The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Chapter 53


All day Thursday I was worried about Chastity. It had taken all I had not to drive to Dark Moon Wednesday night, but I wasn’t able to get a visitors pass to be at the school so late in the day, and unfortunately I couldn’t go Thursday either. I had tried texting and calling her most of day She didn’t finally answer until that evening. She was with Lexi, and Norm when I did get her

At their coaxing she had told me about her session with Dee Dee To hear the things she said shattered my heart. It was only made worse by the fact that I couldn’t be there to hold her as she was falling apart. Her telling me she had to be talked out of rejecting me gutted me, but a part of me wasn’t surprised by her thoughts. I was thankful that she was talked out of it. I would have to figure out ways to show her we were right for each other.

Unfortunately I wasn’t going to be able to do that this weekend I had to go to another pack for the weekend with my dad, Dimitri, and Jax for the renewal of all trade agreements, and our alliance. It was a smaller pack who relied more heavily on trade for it’s survival, as well as protection. It was also was one of the packs I hadn’t visited during my Alpha tour, and I didn’t know much about it

As it was 6 hours away from Moonlight pack the trade agreements were what were the most important. We were too far from them to be much help in the event of an attack, but goods were a different matter. One of the things dad, and I had noticed is that in the last year the goods they were trading to us were dwindling while the goods we were trading to them were rising. We needed to figure out why, and what we could do to help them with production of those goods. We didn’t really need what they were sending us, but they needed the income from what they sent us. They were hurting themselves by sending less, and we were determined to help them fix whatever was wrong.

I became worried when I saw the state of the pack upon arrival. It looked a bit run down, and there were very few wolves on patrol when we entered. I saw less people than I had expected. The pack house was a different story though. It was massive, and pristine. Not as massive as ours, but still quite large. Most of the people were found there. It was easy to tell who the leaders were. They were finely dressed, and made up while the rest of the pack were wearing clothes that looked aged, and worn.

“If I didn’t know any better I would think the Alpha, Beta, and their families were keeping the money earned from trade, and their pack for themselves, but providing little for the pack.” Dimitri said from the front seat.

“From what I am seeing right now, I’m tempted to agree.” My dad said.

“The question is why.”

“If I had to guess, greed.”

It was then that a tall, blonde she-wolf came bounding out the house to the group waiting out front. She was in a short, tight red dress. The dress looked more like something one would wear to a club, not a meeting with other pack leaders. It was bright red, had spaghetti straps, the top barely contained her large breasts, and the bottom ended just below her ass cheeks. She was also wearing some of the highest heeled shoes I had ever seen. They made me think of Chastity’s complaint about such shoes hurting. The thought of my sweet girl made me smile.

The she wolf stood next to who I assumed was the Alpha, and her father. He was an older man with light brown hair, and appeared to be maybe an inch or two shorter than me. His Beta was around the same height with salt and pepper colored hair. Both men were dressed in suits in contrast to our polo’s and khaki pants. I saw no other females, and no younger males with them either I looked at Jax in confusion, and he just shrugged then we got out of the car. I was looking at my dad when I heard an ear piercing

squeal, and lifted my eyebrows at my dad. He just shook his head in confusion as well.

When we turned to the trio the she-wolf was bouncing even more. I started to worry she was going to pop out of her tiny dress, but I shrugged it off. I moved to my father’s side, as we made our way forward. Dimitri, Jax, and the warriors we brought with us, fell into step behind us. When we reached the stairs we bowed to the Alpha.

“Alpha Marvin, Beta Zander a pleasure.” My father stated.

“Alpha Joseph it’s good to see you again. Welcome to Cedar Grove pack.” Alpha Marvin responded, “This is my daughter Bianca. Bianca this is Alpha Joseph, Beta Dimitri, and their sons.”

“Nice to meet you, this is my son future Alpha Rowen, and future Beta Jax.” My father said formally.

“Rowen, hi.” Bianca breathed.

“Nice to meet you.” I responded with a bow.

