The Alphas And The Orphan

Chapter 72

Thursday 25th January

Star’s POV

Dinner has been amazing and we are now lounging on couches, telling stories,

Anne-Marie and Mary-Beth have returned to their covens to prepare their people for our trip to Greece, but promise to come back for the wedding, they have only been here a few days but I miss their presence.

The girls and I have been talking to my grandmother for the last hour about the wedding, and the dress of course, Amanda is still upset about the veil, she was describing how it looked as my mum had walked down aisle.

Mamo clapped her hands, and shouts across the room, “BLAIR MY FAVOURITE GRANDSON, COME TO MAMO!” He saunters over his eyes darting towards my friend.

I have noticed the glances he keeps sending to Suzie, and the looks she keeps giving him, mmm, interesting, h we are still a few weeks away from her birthday, but it is definitely a possibility.

“Blair honey, can you help your mamo? Run up to my room and bring me the satin box from the closet, please. “Of course Mamo.”

As he turns, he sends Suzie a longing look.

“We should think about heading off soon. We have a pamper party in the Alpha suite to get to. Elsie, will you join us? Star and the girls are staying with me tonight. They will get ready for the wedding there.”

“Oh, that would be lovely. Is Alpha Andrew staying with the young Alphas?”

“Yes Mamo, all the boys are staying at ours, Ace had a lot of alcohol deliveries, so I think they are going to party, I’m sure your guys will be there, we would love to have you join us, my bridesmaids even got us all matching pajamas.”

Max grinned at us, “we brought plenty of pairs cause we didn’t know how many girls were coming. I definitely have a set for you, Mamo.”

Blair returns with the large satin box and placed it on a table. Mamo thanks him, and Amanda gets to her feet, “Come on, ladies, I am sure everyone will be waiting for us.”

As I was bidding farewell to everyone, I was suddenly grabbed and taken away from the group.

“We are going to miss you baby, have fun, but don’t let mum lead you astray. That woman is crazy.” Lex shudders. They all k**s me good night, and I warn them to behave themselves. With a last k**s, we return to the rest of the guys.

I see Amanda, Mamo, Sophia and Nat all saying good night to their mates,

i notice Aiden and Olly seem to be in deep conversation, with sly grins on their faces, it looks like they have plans for my boys, I just hope they don’t get to out of control, I want my fiancé’s alive when they make their vows.

Grabbing the woman, we head back to the Alpha suite. Both Suzie and Max’s mums were there, along with some of the nurses I used to help.

Once we have changed into our pajamas, and Amanda has opened several bottles of champagne, Mamo asks to see my mothers dress, I lead her into Lex’s room, well my room for tonight, and pull my dress form the closest, Mamo gasps and smiles.

She puts the satin box on my bed and pulls the top off, “I thought you would like to have something from your fathers side of the family, this was my grandmothers, and has been worn by both my mother and I at our weddings I had hoped Thalia would wear it but they never got that far.”

Sadness clouds her eyes for a moment, then she pulls out a beautiful lace veil I have ever seen. It has tiny hooks to hang from a headdress, just like the one mum had, the gorgeous antique lace cascades to the floor creating a train.

“It is made with the finest Scottish lace and bares the crest of the McDonald family. My family, their b***d runs through your veins, my little Star. I would be honoured if you would wear it tomorrow.”

Hugging her tight, “it’s perfect, thank you so much.” Sadness hits me and I tell her, “When I found out I had been adopted, I lost my history. I felt like I was alone, but now finding dad, and now all of you, I feel so blessed, part of something again.”

“And you will find even more when you go to Greece. I am sure you will discover everything you need there.”

I hang the veil with my dress and return them to the closet, then we return to the party. Max had arranged for an evening of pampering. We had massages, manicures and pedicures, face packs were applied, and we were waxed and plucked to within an inch of our lives.

Champagne flows and by midnight everyone is fairly tipsy and we say goodnight to those not staying with us. Sophia and Nat give me big hugs, I offered them Ace’s old room if they wanted to stay, but after they opened the door, they both wrinkled their noses, Sophia laughed and said, “no offence Star but his scent is really strong in there still, I won’t be able to sleep with that, and I want to be home to look after Kurtis, he will try to keep up with the others but he is a massive lightweight, he will probably spend the night puking, and he is such a spoilt baby, he needs someone to pamper him.” We all laugh at how our big warrior wolves, are just silly boys on the inside. I close the door after everyone has gone and walk back into the lounge.

Both Amanda and Mamo have really indulged in the fizz and have passed out together on the couch. My friends and I carry them to their beds.

There is no way I am getting Mamo back to the mansion, so we tuck her into Ashton’s bed. She grabs a pillow in her sleep and snuggles up, snoring softly.

We nearly dropped Amanda twice, the second time I ended up wedged under her in the doorway, Suzie giggled which started me and Max off, when we finally got Amanda into bed, and the three of us snuggled our own bed, my sides were hurting from laughing.NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

The girls were on either side of me making me the middle spoon, Max was the big spoon, “I can’t believe you are getting married tomorrow Stary, everything has happen so fast, and now my girl is going to be our Luna, I am so proud of you my friend.”

“thanks Maxie. But I am more interested in what’s going on between Suzie and my handsome cousin. Have you seen him staring at Her?”

“Oh shush, he keeps trying to get me on my own. It’s creepy, yes, he’s good looking, but I’m not some easy slut he can have fun with while he is in town. Now enough, Star, you need your beauty sleep. We have a long day tomorrow.”

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much!!!

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