The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Chapter 106


Tuesday went by pretty quickly. Lexi, and I spent the whole day with midwife Wanda. She had us watch a recent delivery video before meeting with her first patient. The female was having twins, and the father was freaking out about it. He couldn’t understand how his mate was going to push out two babies at the same time. Lexi, and I spent the whole time listening as midwife Wanda explained to the father exactly how it worked. That appointment was followed by a post partum appointment. We both learned quite a bit, and were excited to spend more time with midwife Wanda. Thursday was much the same.

Wednesday Lexi, and I spent all day dealing with Christmas presents. I finished all 3 collages, and thankfully had them wrapped before anyone made it back to the apartment. I was really happy with how they turned out I couldn’t wait for Jax, Rowen, and dad to see them. I was excited about all of the gifts I bought, but those three the most. Lexi seemed pretty excited too. I think that had more to do with her first Christmas with her mate.

Thursday was the last day for everyone for school, and work. It was a good thing Lexi, and I were at the hospital all day. It sounded like it had been a busy day for every one. Thursday evening at dinner was when I was reminded of something I forgot about, and informed of something I didn’t know.

“Everyone’s costumes arrived today. We all need to be dressed, and in the living room by 2:00.” Joe stated as we dished up our meals.

“Costumes for what?” Lexi asked.

“Santa’s visit.” Joe responded with a smile.

“Huh?” Lexi questioned.

“Every year since my grandfather’s time, on Christmas Eve, the Alpha dresses up as Santa. He walks up Main street to the town center. There is a stage, and Santa’s chair sitting there. Every pup under the age of 13, gets to sit on Santa’s lap, and gets a small gift from him.” Rowen explained.

“I forgot all about that.” I said.

“That’s sweet, but what’s with us all having to dress up, and being there?” Lexi asked.

“The Beta, Gamma, and their families have to dress up like Santa’s elves.” Melissa answered.

“Really? All of you have to dress up as elves? That’s cute.” I said with a smile.

“Um. Sweet girl, you have to dress up too.” Rowen chuckled.

“I do?” Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Of course. You’re the Beta’s daughter, and my mate. You are as much a part of this as the rest of us.”

“Oh. Ok. What do I have to do?”

“Well I need someone to take pictures. Several people to sort the gifts. I also need some to keep people organized.” Joe stated.

“That’s a lot of presents to sort out.” Molly said.

“They will be sorted on tables by age, and each gift will have a label in it.” Joe explained.

“How will that work?”

“Each of you will have an age group. I’ll tell you the pup’s name, you grab the gift, and hand it to me. The gifts will also be sorted in Alphabetical order.”

“Thank you Molly.”

“Pete, and I will keep everything in order ” Dad offered.

“Chassy girl, I have a special job for you.” Joe said to me, and smiled.

“What’s that?” I asked nervously.

“The infants, and toddlers some times get scared of Santa. I need you to calm them enough to get their present, and picture.”

“Oh ok. I can do that.”

“Thank you.”

“Joe, what do you do for the pups that are over 13?” Molly asked.

“There will be a couple of tables that have things that interest teens. Each one will be allowed to pick one thing out.” Joe answered.

“What kinds of things?”

“Books, craft items, make up kits, hair accessories, small hand weight sets, sports equipment such as baseballs basket balls soccer balls and foot balls, work out gloves. That kind of thing.”

“Divided by gender?”

“No Divided by item, and each pup can choose what they want.”

“How do you know what to get the pups that get a Santa gift?” Lexi asked.

“We contact the parents, and ask what to get for each pup. We don’t do that so much for the teens because their tastes can change by the day. We feel it’s better to let them pick.” Joe explained.

“What if you run out of something a teen wanted?”

“We always have extra, just in case. I think we’ve run out of one item, once. Someone went to buy one, and the pup got it before the event ended.”

“It’s pretty awesome that you do this.” Molly said, with a smile.

“The pups enjoy it, and that’s what matters most.” Joe agreed.


