Claire withheld herself from stomping her foot in annoyance and anger as she took a seat at the other end of the classroom; nearly regretting why she had told her father to put her in college. He had been suprised, but had still worked it

She almost bit off her lips in anger, as she watched the human chattering away with Maya, Derek’s cousin, while he just sat there operating whatever on his phone; a blank look on his face like he hadn’t just humiliated her some minutes ago.

She balked in anger, as she heard some mutterings from the students around her; her wolf hearing was still in development since she hadn’t turned yet.

“Good for her.”

“She thought she could just come in on the first day and win Most handsome. ”

” I pity her though. I don’t think she has a chance with that red hair having much influence on Derek.”

” True. I had heard when she had told him, to cut the new comer off.

“Like seriously?”

“Yeah. The other newcomer was also in agreement.”

“Oops for her. She should pick someone else.”

” Yeah. Enough about the daunted newbie.. have you selected a cloth for the party. It’s tomorrow’s night…”

Claire tuned off from the three girls sitting two seats in front of her, her nostrils flaring in anger, as she glimpsed at the trio that had made her a laughing stock in class.

‘I will wipe off that smile on her face soon.’ she thought, as she stared angrily at Emma who was busy laughing and talking with Maya over issues which Claire couldn’t listen in to.

It made her wish she had turned to her wolf already; she couldn’t wait for next week already. She would be turning 18 with her twin then; she was days older than Derek.


Claire dropped her thoughts for sometime else, as she heard a voice which she knew was surely a human male; his scent already gave him out.

“Hey.” She replied, bored already with the conversation that hadn’t even started yet. She hated humans, and the only guy she was interested in was Derek. And the fact that he was also the same one that had just busted and humiliated her was making her ill.

“I… uhmm.. My name is Zack.” The human male with shaggy brown hair said, stretching out his right hand for an introductory handshake.

“Okay… Zack. what do you want?” She asked, folding her arms whilst overlooking his hand which was still stretched out towards her in greeting.

“I was uhmm.. wondering if you could accompany me to a party by tomorrow.” The human, Zack, stated tentatively; hoping that the very beautiful blonde won’t tell him down. He had to win the bet of his stupid friends. Observing the bland, uninterested look on the newbie’s face, he wished he hadn’t joined the bet. The girl wasn’t moved by his good looks which had drawn many girls to his bed.

“Not interested.” Claire stated, picking up a literature from the pile of books on her table, which she had brought out unconsciously, while fuming about the humiliation she had received from the guy she wanted.

“Oh, okay. But if you ever change your mind….” Zack was saying, when Claire cut him off.

“I won’t. Quit bugging me.” She said, bitting her tongue as she remembered that it was the same clause that Maya had used for her.

It made her wonder on how Maya became close to Derek again.

From what she knew, he had been ready to kill her when next he saw her; the older cousin had betrayed them and their pack.

So what happened? She thought, staring at the trio again, which sat at the other end of the class.

How did they become close again? And what’s the place of the human there? Who is she?

She thought the duo seemed protective of the redhead. It made her insides boil.

“He would be there too.”

“Who?” She sprouted out, turning away from the trio to the human male still in front of her. She had forgotten that he was standing there.

“The guy you were just staring at. The guy who turned a beauty like you down. I’m talking about Derek.” Zack said, withholding himself from insulting his fellow guy, whom although he thought was handsome, didn’t want to admit it openly. He was jealous of him. The guy could get any girl he wanted, without any stress. He thought.

“I wasn’t staring at him and…” Claire was about denying, when Zack interrupted her.

“You don’t have to deny it. We all get that sometimes.

Well.. he would be around for the party.” He stated.

“And how sure are you?” Claire asked, dropping her nonchalant facade. She was interested now.

“A hundred percent.” Zack replied, although he wasn’t sure. Well anything to win the bet. He thought.

“Okay. Where is it taking place?” Claire queried, already devising means to get Derek during the party.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Not too fast beautiful. You have to take up my offer first.” Zack said, licking his lips as he smiled widely; happy that he got the girl right where he wanted her. Although he wished it was the redhead who made him experience wet dreams almost every night.

Claire withheld herself from slapping off the smirk on the human’s face as she stared at him with veiled dusgust. She would deal with him later. But now, she needed him. She thought.

“Okay. I will be your date for the party.” She stated, with a faux smile.

“Cool. Can I have your digits?” Zack asked, still smiling at his catch.

“Sure.” Claire answered, stretching out her right hand towards him, indicating that he should give her his phone; of which he obliged.

She inputed her number, and gave him back his phone; the faux smile still plastered on her face.

“That’s it then. See you later. We will talk about the time over the phone.” Zack enunciated, before walking off to his friends in front.

“Did she agree to the offer?”

“Yeah, she did.”


“Man, you’re too good.”

“I told y’all. She would fall over.”

” But what did you tell her to convince her finally? At a time, I had thought she would slap you.”

” Yeah, the look on her face was so…”

” That’s how girls are.. always pretending.”

” Well, you won. But will you shag her in the party?”

“What do you think? Don’t you trust me?”


Claire folded her fists tightly, as she listened in to the conversation that was going on between Zack and three other boys few feet away from her. She couldn’t help but blame the human girl; Derek wouldn’t have humiliated her if not for the redhead. She wouldn’t have been a laughing and betting stock if not for the same human.

She had almost stood up to walk over to the guys in annoyance when she couldn’t take their banter any longer, when a lecturer came into the class.

Curbing in her anger, she took a deep breath in. She would deal with them later. It will just take a little time.

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