvin immediately lay his plump body on the bed. While Samuel helped pull up the blanket, led her son to read a prayer, before finally saying goodnight as usual.

“Sweet dreams, champ. Daddy and Mami love Kalvin. Good night, Prince.”

“Goodnight, Daddy.”

Upon returning to the room, Samuel found Ariana who had just finished cleaning the rest of the make up on her face. Walking closer, he broke into a hug. Hugging from behind while kissing the peak of his wife.

“How’s Kalvin? Is he asleep yet?” Ariana asked, still being hugged by Samuel.

“He’s asleep. You know? He asked permission to distribute his birthday gifts to the orphans.”

Ariana turned around. He looked at Samuel and gave her a questioning look.

“Seriously he wants to share the prizes for the orphans?”

Samuel nodded.

“My son is very good. His behavior is similar to his mother.”

she smiled. So proud to hear what Samuel just told him.

“But he looks like you too, really.”


Ariana nodded.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Yes. Your son really likes to show off and has high self-confidence. Very similar to his daddy, right?”

Samuel chuckled. Why must the ugly turn be equated with him.

“But no matter what, Kalvin is funny. At his young age, he already understands what we teach. Hopefully his growth and development will always be smooth. Be a good kid and of course useful.”

Samuel nodded. Then without further ado he grabbed Ariana’s body, then picked her up and carried her to the bed.

“Now it’s my turn to give you a gift.”

Ariana smiled meaningfully, she knew very well what her husband meant. So before really resting, as usual Samuel planted a kiss. What was relaxed at first, gradually turned hot.

Samuel crushed Ariana’s lips passionately. Until not long, it was the woman’s turn to reply. Trying to compensate for what Samuel did to him.

Then the kiss fell from the lips, down the side of the wife’s beautiful woman’s face. Very deliberately, Samuel kissed the surface of Ariana’s skin. Deliberately leaving wet trails. Which made Ariana lulled into closing her eyes. Involuntarily groaned softly. Enjoying all the caresses that feels more intoxicating.

Ariana just kept feeling kiss after kiss that Samuel harbored. Then before long, she felt how the weight of her husband’s body was really weighing on her. Feels heavy, but very enjoyable. Especially when Samuel started to position herself. So precise and also fast then unite their bodies.

Softly and slowly as ever, Samuel started her cradle with gentle and rhythmic movements. He was so relaxed then gradually changed to enjoy.

Samuel hugged Ariana tightly. Keep moving until you hear soft after soft flowing from the lips of the woman who is now under his control. As a sign of how far Ariana looked and enjoyed every second that passed between the two of them.

Ariana’s hand moved. He pulled Samuel’s body against him. The movement of the woman’s body below made Kendea move even more passionately. Up to one point both of them felt an intoxicating sensation that resulted in a binding feeling of pleasure.

Few minutes passed. Samuel was still hugging his wife tightly. Until at one point, Ariana slowly moved Samuel’s hand and at that moment inched down to walk towards the dressing table to take something.

Samuel who was confused then straightened up. Paying close attention to what the wife really wants to do. Until not long, the woman thrust something that made him flabbergasted.

“Here, a gift for you too,” said the woman.

Samuel accepted the proffered item that Ariana gave. One testpack stick which turned out to show line two results.

“Wh-what does this mean?” Samuel asked confused. Ariana just smiled and nodded. “Y-you’re pregnant?”

“Yes, honey. I’m pregnant. And Kalvin will be a koko in the near future. I hope this pregnancy will go smoothly until it’s time to give birth later.”

Samuel smiled sadly. In that second, Ariana hugged her tightly. Never expected the amazing gift he just received.

Samuel thought, maybe he is the luckiest man in the world. God saved him from an evil woman. Then met by accident with the figure of Ariana.

Samuel certainly hasn’t forgotten in the least how he used to be so annoyed and annoyed with his wife. Now? Being apart for a while he was already very restless.

There is no treasure that is most valuable to Samuel besides Ariana and Kalvin in this world. And in the near future, God will send another little angel to his little family.

Maybe only thousands of gratitude that Samuel can say for all the gifts that God has given. Hope his little family is always happy forever.

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