The Billionaire’s Desires

Chapter 38 The Whole Truth

Miguel’s POV

I don’t know why I picked Canada, I have never really liked that country, I’ve lived in Canada for a very long time and right now, it saddens me to say that I like anything about Canada anymore. Besides, I can tell that the girls don’t like it here anymore, they hate it as much as I do but they can’t complain because they trust me to protect them and they believe that I must have a good reason for bringing them here. I could see the curiosity in their eyes when I brought them to the warehouse that our family uses for training. They looked at me in shock when they saw the equipment in the warehouse, I had to lie to them that my family has a security company that also specializes in training new recruits for the government or private sectors. They had bought my story and they settled in nicely while I went out to buy supplies and at the same time I got the word out to the elders of the Hartford’s, briefing them on our mission and the situation of things. Just as I expected, they were so mad at us for taking such risks because of the Trents, but there is nothing we can do now. We are in already and there is no backing out. I would not have informed them of this mission, but I need them to take extreme measures to protect our identities and keep our family safe, in case those lunatics decide to trace my background and come after my family. After putting everything in order, I went back to the warehouse and we stayed there for a while, keeping a low profile, hiding out to throw them off our trail.

It’s been more than one month since we have been hiding in the warehouse. Hillary never stopped thinking about Nathan, sometimes, I see her lost in her own thoughts, crying when nobody is watching. She still feels his loss, but she is trying to be strong because of their child. I instructed Avril and Becky to be with her at all times, I don’t want to leave her alone for even one second, that way she wouldn’t have any chance to think about him and cry when she misses him. I thought we are now safe because we have haven’t been found all this while. I followed the news and I keep my eyes on Travis and Ariel, I know that Travis is about to take over the Trent’s empire and I know that Ariel would never pass on the chance to be by his side and run the company. I was so sure that she would be too busy trying to secure a permanent position in the Trent’s family, so I told them that it was time to move out of this warehouse. I had this apartment that I always stayed in whenever I want to be left alone, I stopped using it when my brother found out about it, I had to get another house in France, and that is the only way that I could have some time to myself. It is located in a safe place, I had personally installed the security systems and I know it will be safe for us until Nathan returns. I left them at home to go and went out to inspect the building while the cleaning guys we contracted did their jobs. After completing the taste, all that was left was for me to restock the house and make sure we have everything we will be needing, then we can finally pack our things out of the warehouse and move in here. I had to head back home and pick up Hillary’s credit card so I can make the purchases. I would have used mine but I lost it somewhere in New York City and I haven’t had the time to get a new one seeing as we have been on the run for a very long time and I haven’t had time to go to the bank.

It’s a good thing that I had gotten home at that time, I would never have known that we have another bigger problem in our midst. When I got in, I heard the girls talking, they were so busy that they didn’t notice my arrival. I walked deeper into the warehouse, walking towards the sound of their voices. I don’t know what came over me, I’m not usually one who eavesdrops on people’s conversation, but my curiosity got the better of me this time and I decided to listen in on their conversation. I’m so glad that I did, I know it’s wrong, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to keep shut and let this all slide. I can’t believe that I had forced her to come with us, I would have left her to her problems, I would never have added her problems to ours. I still can’t believe that she had escaped from Robert Schwartz, I mean she is actually Robert’s slave, his property. Everyone knows that you can never escape from the Schwartz brothers, not to mention running off from their leader, Robert Schwartz, I mean, how on earth had she done that and how is she still alive?

I was fuming in rage, I can’t believe that she would keep that away from me. She knows how hard it had been for me to protect Hillary and take her out of New York City. She had seen how difficult it had been for us to stay under the reader and avoid our enemies, yet, she didn’t think it was important to tell me that we may probably have a group of assassins chasing our asses as well. These guys are ruthless and heartless, the Hartfords try as much as possible to avoid getting on their bad side. We have always been on opposite sides, working against each other, but we respect each other and we try as much as possible not to get in the way of each other. I just broke our ethics by providing refuge for one of Robert’s slaves. I just crossed the line and this could mean war between our families. Not to mention the fact that she is still lying to us. Yes, she is. I can tell that she isn’t telling them the whole truth, she is still withholding some information from them. I don’t know why she is lying her ass off over there, I don’t know if she is trying to protect them by lying to them, but I intend to find out what she is hiding. I don’t care what it is, I just have to know the truth, no matter how bad it is. I need to know how bad it is, I need to know what we are facing, that is the only way that I can avoid the dangers and protect them all.

