The Alpha’s Slave

Getting the gun

Chapter 76


The journey to the kingdom where Rose’s castle was took us not more than thirty minutes to get to. As I got there, one of her maids ushered me in, even though she didn’t have to. This wasn’t my first time coming here. I had come here several times and could find my way to Rose’s bedroom easily without her help.

We got to her bedroom and the door was slightly open. She was expecting me, perhaps that was the reason she left it that way. On opening it, I saw her sitting with her legs crossed playfully on her plush, queen-sized bed which was adorned with intricate patterns. She was wearing a creamy red sexy satin nightwear, her drooling corn silk hair all over her as she giggled while staring at her phone.

The room was like a paradise, filled with beautiful colours from fabrics, artworks, and curtains that danced in the gentle breeze coming from outside. Large windows stretched from floor to ceiling, framing a breathtaking panorama of nature beyond.

Rose and I were like birds of a feather. We’ve known each other ever since we were in wolf school. She was my best friend and we shared the same interest and taste in almost everything; fashion – always going for the chic, stylish, eye-catching pieces that made us stand out and constantly grace the front pages of the daily paper in terms of any event or fashion show, food – always going for the healthiest of meals to keep our hot bodies in shape for our husbands and most importantly the public, men – generally, we both liked tall, handsome men who were royals and high ranking wolves like us. Men we could easily control, men who would worship us and not look at any other woman. She appeared to be doing well with her husband, Christian. But I had lost control over Sebastian. He had become like an aggressive dog that couldn’t be leashed anymore, all because of that slave girl! She will so pay with her blood for turning my husband against me.

Rose and her husband, Christian started dating from wolf school. Though I didn’t know Sebastian and Christian to be close, they were two of the tallest and most handsome guys back then. Every girl drooled over them and desperately wanted a bite. But Rose and I were a step ahead, as always.

Rose secured Christian with ease and that motivated me to secure Sebastian as well. We both swore to never let them off our hook. They were ours forever and that was why she was helping me get rid of that bitch.

After seeing her with Sebastian at the cocktail party and during her visit to my place, she knew her intentions weren’t good, despite her feigned innocence. Rose and I both saw through her façade, and she warned me to get rid of her before it was too late.

On seeing me, Rose’s face broadened with a smile. She rose and embraced me warmly, her signature scent of rose and jasmine filling my nose. She always smelt like that, and so did the bedroom. And I liked it.

“I was beginning to think you won’t come,” she said, pulling away from the forever hug. “What took you so damn long?”

She guided me to a soft midnight blue cushioned armchair near the bed, that seemed to suck me in as I sat on it.

“I was handling some issues with my maids,” I replied, puffing out an air of frustration. “I just don’t get how some people could be so incompetent and rude and stupid! I think it’s time I fired them all and got a new set of maids that won’t give me this much headache.”

“Yeah, you should,” she answered, shaking her hair off her face. She took a small bell from the nightstand and rang it very lightly as if to summon something. “I don’t let my maids stress me at all. One mess up and you’re fired. It hasn’t been long I just fired the foolish one that broke a plate while I was on the phone with you earlier,” she sat beside me on the other armchair, crossing her exposed supple legs as well.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Waoww. That’s fast, I thought. Maybe I should start doing the same. Any slight mess up, then they’ll pack their bags and be on their way to whatever gutter Sebastian picked them up from. I was proud of myself for firing two today already. Most of them were already there before I married Sebastian. An operation overhaul won’t be bad.

A few minutes after she rang that small bell, a maid properly dressed in uniform walked into the room carrying a loaded tray. In that tray were two small fancy bowls of Greek yoghurt garnished with a mix of fresh berries; blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries and a drizzle of honey with small dessert spoons dipped into each.

The maid carefully took them out of the tray and placed them on the coffee table before us. She avoided our gazes as she served us. After she finished, she bowed in reverence and Rose gave her a dismissive nod before she made her way out.

That’s more to it. This maid arrived just at the right time with refreshments and was properly dressed in uniform. All the maids in the castle looked smart in their uniforms. My maids rarely stuck to their uniforms and would have taken forever to bring refreshments if I had a visitor. Or worse, spilt it on the visitor like that stupid slave girl did to Rose when she came over, ruining Rose’s boho dress she couldn’t afford in a thousand years to come. I really had a lot to learn from Rose.

“So,” Rose took in a mouthful of cream. She let the spoon linger in her mouth before releasing it with a pop sound. “I still can’t believe you haven’t gotten rid of that slave girl. The Cathy I knew would have done that the first day she arrived at the castle. What has gotten into you? You seem to have gotten…LP soft. Have you forgotten the promise we made to never let another woman take our men from us?”

I had wanted to take a spoonful. But I dropped back the spoon. Rose’s words had made me lose my appetite, my stomach tightening in frustration and anger. I sighed heavily, momentarily squeezing my eyes shut. If only she knew how hard I have been trying, then she wouldn’t be saying this.

“Believe me, Rose, I’ve been trying my best. But it’s like this girl has some kind of invisible shield around her. She’s always lucky. And to make matters worse, my husband has been making things incredibly challenging for me,” I emphasized. “He now treats me like the enemy and sticks to her like a fly on a sheet.”

“This is bad… very bad…” Rose kept muttering. She dipped her spoon back into the yoghurt and rose suddenly.

She walked to the side of her bed, opened a drawer in the nightstand, and took out something wrapped in thick white fabric.

She brought it over to me and unwrapped it to reveal the gun I so desperately wanted. My eyes widened with amusement. It was beautiful. Extremely beautiful. The gun was all I could see and think of at that moment.

“Let’s hope you finish her once and for all with this,” Rose said resolutely.

I took out the gun and mused over it, already picturing myself firing one or two or three or four…no… five bullets right into her skull and see how she survives it. I breathed out in huge relief. I couldn’t ask for more. I couldn’t be happier.

“It has a silencer,” she gestured to the attachment on the muzzle. “So you can kill her without anyone knowing.”

“Perfect,” I purred, gazing at the gun’s barrel while gripping its handle, my finger poised on the trigger.

“Easy,” Rose restrained me reflexively. “You have to be careful. It’s loaded.”

“Don’t worry, Rose,” I reassured her with a smug smile. “I know how to use a gun.”

Just then, a car horn blared from outside, catching our attention. It must be her husband, Christian. It was already past 5 p. m.

While Rose looked out the window, I quickly stuffed the gun into my purse. It fitted perfectly and I zipped it, ready to take my leave. Good thing I brought a large purse.

“I should be on my way then,” I said, drawing back Rose’s attention. She turned, walked up to me and took my hand in hers. “Thank you for this.”

“It’s nothing,” she said. “Isn’t that what friends do for each other?” We chuckled in unison, her fingers pressing tighter before sliding off. “Go. Go take out that shameless slave girl before she takes your marriage,” she said with a firm resolve.

I nodded firmly in response and headed out, my wide smile bruising my lips.

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