“My favorite gift from this event was a stuffed My Little Pony I really wanted. I was so excited when I got it. I still have that thing.” Melissa said.

“She does. It sits on her dresser.” Ross agreed.

“Do you do stuffed animals for the older pups?” Lexi asked.

“A few, but not many as most have no interest. We’ve had left overs every year that get wrapped up, and given to the orphans.” Joe answered.

“Do the orphans get to be part of this?” Molly asked, sounding concerned.

“They do. They get to go first actually. Also each of the families in this house send one or two gifts per family for the orphans to open Christmas morning. They also get included in the Christmas activities of the families of the employees at the center. That is done with every holiday, and major event.” Joe explained

“Oh good.” Molly sighed.

“Don’t worry, we may not have many orphans, but those we do have are well cared for, provided for, and loved ” Joe reassured Molly, and she nodded.

“Did all of you get sit on Santa’s lap, and get a gift?” Molly asked all of us.

“Rowen, and I did. Well I still do.” Gina answered.

“Same.” Braxton said before stuffing more food in his mouth.

“We go right after the orphans though because we have to help.” Gina added.

“I got to, but I stopped at 15. I didn’t really need anything, and preferred helping out.” Rowen said.

“What about the rest of you?” Lexi asked.

“Colby, and I did as well. I stopped when Rowen did because I wanted to help out as well.” Jax answered.

“I was about 15 as well. I would wait until a few of the older pups picked out some of the balls then teach them how to throw them if they didn’t know, or play with them for a bit while they waited for their family.” Colby stated.

“I stopped at 15 too.” Ross said.

“What about you, Chas?” Molly questioned.

“I…uh. I stopped going when I was 12.” I said.

“You stopped going?” Lexi asked

“Uh. Yeah. I….um… had chores to do, and stuff” I said.

I watched as my dad shut his eyes, and looked to be in pain. I instantly felt guilty for even saying anything.

I knew what was coming next too. I had to stop it.

“Don’t dad! Don’t say it! It’s in the past.” I said firmly

“Yeah. I know.” Dad whispered.

“How did I never realize you weren’t there?” Jax asked.

“You were busy helping Joe, and all.” I answered.

“Did Jane know?” Joe asked.

“I don’t think she did, and I never said anything.” I responded with a shrug.


“What was there to say? Besides if I did, Aurora would get angry. It was easier for me to just keep my mouth shut.”


“Don’t. Like I just said to my dad, it’s in the past. I don’t want to think about it. What I want to think about is all the fun the pups are going to have tomorrow. I want to focus on what their faces will look like when they get to not only see Santa, but sit on his lap, and get a present from him.”


“Thank you. Do we have to wear pointy ears with our costumes?”

“Goddess I hope not. They look so uncomfortable.” Lexi giggled.

“No You’ll all have fabric ears attached to your hats or headbands that just sit in front of your ears.” Joe


“Joe, how come you don’t bring the orphans here for holidays?” Molly asked.

“We tried that for a few years, but due to us being who we are, they were always intimidated, and didn’t seem to enjoy themselves. Jane didn’t feel it was fair to them. Plus they were more comfortable with the males, and females that took care of them every day.” Joe explained.

“Huh? I never thought of that. I guess that makes sense.”

“How many orphans do you have right now?” Lexi questioned.

“Five right now, but Christmas morning we’ll be down to 4.” Joe said proudly.

“Oh?” Melissa asked, pinching her brow.

“Yes. One of the older pups has been adopted. He’ll find out Christmas morning.” Joe said proudly.

“That’s wonderful. Who adopted him? I asked, excitedly.

“The blacksmith, big Hal. The pup ends up at Hal’s shop almost daily to help. He really enjoys being there with Hai, and his two sons. He has dinner with the family a lot as well. Hal, and Lola are getting up in years, but Lola she fell in love with the boy, and Hal is pretty fond of him too. The paperwork got finalized. two days ago.” Joe answered.

“Aww That’s wonderful. Hal, and Lola are good people. How do their children feel about it?”