Initially, I wanted to go alone to get the things we needed to restock the house, but not anymore. I’ll have to go with her now, I need to speak with her alone. I don’t know what she is hiding, but whatever it is, I’m sure she doesn’t want Hillary and Avril to know about it, that is why she did not say it to them when she told them her story. I have a feeling that whatever it is, it’s definitely not going to be good, but I have to find out anyway. I walked forward, following their voice to get to their location. They were sitting in Hillary’s corner, we all had our own personal corners that we converted into a makeshift bedroom. Hillary’s corner is more comfortable and it has more furniture and space. Becky had advised that we try as much as possible to make her feel more comfortable, considering her condition. I had personally installed everything we needed in this warehouse, then I installed some cameras in the area, making sure we aren’t taken unawares. But if what I’m thinking is correct, then all my efforts are all in vain because even with all my security measures, the Schwartz brothers will still find their way in here and kill us all.

“Get dressed Becks, you are coming with me, I need a little help in restocking our new house.” I told her pointedly, leaving no room for arguments. They were all surprised to see me in here, they keep looking at me like kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Especially, Becky, she looks shaken and scared, she knows there is no way be can escape this anymore because I already know the truth. I ignored their eyes on me as I walked over to the table and got the credit card that I had come home to pick up. They still had their eyes on me as I walked out of the warehouse, but I didn’t bother about them because they have no idea what is coming for all of us. I can’t fight off these guys alone, I have to come up with a solution to all this before it is too late. Master Nathan will never forgive me if anything happens to Hillary, Ray will never forgive me too, he has always warned me about making hasty and reckless decisions, no see where it has landed me. I have to come up with a way to put all this to an end before it gets too messy. I waited for her in the car, waiting patiently with my hands on the steering wheel. Immediately she got into the car, I drove off without sayings a word to her, I didn’t even spare her a glance. She knew something was wrong but she couldn’t say anything about it, she just sat there nervously, trying to avoid my eyes. When we got a little bit far from the house, I stopped the car immediately, stepping on the break so abruptly, that she jerked forward and hit her head on the dashboard, yelling in pain before turning to glare at me. I paid no heed to her screams, I held her head down and put her head on the dashboard, then I pulled her hair up, looking closely at the back of her head to confirm my suspicions. My hunch was right, after all. She does have a microchip planted at the back of her head.

“Start talking, right now!!!” I yelled at her in anger when I finally let her sit upright. She was still glaring daggers at me, her eyes is filled with so much anger.

“What was that for, how dare you treat me like some criminal, why would you treat me that way?” she yelled back at me, hitting me with her palms.

Gosh, she hits like a girl.

Oh, I forgot, she is a girl. I held her two hands and stopped her from hitting me, I glared at her in anger, watching her glare back at me, looking unfazed by my glare.

“I am trying so hard not to strangle you to death right now Rebecca. If you don’t start talking right now, I swear I’m going to kill you right here.” I threatened in a furious tone, staring her down.

“I have nothing to say to you.” She retorted, pulling her hands away from mine, and looking out the window.

“Fine then, why don’t I place a call to Robert right now and tell him exactly where to find you.” I let out casually, before pulling out my phone from my pocket.

“You wouldn’t dare!!!” she spat out in my face, giving me a smug smile.

“You know he would kill you too, you won’t risk their lives because of me, would you.” She told me mockingly, with a smirk plastered on her face. I never thought she would be this stubborn, gosh, what was I even thinking about when I forced her to come along with us, I would have left her to face her problem alone. I got so distracted by her beautiful body and curves, now see where my wishful thinking has landed me. I gazed into her eyes and smirked back at her. I can’t believe that I had fallen for her, I just can’t believe it. I turned on the ignition and drove off without saying anything to her. I drove off to the airport, ignoring the curious look she was giving me. I stopped at an ATM, then I used Hillary’s credit card to withdraw some money. When we got to the airport, I handed her a fat wad of cash, paying her for all her services.

“Book the next flight to New York and get back to your life, I don’t ever want to see you again.” I told her sternly, trying to avoid her eyes that were glittering with unshed tears.

