The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 214 Not Gone Unnoticed

After a rather eventful flight, we are setting our feet on the ground at JFK airport in New York City. The entire trip was rather stressful for me as I not only had to endure the torture of a raging hard-on caused by a little-less-clothed beloved than usual, but there was the fear that I would be discovered on what can be called someone else’s turf that had me greatly worried as well.

Now only if I thought that only one of these would come to Dean’s attention; I was sadly mistaken for; next, he is pulling me to the side as we make our way through the airport. “Lucas,” I hear the urgent concern in his voice as he speaks under a hushed voice, “Something has you by the balls; what is up? And don’t even bother to lie to me because the shit is written over your face.” But then he pauses for a brief moment, “And I am not talking about that pained expression that dear Cassidy has been causing.”

Well, I can only but burst out in a fit of laughter, much to the annoyance of the rest of the group that now has grown quiet because Sam has just scared the living shit into them by explaining how fun it would be if two Angels had to go up against each other in a battle.

But that is not what has Dean pressing hard into my shoulder, so after a slight breath of defeat, I lean in and whisper, “I perhaps tried to kill the Vampire Master of New York.”

He only but shakes his head, “Now, I would not expect anything less of you, but please do humor me though I think I can guess where this one is going.”

“You make it sound that I do everything because of a woman.”

He clears his throat rather loudly and points in the direction of Cassidy, “Do I need to prove you any wrong? You have a thing for tight ass and an even tighter…”

I immediately stop him from finishing the name of the very thing that has caused me great torture, a torture that the minute find a hotel room I am going to rid myself of. But that is regardless of the point, so I turn to him with a smirk on my face that tells it all, yet I must confess, “Yes, it was a woman. In fact…” I pause for a moment as I remember her well. A body that was deadlier than sin itself and my god, how she used it to create perfect chaos in paradise.

And as I immerse myself in the thoughts, I feel a hand making contact with the back of a very narrow-minded head, “Snap the fuck out your sexual fantasies. Now, who was this woman?”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“She was his beloved; I had taken her against her will…”

Dean immediately interrupts me before I get lost in a fantasy that Cassidy shall claw from my memory, “So you kidnapped the Vampire Master’s beloved?”

“My dear Dean, I borrowed her for my own sexual pleasure. The man saw it the wrong way.”

He only but shakes his head and raises his brow but a fraction. “I would love to see how that is not wrong, but anyway, so then you tried to kill the man?”

“Well, I did try to reason with him,” I start to explain. “It did come after I had killed his two brothers.”

“My god, what else did you do?”

“There might have been an incident with his mistress.”

“Please do not tell me that you had sex with her as well?”

“What do you take me for?”

“Oh,” he smirks at me while just smiling rather oddly, “Please do not let me answer that.”

“No, if you must know. I did not have sex with the hideous woman. She had, in fact, tried to kill me, so I had no other choice than to kill her first.”

“Well, that is a first for Lucas Lecarde. So you killed three of his and fucked his beloved. What else could you possibly have done wrong?”

“There was…”

Dean immediately stops me from saying another word, “I do not want to know; all I need to know is this man going to be a problem?”

“You can bet you Impala on it. The man has a score to settle. Now he would never set his foot on my territory, for he knows that it is declaring war…”

“Which means we have just declared war on the Vampire Master of New York?”

“If you wish to make it sound so dreadfully drastic, then yes. Now I suggest we find Lilith before we get spotted.” Then I pause for a brief moment and decide to take the plunge and push his limits, “Best you make friends with your Angel friend so he can come to help us find Breyden.”

And if I thought the polite way I place my words would make him listen, well I am wrong, for he snaps at me, “There is nobody to make friends with. We can find Breyden on our own. Now, do you think you can keep that thing in your pants long enough not to cause any problems?”

“Oh dear Dean, you will have to put earplugs in tonight because I am ripping those leather pants off.”

“And that is something that I did not want to hear.”

With that, we fall back in the group that is now piling into a mini-van. There is excitement written over the face of each and every man, especially that of Jacob. The man is ready for some action again; he has grown rather bored now that he is ‘friends’ with the Vampires of London. And I believe his newfound, well, the man has changed a bit, which is a completely different discussion for another day, but since his great transformation, he has been unable to settle with a lady, which has caused him great frustration.

As for my dear brothers, they are planning on spending the evening in some female company. I have refrained from asking where they will find this companionship reminding myself where I have done so many times in the past. Then looking over at Sam, well, we all know that he shall be sitting with his head stuck to that laptop while his brother shoves an obscene amount of junk food down his mouth.

So it seems for tonight, the Misfits are settled.

Or are they?

For in the distance, I have spotted an unmistakable face…

It is a Vampire…

It seems that I have been discovered with my feet where they do not belong.

But that is a problem that shall be dealt with when he shows his ugly head, and from what I do remember is that it is rather ugly. So without alarming the rest of the group, I look over at Dean and nod in the direction where the Vampire was standing. There is a chill that runs up my spine as I see the immediate fear that appears in Dean’s eyes.

Now, if you think there is chaos when two Angels are at a battle, you will be sadly surprised to see the extent that a battle can go to when you have two Masters going to head.

With the imminent danger cemented between Dean and me, Sam speaks for the first time in a while as he looks up from his laptop, “Guys, I think I have something. There was a man and woman that was attacked by a man carrying a long silver ‘stick.’ The man got away, but he did manage to take the woman.”

I take a sharp breath, and do I even dare to ask, “Alive or dead?”

“Well,” Sam carries reading off the screen, “According to the husband, she was still alive.”

And that there seems to change our plans for the evening, as we set off to the location where what seems to be a very sloppy Breyden was spotted. So as we wind our way through the streets of the City in complete haste, the anticipation is there that this will go far faster and easier than we expected.

So stopping down the alley where it had all happened twenty minutes later does bring some sort of relief that I will not have to face this Vampire Master after all. Though getting out of the car, the space feels rather ominous. We are on the far side of the City in a neighborhood with dodgy houses and hotels. Breyden and Lilith can be in any one of them. This will be a game of elimination, but lucky the boys are good at killing the odds and getting the job done the first stab around.

But I should not speak so soon, for next, we are standing in the spot where Breyden allegedly had stabbed the woman once when he was wrestling with the husband. Now, if we thought that we would spot a trail of blood, we are sadly mistaken as Sam speaks again, “Fuck, the man said the guy that attacked them disappeared in thin air.”

“Well, that is fucking fantastic,” I only but grunt as the anger at Breyden sets in underneath my skin. “Of course, the man is going to do that. So you want to tell me that he is perhaps not even in this area?”

I watch as Sam looks over at Dean, “It seems to look like that.”

“Well, un-fucking-look it. We don’t have time.” And the minute I say the words, I realize what I have done. There is a shocked Damien that raises his eyebrows, and I know immediately as he speaks, “He is going to come for you, is he not?”

The entire group goes quiet, but just as the silence sets in, there is a terrifying rumble that comes from above…

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