The Billionaire Mafia’s Slave




I woke up to a banging headache, I was in a strange room, I touched the back of my head and it hurt like crazy.

“Ouch”, I said.

I looked around then I noticed I wasn’t the only one here, I immediately sat straight.

They were more than twenty young girls just like my age in the same room, some were awake, scared and crying, while some were still asleep… ‘Or where they dead?’, I gasped at my own thoughts.

I couldn’t say anything to anyone because I didn’t know who they were and if they were also kidnapped like I was.

‘Kidnapped!!’, I yelled in my head, I just remembered how I got here, ‘OLIVIAA, THAT MONSTER!’.

With the little strength left in me, I crawled to the nearest girl at my right.

“Please, what is this place?”, I managed to ask her in a hoarse voice.

“I-I don’t k-know, I just woke u-up and found myself here”, She said with tears in her eyes.

From her appearance and the way she talks, she might be 20 or 21 years old.

She seems scared, who wouldn’t be? Waking up to find yourself in a strange room full with young girls.

I was trying to ask her something else when the door to the room we were opened to show a short fat man, he was bald and had round stomach.

“I can see most of you ladies are awake! You must be wondering where you are and how you got here…”, He said with a smile and paused.

He had an ugly dentition with two gold teeth and one missing tooth.

“You don’t need to know anything because it will only make you feel worse. All you need to know is that you will never be going back home to your families”, He said.

I got scared, the girls in the room where murmuring, some expressed their displeasure by shouting at the man to let them go, others cussed at him.

I didn’t say anything, I just looked at my hands and the tears starting pouring.

‘What about my dad, he must be worried sick about me. What about school? What do I do now?’, I asked myself.

I’ve heard cases of sex trafficking of young girls and children’s but never did I think it will happen to me.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP STUPID BITCHES!!!”, The ugly man yelled at the girls.

I flinched and I didn’t want to imagine what this man can do to us.

“You low lives are only alive because I approve of it! It seems you don’t know what’s going on here?! You were all sold to me so I own you!! I could kill you and throw you into the ocean and no one would find your body!!”, The fat man yelled.

Immediately there was silence, you could even here your breathing.

‘Oh no, I was right, it is sex trafficking!’, I cried the more.

So Olivia sold me to this freaks just so she could get rid of me?! Why didn’t she just kill me?!

“Now… take some rest and eat your food, you have an auction tomorrow night, hahaha”, He concluded, he laughed as he left the room.

The cries multiplied, all the girls were in a bad spot and so was I.

“Oh no, what do we do now?”.

“Please, I want to go home!”.

“Help, anyone help me!!”.

“Who would do this even?”.

“My parents would be so worried about me!”.

“No, I can’t be sold!”.

The girls cried and complained. I was so tired to say anything and just slumped and I blacked out.


I woke up the next day, hungry and weak, I tried to sit properly but I fell back down.

“Careful”, A hand grabbed me and assisted me. It was the young girl I talked to before.

“Tha… thank you”, I said to her.

She showed me the dullest smile and nodded.

“You need to eat something”, She said.

Her face was pale and so was her red lips, she had dark under eyes, she must have cried to much.

I looked to the food she pointed and I saw it was my portion of what the fat man said we would eat.

“I-it’s cold. I can’t eat cold food”, I said.

“You need to. Those men took some girls who refused to eat anything away and they haven’t returned with them!”, She whispered.

That’s when I noticed the number of girls in the room was smaller.

“Where did they take them to?”, I asked.

The girl just shrugged her shoulders.

“I’m Brittany by the way”, She said with a wider smile than before.

“Lily… I’m Lily”.

“Hmm, nice name… Eat something Lily”.

I smiled back at her.

She seems nice, but I don’t trust her. Olivia was also this nice and outgoing.

I took the spoon and dipped it into the stuff that looks like soup, it was thick and had many molds. I almost gagged at the sight of it.

I took a little of it and brought it close to my mouth and I felt nauseous.

“No, I’m good. I can’t– I can’t eat this”, I whispered to Brittany.

“But you have to or they take you to God knows where!”, I whispered back to me.

“But I just can’t. It’s cold and it looks irritating”.

“Trust me, it tastes better than it looks”,:She tried convincing me but I kept shaking my head in disapproval.

We were still going back and forth what we heard moving outside the room. It was that man, the one who bought us.

“Oh oh!”, Brittany said, she quickly took the plate and drank the substance in one go. She gave the plate back to me and cleaned her mouth, getting rid of any evidence on her face.

Just then, those men entered the room and everyone moved back in fear.

“Ladies, ladies, no need to be scared. You won’t see me after today, you would be in a new environment or different country. India, China, South Africa, Italy, France, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Canada, Russia, England and so on…”, The fat man kept talking.

With each country he mentioned, my heart sank. ‘Oh Lord, I hope I end up here in the states’, I prayed.

At least then I have hope of escaping or being rescued by my dad.

Even though I can’t believe I would be auction and sold to God knows who, I still don’t want to be bought by a foreigner.

“… and I got someone who is an expert in beautifying young girls, bringing out the beauty they are hiding. So just sit still and she would pick you one at a time”, The fat man concluded and left.

The lady he talked about came in with an ugly scorn on her face.

“You! Follow me”, She pointed at a young girl not less than 18 years old. The girl was scared to her bones, she kept shaking her head in disapproval.

“No! no, I don’t want to go with you! no!”, She screamed.

The lady got irritated by the girl’s tantrums, she ordered two men to drag her and they obeyed. They roughly took her and followed the lady.

Everyone was left in a state of shock, ‘What did they mean by ‘beautifying’ her?’, I thought.

I hoped it will never be my turn but I knew it will come.


There were not more than 10 girls left in the room. Brittany and I sat very close to each other, not making eye contact with the lady who came in every 10 minutes to pick a girl to go ‘Beautify’.From NôvelDrama.Org.

She came in again and her evil eyes scanned round the room, looking for the next prey.

“You there… come!”, She called out.

We all looked to the direction she was pointing at and it looked like she pointing towards… me?!

‘Oh hell no!’, I yelled in my head.

I shook my head, I wasn’t going with her.

“Don’t make me use force now, get up and come with me!”, She yelled at me and this time I was one hundred percent sure she was talking to me.

“No… please no”, I murmured.

Brittany held unto my hands very tightly and the tears kept coming out from her eyes and mine too.

The lady snapped her finger and those same two men came towards me and took me, Brittany tried holding unto my hands longer, trying to drag me back but she was no march for the men.

I couldn’t struggle, I had no strength left in me, from starving for two days ago crying my lungs out.

I was drained, physically, emotionally and mentally.

One of them put my tiny frame over his shoulder and we left the room into a dark corridor, the lady passed more than 4 rooms before arriving at the one she was heading to.

She went inside, instructed the man to put me down and for them to leave.

The room was small and had little to no space, makeup, clothes, shoes, manicure and pedicure kits, hair products and more were in there, waiting to be used.

“Girl, you will first be watched then receive physical treatment, from your facials, hair, nails, body and what not. We have already taken tests on you to prove you’re medically clean…”, She said.

‘What? I was already examined? But when?’, I couldn’t ask her that, I had to only communicate with myself.

“… some people will arrive to do all that for you and make you fresh and attractive for the clients”, She concluded and left with wasting time.

‘Clients?! I’m not some commodity!’, I said to myself.

I cried, this time loud and painfully.

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