The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 217 The Vampires Of New York

In on rather less than spectacular show down between Cass and Breyden, we are left to leave without we have came here for. The question now begs, what will be Breyden’s next move? Shall he stay in New York now that he knows that we are here or shall he move on to another city? Well, the Breyden I know shall do both. We are hoping that he shall remain where he feels the most at home and will continue to heal Lilith.

From what I had sense she is still very much in pain. I do not believe that her wounds are healed, let alone that they are very close to be healed either. Breyden has until thus far unsuccessfully healed her the natural Vampire way. But taken also, depending on how accurate Sam’s information is, Breyden has only but taken one human so far. This means that Lilith’s life is still very much in danger and she is soon running out of her options to remain alive.

Now remain alive is one thing that we are set to do ourselves at the present moment. It has come to the senses of Damien, and now to the rest of the Vampires in this group, that there is the presence of another group of Vampires around. They have until thus far where we are making our way back to the car, not revealed themselves.

But, I can safely say, not truly safe in the word, but I can tell that as per what I encountered leaving the airport, that we have been spotted once again. In fact, I can even go as far as say that we are indeed being followed. What the aim is at this present stage, that I cannot tell, but I know that the type of man that he is, he will not send his soldiers to come take me in. He will do it himself.

So one can calmly sit back for the present time, for I have not senses his power. Now, let us hope that I am not wrong about any of this for I have learned with him that you shall dearly pay if you as much as let your guard down.

In saying that, I am left with no choice but to inform the rest of the group, beyond Dean that we are infact in danger, not only from Breyden, but that the Vampire Master of New York City, to put it gently, but the man has been hunting me.

And with this thought in mind, not that I am truly taking much care at the moment, I listen into the mumbled up concerns racing through the minds of the rest of our Misfits. So after watching them squirm around for several moments, I am left to bring them out their misery with news that are not going to be taken well.

So stepping closer and huddling them into a group, hoping that these Vampires will not be within range of hearing our conversation, I, with the nod of approval from Dean, try my utmost to avoid every single gaze as I speak, “We might perhaps have a little problem.”

Sam is the first to snap as the man knows me far well enough to know that I have caused some sort of problem. It is with only the lift of a brow and a slight hitch of his voice underneath a breath that he turns to me in concern, “I am going to take that it is not perhaps, but in fact.”

Next I have my beloved that has now started to dig those nails in my hand rather than my back with great force while she answers short on Sam’s remark, “I am going to take that perhaps as a most definitely. What have you done?”

“No,” Roberto turns to Cassidy that is growing rather angry at my silence, then he continues. “Rather ask what has the man done that is going to get us all in trouble?”

And if I thought that one person would have my back, next it is Damien, “Repharse that, how is he getting us killed?”

“Thank you my dear brother,” I finally break my silence next to a Dean that cannot help but laugh at me. Then as I turn to Damien that is shocked to learn that he was in fact right on the mark, I try to speak with the best tone as not to get them all alarmed, “I am not sure about you getting killed, but I am sure getting my ass killed today. Now, I do not know if this man has made his presence yet, but…”

And next, my words are not even yet called…

There is the overwhelming surge of energy that is set through my body as I sense a feeling of oncoming dread. The air is thick with raw fury and there is an ominous presence starting to fill the open spaces around us.

With a slight nod of the head, I give Dean the signal, though it is not even necessary as I can see them starting to close in from every corner around us.



Under the shadow cast from a dim streetlight… There I see him…

With his designer suit and his signature black coat…

Long black hair that falls over his shoulder, framing a face that holds the deadliest dark eyes…

He has not changed in all these years, yet is power seems to have grown…


He is only standing there making his presence known…

The question is…

Is he waiting for me to approach him or is I purely here out of warning?

Well I would love to set my answer on the second, but I do believe that he is here with the intent of speaking to me. Now I have never known him for the speaking kind, this must be a clear trap.

We are surrounded by eleven Vampires coming from all directions, yet, he has remained there on purpose. I have known him to have a far greater following when he does set to the street.

This is a trap…

A trap for me…

But I do not want to put the lives of the rest of our group in danger, so I turn to Dean, and then to my beloved, “He only want me.”

Cassidy steps forward and she grabs me by the hand just as I am about to turn around, from the trembling in her face, I know that she is about to do something foolish, yet, “Lucas, please. You can’t go.”

“And I can’t let him come here.” With great force I pull away from her, there is a very same tremble in my own voice that I am failing to hide from her as I take her face between my hands, “I will be back before you know it.”

But she is not about to take this as an option, she grabs onto my shirt with so much force that it pops the buttons of my white shirt, from underneath what sounds like the howl of an animal in pain, I hear her plead once again. “Please, Lucas. You cannot leave! I do not trust the man.”

“My beloved, I do not trust him either, but I have to see what he wants for he will send these Vampires down on us.”

With that Dean and Sam ready themselves at the very mention of a show down with a bunch of Vampires. Roberto and Damien reach for their very own daggers with only but a bunch of smiling faces. Then forward steps Cassidy and takes a Angel blade from a very shocked Cass.

But Cass has his own concern going at present…NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

For from the distance I spot another man entering the parking…


Cass only but nods his head at me, “It seems our Angel has let the Vampire feed off him, he does not have the power to port himself very far.”

Then the realization set in, “Please do not kill the man, he is a friend.”

Then Cass turns to me with only a wicked smile on his face, “You go deal with your kind and you leave my kind for me.”

With only but a slight nod, I turn my gaze back at Cassidy, “My beloved, I will be back. I promise you.”

She only but grinds on her teeth for she knows that it is futile to argue with me, “I am going to hold you to your promise. Remember what happened the last time you broke a promise to me.”

Yes, and don’t I remember, she nearly killed me.

So I spin on my heels and make my way over into the direction where he is still leaning against the pole. The closer I step, the more I can feel his power vibrate off his skin.

I think that I might have a problem here…

But I push that to the back of my head as I take the final steps until I am right in front of him. And as my eyes meet his, there is only a smile that I wish I had never seen.

For next…

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