Her lack of respect to leaders was concerning, but not something I needed to worry myself with. That would be something her father, mother, and future mate could deal with. She did look to be about 18, or 19. She had light blue eyes, and too pointy of a chin. She also had a ridiculous amount of make up on. Werewolves as a general rule were more attractive than humans, and did not really need much, or any make up. This girl did not get the memo. All made worse by the lipstick that was about the same color red as her dress. I could only hope that whoever her future mate was he could curb the need to cake on that stuff.

“Thank you for coming this weekend Alpha Joseph. Hopefully our talks this weekend can help solidify our agreement, and alliance.” Alpha Marvin said with a smile that made me a little uncomfortable.

“That is the hope.” My father responded the tone concerning.

“Why don’t we move to the dining room for dinner while everyone gets acquainted. A lovely meal was made for you.” Beta Zander stated, as he turned to the house.

We followed him into the interior. I fell into step next to Jax, behind my father, and Dimitri. Bianca walked with her father, but kept glancing back at me, and smiling coyly. I just pinched my brow. Something wasn’t right with her.

“Someone has an instant crush.” Jax snickered through our private mind link.

“No thank you.” I growled.

“I don’t blame you.”

“This is going to be a long weekend if she is going to be like this.”

“What I want to know is why her father allowed her to dress that way?”

“Maybe he over indulges her, and does not know how to put his foot down.”

“Maybe, but surely her mother would step in. No mother, much less Luna would want her daughter seen like that.”

“I didn’t see a Luna any where though.”

“Neither did I.”

“Maybe she is in the kitchen finishing up dinner.”

“Maybe. We’ll find out in a minute.”

We cut the mind link as we entered an elegant private dining room. There was a huge crystal drop chandelier hanging over a large dining room table that was covered with a bright white lace cloth.


were silver candle sticks doting the table between elaborate floral arrangements. The dishes was gold. rimmed plates, and glasses. Even the utensils were gold plated. The whole thing was way too much for what we were doing here today.

Alpha Marvin, and Beta Zander took their spots at the head, and foot of the table. Bianca took the spot to the left of Alpha Marvin, usually reserved for the Luna. This confused me, until Alpha Marvin spoke up.

“My wife, and chosen mate passed away a year after Bianca was born. I never took another mate.” Alpha Marvin spoke up.

7 am sorry for your loss sir.” I said with a bow.

“It was a long time ago. We had only been mated two years when she passed. She was also a chosen mate so the bond was not nearly as strong. I have long since grieved my loss.”

I simply nodded, and opted to sit next to my father who was to the right of Alpha Marvin. Leaving a seat open next to Beta Zander for his mate. Dimitri, and Jax sat across from us with Dimitri next to Bianca. I struggled not to roll my eyes at Bianca’s pout, and pleading eyes directed my way. A long weekend indeed.

Dinner was served shortly after we were seated. The food wasn’t bad, just not as good as Chastity’s. I had to resist the urge to text her as we ate, and idle chit chat was made at first. My father finally broached the topic I had been wondering about.

“Are your future Alpha, and Beta away at their schooling, and tour?” My father asked politely.

“Oh no. Neither of us have sons. As I said earlier, I only had one child from my chosen mate. I never took another, so Bianca is my only child, and hope for the future of my pack. Zander, well lets just say he never found a female to his liking to produce a pup.” Alpha Marvin’s stress on the word female bothered me.

The look in Zander’s eyes at the comment made me angry for him. It seemed that his orientation was a subject of displeasure for his Alpha, and Zander was not happy about it. After meeting Norm and Marcus, as well as hearing their stories, I felt for the man. I considered saying something, but thought better of it. He seemed to be a proud man, and I would not bruise that pride with inconsiderate words.

“So you are hoping that Bianca’s fated mate is of strong enough blood to step up as Alpha when the time comes?” Dimitri asked.

“Oh we don’t believe in fated mates here. That’s an old, antiquated belief, as far as I am concerned. We need to mate for strength.” Alpha Marvin stated.

I pinched my brows, and glanced at Beta Zander. I noticed he lowered his head, and his jaw tightened. Apparently he didn’t agree with his Alpha. I found myself wondering if he had found his fated mate, but had to keep it hidden because of his Alpha’s views. My heart went out to the man.

