The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Read The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega by Jess K Chapter 100


By the time I was done in the shower, Gina, and Melissa were sitting in the living room waiting for the 3 of us. Gina looked really excited which made me giggle. Melissa was putting some papers on her bag. I turned when I heard Molly, and Lexi coming toward us.

“Everyone ready to go?” Molly asked.

“Yes! I love shopping!” Gina squealed, causing us all to laugh.

“Does everyone know what they’re getting, or where they want to go first?” Melissa questioned as we left the apartment.

“I have a few ideas.” Lexi answered.

“I have no idea. I’ve never done this before.” I admitted quietly.

“I know it might not seem like a good gift, but Braxton wants to start getting equipment for the program he wants to start. Maybe a gift card to the sporting goods store.” Gina suggested.

“I think I know something better. Hang on. I’ll be right back.” Molly said, and disappeared back upstairs. “While we wait for her, I have a suggestion for Ross. If you plan to get him something.” Melissa said.

“I do.” I stated.

“Ross is really into a history. There are a couple of books he really wants. I already got him two, but I’m sure he would appreciate another one.” Melissa admitted.

“Ok. Thanks. Text me the names so I can look.”

“Will do.”

“Colby needs a travel mug for his coffee in the morning.” Lexi suggested.

“Um….Alight.” I said, and got an idea, I just hoped it worked out.

“What are you getting for Rowen?” Gina asked.

“I have no idea. He never really asks for anything, or indicates things he wants. I’m at a loss.” I admitted, sadly.

“I’m sure you’ll come up with something great for him.” Gina said with a smile.

“What about Molly?” Melissa asked.

“I’m getting her a new camera. One I know she’ll love.” I responded.

“What are you getting Norm, and Marcus?” Lexi asked.

“Norm I’m getting that rainbow throw blanket he’s been gushing over. I ordered it last week. It will get to school next week sometime. Marcus I’m getting that set of mugs he likes so much in town.” I said.

“What about Jax?” Molly questioned as she walked toward us holding a large canvas bag.

“I’m not sure. What is that?” I questioned.

“All of the stuff from Greg’s house is finally cleaned out, and Braxton has started going through it with dad’s help. They found this in one of the boxes.” Molly answered as she opened the bag.


“This is a quilt his great grandmother made. Every pup born, and every mate found was added to the blanket. The last one added was Greg, by his mother. All of Greg’s cousins are on it, along with Braxton’s. It’s not in the best of shape, and Braxton isn’t on it. He seemed a little sad to see it in the condition it is. I thought maybe you could have it cleaned up, repaired, and have him added to it.” Molly explained.

“How may people are on it?” I asked as I looked at the quilt.

“More than I expected. Braxton’s great grandmother was one of 7. His grandfather was one of 6. There were cousins, and such that have long moved away. Greg was the only child of his father, and mother. He was also the youngest. All of Braxton’s cousins were born before Greg’s mom died. I think it would mean a lot to Braxton.”

“Who do we know that can do it though?”

“My mom probably can.” Offered Melissa.

“It looks like they added a patch for each person so you’ll need to pick something for Braxton.” Molly stated.

“Ok. Why don’t we stop at your mom’s shop first?” I asked Melissa.

“Let’s do it.” Molly said as she put the quilt back into the bag.

It didn’t take long to reach Melissa’s mom’s shop. When she saw the quilt she gushed over it, but was also saddened by the state it was in. Once I explained what I wanted to do, she assured me she could definitely take care of it. She than sent me into her fabric room to find what I wanted to add for Braxton. That was harder than I thought as there were so many choices. After awhile I found a red fabric I liked with black wolves printed on it running, playing, sleeping, and doing various things. I showed Melissa’s

mom the fabric, she cut a section, quoted me a price, and told me it should be ready a few days before Christmas. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

The rest of the girls were looking around at the clothes she had made so I decided to poke around a bit too. I wasn’t seriously looking because I felt I had all I needed, but I did end up finding something I wanted to get for Gina. I hoped she liked it. It was a white, spaghetti strapped dress, that went to about her knees, not completely form fitting, but enough to show off her figure nicely. It was covered in an eyelet material. It might be a little innocent looking, but I thought Gina would really like it, and it would look pretty on her. Some how I managed to purchase it without Gina seeing it, and asked Melissa’s mom to send it over to the pack house later for me. Then we all left the shop.