“They’re excited. Hal’s oldest son has taken the boy as an apprentice so they already have a good relationship. It was just that he, and his mate already have 3 pups, and don’t have the space to give him his own room like he deserves. He’s 13, their pups are all 7 and younger

“Ah. Well I’m happy for all of them.”

“We are too.”

“You know Zander, and his mate did adopt that baby girl they told us about.” My dad said.

“I do remember that.” Joe said.

“Yeah, well they’re going to be applying to adopt the Jerry, and Sally from the orphanage as well. Zander said his mate just fell in love with them when they came to the bakery a few weeks ago.” My dad said.

“Oh good. Those poor pups have lost enough. They need to gain something.” Joe said with a watery smile. “What happened?” I asked.

“Their parents died in a house fire about 2 years ago. They went to live with their grandmother, but about 6 months after they moved in she took a fall that paralyzed her. She wasn’t able to care for them any more. They still go to see her regularly, but they need a home. I’m sure Zander, and his mate will give them a good one.”

“Will they still take them to see their grandmother?”

“Yes. That’s part of the adoption agreement. It’s an open adoption so she will maintain a relationship with them.” My dad answered.

“Oh good. So that only leaves 2 pups in the orphanage.” I stated.

“Yes, and we’re working on finding them families.” Joe said with a smile.

“How old are they?” Molly asked.

“The little girl is 5, and the boy is 3.” Joe answered.

“How did they end up there?”

“The little girl’s mama died in child birth, and her father wasn’t her mate so he walked away. He mated a female in another pack. When he was contacted about his pup, he didn’t want her.” Peter answered.

“That’s terrible.” I gasped.

“It is, but thankfully it doesn’t happen often.” Peter stated.

“What about the little boy?” Melissa asked.

“A rogue female showed up here, very pregnant. She wouldn’t tell us what happened, or where the father was. She begged us to let her stay long enough to give birth then take her son in. She said she was in no position to raise a pup. She also knew that she would be sent to Royal prison once the pup was born as she was a criminal. She turned herself over to us until her pup was born. Once he was born she signed him over to us, and she went to jail willingly.” Peter explained.

“That’s so sad.” Lexi stated.

“It is, but it isn’t. She knew what she needed to do for the good of her pup, and did it. She knew she couldn’t give him a good life. We hear from her every once in a while. She only asks that when he’s finally adopted that we let her know that he has a good home, loving parents, is safe, happy, and healthy. She doesn’t want him to know about her until he’s older though. She said she didn’t want him to carry the weight of her bad decisions.”

“Did she ever tell you who the father was?” Molly asked.

“Eventually. It’s good that he’s here as the father was a murderer of our kind. He was found by the Rogue Leader, and put down a few months after she got pregnant.”

“Ouch. The Rogue leader isn’t going to take the boy or anything is he?”

“No. He’s a member of Moonlight.”

“True. Well I hope he finds a family soon.” I said, feeling for the boy.

“We’re working on it. We have a few feelers out. A few couples that can’t have pups, but want them. We’ll see how it goes.” Naomi stated.

“Can we change the subject now? This is kind of a sad topic.” Braxton complained, making us all laugh.

“Fine. What do you want to talk about?” Gina quipped.

“How about the fact that my report card came today, and I got all As and Bs!” Braxton whooped.

We all congratulated him, and I smiled with tears in my eyes. He was doing so well, despite what he had been through. I was so proud of him.

“Thank you Chas. I couldn’t have done it without your help.” Braxton smiled at me.

“You’re gonna make me cry Braxton. You’re welcome.” I said with a smile, and teary eyes.

Rowen rubbed my back, kissed my temple, and whispered in my ear, “See, he’s ok?”

I could only nod.

“What about you Gina?” Joe asked.

“All As daddy. I want to be a teacher, and I want to be the first to go to Molly’s school so I have to keep my grades up.” Gina said.