“I’m sorry to hear that. In my experience there is no greater bond than one shared between fated mates.” Dimitri said quietly.

“I guess it is a personal choice then.” Alpha Marvin said with a shrug.

Indeed Dimitri ground out.

He had experienced both so he knew full well the difference between the two bonds. He knew what he was talking about, but to keep to the reason for our visit he left it alone. I had no doubt he had plenty to say on the topic though.

“Well since it seems our meal is finished, why don’t we call it an evening. We can meet in the morning to begin talks, Alpha Joseph, and Beta Dimitri. I am sure there is much the four of us have to discuss. Better to do that on a good night’s rest” Alpha Marvin said

“Alpha Rowen, and Beta Jax will be joining us. They need to be a part of these talks as they may have

valuable input, or ideas we may not think of. They will also be taking over these kinds of things when they step into their roles in a few years. They should be abreast of the situation.” My father stated firmly.

“Oh. I had arranged for Bianca to entertain Rowen for the day while Jax watched the warriors train, and maybe taught them some things. This conversation is better left to those already in their roles.”

“While I appreciate the offer, I would prefer to be involved in the trade agreements, and our lasting alliance.” I said calmly even though I was annoyed.

“I would as well.” Jax agreed.

“I…uh. Very well. The meeting begins at 9:00 in my office. In the meantime, Bianca why don’t you take Rowen on a walk through the gardens. They are beautiful in the evening light.” Alpha Marvin suggested to which Bianca beamed, and bounced in her seat.

While she reminded me a bit of Norm in that moment I had no urge to chuckle at her as I would him. Instead I found myself frustrated, and not interested at all. Something was off, and I did not feel comfortable being alone with Bianca. I needed to figure out ways to make sure I was not alone with her. I also wanted to talk to Chastity before calling it a night. I wanted to check on her.

“I appreciate the offer sir, but I have a few things to finish up, and a call to make before I call it a night.” I said politely.

“Oh. Well maybe after our meetings the two of you can tour the pack.”

“Maybe. Now if you’ll excuse me. I’ll make my way to my room. Jax, can you walk with me please?” I stood from the table, and looked to Jax with a silent request in my eyes.

He looked at me in confusion, but nodded, and rose with me. I glanced to Bianca, and she was pouting again, but looking to her father questioningly.

“Bianca will show you to your rooms. Rowen, you are on the Alpha floor. Jax, you’re in one of the guests rooms on the first floor. Bianca, show Jax to his room first please.” Alpha Marvin stated.

“I actually need Jax to assist me with the finalization on a project we have been working on together. I’m sure Bianca can show him where his room is first to find later than show us to my room.” I said firmly.

“Right. Have a nice night.” Alpha Marvin said through gritted teeth, I just nodded, and turned.

“What the hell man?” Jax mind linked me on the party link.

“What was that Rowen?” My dad linked right after.

“I’m just getting a strange vibe. Alpha Marvin seems too intent in pushing Bianca, and I together, alone. For some reason I don’t trust this or them.” I responded to them.

“It did seem strange, but I thought nothing of it.” Dad said.

“What do you think is going on?” Jax asked.

“I don’t know, but I do NOT want to be alone with Bianca for this trip. Jax, I would prefer to share my room, or I want at least one of our warriors with me for the whole visit.” I stated.

“Do we let them know I’m staying in your room? Wait, I am NOT sharing a bed with you!” Jax growled.

“I do not want them to know you’re in my room Jax. I’m willing to bet that if it is a suite there will be a second room. If not you can take the bed, and I’ll take the floor or something since I’m the reason you won’t be in your own room. Leave the room before the rest awake, and have a warrior at me door. We’ll use the excuse of pack work for you to go to my room in the evenings.” I responded.

“Do you really think something is off Rowen?” My father questioned.

Just as he finished his question, Bianca wrapped her arms around mine, and pushed against my side. I looked to her with a raised brow, and she beamed at me. I extracted myself quickly, and stepped away. Her scent of buttery popcorn, and ginger turned my stomach. It didn’t help that she had some vanilla scented something on as well. It was nauseating.