The next stop was the book store. I did end up getting Ross two of the books Melissa told me about. I also picked up a fashion design book for Naomi that I thought she would like. For Peter I got him a book on the greatest Gammas in history. I hoped he liked it. Melissa assured me he would.

Molly drug us into a jewelry store next. She wanted to look for a specific watch Jax wanted. I wandered around the store for a bit, just looking. I some how ended up looking at earrings, which was surprising as I didn’t have my ears pierced. I never really thought about it either. I did see a pair of earring I loved though. They were a pink heart shaped stone, and very pretty. I ended up walking away from them, and went to look at necklaces.

I had noticed a necklace Melissa had been looking at. It was two interlocking hearts in light yellow gold with the chain attached right to the hearts. I quickly text Ross to ask if he was getting her a necklace or anything for Christmas then sent him the picture. I knew he would get it for her. As we were getting ready to leave as Molly did find, and paid for Jax’s watch, I stopped to look at the earrings again.

“You like those earrings, don’t you?” Gina asked as she came over to me to look.

“I do, but I don’t have my ears pierced so they’d be wasted on me.” I responded.

“Why don’t you get them pierced while we’re here? They may not be able to use those earrings to pierce them with, but maybe you can buy those to put in once your ears heal.” Gina suggested.

“Doesn’t having your ears pierced mess with your wolf’s ears?”

“Nope. We all have our ears pierced.” Molly said from my other side.

“Oh. I….I don’t know.” I mumbled.

“Come on Chas. Get your ears pierced. We’ll even help you pick out the studs you’ll need to wear for awhile.” Lexi coaxed.

“I…..” I sputtered.

“Excuse me, Alley, are you able to do ear piercings?” Melissa called out to the girl working behind the


“Sure. Who’s getting their ears done today?” Alley answered.

“Chastity!” Gina called out, clapping her hands.

“Chas….Oh. Hi Miss. Chastity. You may not remember me, but you helped babysit my little brothers when pop was in the emergency room a few years ago.” Alley reminded me with a smile.

“Oh. Yes I do. Didn’t he break his leg falling off a ladder?” I questioned.

“Sure did. Had to go to the ER to have it set for the night so it would heal properly.”

“I remember that.

“So you want to get your ears pierced?”

“I….I guess.”

“Let me take a look, and then I’ll show you the piercing studs to pick a pair. OK?”

“Um. Sure.”

She led me to a chair behind the counter, and examined my ears. I couldn’t understand why though. They were just ears. Finally she showed me a tray of earrings.

“These are the best piercing studs for your size, and shape ears. As your ears are smaller, it’s best to have. a smaller stud.” Alley explained as she showed me the tray.

Lexi, Molly, and Melissa gathered around the tray, and looked at the studs with me. They all seemed pretty simple which worked for me. Molly suggested a set of yellow gold ball studs, but I really wasn’t a fan of the gold. Lexi pointed to a pair of small diamond studs, but I didn’t like those either. Finally Melissa pointed out a pair of white gold, heart shaped studs. Those I liked. Within 10 minutes, and a small startle from me due to the sound of the gun, my ears were pierced, and we left the shop.

“Where to next?” Gina asked as she skipped along with us.

“Before we go too much further, I need to stop at the toy store, and the craft supply shop for some things for my classroom.” Molly stated, leading us in that direction.

We reached the toy store first. Molly went right to what she needed. As I had never been in a toy store before I decided to wander a bit. It wasn’t long before I came across some oddly shaped, what I assumed were chairs. They had a slightly rounded bottom so they moved a bit when you sat on them. They were made of hard plastic with a vinyl seat on top. There were 6 of them in different colors of the rainbow.

“Oh. Molly would love these for her classroom.” Melissa said as she came up beside me.

“She would?” I asked.

“Yeah. She has two already. She said they’re great for pups because pups always want to be in motion. These keep the pups in their seats, but still moving in a way.”

“But would they make a good Christmas gift?”

“I think so. Why don’t you, Lexi, and me each get two, that way she’ll have all 6, and none of us will be paying for all of them?”

“Go get Lexi, and see what she thinks.”

Melissa nodded, and walked away to find Lexi. I definitely liked the chair idea. It would be an added something to her Christmas present. Once Melissa found Lexi we agreed on Melissa’s idea. Molly was still sorting through puzzles, and games so we easily paid for the chairs, and arranged delivery.

