The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 171 Battle In Circles

We have never faced a battle after a battle in all the time that we have been finding ourselves dangling our fingers in the hunting game. It is rather an unusual battle that has been playing off, from having to hunt down a delusional Vampire, we are now faced with…

Let us do think about this one, who is the battle, the Vampire which as such is my brother or it the other?

Whichever scenario that I run through my mind, they both seem just as horrific as the other. So, without having to clog the mind with all these questions, we are making our way forward again. Now our intention is not to go into the abandoned building from which the cackle can be heard, no, we intend to get safely to our vehicle and then hoping that they shall follow us. This is not our playground, it is dangerous and well, fucking scary.

So, back to back in our circle of six, we slowly make it through the rain down a road that, if one slips, you will find yourself sliding down. As we move, I can sense that the danger is growing closer, but yet, there is also the possibility that they are only but playing with us. The moment that we shall find ourselves off-guard, they shall attack. And I fear that it shall be the moment that we will all try to get into the car.

I still have no knowledge of why Roberto has joined them, I am hoping that they have taken him prisoner, but for what reason I would not know why. But pushing this aside, if the fight comes and I need to choose over the life of anyone here and that of Roberto, well, that shall be a very painful decision, yet, I will always protect my beloved.

We have just approached the road where we shall need to turn to find the vehicles. We shall only take one and will pile into it fairly as quickly as possible. This is the plan…

The vehicle is standing in the wrong direction in which we should be heading, which means, we need to make a turn. Second…

The vehicle is filled with hunting equipment on the backseat, which means, we need to clear the back before we can get in… Third…

The vehicle is definitely too small for all of us, which means, well, we are either sitting on top of each other or somebody is getting in the back… But…

That is full of a whole bunch of other hunter crap, which means, this is going to be one tight and bumpy ride…

And it is set into motion…

While we keep face on with where we know is the danger, which is quite pointless, but we shall get to that just now. So while Dean and I are keeping our eyes on the road that we have just come from, Lilith is by Dean’s side and Cassidy by mine. The two boys, Breyden and Sam are chucking the nonsense, perhaps I should not call Dean’s toys that, but they are being taken from the backseat into the trunk.

As things are considered now, we are still out of danger. Next…

The two girls step back with Jacob and they immediately shift into the back seat. Then on a count of…one…two…three… Dean, Sam, Breyden, and I get into the car as fast as we possibly can. In front of us, only but missing the bonnet of the car by inches, comes a bolt of lightning. Dean puts the car into reverse and the first road he finds on his right, he spins into making a turn in the other direction.

As we hit the road rolling, there is another bolt of lightning hitting the road just behind us. Without even hesitating, Dean presses flat down onto the pedal and pushes the Impala as fast as he can. I can see by the look in his eyes as he takes a glance in the rearview mirror that there is a storm brewing behind.

Completely pumped with adrenaline, he turns to me once we are in the safety of the city, “You know that they are going to come for us at your home?”

I sigh rather loudly, hoping that he had not said it out so loudly, but yes, “I know my dear friend.”

Then Sam speaks from behind and points out the very thing that I did not want to hear, “Roberto was between them Lucas, and it did not seem like he was being held against his will.”

“Sam,” I swallow rather hard as I try to keep the tears away, “There must be a reason why he is with them.”

Cassidy, that does not know what we are truly talking about, only but rests a reassuring hand on my shoulder. With that voice that sometimes still seems so innocent to the world, she softly whispers in my ear, “Everything will be okay.” I give her hand a gentle squeeze and let the thought run through my mind. I wish she was right.

Once we pull into the driveway back at the Lecarde House, it seems to be eerily quiet. But it should. The entire household is squashed into this car. I think it is the fear of what lies ahead that makes me think differently.

So after equipping ourselves with as many weapons that are necessary that are loaded with what Sam refers to as ‘special-made-killing bullets,’ we sneak in through the front door. On the other side, things are left untouched and we can safely say they have not yet made their appearance.

But as soon as the security almost sets in, there is a loud thud as the front door is burst open. The very distinct cackle that comes with the eruption makes us clearly aware that they are now present. Yet, something is missing from them. Roberto is not near. Is he in fact perhaps a prisoner?

That is a question we will have to get answered the minute, which is…

“Well, is it not the Master Lucas Lecarde.”

“And if it is not Lilith, your dear friendly neighborhood witch. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

Now when I say pleasure, the woman is something that sits pretty well on the eyes. Yes, I have in my years tried on several occasions to have relations with Lilith, but she, well, I was not her flavor. I do not like being controlled and to her, she is all about controlling the men under her spell. But this is a new experience, she has sought me out after all these years, that does beg the question which my beloved will kill me for later.

“Finally changed your mind in who should be on top?”

“Oh, Lucas, I still like my men at my feet and we both know you will never sit there.”

“Then,” I watch out of the corner of my eye the red hot that my beloved is boiling, but the words that are running through her mind, are definitely getting me killed, that is if Lilith does not do it for her. “So, Lilith, what is it that you want then?”

“You know what I am here for, just give it to me Lucas. It shall save us all the time. Yes, my girls have been looking for some action, but I do not feel like getting my hands dirty.”

“I have no idea what you are referring to.” And then just for a moment, I remember the other missing part of this equation, “Where is Roberto?”

“The man is just as useless as his brother. I left him out there in his own misery. I must say the evil that has him, well, it does fascinate me, but I am looking at what you are offering. Now give it to me or your friends here shall meet their untimely fate.”

I watch as she scans the room while five of her coven are standing behind her. Then all of a sudden there is rather an amusement on her face, “Ah, look. We have the Winchester boys. Now if I knew that I would have dressed up for today. It seems that I am going to have to fight for what I want after all.”

With a flash, I watch in front of my eyes as the five of her coven disappear into nothing. From behind me, I hear Dean scream, “Just shoot and keep on fucking shooting until you are empty.” Well, definitely the words of the wise.

As they pop in and out of frame trying to cause utter confusion, Dean and Sam keep on hammering each bullet into their direction. With what can see as almost perfect timing, our dear Vampire Hunter takes the first casualty for Lilith’s team.

All the while the rest of the coven has attacked the circle, Lilith is chanting a spell, which is, much to her very annoyance not working on me. Dean, he but only shakes his head as he cannot make out what she is saying.

The four of her coven relentlessly try to break our circle, but most of all trying to keep us away from distracting Lilith.

While she starts to chant again, Dean gets the attention of the rest of the coven solely focused on him, giving Sam and Jacob the aim to start taking them out one by one until only one but Lilith is left. She looks at me out of complete frustration, “Give me it! I know you have it. The legacy says…”© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

And with that Dean ends her rant with one perfect bullet in her chest.

I throw my hands in the air, “What legacy?”

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