The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 3 Temptation Is Sweet

She is right, Lucas what are you doing? She feels so soft, I just want to be near her, near her skin. I want to run my lips over her body. I want to feel her heart throbbing through her veins. But most of all I want to taste her, I want to sink my teeth down into her neck. I know I must let go but I can’t, I can’t pull myself away from her skin.

I hear her softly whisper my name, “Lucas.”

“Ssshh Cassidy. Just a minute.”

She closes her eyes and I can see she is getting as much pleasure as I do from it. What if I just prick her once, once I am sure she will not notice it.

She leans her head back against the wall and let me roam her neck. I cannot keep it in anymore. I crave her, not the hunger to feed but the hunger to please. I want to take her body to a height of pleasure that she will never experience from a mortal man.

As my lips run slowly down from the tip of her ear down the bare of her neck to the edge of her shoulder, I can see her body slightly shiver. I know it’s not from the cold of the night but the intensity of my touch.

My lips roll down her shoulder to her collarbone, I stop and take a deep breath. I part my lips and slightly let my tongue out to lick her. I gasp as her sweetness fills my mouth; my god how good she tastes. I can hear her moan as I do it again.

I want more, this is not enough for me. I know if I slide my fangs into her, she will experience so much more pleasure but is this I risk I want to take. I do not have to ponder even further; she knots her fingers in my hair and pull my face closer.

“What are you doing to me Lucas?”

“Only what you are doing to me Cassidy.”

I slowly move in and press my lips against her plump velvety ones. They are warm and taste like cotton candy. They are softer than I could ever have imagined. I place my hand at the small of her back and pull her closer.

“Who are you Lucas?”

“I think I can ask the same. Where did you come from Cassidy?”

As soon as the last syllable escapes my lips, we find ourselves interlocked in a kiss.

Knowing my full attention, I stop to ask, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“The only thing I am sure of is the way you are making me feel,” she answers.

Unable to contain myself anymore I pull her into a fiery and passionate kiss. All my thoughts are obliterated. For the first time in over two hundred years I am kissing a mortal woman. I can feel the hunger grow inside me, the pleasure building towards a peak. I pull her even tighter into my body. I can smell her arousal and it only fuels me. The kiss is getting deeper and deeper with every breath that we take.

For a brief moment I pull away, with a shaky breath I whisper, “Cassidy.” Prolonging each letter as to savour it. “My god Cassidy, I crave you so much.”

The kiss goes on, our lips moving in perfect sync. The kiss becoming more passionate by the second. Her right-hand flows onto the open skin of my sculpted chest as her left greedily starts undoing my shirt. My hand slides smoothly onto her arm, lifting it and pinning it against the wall. I can feel the heat flowing throughout her body. I lift her leg and slide my hand under her dress and up her thigh.

The kiss is growing greedier, our mouths are locked together tightly. It feels like I am walking on air. Nothing around us matters, it is as if the world has fallen away. But then it happens. What I feared would if I get too lost in the passion. As I swiftly pull away, I feel my fang scrape over her bottom lip. God I hope she did not feel that.

But she does not say a word. I see the tiniest speck of blood where I had cut her. The desire to taste her overpowers me and I softly kiss it away. The minute I do, I realize my mistake. I have to go or else I will do something that I might regret.

“Cassidy, I need to go!” I turn to make my leave, if I stay any longer my fangs will be exposed. I have just tasted her blood and now I want more.

“Wait! Lucas! Don’t go!”

I ignore her please and make my way into the dark night.

After aimlessly wondering the streets for hours, I finally make my way home just before dawn. Not that it makes any difference, but I just don’t feel like facing the day alone. I find Damien and Lilith, as they always do, sitting in the kitchen.

“For vampires you do spend an awful lot of time in the kitchen,” I announce as I make my entrance.

“Aaaahhh look who has graced us with his presence. Dear brother where have you been?” Lilith proceeds to leave her chair to come greet me.

“Had to take a walk to clear my head.”

Damien looks at me with a questionable look on his face, “Does that walk perhaps got anything to do with that beauty Cassidy?”