Once Molly was done we moved onto the craft store. Again I wandered, and found myself in the framing department. It was there that I got an idea for Rowen, my dad, and Jax. Rowen didn’t have any pictures of his mom up in his apartment, and my dad could never decide which pictures of my mom he liked best. I had caught Jax sorting though pictures of him, and I from when we were pups. I could make each of them a collage of pictures. I wouldn’t use the originals, but copies. That decided I picked up a couple of large frames, and photo adhesive. I would ask Joe for pictures of Jane. All the pictures Jax had were in his apartment in my box of pictures. Dad’s photo albums of my mom was in his apartment. I would get Braxton to grab those for me.

“What are you going to do with those?” Molly asked as she paid for her packs of crayons, construction paper, and markers.

“I’m going to make collages for dad, Jax, and Rowen.” I answered proudly.

“Of what pictures?” Gina asked.

“For my dad, pictures of mom. For Rowen, pictures of your mom, and for Jax pictures of the two of us from when we were pups.” I explained.

“Oh wow. Rowen will love that. He doesn’t have pictures of mom because he doesn’t want to take them from dad. Are you going to use the originals?”

“No. I’m going to have copies made.”

“I think dad would love it if the pictures weren’t just your mom. I think it should be pictures of all of you. For Jax you should add some of the current pictures too.” Molly suggested.

“You think so?” I questioned.

“Yeah. I do. Actually I know of a picture in dad’s office that is his favorite of your mom. I’ll have Jax scan a copy of it, and email it to you.” Molly offered.

“Great. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Lexi, you haven’t really bought anything yet.” Melissa noticed.

“Maybe I have, and you just haven’t seen me do it?” Lexi giggled.

“Oh. Sneak girl.” Molly joked.

“When I need to be, I always am.” Lexi said.

“Chas, there is a sewing machine here that Melissa really wants, but she told Ross he’s not allowed to by her stuff like that for Christmas. Maybe you should get it for her.” Molly whispered to me.

“A sewing machine?” I questioned quietly.

“She works with her mom a lot, and really enjoys it. She’s always talking about wanting her own machine. Want me to show it to you?”

I nodded, and followed Molly to the sewing machines. As soon as she pointed out the one Melissa wanted, I didn’t think twice. I bought it, and set up to have it delivered to the house. I also picked out some pattern books, thread, and fabric. Once Molly, and I were done, we met everyone else at the coffee shop next door. I got a hot chocolate, and we continued on our way.

“Alright Gina, and Lexi, I need more ideas for Rowen, Joe, and Colby.” I stated once we started walking again.

“Dad is easy.” Gina stated.

“How so?” I asked.

“He has a thing for model cars. He likes to build them.”

“He does? Where does he keep them?”

“The study in our apartment.”

“Is there a particular one he wants, and doesn’t have yet?”

“I think so. We’ll pass the store he gets them from. They have his list there.”

“His list?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Alright then. What about Rowen?”

“Funny, unknown secret about Rowen. He is a Marvel fan. His favorite is Captain America.”

“You’re kidding?” Lexi snorted.

“Nope. They have a limited edition model that’s being released. He typically doesn’t buy those for himself, but I know he would love it.” Gina answered.

“Chastity, did you know about this?” Lexi asked.

“Yes, I knew. Why do you think half of the t-shirts, and sweatshirts he sends me are Captain America. That’s also why I insisted we watch the movies so I had a clue about who the guy was.” I answered.

“Jax’s favorite is the Hulk.” Molly added.

“The Hulk?” Lexi asked.

“Yup.” Molly responded.

“Ross is a fan of Clint.” Melissa said.

“Does Colby have a favorite, Lexi?” Gina asked.

“Ugh. Yes. He’s obsessed with Thor.” Lexi grumbled.

“Well he is hot.” Molly joked.

“Thankfully that’s not why he’s obsessed, but that’s why I have a thing for him.” Lexi giggled, making us all laugh.

“I’d take a ride on that one.” Melissa said with a snort.

“Who wouldn’t?” Gina quipped.

“Gina!” I squeaked.

“Oh come on. Like you don’t think he’s hot.” Gina said.

“I never said he wasn’t. I….I like Iron Man, if I’m being honest.” I giggled.

