The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

30. Breaking Point


I am done, if this fucking pup was going to hurt my mate, then I will show him who the fuck the true Alpha was.

The moment Morgana put those soft lips against Sage’s, my anger snapped. It disgusted me when Kian kissed her, but it disgusted me even more to see my mate kiss this bitch!

“Kian… Thanatos.” Sage whimpered, staring at me.

“You heard what I said! She. Is. Mine! And if Kian cannot be fucking man enough to admit it, then I will!” I hissed, I grabbed her by her neck, wanting to rip her to pieces.

‘Thanatos don’t! You can’t tell her about Morgana!


‘No! I don’t want to risk her in any way! If anyone finds out-‘.

‘Fuck off, I’m fucking in charge here!’ I hissed back, slamming my walls up.

I hope he enjoyed the fucking treatment. He was a fucking dick. If he couldn’t accept mate, then he didn’t deserve mate! She was mine!

“I-I’m sorry, Thanatos…” Sage whispered, looking at me.

I dropped her roughly. Filth! 2

“You will live this time because you mean something to Kian…But stay far, far away or I will end you!” I hissed.

“Yes, Alpha.” She bowed her head, her entire body shaking with fear as she turned to leave, unable to look me in the eye.

“Oh, and one more thing” I growled.

She froze, and I stepped closer.

“If you repeat anything that happened here to anyone…” I left my threat hanging.

I hated her.

“Never Alpha.” She whispered before she turned and left the room, breaking into sobs as she ran down the hall.

I smiled coldly, turning to my lush little mate.

Finally, we meet again.

She looked delicious, standing there with those perky, lush tits of hers pressing against that Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

silk night top of us.

“Thanatos…” She said quietly, she looked alert now, her eyes wary and any playful taunts

were gone.

Fuck, that voice sounded so fucking good and I wanted to hear her moan my name under me.

Hmm, I was still tempted to bend her over and spank that ass of hers for pissing me off.


“What is it, my little mate?” I purred, closing the gap between us.

She was wary of me, and I cupped her jaw, gazing at those lips of hers.


“Why did you… take over?” She asked calmly

I smirked dangerously.

“Oh, Kian was being a fucking dickhead.” I purred, grazing my nose along her cheek. 1

“I agree…” She said, despite her calm voice, her heart was racing.

Jealousy reared its head once again.

“You are not to kiss anyone else.” I growled, my eyes blazing with anger as I stared into those ruby orbs of hers.

“I… was proving a point.” She said softly.

I smirked, rubbing my thumb along her plump lips, hearing her breath hitch.

“Not afraid of me? Are you my pretty little thing?” I purred, stepping closer.

Oh, she fucking was.

“Not at all.” She replied brushing my hand away.

I admired her bravery.

“Good, because you are my brave little mate.” I wrapped my arms around her tightly, nuzzling my nose into her neck.

Ah… She smelt so fucking good… How I wanted to mark her.

“Hmm, so we are mates.” She said as if she already knew this.

“Yes.” I murmured, ignoring Kian’s trying to take back control.

Oh, she felt good pressed against me.

“Now how about you be a good little mate and let me have a taste of that sweet little cunt of yours.” I growled, squeezing her ass as I nibbled on her neck.

Suddenly, her hand met my face as she fucking slapped me hard across the face, pulling away from me. Shocking me to silence.

“Don’t you dare think that just because I’m your damn mate that I’m going to do as you wish! You and Kian have done nothing to earn my trust and you think you can use that kind of language with me?!” She snapped.

I smirked, seeing the faint blush on her cheeks as I regained myself. I enjoyed her feisty behaviour, so I will forgive her slap for now…

“Oh? You didn’t like it… I thought women loved men being filthy animals, and I am an animal. “I growled, advancing on her.

“Thanatos… This is not a joke… Stand down.” She warned.

I smirked.

“Challenging me, my little mate?”

“No, asking.” She said firmly, placing her hands on my chest, stopping me.

I smirked coldly.

“Fine, one kiss then. It’s the first time we are officially meeting and talking…” I said, caressing her cheek with my knuckles.

