The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Chapter 135


‘That was such a beautiful story!’ I smile.

‘It’s only been a year since then, Maia says, ‘The children were all adopted within a month, and since

then, Ember and I have taught the children to cast spells and summon the elements. Eric teaches

history. Sir Hugo teaches sword fighting. Vivian teaches etiquette and literature, to the orc’s dismay,

Maia giggles, ‘All you can hear is them groaning during every lesson, but her classes are compulsory

for all students to learn. Everyone is happy that Damon and I now rule the lands together and rule as

one kingdom

‘We are so honoured, Queen Maia, to be a part of Mysteria, I say.

‘We must find somewhere for you all to settle. We lost so many warriors from Wolfwell. That village is

like a ghost town now. Perhaps there might be a good place to settle?’ Maia suggests, turning to


‘That might work nicely for them, he agrees.

‘What’s that place over there?’ Alec asks.

Everyone looks to the large island he points to across the ocean in the distance.

‘That’s Emerald Island, no one lives there, but there are no huts or lodges to live In, Maia tells him.

‘Maybe I can move my castle to there? It’s always night in the realm of shadows and never day. It

wouldn’t be suitable for my Queen to live in that realm, he says, smiling at me. I blush.

‘The Realm of Shadows?’ Eric, intrigued, says and steps closer.

‘Yes, I’m the vampire king and would prefer to live in my castle with my blood Name, and I suppose

now pack members to live in

‘If you would all prefer to live on Emerald Island, that would be fine. We had ships built during the last

war, for if King Fenris was to win the war, the last of us could escape. You can use the ships to sail

between lands so we can see each other often. It’s only a couple of hours of sailing to get to and from

Moon Crest and Emerald Island, Maia beams.

I turn to face my parents, Astrid, Ryker, Josie, May, and all my loved ones. ‘Mysteria is your home too. I

feel it’s only right that you decide whether to come with Magnus, Alec and me to Emerald Island or

choose to stay in Wolfwell?’ Magnus nods and holds my hand.

“I agree. This is a new world and a new beginning for all of us. Make your decision.’

The vampires Immediately bow and state they will follow and stay with their King Alec and me on

Emerald Island to be at our service and protection

Hall of the wolves in our pack decide to stay in Wolfwell. Flint and Josie step forward and approach

Magnus, ‘I’m not sure what decision to make, Flint frowns.

‘Then let me make it for you.’ Magnus smiles.

Flint nods,

Sinch half the pack is staying in Wollwell, they will need an Alpha. So you will be their alpha, Flint,

Magnus says, placing

hand on Flint’e shoulder

Joste squeals with delighi and jumps up and dowo, Flint you’re going to be alphal’ She says

Ryker and Astrid smile and nod at each other. ‘If that’s the case, perhaps your mother and I will stay in

Woltwell too?

With half the pack and the vampires going with you, you will have plenty of protection to keep safe, and

we will visit

each other frequently, Ryker says.

Magnus pulls his parents in for a hug. It’s endearing to watch. Alec walks up behind me, scoops his

hands around my waist, pulls my back to his chest, and holds me. I place my hands over his and tilt my

head to smile.

Kadva and the coven are still speaking to one another about the options, then they nod their heads in

agreeance with their decisions and approach us.

Magnus is now back at my side, not minding that I’m being held in Alec’s arms.

Kadva clears his throat, ‘We have decided we want to stay with you on Emerald Island.’ He smiles.

Yiselda, Fern, Ria, Lilac, Ela and May, with their familiars on their shoulders, nod and smile. I unravel

myself from Alec’s arms and hug them all in excitement.

Pipsqueak and Zak decide to not settle just yet but want to travel and explore each town together.

‘Then it is done, you have all made up your mind then?’ Maia says.

Everyone nods. ‘We will lead you to Wolfwell which is not far from here, Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

‘I’m sorry we interrupted the jousting tournament,’ I frown.

‘Don’t be Nina, we can reschedule for another day, Maia smiles reassuringly.

All the werewolves shift into wolf form except for me, instead I ride upon Magnus’s back while Maia

rides upon Damon’s as she is an elemental sprite and can’t shift. I fill Maia in along the way of growing

up in Shadow Crest and my history with Magnus and Alec and how we came to arrive here in Mysteria

in detail. We arrive between two mountains in a valley where there are dozens of cottages, small

fenced off paddocks and lots of trees.

Damon and all the werewolves shift back into human form. If you ever climb that mountain, you will

have the most stunning view of the ocean, he says.

Ryker turns to Astrid, ‘We should go see it tonight, what do you think?’ he says.

‘I would like that, she beams clasping her hands together,

A few families that live in Wolfwell come out from their houses to greet their Queen, Maia and their

King, Damon.

‘What is the special occasion that brings royalty to our village?’ A woman smiles and bows.

‘Nadin, we have all these people that fled the human world, returning to their roots here in Mysteria.

They need somewhere to live and with so many empty cottages here, we thought this would be ideal

for them. Although half of them will be going to go to Emerald Island and reside there,’ Maia explains.

There are two little orc children by Nadia’s side, both with tiny tusks protruding out from under their top

lip, they wear nothing but a long brown cloth that wrap around their waists and brown sandals that lace

up past their shins. Another child approaches and shyly stands by Nadia’s side she has dark violet hair

and light pink eyes and wears a simple purple dress. The children are incredibly adorable.

Nice to meet you all, Nadia curtsioa, ‘These are my children Krug and Boomer who are orcs and this is

my other child Quinn she is a lae, Nadia smiles and beautiful transparent wings fold out and open from

Quinn’s back, Everyone awes and merveis at her beautiful winga. Á man places his hand on Nadia’s


‘We adopted them after the war, he smiles.

Two other laudies join them who also have children they adopted. There are two witches, another gro

but female, two Talle spilles and three hitanan children the parents nalurally bared

Fredpw me, and I will poiss out all the wply homes to choose from Nødia smiles. We all follow Nodin,

and as the DO GUI wich Hans are vacant, they are instantly take y Flint and his pack members My

parente choose the COSTAGE est to. Here one Rykos and Antrid chose il makes sense as they have

always been the best of friends

Only a few empty cottages are left when everyone staying in Wolfwell has chosen their home. Nadia

and the other families are thrilled that their village will once again come to life and prosper now that it’s

full of life again.

She turns to the other families, ‘Perhaps we can start having markets again?’ She beams.

Nadia shows everyone the empty crops and tells them they are welcome to grow food for themselves

and sell and trade at future markets. ‘It’s only over an hour’s walk to the ocean if you prefer fishing, but

seeing as you can shift into wolves, it wouldn’t take you long to get there, she laughs.

Nadia skips along through the village to show them the well, ‘It’s seen better days, but it still works. You

can collect drinking water from here. Perhaps now, with all these men around, they can help rebuild the

well, she says and smiles at all the men.

The stones that make up the well are beginning to crumble, and there are several major holes in the

stone wall. The rope is deteriorating, and the pail is starting to rust.?

‘We will be sure to help you restore this village, Flint says to Nadia.

Nadia claps her hands with excitement and skips away with her children.

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