“Yes dad. Very much so. I need to be careful, and I need all of you to help me with that please.” I requested.

Jax, Dimitri, and dad all agreed.

“Jax, I’ll have a warrior bring you clothes in a bit.” Dimitri said.

After that we cut the mind link. The whole walk the Jax’s room Bianca kept trying to touch me or hold my hand. I finally stuffed my hands in my pockets, and moved closer to Jax. This girl was getting on my nerves quickly. When we reached Jax’s room Bianca looked incredibly excited.

“Good night Jax. I’ll make sure Rowen gets to his room safe and sound.” Bianca said excitedly, bouncing again, and I just rolled my eyes.

“Oh. I am only grabbing my laptop bag. As Rowen said earlier, we have some work we need to finish up.” Jax said with an innocent smile, as he knelt by the door to grab the indicated bag.

“But….I was hoping Rowen, and I could get better acquainted on our way to his room.” Bianca whined.

“Sorry, but Alpha Rowen, and I have work we must do, even away from our pack.” Jax stressed my title as he spoke.

“I’m sure it can wait. I wanted to talk to him about our pack, and the future of it. Especially with the coming alliance.” Bianca snapped.

“I appreciate that. I really do, and I am sure the continuation of the alliance of Moonlight pack, and Cedar Grove will be discussed at length in the meeting tomorrow. The meeting I’m sure you will be a part of.. This evening Alpha Rowen, and I have matters to work on for Moonlight pack.” Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

“I won’t be included in that meeting. I am meant to be a Luna. Politics are not my concern, nor do I care.”

“I wish you luck in that. Now if you would be so kind to show us to Alpha Rowen’s room we must really get to work.”


I caught a glimpse of anger in Bianca’s eyes before they cleared, and she beamed at me. I only raised an eyebrow at her. She attempted to thread her hand through my arm, but I moved away from her, and indicated for her to lead the way. She huffed, and moved ahead of us. The whole way she kept an exaggerated swing to her hips. I just looked to Jax, and rolled my eyes. He chuckled under his breath.

When we finally reached the room, she smiled sweetly at me, and then pushed the door open. I moved past her, making sure not to touch her in any way. When I entered the room I looked around. It was an elaborate room, with a king size bed done in dark wood, and burgundy. There was a sitting area with two comfortable looking couches. I was thankful for that as I would be sleeping on one. There were also two doors that probably led a bathroom, and closet.

“Thank you Bianca. Have a lovely evening.” Jax said as I turned back to face them.

“Oh. Um. Ok. Rowen, if you need anything I am at your service.” Bianca said a bit too high pitched for my


I only nodded, and turned back to the room. When I heard the door close I breathed a sigh of relief, and dropped to one of the couches. Jax sat across from me, and leaned forward.

“That girl is on the hunt for you.” Jax joked.

“It’s not funny Jax.” I growled.

“It is. A little bit.”

“No it’s really not. This whole thing doesn’t sit right with me.”

“What do you think is going on?”

“I don’t know, but I do know I do not trust that she-wolf. Nor do I trust her father. They are too set on my spending time alone with her.”

“Just tell them you have a fated mate. They’ll back off.”

“I don’t believe they will. You heard what Alpha Marvin said about their stance on fated mates.”

“True. What was with his comment about Beta Zander not finding a suitable female mate?”

“If I had to guess, Beta Zander is gay, and Alpha Marvin does not approve. I’m betting that Beta Zander has a mate, but either had to reject him or keeps him hidden from his Alpha.”

“That’s very sad.”

“Yes it is.”

“Did you see the room they put me in?”

“Yes. It looked rather small, and a bit dingy.”

“It reminded me of the one human motel we stayed at that one time. Remember?”

“Yes. That place was gross.”

“My room is not much better.”

“I wonder why they put you down there instead of on the Beta floor.”

“I have no idea. I hope they didn’t put dad down there too. That could be seen as an insult. It is enough of an insult to me as a future Beta, but to put an established Beta in a room like that is not a good way to maintain an alliance.”