“That’s if I can get Robert, and Beth to agree to move that part of the education program here.” Molly


“What do you need to make it happen?” Joe asked.

“A building for one. Probably set up the same way the higher education schools at Dark Moon are set up. I also need professors, and enough interest from potential students for the way I want them taught.” Molly answered.

“How would they be taught? Aren’t all classes for teachers the same?” Peter asked, sounding confused.

“Yes, and that’s the problem.” Molly stated.

“I’m not sure I understand.” Peter admitted.

“Pups, especially 10 and under are very high energy. They need motion, and play. It’s been proven time, and time again that they learn better through play than sitting down writing, listening, doing work sheets, and testing all day long. Problem is we expect them to do just that then wonder why our pups are overly energetic when they get home, and are unhappy or hating school. We also wonder why a lot of pups struggle. We follow the human education system too much. We as werewolves have even more energy than humans. We also thrive on action instead of inaction.” Molly explained.

“But our elementary school does focus more on activity, and motion than test taking, and the like ” Peter said, sounding confused.

“Yes Moonlight does, but a lot of packs don’t because they only follow what keeps being taught. If you look at statistics packs that teach their pups as Moonlight does, are ahead of those who are taught in the same structured setting as human children.”

“So what you want to really do is implement a new way of teaching to all packs?”

“In the long run yes, but the first step in that is having teachers who already have the education to teach in the manner in which we teach here.”

“So why not just work with Robert, and Beth to change the program at the school in Dark Moon instead of splitting the school?” Lexi asked.

“Simply, because as pups move into middle school, and high school they are more ready and able to learn. in a structured setting. Fifth grade into sixth grade should begin working with the pups to become more focused. Having a higher education system that has to teach in two different manners can be tough as you only have so many professors, and asking the professors to switch gears constantly depending on what they’re teaching isn’t fair to them. Not to mention most of the professors at Dark Moon only really have experience with structured education for pups. It’s better to split the program completely, and have a set of professors focused on the older pups. While the separate school has professors that focus on activity based learning.” Molly explained.

“Oh. I guess I never thought of that.” Lexi admitted.

“Most people don’t, but when you’ve been in both types of class rooms, you see the difference. My students here are much happier, relaxed, and learning more than my students in my old pack.”

“They used the structured learning there, I take it?” Peter questioned.

“Yes, and it was very regimented.”

“Are Robert, and Beth even willing to consider this?” Lexi asked.

“Yes. With Rowen’s help, the four of us are in talks with the Dean there.” Molly answered.

“Would you be a professor at the school if this happened?” I asked.

“No. I love my first graders too much to do that. Well at least for now, I wouldn’t be. Maybe once I’m older, and can’t keep up as much I might consider it.” Molly said.

“So a facility, professors, and interest, right?” Joe asked.

“Right.” Molly said with a nod.

“Well we have the space to build something. We would have to implement security like Dark Moon does.” Joe said.

“I’m already working on that dad because of my program.” Rowen stated.

“True. You are. So a facility, and educators are the next big things.” Joe said thoughtfully.

“Yes. As long as this gets approved, of course.” Molly stated.

“Well if it gets approved, we have the space for a school. Keep me in the loop so I can get to work on that part as soon as possible.” Joe requested.

“Really?” Molly squealed.

“Of course.” Joe said with a smile.

Listening to all of this made me smile. I really enjoyed listening to those I loved trying to make their dreams a reality. I really hoped this worked out for Molly, and the pups of our world. I didn’t know a thing about teaching, but it sounded like a good thing none the less.

I sat back, and continued to listen as others talked about things they were trying to accomplish. They may not have been as big as what Rowen, and Molly were trying to do, but they were still important because they were important to the person attempting to do it.

It was then that I realized that this was one of the really big things I was missing when I was at school. This bond. This was a true family, sitting here, and it felt like it. I was just as much a part of this family, but I missed so much while I was away. It just reaffirmed my decision to drop nursing, and just focus on midwifery. I missed my family, and I wanted to be home a lot sooner than I originally planned.

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