Derek’s eyes widened as his mother informed him that she had just been mind linked by his father. Various thoughts ran across his mind at the speed of light, the main thought centered on if his cousin had finally done it. He hoped not. He hoped that the quietness he still felt around the pack was genuine, and not as a result of an Alpha’s mind link to his pack members to hush up.

At this type of moment, he ernestly wished his little sister had grown up. If she had, she would have been able to give him a run down of what could be happening in the main pack house at the moment. But no, little … was still five, and couldn’t communicate through the pack link yet. She had to be at least 15; although he already could be communicated to, through the pack link when he was 9years.

He had been bristled in shock, when he had his father’s voice in his mind then, as the older man did an announcement through the Pack’s link for an urgent meeting because of the rogues that had been trespassing their boundaries at that time.

At first he had ignored it, but as time went on, he had told it to his mother who found the whole thing exciting and interesting; but not before hiding her shock and wonder with a sharp quick-witted smile. She had taken him to his father and Agrip, as the duo had been discussing some pack issues in the conference room then . His father had been shocked beyond description, Agrip had just opined that his wolf might be a Lycan.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Even as a little boy then, he understood that the Lycans were a rare specie of werewolves, the strongest and sharpest with one or two extra powers. Anthony had told him that, some weeks ago, as he taught him how to hunt.


Derek snapped out of his thoughts as he heard his mother’s call. And from the exasperated look on her face, he knew that it wasn’t the first time that she had called him.

“Yes Mom.” He replied, cautioning his mind to remain focused, and to stop zapping in and out.

“What did father say?” He asked, remembering what he had been thinking of first, before his mind took him for a rollercoaster ride to a time, 8 years ago.

“He said we should get to the pack house now… that Maya wants to let him in on something, after he shouted at her for tearing down the painting, Arnold had brought for him earlier. He also asked me, if I knew what was wrong with the chap; who had and is still looking very furious.” Melvina replied her son, taking up her walking pace this time around.

She needed to stop Maya from telling her mate anything. She loved her mate, but recently he had been making unwise decisions which bothered her greatly, even though she tended to mask her discomfort sometimes. She had already decided that she will work this one out with her son and his cousin, themselves.

“Oh, okay.” Derek muttered, walking after his mother in large strides, a bit grateful that his cousin hadn’t said anything yet; and very happy that she had torn down the stupid painting. He smiled as he imagined the look on his father’s face, as he beheld the sport.


The duo walked into the pack’s conference room gingerly, as they thought individually on how to prevent Maya from speaking anything out to Peter. Melvina had already concluded to send her out, immediately she stepped in, with an excuse of having an alone talk with her mate. She trusted her son to understand the tactic, and to do the stuff, required. But what transpired soonest wasn’t what she had planned or envisaged.

“Good, You’re here with Derek. It would make this smoother. Maya speak..” Her mate had said, immediately he had sighted her and her son coming into the wide official room. He had gestured to the still angry girl to speak, as he took a seat on the cushion nearest to the wall; his blue eyes brimming with expectancy and curiosity.

She soughed, and stared at her son whose eyes seem to have coincidentally met hers at the same time. She asked, with her eyes, if he had any ideas to stop his cousin from talking. For she knew that there was no way she could call the girl out now, her mate’s interest and curiosity was already piqued, and he wouldn’t balk until it was satisfied.

“Maya, speak.” Peter said, drumming his fingers on the lush furniture, as he pondered on what his brother’s first child could possibly say to him, that could justify her tearing down the painting that her father had given him.

Although he wasn’t really bothered about the fake painting of peace which now laid waste on the floor like a discarded peice of rag, for he knew how cunning his brother could be; He was rather interested in his neice, who still stood by the pillar in deep thoughts.

He had been stupefied when she had barged into the conference room in anger, with marks of fallen tears visible on her cheeks.

He had still watched in shock, as she walked up to the painting which he had placed by the west angle of the room, and torn it into two before turning from the sight to recognize his presence.

He had masked his shock then, by shouting a query on why she had done it.

He had known she was angry, quite alright; but he hadn’t known the why.

Now staring at the angry lady in front of him whom he had at one time, played with when she had been little and guileless, he pondered again on what she really had to say; her grievances. He wondered if it could be something he could use against his brother. He wished it was, for he was tired of being used and trapped.

He was about calling her out to speak again, as he got impatient with her silence state, when he observed his son making weird signs to her with his eyes and fingers subtly.

His eyebrows scrunched up, as he also watched her reciprocate with signs of her own too.

He also noticed that his mate had a small smile on her face as she watched the interaction going on between the two young chaps. And so he understood that he was the only one left out on what was really happening, and he didn’t like it; one bit.

“Maya..” He called the lady again for the third time. “What is it that you wanted to tell us?” He asked.

“Nothing really sir.” She replied. “Nothing.”

“Forgive me for tearing down your lovely painting, I’m just not happy merging with your pack.” She stated with a sarcastic undertone.

But Peter already knew that the undertone was fake. He had earlier observed the interactions between the trio, and he knew that there was something more; something else they didn’t want to let him know.

It piqued his curiosity further, but he also knew that he shouldn’t force it. His mate wouldn’t be happy if he did. He decided then to just wait and watch.

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