The Billionaire’s Desires

Chapter 32 Hillary Is Pregnant

Ariel’s POV

I tried calling her after she dropped the call but she wasn’t taking my calls anymore. I realized that I had acted like a complete jerk when I stopped talking to her. It’s not her fault that her man has a lunatic for an ex, it’s not her fault that he died without telling his family that he is now legally married to her.

I shouldn’t have acted so stupidly, I’ve been with her for so many years now, I’ve watched her love him from a distance, falling deeply in love with him. I know how much she loved him, I should have stood by her when she is alone, I should have understood her feelings and stood by her, but I didn’t. I betrayed our friendship by giving up on her when she needed me the most, I did not only leave the country, I stopped taking her calls also, pushing her away from me.

When she spoke to me on the phone, she had sounded so sad and from the way she spoke, she made it sound like she is going to be in danger, she made me so scared that I had no other choice but to come running back here just to check on her. I still remember my entire conversation with her, it keeps replaying in my head as I boarded the next available flight to New York City. I just can’t get it off my head, at first, I did not want to pick up her call because I was still pissed, but when I finally picked up her call, I sounded so harsh, telling her to leave me the fuck alone, telling her that I don’t want to see or talk to her ever again. I acted like a complete jerk, but she never got upset with me, she had only pleaded and begged me, trying to get me to listen to her words,

“I’m sorry Avril, I never meant for any of this to happen, I’ll never do anything to hurt you and you know it. I don’t know how all this started, but I’m right in the middle of it all and there is nothing I can do about it, I’m so sorry, I should have…” she paused at this point because she is so hurt and heartbroken, but I still didn’t consider her feelings, I sat there on my couch in a house that she is saying for and I yelled at her saying,

“Ten more seconds Hills!!!

I’m hanging up if you have nothing important to say to me.” I told her pointedly, causing her to let out a frustrated sigh. Even though I spoke so rude to her, she didn’t take offense at my words, she simply went on with her words, sounded so calm and cool, sounding like she is resigned to her fate.

“It’s Fine Avi, you can hang up now. I just wanted to say nice words to you before I finish this task because I don’t know if I can make it out of that cathedral alive. I love you, Avril, I’ll never forget about you, I’ll always love you like a sister because you are not just my best friend, you are the only family I have and I love you with all the love in me.” She muttered softly, making the hairs on my body to stand at attention. It was at this point that I started paying attention to her words and the guilt has suddenly springs forth making me feel so guilty all of a sudden. She got me so scared that I stood up from the couch that I have been sitting on and I stood up in alarm as it hit me that whatever she is planning, it cannot be good, it’s got to be bad, very bad, so bad that she even believes that she may not make it out of there alive.

“Wait, what cathedral, what are you saying, I don’t understand what you are saying Hills, where the fuck are you going to?” I asked her in a panic, trying to get her to talk to me, but it was too late. She doesn’t find me reliable anymore, she doesn’t see me as a friend she can trust and rely on. I lost the right to ask her these questions when I left her to face her problems alone. I had pushed away and now I regret it, I should have stood by her, I should have stayed back and helped her fight against that crazy bitch that wants to kill her. I had chickened out like a scared Kitty cat, I ran away and I abandoned my best friend, my sister.

“Goodbye Avi, I’ll miss you.” She muttered softly, causing the unshed tears that has been piling up in my eyes to spill over. What the hell have I done, what the bloody hell have I done?

I failed her…

I fucking failed my best friend. I am not fit to be called a friend, or a sister. I am not fit to be around anyone, I guess that is why I was abandoned in an orphanage when I was still a baby, I must have been such a monstrous baby that nobody wanted to keep me, so I got dumped in the orphanage. Nobody wanted me, not even my own family. Now I found someone that loves me like a sister, now I’ve found someone that adores and love me like a sister, treating me like family, but I pushed away and I abandoned her at a time when she really needed someone to comfort her, I abandoned her when she really needed someone to talk to when she really needed me by her side.

It’s true that I had don’t through hell while they were still searching for her. First, they had tried to kill me, then I had been abducted and tortured for days. I had gone through a lot, but that doesn’t mean that I should abandon her, I should not have left her to face all this on her own, it is just too much for one person to bear. First, it was Nathan, his body was never recovered from that crash site and everyone is so confused because nobody knows if he is still alive or dead. While she is still trying to get over his disappearance, his ex-girlfriend came up with her crazy plans to kill Hillary. As if that was not enough for her to bear, I added my anger to her troubles and I left her to face all of these troubles on her own, I failed her also.

I just hope she is doing okay, she doesn’t sound okay, she sounds completely insane, she sounded like someone who doesn’t have a reason to live anymore. I tried calling her phone over and over again, but she wasn’t taking any of my calls again. I tried calling her personal assistant, but he wasn’t picking up as well. Actually, Miguel is not just her personal assistant, he is her bodyguard also but he prefers being called a personal assistant. Who would blame him for insisting we call him a personal assistant, he is too cute to be a bodyguard, too cute to even be called a personal assistant but that is still a little bit more acceptable than being called a bodyguard.

