The Alphas And The Orphan

Chapter 78

Friday 26th January

Star POV

My husbands and I rush to our room to get changed for tonight’s ceremony, Ace unbuttons my dress and pushes it off my shoulders, the fabric pooling at my feet, before I can step out of it I am lifted and thrown on the bed.

All three of my husbands pounce and my lingerie is ripped from my body. “guys, we don’t have time.” Ash is already between my legs, licking and sucking at my clit, making me m**n.

“It ok Tink. I told dad to stall for an hour, we have time.” Mouths attack my n*****s, and buttons and torn fabric fly across the room as my beautiful boys rip their clothes off.

My o****m explodes from me, their need for me, making me wetter than ever before.

I am lifted and impaled on Ash’s engorged c**k, and lubed fingers enter my a*s, pumping in rhythm with Ashton’s c**k.

Ace straddles my a*s and pushes the head of his c**k in my puckered a*****e. f**k, I c*m again before he can get halfway in. “f**k, Tink, you’re going to make me c*m. You’re so f*****g tight.”

Lex cups my face, kissing me hungrily, “where do you want me baby, in your mouth, or in your p***y with Ash?” Thinking back to the Last time I had all three in me, I could barely walk after.

“In my mouth baby, I have too much to do tonight,” He smirks then stands on the bed, so his c**k is at mouth level, I open and he slides all the way in, all four of us g***n as my husbands f**k me like the animals they are.

Feeling my next o****m hit, I clench every muscle I have, taking all three over the edge with me.

Once we have caught our breath, we collapse on the bed, holding each other. Lex nibbles on his mating mark.

“We love you very much, Mrs Ravenwood. Now get your sexy a*s out of bed before we f**k you again. Storm is ready to get the ceremony done so he can chase and f**k Saffron.”

Giggling, I leap off the bed and run to the closet, the boys on my tail.

Grabbing my Luna ceremony dress, a simple white strapless maxi dress with beading across my breasts.

Looking up, I see three pairs of eyes gazing at me with desire.

“No lingerie, Tink?” he licks his lips, and then pulls his bottom l*p between his teeth.

“Why bother baby, it just going to get ripped off me later when I shift.” I smirk as the three of them g***n and reach for me.

I run past them and into the bedroom.

“Hurry, you three, your dad is probably boring the a*s off the pack.”

As soon as they are dressed, we run to the ceremony stage, as I predicted Andrew is droning on about some nonsense or other. As soon as he sees us, he sighs with relief.

“An Alpha spends his life serving his pack, making decisions that keep out people safe, and cared for.”

“Not all of our decisions are universally agreed with, but as the saying goes, you can’t please everyone.”

Polite chuckles spread around the clearing.

“During my reign as Alpha of our great pack, I have watched your families grow, finding mates, having pups, Today I watched as my sons married the girl of their dreams, and now I have the greatest honour an Alpha and father can have, as my Luna and I pass the power of our people into the steady hands of my beloved sons, and their beautiful wife.”

Our pack cheers as Andrew motions for my husbands to join him on stage.

The cheers get louder as they make their way towards their father.

The triplets stand with their father around a podium holding an antique ceremonial chalice, an equally old bejewelled dagger and a red lit candle.

The elder that acted as officiant at our wedding steps forward and smiles at the pack members before him.

Today I have been bestowed the greatest of honours, firstly I had the joy of joining four beautiful souls in marriage, and now I get to preside over their rise to Alphas and Luna.

He turns to Alpha Andrew,

Alpha Andrew Ravenwood, do you consent to the passing of your title and power of Alpha to the Ravens Perch pack to your sons, Ace, Alexei and Ashton?

“I do”

He lifts the dagger from the podium and holds his hand out for Andrews. He makes a cut across Andrews’ palm and allows it to drip into the chalice.

He then passes Andrew a piece of cloth to bind his hand with.

Turning to the boys, he motions for them to all stand around the podium.

Ace, Alexei and Ashton Ravenwood, do you promise to lead our pack with strength and wisdom, to care for them with kindness and integrity?

