The Billionaire’s Pretty Thief

Chapter 22

Simon, sighing like a thief who had been caught, told her that he had always wished to have a relationship with her since during their school days, but she was too strict with men.

Crystal chuckled and asked,

“Are you certain that I was strict with men?”, she inquired rolling her eyes and licking her lips as a sign of seduction.

Simon sipping from his teacup asked,

” Were you not?”.

This question had Crystal laugh for some time and accepted that she was very strict with men as she recollected her escapades with the school teachers and how she always made them yearn for her but all they could ever have was trouble.

Simon too remembered how all the guys in school wanted her but she was bent on giving them just friendship and nothing more.

“You were one tough lady then Crystal and from the look of things, you are still that same tough lady even till now”, he said pulling his chair closer to hers.

Crystal’s order was there so Simon had to move his chair again behind as the waitress had to place her cup of coffee on the table together with the extra milk as she had demanded it.

” Thank you”, Crystal said as she asked Simon if he wanted a picture of her as he had been staring at her since the moment she walked there to meet him.

Simon asked her how she had been coping and how did she find him there.

Crystal narrated how she was passing by going to one firm and she saw him under the air taking your coffee and reading the newspapers.

Simon was pleased to know that Crystal could still make him out though from a distance even after not seeing him for all these years.

Crystal smiled and told him that he could recognize him anywhere and anytime because they were so close back then in school.

Simon, smiling confirmed what she had just said as they almost dated in high school after Crystal gave him the sample of his life.

“Let bygones be bygones and I am happy that I got to straighten you and make your father know about your shady attitude in school”, Crystal related laughing hard.

There was a long silence that followed after the last thing that Crystal said making Simon get so emotional.

” What can I do to have you in my life Crystal?”, he asked with a serious face that almost made Crystal get up from her seat as the environment had become so tense.

“You already have me, Simon, we have known each other for a year even before you traveled out of the country though we lost contact after graduation”, Crystal spoke softly avoiding eye contact with Simon as often as she could.

Simon noticed that Crystal had been avoiding his sight and turning his questions each time he asked them, decided to ask her a question that he had been wondering ever since he was abroad,

” Do you have a boyfriend Crystal?”, he asked looking at her reaction keenly.

Crystal who was sipping coffee, spilled over the mug on the table as the question came out unexpectedly.

“Sorry, I am so sorry for that, I was not looking where I was dropping my mug”, she apologized using her handkerchief from her bag to wipe off Simons’s trousers as he got dirty from the coffee.

Simon watched her panic as she wiped off the coffee stains from his cruiser and t-shirt and he was so happy that he got to feel her soft touch again on his body.

“You don’t have to feel bad about this Crystal as it was not your fault, it was an accident”, he spoke to her calmly.

Crystal who was done cleaning his dress, and the waitress who was called out by another client, came to help pack the broken mug and the slate, gas crystal another tissue to help her clean her legs as they get stained too.

Showing gratitude as she took the tissue from the waitress and continued to wipe herself.

” You still look just the same as you were back in school though time has passed you are still the same”, Simons’s comment on her made her realize that he was still head over heels for her just like they were back in school.

“Thanks for the compliment Simon, I am flattered”, she said with a smile.

It was obvious that Simon had not forgotten about her despite the years that had passed and also, it simply showed that he had been glimpsing for her but did not know how to go about it since he did not have any notion of where Crystal was living.

Crystal looking at her watch and noticing how time had passed, told Simon that she had to leave as she had something very important to attend to.

The expression on Simons’s face was not the best as she noticed that he was not happy with her leaving so she asked him what he was still doing at the cafe and if he had no work or business to do that morning.

Simon grinning as his cheeks became red, told Crystal how ambitious and concerned she still is about overwork and things that bring cash.

” Crystal laughing so hard reminded him that she is a manager and so her head has to work twice the normal rate also it was not good seeing a fine young man sitting like this doing nothing this beautiful morning.

She hugged him and walked across the road where her car was parked and she heard Simon asking,

“How do I see you again next time Crystal?”, he spoke out in a loud voice and Crystal told him not to bother as she was going to find him.

Simon smiled and remembered that he could look for her on social media platforms and locate where she lived.

He was super excited as he was going to meet with his woman crush again, but next time it was going to be in a more quiet and reserved place just for the two of them.

Crystal took the road again, as she headed for Blaze’s office striving to do something that would shake him off his hoofs so much so that he would ask from what planet she was created.

Her diabolical smile could be seen from her last molar as she was already planning a huge scandal that would make him beg her to stop.

Her heart was crammed with so much hate each time she felt that she was approaching his enterprise.

” Crystal do not panic as you have gone through worse situations than this, and know that your pretty and innocent face has always saved you from situations that were worse than this so be confident in your little plan and you will get to have his full attention”, she murmured while accelerating her car to go faster before Blaze could get something else that could make him leave the corporation and make her not to meet him there.

She could see the building of Blaze’s enterprise as she took the right turn heading to the street where his. company was

Blaze is the owner of so many enterprises but this one, was the pillar of all the others so he mostly works there and goes to supervise the others when he has time he has people who are there to ensure the smooth running of the company.

Crystal had gathered all this information before going to meet with her victim though she was the person who later became the victim.

“Here I am right in front of your office Mr. Blaze, and in some minutes, you will feel my wrath”, she said as she parked her car and taking a deep breath, she went down.

Walking towards the building, she pushed the glass doors making her way into one of them into the building.

She was wowed by the buildings set up as everything was well organized and neat with a lot of parole at the reception.

“Do all these belong to Blaze and his family?”, she asked herself as she walked slowly using her eyes to screen the whole facility with her mouth opened.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

His enterprise was twice as big as what she had imagined in her head. So big that Kate’s dad’s company could not see anything behind his.

Turning around and looking at every corner of the place, she was lost in the beauty of its magnificent overview that she could nig stop staring at.

A staff that had noticed that she did not seem to know her way, walked to Crystal and touched her from behind with a friendly smile that could melt the strongest of hearts.

“Excuse me Ms., do you want any information on something?”, he asked waiting to hear what she had to say to know how he could be of help to her.

Crystal coming back to herself said that she was looking for a certain Mr. Blaze who owns this company.

The staff looking at her asked if she was speaking of Mr. Blaze Jadiel.

She responded quickly and said that she had to meet with him.

He directed her to the receptionist’s desk asking her to talk with the receptionist as she was going to help her with the pieces of information that she wanted.

Crystal Thanked him with a smile and her pretty and innocent face showed through the building as she walked away from him.

The staff could not stop but think about the beautiful lady who was at the same time very polite and educated.

Crystal walked to the receptionist’s desk and saluted her while she introduced herself.

” Welcome to Jadiels Wine House, and how can I help you ma’am?”, the receptionist asked as she paused for her response.

Crystal taking a deep breath said she came there to see Blaze and that it was urgent.

The receptionist asked if she had any appointment with him and she said that she had none but he will be pleased to see her.

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