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My piercing gold eyes glared into hers, I hope she was smart enough to not disobey me. “You know… Unlike Kian… I want you…” I murmured, pressing myself against her. I hope she could feel how fucking hard I was for her.

“One kiss.” She said quietly.

I smirked arrogantly, of course. One kiss. She leaned over slowly and I smirked.

Oh, we were going to kiss, but on my fucking terms…

I suddenly grabbed her wrists spinning her around and pushing her down onto the bed, pinning her wrists to the bed, before she could even fight me I slammed my lips against hers, i none fucking crushing, sizzling rough kiss.

Fucking delicious sparks rushed through me, so fucking strong that for a moment I was able t

re Kian trying to breakthrough. That fucking idiot needed to learn his lesson.

As for our mate… Fuck she was delicious. I kissed her roughly, yet passionately, assaulting her mouth in a bruising kiss. Pleasure rushed to mini-Kian, and I really wanted to put him to use. Since I wouldn’t be able to mate her in wolf form, since she had no wolf, I had to make do with that tiny thing.

‘It’s not fucking tiny.’ Kian growled in the distance.

Oh, it fucking was. Compared to mine, anyway…

‘Thanatos, reign it back, you’re hurting her.’ Kian growled.

‘Like you haven’t hurt her, I’m not hurting her!’ I shot back angrily.

She was struggling, but I’m sure she was enjoying the game. I kept her pinned under me, straddling her thighs. She moaned and whimpered against me, but I didn’t let go.

“Thanatos, fuck, stop it!’ Kian thundered.

The pleasure of devouring my mate was intense. I ignored the fucking asshole, but when the first taste of blood filled my mouth, I froze moving back. I looked down at her. Her heart was thundering, her eyes burning with rage. I noticed how my hands were crushing her wrists extremely tightly, and I felt guilt twist inside seeing the redness around her bloody lips…

She was breathing deeply, and I could see the hatred in her eyes.

Fuck I had just hurt our mate too.


The moment Thanatos became wracked with guilt, I took over. He didn’t argue, curling up in my mind, and I wasn’t sure if I actually heard a whimper.

I got off Morgana slowly, frowning at her bruised wrists. I reached out for them when she massaged them, turning away from me.


“Sorry, I shouldn’t have let him-”

“Please. Don’t act like you care, he at least isn’t as bad as you.” She spat coldly.


That made Thanatos perk up a little.


“Fuck off, Kian.” She shot back.

My name on her lips sounded fucking good, but not when it was laced with so much hatred.

“I want a separate room.” She hissed.

“No.” I said

I fucking needed her, here with me.

“No?” She said, her eyes flashing. “Listen to me, Kian… I am not your fucking plaything. I am n o one’s bitch and either you agree or I swear I’ll rip my fucking heart out right now.” I narrowed my eyes at her, that look in her eyes… I knew she would do it too. She knew what she was to me and how to hurt me. I was sure she’d go to any level. Despite how passive my face was, my heart raced at those fucking words.

“Don’t push me, Morgana. My word is-”

“I will do it. Don’t think that I am just playing, I’ll do it, and we both know your infatuation with me is far too deep to let me die so easily.” She hissed coldly.


“Morgana… Don’t do this… If this is about Sage, nothing happened, or I assure you, you would have felt it.” I said quietly.

Her eyes blazed as she glared at me, scoffing.

“Don’t give yourself so much importance! I am not your toy! I want my own room, even if it means the cells!” She hissed. 1

I grabbed her by her upper arms, wishing she fucking understood. “Do you really think I care? Do whatever you want with whoever you want, but I will not be one of your dolls.” She said dangerously.

I frowned. I needed her.

“Then fucking tell her.’ Thanatos hissed, despite the sadness that radiated off him.

“What do you want from me, Morgana?” I asked coldly.

Right now, I was willing to bargain with her, but I didn’t want her out of my sight… Not to mention, Sage probably knew Morgana was my mate… I needed to tell Luca and the others.

This had to happen today? Fuck, with the first summit meeting soon, I needed to be in the right fucking headspace.

“I want you to stay the fuck away from me.” She hissed.

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