As one, the three men reply; “we do”

Do you promise to always put the wellbeing of the pack before your own?

“we do”

He cuts all three of their palms, their b***d joining their fathers. They then step back and face Andrew behind the podium.

The officiant holds a wick to the lit candle and lights the b***d in the chalice.

The whole pack gasps, and I feel the power of the pack change as it moves from Andrew to the triplets.

A new stronger power runs through us.

Our bond seems different, I can’t explain it.

I look up at my husbands and they seem bigger, more imposing, more confident and even more handsome, if that’s possible!

The officiant seems as shocked as I am, but clears his throat

I give you your new alphas.

Claps and cheers echo around the clearing. He then beckons Luna Amanda to join our men on the stage.

He looks a little nervous. Everyone now knows that my wolf has abilities.

I can almost hear the questions in their heads. Am I the reason for the change in power?

Amanda and I walk hand in hand to the podium and stand on either side of it. The officiant turns to Amanda and smiles at her.

Luna Amanda Ravenwood, do you consent to the passing of your title and power of Luna to the Ravens Perch pack to your Daughter-in-law, Star?

“I do”

He slices her palm and her b***d drips into the now clean chalice. As with Andrew and the boys, he hands her a strip of cloth for her wound before turning to me.

Star Ravenwood, do you promise to be the mother of our pack, care for them with kindness and integrity?

“I do”

Do you promise to always put the wellbeing of the pack before your own?

“I do”

He slices my palm and my b***d mixes with the Luna’s.

We step back and hold hands as he once again lights the b***d in the chalice.

Wind dances around the clearing, lightning flashes across the sky, flowers bloom in front of our eyes, and an even greater power surges through the pack.

The officiant lifts my hand in the air.

I will give you your new Luna.

The pack goes wild, cheering, clapping, a few wolf whistles from Olly and Aiden.

The ceremony continues with both Kurtis and Jonah’s fathers passing their titles over to their sons.

Again, cheers went out for the new Beta and Gamma.

Andrew motioned for silence, “before I retire to my slippers and chair by the fire, I have the honour of starting my son’s and daughter-in-law’s first full moon pack run, as is customary, our new Luna will try to outrun her mates, it barely seems fair as she has three of them, but I have seen her run, and she is more than a match for them.”NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Laughter floats around the pack.

“Remember, our run cannot begin until the Alphas howl to let us know the chase is over, so good luck boys, Luna Star. Please step forward.”

I do as he asks, and he clasps my hand, “Luna, we will give you a 2 minute head start. Use it wisely. Ready on the count of three.”

I nod and wink at my men, “one….. two…… THREE!”

I leap off the stage, shifting in the air. Pack members clear a path for me, and I give Saffron her head. We take off like a bolt of lightning; she weaves in and out of the trees, then jumps onto a low branch before leaping from tree to tree, leaving no trail on the ground. I hear the howl of my Alpha wolves warning me they have given chase.

Saffron makes herself comfortable high in a tree and waits, “Saffy, what are you doing?”

“Honey, I want to be caught. If my Alphas can follow my trail, then they deserve to catch me, but I’m going to watch them search, and when they can’t find me, I will reveal myself.”

Cheeky wolf.

After 20 minutes, I am getting a little bored, then the Alexei’s scent wafts towards me, “here we go Saffy, they are close.”

From our perch in the tree, I watch as all three of my mates come into view.

They sniff the air, then the ground, I hear the low growl in their throats

Saffy gets up and shakes her fur, “I think that’s long enough to show them who’s boss, I don’t want them to be embarrassed, and the pack think they are weak though.”,

She jumps down behind them and lays down on her back, her soft belly and throat on display.

Our three wolves let out a thunderous roar, and I hear the entire pack respond.

They stalk over to us, licking every part of us, before Maximus nudges us with his snout, pushing us to our feet.

And then the actual race begins, Saffron takes off into the forest, our Alphas hot on our trail, We give my wolf complete control, and retreat to the depths of her mind, “have fun Saffy.”

“Oh, I will Star.”

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