“No, it is not.”

“Well the insults keep coming.”

“What do you mean?”

“Dad just mind linked me. He is in the room next to mine, and Joe is across the hall from him.”


“Dad said they would address it in the morning.”

“OK. I’m gonna call Chastity then get some sleep. Is someone bringing you clothes for tonight?”

“Yes. I have Blake bringing me some.”


I pulled out my phone, and pulled up Chastity’s number. It rang a few times before she answered, sounding breathless.

“Hi.” She answered.

“Hi sweet girl. Are you ok?” I questioned.

“Huh? Oh. I was out on a run with Lexi, Norm, and Marcus. I was just reaching the clearing to shift, and

dress when I heard my phone.”

“Oh. Do you want to call me back once you’re dressed?”

“No. It’s fine. Just give me a second please.”


I heard the phone be set down on something then clothes rustle along with leaves, and a twig snap.

Images of a naked Chastity flashed in my mind. I had to quickly banish them before Jax caught scent of something he would not want to.

“Ok. I’m back.” Chastity said.

“Hi. So how are you today?” I asked.

“I’m better than I was yesterday.” She responded, and I saw Jax look at me with concern as he heard her


I’m glad to hear that. How was class today?”

“A little confusing honestly, but I’m sure I’ll get it figured out.”

“Of course you will. You’re too intelligent not to. How was self defense?”

“It was good, but Matt seemed to be in a bad mood. He made me do extra exercises for missing class yesterday.”

“He what?”

“He said I needed to make up for the missed day. That even a day missed could do bad things to the muscle I am building.”

“Chas, I told you earlier, he’s just being a dick.” I heard Lexi say.

“Eh. I’d rather stay on track.” Chastity stated to which Lexi growled.

“What are your plans for the weekend?” I questioned just to change the subject.

“Lexi is taking me to the pack house tomorrow to meet her family. It’s her brother’s birthday. I’m going to meet with Luna Clair while I’m there.” Chastity said happily.

“You sound excited about going.”

“I am. Lexi talks a lot about her family, and I want to meet them.”

“What about Sunday?”

“My other classes start next week so I’m going to start prepping for them.”

“Hey pip-squeak.” Jax called out.

“Jax? Hi” Chastity said excitedly.

“Hi. So on Sunday we’ll be driving right by Dark Moon on our way home. What if dad, Joe, Rowen, and me stopped in for a visit?” Jax suggested, and I was fully onboard with his idea.

“Oh Um. Ok. That would be great, but um…don’t you need passes to get through the pack security?”

“I’m sure Joe can get those arranged between now, and then. He is friends with Dark Moon’s Alpha.”

“Oh Ok Then definitely. What time so you think you’ll be here?”

“Probably around lunch time.”

“Great! I can’t wait! I’ll go to the Admin building in the morning, and arrange the visitor passes for school.”

“I look forward to seeing you sweet girl.” I said with a smile.

“Me too. Well I gotta go take a shower.” Chastity said.

“Bye pip-squeak. Miss you.” Jax said.

“Bye sweet girl. Miss you.” I added.

“Bye. Miss you both.” Chastity responded than disconnected the call.

I put my phone down next to me, leaned back, and sighed. She definitely sounded better than she had the last two days. I was thankful for that. She deserved to always sound, and be happy.

“What happened yesterday that she didn’t sound good?” Jax asked.

“Hmmm?” I responded.

“You said she sounded better today than yesterday. What happened?”

With a sigh I told Jax what happened on Wednesday, and how Chastity had been on Thursday. He looked very worried. I was too, but there was little I could do about it. I also told him what she had told me about her appointment with Dee-Dee. He looked slightly relieved, but still worried.

After awhile we got into a discussion about what we hoped to accomplish the following day in our meeting with Alpha Marvin, and Beta Zander. By the time we went to bed, I was still unable to shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. That feeling was made worse when, in the middle of the night there. was a knock at my door, and some one attempted to open it. I was thankful Jax, and I decided to lock the door for the night.

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