“Where are you going to?” Maya asked Derek, as she sauntered towards him, her hands on her hips, a curious but disappointed look on her face. Of all the things she had expected tonight at the party, her cousin banging some girl other than Emma, wasn’t in the list.

“I’m going after her.” He replied, still walking hurriedly towards the entrance.

Maya sighed, and walked after him, trying to meet up with his pace, not minding the curious glances they were receiving from the crowd. She knew they would soon get back to what they were doing before the scene occurred. But for now, she had to dissuade her cousin from his mission. Her friend needed some space now, not some cuddling or apology. Perhaps tomorrow, but not now. She was a woman too, and so she knew this things.

“Don’t!” She said, grasping his arms. “Let her be.” She added, coming to a halt after successfully getting his attention.

“What are you trying to saying? What do you mean that I should let her be?” Derek asked, looking at her incredulously. For a second, his mind gave a null feedback that she might have planned this. But then, it wasn’t possible. She didn’t know Cassey.

“She needs some space Coz. She needs time. She needs someone she could trust around. Definitely not you. Someone like me.” Maya replied, with a shrug.

” Oh God. I really fucked up.” Derek stated, running his hands vigorously through his hair like he was going crazy. What had he been thinking following Cassey?Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah, you surely did.” Maya said, folding her arms at her chest.

“What were you even thinking following her?” She asked, finally voicing out the question which had been ringing constantly in her mind. It was time to get answers. Answers she knew that Emma would need to calm down, and perhaps, hopefully, forgive.

“She had told me that her father was looking for me.” He stated, gritting his teeth; obviously not pleased at being a tool of play.

“And why would you fall for that? It’s past working hours. Last I checked, you weren’t the managing director of his affliate company, or personal assistant. You’re just a worker like everyone else.” Maya stated, her eyebrows raised in mock belief.

“Well.. I did something wrong.. and..” Derek was saying, when Maya interrupted him sharply.

“Wait, I think I get this now. You did something wrong at the company, and she has been using it to manipulate you?”

” Yeah.” Derek replied, sighing deeply in regret. He still couldn’t get rid of the look on his little witch’s face. It had scattered him, and brought him out of the haze. And when she had stormed out in tears, his heart felt like it was failing. He had pushed the girl off his laps roughly, before jumping up with inhumane strength and running after her, not for once, checking who the unknown girl was or why she had red hair; he hadn’t even stopped to acknowledge his cousin who still stood at the doorpost. His mind had all been smeared with one name. Emma.

“So you thought she had told her father..” Maya asked, her anger rising already swearing inwardly to deal with the Cassey human if she ever laid her eyes on her again; that was if her cousin didn’t get to her first.

“Yeah.” Derek responded despondently. He just wanted to hold his little witch and explain.

“But still, that doesn’t explain the scenario we walked into.” Maya said, thining her eyes in scrutiny.

“I think I was drugged. I was drugged.” He muttered, holding back a growl. He felt like tearing down the area. He felt like going for a run. His wolf wanted to be let out, especially on the filthy human who had played him.

“You were.. Oh God. That girl is really something…. so desperate.” Maya said, fisting and unfisting her hands. She needed to hit the Blondie.

At that moment, Shane joined them.

He had only seen Emma rebuke Derek before storming out of the hall, but that was it. He didn’t know the beginning, since he had gone off to one of the rooms with a strange girl who he didn’t even know her name. But he was curious.

“What happened with your date?” He asked Derek, with his signature smirk. He had found the scene funny.

“Not now, Shane.” Maya replied, referring to his smirk. Knowing her cousin, he might pick offense with anything or anyone in this state he was in.

“I’m going after her.” She added, before walking off, leaving the duo alone.

“What happened?” Shane asked again, his smirk wiping off, as Derek threw him a hot glare.

But Derek said nothing, and it didn’t do good to his curiosity.

He looked around the hall, searching for Clem.

“Where’s Clem?” He asked, still looking around. He wasn’t even seeing Claire. Had they gone back to the pack house?

“Don’t call that betrayer’s name here?” He heard Derek mutter with gritted teeth, and balked. Something must have really happened. Something he didn’t know about.

“Where are you going to?” He asked, walking after Derek who seemed to be going towards the other entrance of the hall.

But Derek still didn’t reply. He walked steadily, out to the entrance, looking around the spacious environment which wasn’t void of people too, his eyes going tro and fro as they searched for a particular somebody. He grunted in fulfillment as he saw who he was looking for.

Taking steady steps, all the time ignoring his gamma who was behind him, he walked up to the Blondie.

Grasping her by the arm, he turned her to face him, not minding the commotion he was about to cause.

“What did you do?” He asked, his eyes getting darker as his wolf threatened to take control.

It got worse when the Blondie remained silent, shaking like a rabbit dropped into a pool of cold water. She was scared. And he knew why. He was changing. His wolf was taking over.

“What are you doing? Let my friend go.” A voice said, getting his attention.

He turned to the newcomer, and discovered that she was the one who had brought the wine to him. His nostrils flared in anger, as he connected the dots. He knew that red hair had just been a wig to aid their deceit of him.

He held that new girl by the neck, his grip still firm and hard on the Blondie’s arm.

“What did you do?” He kept asking, as his eyes turned pitch black. The Blondie screamed, then fainted; her friend was choking, asking for mercy with her eyes.

“Derek!” Shane shouted, noticing that they were attracting more crowd. He had actually been calling Derek, ever since he held the blondie by the arm, but then his soon to be alpha was beyond reach. It would take more than a name calling to get him out of that dark haze.

And that’s why he was glad when Maya came running towards them, her eyes filled with worry and apprehension. A sight which bothered and relieved him at the same time.

“Derek!!” He heard her shout, as she got closer to them.

“I can’t find Emma. She is missing.” She added.

And like that, Derek snapped.

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