This immediately sparks the interest of Lilith, “Please do tell, who is this Cassidy? Did you boys go out having fun without me?”

“Dear sis, you do not need us to have fun. And there is nothing to tell about this Cassidy.”

“I beg to differ,” Damien stops me as we continue to talk about Cassidy. “She came quite startled back to our table and I must say it took her quite some time to do so as well. What was it that happened in the ladies?”

“It was the alley, and nothing happened,” I impatiently snap at his suggestion.

Lilith whom has been with me for the better part of my vampire years, ever so politely reminds me, “Lucas you might be over two hundred but you are still a bad liar.”

“If you must know, I kissed her,” I admittedly reply.

“Well bravo, you seem to have taken my advice. But what is so wrong with kissing her?” Damien says while he mockingly bows.

“It went too far, let’s just say that I do not possess that ability not to expose myself at the height of pleasure.”

Damien looks at me with an expression of pure horror on his face, “Please do not tell me that you bit her?”

“I bit her lip, but then… then I tasted her blood.” I reply. “If I did not leave when I did, I am not sure what I would have done.”

Lilith looks at me with a smile of amusement on her face, “So you nearly fed off your date, don’t worry your silly head about that. I think both me and Damien have done that on a few occasions.”

“That is not what the problem was my dear Lilith. I did not want to feed on her, I wanted to take her the way I would take a women of our kind.”

“But I do not see the problem Lucas,” Damien asks of me. “Why not do it?”

I am slightly getting annoyed by the interrogation, but I continue to entertain the questioning further, “Because she gave me something, it is more like waking it up, she made me feel.”

“Of course, you are going to feel a sexual attraction to her Lucas,” Lilith claims.

“Lilith it was not a sexual attraction,” I try to explain. “She made me feel warm. I felt this warm feeling inside.”

“That is absurd”, Lilith bursts out with complete disbelief on her face, “The only thing we feel is the hunger to feed and the craving to satisfy our sexual desires.”

“Lilith I am telling you I felt something. And I wanted to keep on feeling it that is why I could not let go.”

“Then why not explore it Lucas?” she asks.

“No! I do not dare. I cannot hurt an innocent woman.”

Damien looks at me with that wicked grin on his face again, “Well my dear friend, then you have got a problem.”

“I don’t see the problem Damien, if I don’t see her then there is nothing to worry about.”

Damien moves closer and pats me on the back, “I am going to have to break it to you my brother but you are going to see her again.”

“What makes you so sure that I will see her again?”

Damien slowly removes his hand from my soldier and casually looks on over to Lilith, whom herself is now got a smile of her own face, “I might have perhaps invited them over.”

“Oh god don’t tell me you intend on feeding off them?” I ask in horror.

“Don’t worry my dear brother, there is a lot of things I wish to do to Eva and feeding is not one of them”, Damien explains.

I can feel a sting of excitement build up in me at the anticipation of seeing her again, “So when is this supposed to happen? When will these girls come over?”

“This evening,” Lilith jumps in, her excitement clearly visible as she explain. “I have arranged a small get together. A few of our close friends, you know, a little cocktail party.”

“Lilith we all know what your little means. So, you intend to surround these poor girls with half of the city’s vampires?”

“Oh no Lucas, I am not so inconsiderate. Our brothers and sisters will brings their own dates or should I say meals.”

“You never cease to amaze me. Now what do you suggest I do with this girl?” I beg for advice from my dear brother and sister.

“Try it again and if you fail you will try it again tomorrow and the day after. I can guarantee you that the reward is worth the battle,” is Damien’s explanation to me.

I stand up from my chair and head for the door, “Well if you will excuse me then, I have an alley to scrub off and a head to clear. I will see you at…?”

“Six,” Lilith says, “And do not be late!”

Before I exist the room, Damien calls me back,”And Lucas?”

“Yes Damien?”

Damien points to me as he speaks, “Stop doing that thing with you lip, apparently it drives her crazy.”

“What sort of crazy do you mean?”.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“The sort of crazy you got in the alley.”

I gently bite down on my bottom lip and smile, “Oh I see. Guess I will carry on doing it then.”

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