“Ah yes. The brains, but so arrogant.” Melissa stated as we walked into the model shop.

“It’s the brains I like.” I joked.

We wandered a bit, looking at the Marvel character items they had until Gina drug me over to the model she told me about. It was pewter, and Captain America was preparing to throw his shield. I knew Rowen had to have it, so I grabbed it. I ended up getting a Hulk model for Jax, and they had a model of Thor’s hammer for Colby, Neither of those were limited edition, but Molly, and Melissa assured me my brothers. didn’t have them. Just because I knew Rowen would appreciate it, I bought my first ever Captain America sweatshirt.

I ended up getting a model of the James Bond Aston Martin for Joe to build. Gina told me Joe loved James Bond so it seemed fitting. I knew my dad was a train fan so I got him a model of the first train to ever be built. It was a prebuilt model, but he could set up the track it came with, or display it. I knew he hadn’t bought himself a train since I was a pup, and he didn’t have many.

Of course all of the girls got Marvel items for their mates as well. To go along with their other gifts. The final stop for the males was the blade smith. Colby wanted, and needed a certain type of knife, and Lexi wanted to have one made for him. While she was talking to the blade smith, I looked around a bit. I wasn’t a weapons fan, but it was kind of neat seeing what the male made with his own hands, and imagination. Gina ended up getting a set of throwing knives she said Braxton really liked. I got a leather pouch for him to keep, and carry them in. I had his name carved into it as well.

The only person I was at a loss for was Lexi. She never really expressed a want or have to have. I ended up texting both Colby, and Darren for help. What they told me kind of surprised me. Lexi loved paintings. She couldn’t paint, but she loved looking at them. Her favorites were of the moon, stars, and the sunset. She also needed some new cake pans. I got Molly to take Lexi off to a clothing store she was eyeing, with Gina, then Melissa, and I went to the small, private art gallery. I didn’t know what I was looking for, but I hoped I would find something Lexi would love.

It took a bit, but I found a set of small paintings that were the different phases of the moon. Melissa found a set of constellations. She also bought a painting for Naomi, and Peter. I wasn’t sure what it was as I didn’t get a good look, but she thought they would like it. Once we finished we went off in search of Gina, Molly, and Lexi.

They were still in the clothing store when we found them. Lexi was trying on a skirt that looked really good on her, Gina had a not so flattering tie-dye dress on Molly was in the process of talking her out of. Molly already had several bags in her hands. Once they were changed, I was surprised Lexi didn’t buy the skirt. I snuck a picture of it to Colby who asked me to have the store hold it for her. After all of that we made our way home so Molly, Melissa, Lexi, and I could get ready for our date.

Shopping all day was exhausting, but I had to admit it was a lot of fun. I had Molly take my bags back to her apartment for me, and made my way to Joe’s office. After being told I could come in, I stepped through the door, and looked around. I had never realized how many pictures Joe had up of his family. It was clear to me just how important Jane, Rowen, and Gina were to him.

“Hey there Chassy girl. What can I do for you?” Joe asked as he set his pen down, and smiled at me.

“I need a little help with Rowen’s Christmas gift.” I said as I sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

“I’m sure what ever you get him, he will love.”

“I hope so.”

“So what do you need my help for?”

“Rowen doesn’t have any pictures of Jane in his apartment. Gina said he doesn’t want to ask you for them because she was your mate, and he feels you should have them. I want to make a collage of pictures of her for him. I was wondering if you could scan them onto a USB for me so I can print a bunch to put on the collage, or have Gina do it please?”

“Oh. Absolutely. I’ll have Gina do that for you as quickly as possible. I’m sure he would love that.”

“Thank you Joe. I really appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Well I better go. We’re going on a group date tonight, and I need to get ready.”

“Ok. Well you have fun.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, and Chastity?”


“I’m really glad you’re Rowen’s mate. You make him very happy, and an even better man than he already was.”

“Thank you Joe. He makes me very happy too.”

“Good. Now go get ready.”

I waved to Joe with a smile on my face, and headed back to Jax’s apartment. Rowen said pants, and long sleeves for tonight. I picked out a pair of dark wash, boot cut jeans, and dark purple, short sleeved button up. I planned to take a sweat shirt with me to put on at the blacksmith shop though. After that I got in the shower. I was really looking forward to tonight.

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