They both weren’t picking up my calls, so I got up and ran as fast as I could to the airport, booking the next available plane ticket to New York. My gut feeling says that something ain’t right, I think that she is going to do something that could put her in trouble,  I have to try and stop her before she could do something to hurt herself. I have to tell her that I’m no longer upset with her, she has to know that I’ll stand by her against that bitch, but that would have to be done the right way. She doesn’t have to put her life in danger just to get back at that bitch, she could try doing it the right way so she doesn’t get hurt.

I kept trying to reach her even while I was on the plane. I dialed the hotel’s number that she had been using to call me, but nobody was taking any of my calls, I couldn’t reach her or Miguel. It seems he is also involved in her plans, he is never too busy to take his calls, I’m sure he is the one to come up with the plans that she was talking about, he is always the guy with the plans, and although he isn’t a trained henchman, his plans have never failed, his plans always work exactly the way he wants it to and the end result is always perfect. I just hope they both know what they are doing. I don’t know what I’ll do if anything should happen to Hilly, I would never be able to forgive myself for not being here when she desperately needed me and I would never forgive Miguel for coming up with such a ridiculous plan.

As soon as I got down from the plane, I ran into the nearest restroom that I could find, dodging the security cameras along the way. Miguel had taught me how to use disguise and how to dodge cameras. It has be3n a bit difficult to sneak me out of the country after he got me out of the warehouse that I was being held in, I had to learn all these tricks pretty quickly, otherwise, I would not have been able to stay hidden all this while, I would have been caught and abducted a second time if I wasn’t able to disguise myself properly and blend in with ease.

It was almost 5:00 pm when I ran out of the airport lobby, I quickly took a cab and told the cab driver my destination. I gave him the address and he set off immediately. When I got to the hotel, the receptionist told me that I would not meet anyone at home because both Hilary and Miguel had gone out of the hotel a few hours ago. I made up a crazy about Hillary, I told the receptionist that Hilly’s mom just had a heart attack so her presence is required immediately. She had believed my lies and she had pulled up her phone and kept trying to calm the room while I stood by her side trying desperately to reach Hilly on phone.

I was still standing there in front of the reception desk when a strong arm wrapped around my forearm, hurting my arm with his firm grip. He spun me around and glared furiously at me, looking so pissed that it fucking scared the shit out of me. It was Miguel and I’d never seen him so furious before, with his hair looking so damp, I guess he just had a bath not too long ago. He looks like he is fighting the urge to hit me hard across the face, I could not bear to look at his angry face anymore, I turned my eyes away, looking anywhere else but at him. He is so pissed, so fucking pissed and it scares the shit out of me. He dragged me out of the hotel’s lobby, like a kid whose mom just found him roaming around in an extremely large supermarket. He opened the passenger side of the car, pushing me inside angrily, then he jammed the door so hard that it vibrated in the entire car, my body shaking so violently.

“What the fuck are you doing here, do you have a death wish, if you do you can tell me and I’ll do you a favor by putting a bullet through your fucking brains. I thought we asked you to stay low until this whole shit blows over, why the fuck did you come here today, do you want to ruin our plans?” He asked me angrily, his eyes still glaring daggers at me.

“First off, you have no right to talk to me in that tone, you ain’t my guardian and you certainly ain’t my father. Secondly, what the fuck is wrong with you, why are you acting like a fucking lunatic, and where the hell is Hillary?” I yelled back at him, trying to match his furious look with one of my own, but failing miserably at it. I had wanted to intimidate him with an angrier tone of voice and an even more aggressive look, but he wasn’t in the mood for silly shenanigans right now, he looked like he was about to smack me hard on the face, to prove his point, he stepped on the brakes in the middle of the road, turning to pin me a hard glare that made me budge and confess immediately,Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Fine, I’m sorry okay. I know you said I have to stay hidden until everything is over, but I can’t sit still anymore, not when Hillary’s life is in danger. I should never have left her alone, I should not have blamed her for something she had no fucking control over. I feel guilty for abandoning my friend and I am here to make it up to her. She is in danger, Miguel. I don’t know what you guys are planning, but I know that Hillary is in danger. You have to stop her, you have to make her see reasons why she should choose another way to fight that bitch, you can’t let her hurt herself, you have to help me stop her Miguel. I know it is your plan but you have to stop her from getting hurt Miguel, please help me to stop her.” I pleaded with him, keeping my eyes on him as he turned on the ignition and started driving once more.

“How did you know what she is planning how did you know that she is going to get hurt today?” he asked me curiously, gazing at me from the corner of his eyes. I narrated my conversation with Hillary to him, telling him how she said farewell to me, telling him how she sounded like it would be her last time talking to me.

“You have to help me save her, please Miguel, she is the only family I have.” I pleaded softly, the tears already spilling down my cheeks.

“Are you telling me that you got into a plane and came down to New York just to save Hillary, do you know that your life is at risk also, you could end up dead on the streets of New York, you know.”

“I know Miguel, I know all that already, but I don’t really care about my life right now, I just want her to be safe, I can’t sit by and watch her get killed, I just can’t. I shouldn’t have left her alone in the first place.” I cried out frustratedly. He looked at me strangely, looking so dumbfounded.