“Please Miguel, don’t send me away, I don’t have a life to get back to. I’ve grown to love Hillary and Avril, they are like family to me, I don’t have any friends or family to return to, my life is just so hollow and empty.” She confessed amid tears, making me feel guilty for making her cry.

“I can’t let you stay Becks, you are a threat to all of us. Robert would never let you go without a fight, he would find you, and when he does, he will kill us too. I can’t let you put their lives in danger, I have an obligation to protect Hillary, I can’t let you put her life in danger Becks. For fucks sake she is fucking pregnant, how can you be so selfish?” I asked her angrily, making her cry even harder as she shook hysterically.

“You think I don’t know that, you think I don’t know that he is coming for me?

Well, I do Miguel. In fact, I believe that he knows exactly where I am at every moment. You wanted to hear the whole truth right?

Good, I’m going to tell you, I’m going to tell you just how monstrous he is. A few months after we escaped, I started receiving gift boxes on my doorstep every fucking day. It contains the head of each of the girls that I helped to escape from him. He fucking killed them all and sent their heads as souvenirs to me. He is toying with me, waiting for the right time to kill me, or worse still, he could drag me back to his house and force me to be his slave once more. No matter where I ran to, he always finds me and drops his special souvenirs at my doorstep. After killing them all, he had nothing else to send to me, so he started destroying my things, leaving notes to inform me that he is only taking back the money I stole from him. He could not get to me when I went to nursing school, but he never failed to let me know that he has his eyes on me. He shows up at the institution, claiming to have come to make inquiries, but I knew he was just making a statement, making me know that he has his eyes on me. To him, this is all a sick game and he enjoys seeing me scared as hell. So if you think I don’t know the dangers, trust me I do, but I’m tired of his sick game, I can’t keep running for the rest of my life, I need to live a little. If I’m going to die, let me at least have a few friends. I can’t die a sad lonely woman, I can’t die this way. I promise if I catch a glimpse of him anywhere close by, I’ll leave immediately to save you all, but please don’t send me away, I beg you, Miguel, they are the only family I have.” She sobbed. I can’t believe that she had really gone through all this and still come out alive and strong. I pulled her into my arms and cuddled her, rubbing circles around her back as she sobbed in my arms.

“Have you tried taking out the chip.” I asked her after some minutes when her cries subsided a little.

“What chip?” she asked in confusion, looking at me curiously. I smiles and pulled her back into my arms, holding her close to my heart, and pecking her forehead. I told her about the Microchip tracker that was installed at the back of her head. It has been rumored that Robert puts a tracker on his warriors and slaves, that way he would know their exact location at every given time.

“You have it at the back of your head, that is what I was checking out when I pulled over the other time.”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh my God, is that how he always finds me?

Pull it out… pull it out right now.” She pleaded eagerly, wanting to get it out as soon as possible.

“Cool it Becks, we can’t just pull it out that way, it could be implanted in your brain and if we pull it out without knowing what we are doing, you could get hurt. Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to get it out as soon as possible. But that doesn’t mean that he would be able to find you, trust me, I know Robert and I know he wouldn’t give up on a girl as pretty and curvy as you. He would find a way to get you back, but I won’t let him succeed, I promise, I’ll keep you safe.” I told her with a smile, making her giggle joyfully as she flew into my arms, hugging me so tight. She pulled back a little, looking into my eyes with that warm smile on her face. I couldn’t hold back anymore, I pulled her in for a passionate kiss, pouring all my desires into that one kiss. I’ve been wanting to do that since the day I met her, I’ve always fancied her, but I kept it to myself. I’ve never felt this way before, it feels so good. She responded eagerly to my kisses, kissing me back with equal passion and desire. We made out for a few minutes, then we broke it off to go get the supplies we had set out to get.

“Thanks, Miguel, thank you for letting me stay, but I’m still keeping my money.” She joked, making me chuckle softly. We stopped by another ATM to withdraw some cash to use in getting our supplies. It was when we left that ATM that I realized that we were being followed. It was also at that moment that I realized that Ariel and her goons weren’t trailing us, per se, they were simply tracking Nathan’s black card that he had given to his wife. This is why they keep finding us, they know that she would be needing money to run away, so they always look out for when and where she would use the ATM, then they will come after her. But how did she send her goons her so quickly, or did she put out an open contract for Hillary?

Damn, this is so bad.

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