“You didn’t leave her all alone, you left her with me and I was working on a plan to get her out of here before you foolishly came here to ruin it all. I was supposed to sneak one person out of here tonight, I’ve concluded plans on how to get her out, now I have to start adding one more person to the equation.” He scolded softly, turning to glare at me. I looked at him in confusion, trying to understand what he was talking about. After a few minutes of silence, he told me about Hillys near-death experience, telling me about how he had taken her to a pharmacist.

I wanted to scream and scold him for letting her put herself in danger, but the stern look on her face wouldn’t let me say a fucking word. I could not understand why he had taken her to the pharmacy and not the hospital. He told me everything, telling me how they were chased by some guys and how he had faked their deaths a few hours ago, giving them a chance to sneak out of this place. I was beginning to understand why he had said that my presence here is going to ruin his plans. Now I’m feeling even more guilty for being here, but it’s not my fault that I care so much about her, is it? If only they have taken my calls, I would have known what is going on in New York, I would have known about their plans and I would have stayed back home. But they just decided to ignore me completely like a fucking nuisance.

“I’m sorry, I only wanted to be close to my friend. I tried calling her, I also tried calling you, but no one was picking up, I thought something was wrong with her. I’m sorry Miguel.” I muttered softly, but he didn’t say anything to me. He just kept silent as he drove off, concentrating on the road, ignoring me completely. I don’t even know where we are heading to. I was about to ask him where we were headed when I saw the sign up ahead that indicated that we are approaching a pharmacy. I looked at him in question, wondering if this is where he had brought her. He nodded in response, smiling softly before turning off the ignition and getting off the car.

“Wait, stay behind me.” He called out to me when I wanted to run off into the pharmacy. He took another turn and came out at the back of the pharmacy. I raised a brow at him, wondering how he got to know about all these shortcuts to these places, but he only smirked in response as he said,

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.” He let out with a smile before pushing open the door, stepping into the dimly lit room. I saw a blonde lady sitting next to Hilly, holding her hand. She is dressed in a black leather skirt and a matching black leather corset, looking nothing like a nurse. You would think that she is a Ninja and not a nurse. A wet towel was placed on her forehead and she had a deep cut on her head, arm, and stomach. All of her injuries have been well taken care of, but she still looked so pale and weak. She was glaring angrily at Miguel and I don’t know why, It could be that they had a fight before he left here to go take care of the other details, I really can’t say because I just got here, but I can tell that she is furious with him.

I turned to look at him and he also had a curious look on his face as he looks at her with questions written all over his face. She didn’t say a word to any of us, she simply walked forward and landed a hot slap on his face, facing him with a deadly glare on her face,

“The next time you bring a pregnant woman through the fucking door, be sure to inform me about her pregnancy before I administer any drugs to her. For fuck sake you almost made me kill a pregnant woman and her unborn baby.” She let out in anger, hitting him furiously with her palm as tears slipped down her cheeks.” I turned to gaze at Miguel and he did the same as we both stared at each other in shock, before turning to stare at Hillary with that same shocked look on our faces.

“You had no idea that she is pregnant, do you?” she asked us after a few minutes when she noticed the stunned look on our faces. We nodded our heads sideways, affirming to her that we had no idea that she is pregnant.

“Well, she is pregnant. It’s quite a surprise to hear you say that you aren’t aware of her pregnancy considering the fact that she is five months gone. She reacted to the drugs I gave her and she developed a very strong fever because of it, if I had not acted fast we would have lost the baby and her as well.” She let out with a weak sigh, as we all turned to gaze at the feverish lady on the bed.

My poor friend. I’m sure that she has no idea that she is carrying Nathan’s child. It would be the happiest day of her life when she finds out that his seed is growing inside of her. I turned to hug the already exhausted nurse, thanking her for saving my friend and her baby. I could not hold back the tears anymore, They flowed freely down my cheeks as I walked over and

“Oh my poor Hilly, you’re pregnant… I’m so sorry Hills, I shouldn’t have left you all alone to face all this, please forgive me, my friend, I would never leave you again.” I told her honestly, holding her soft palms in mine. I noticed the slight movement of her hand, I could tell that a part of her knows that I’m here with her, a part of her can still hear my voice even in her unconscious state.

“Wake up soon Hills, wake up let us get out of here. I’m not leaving without you, not again. I won’t abandon you again, not while you are pregnant. I’ll take care of you and your baby, you are never alone, my friend.” I confessed honestly, telling her exactly how I feel in my heart as I sobbed my heart out, leaning my head on the side of her bed. I thought she was still unconscious, I thought it would take some time before she would respond to me, but I was wrong, we are all wrong. Hillary is stronger than she looks.

I felt her hand grip mine a little tighter and she whispered softly to me saying,

“I know Avi, I know you’ll never leave me alone, but what the fuck are you doing here?” she let out in a tired whisper, causing me to chuckle lightly. I’ve always known that my friend is a survivor, a strong woman. She is stronger than she looks.

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