Teacher’s Student Mate


Tyra’s POV

I stabbed the tormenting devil’s thigh with my silver dagger.

However, this act of revolt, unfortunately backfired as the Dark Overlord simply glared back at me and effortlessly removed the powerful weapon as if it was nothing but a soft feather tickling him.

Pulling out my dagger from his speedily healing flesh, he flashed his reserved evil side smile towards me, that he used before turning a fully functioning, living body into a corpse.

My eyes widened and I screamed, “NOOOOOOO !!!!!!” when I realized what he was up to but it was too late as the dagger had already been thrown.

It was now swirling straight towards my mate’s direction !

“MAXXXX !!!!!!!!!”, I hysterically screamed as I saw the best moments of my life flash in front of my eyes and all of them only had Max in them.

Only my Max.

I would die without him !

There was nothing to live for, with my life without my caring mate.

The gentle soul who was always there for me no matter what.

And those whom I thought were my very own- my family and pack members, were the rascally ones who ratted me out !!

I could not believe it that I had laboriously worked hard for these motherfucking rascals and given up my life to serve them against all odds !

“Oh Mother Goddess !”, I prayed with my eyes closed and soul losing itself to the higher power. “If I have fulfilled my duties and stayed true to my values as a filial child, then grant me a miracle. If my mate survives, I promise my loyalty and life to serving the planet and its true ruler. I swear I will wipe off the huge burden of this planet- the evil war lords without hesitation myself !”

“Granted !”, a female voice boomed and at the same time, the miracle of my life spoke up.

“You are getting slow, old man. The human dimension is graying you up faster here”, the miracle man chuckled, making me gasp in utter surprise when I flashed my eyes open.

My mouth dropped open and eyes widened in staggering shock !

“I believe you are no longer fit to live and deserve a lifetime of vacation in hell”, he further added with a smirk.

I could not believe my eyes as the scene unfolding in front of me seemed too far fetched !!

Don’t blame me. It was too good to be true !

I blinked my eyes numerous times before I could fully accept who was the answer to my prayers !

Just a few inches away from my mate’s throat, the nerve wrecking sharp blade of my dagger stayed statue still in the air while the mystery son of my evil father- the very object of my mission stood in front of us, holding the other end of the dagger in a skilled and firm grip !!

“DOMINIC !”, it wasn’t me who exclaimed in shock.

I was too tongue tied at the moment to say anything.

It was Max who uttered the name of the very person who was always there for me since I entered the human dimension !

He was the constant support in my life, other than Max, and I couldn’t believe it that I was going betray my brother- my very own brother whom I had learned to love as one long ago !!

Oh dear ! Someone just fuck my life.

“You came”, the bastard gritted out the obvious as we all watched the two guards at the door fall to their death with slit throats.Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

“It was hard not to, especially when you promised me cookies, father”, Dominic childishly said as he cut Max’s ropes with my own dagger and helped him up.

He settled himself down on the empty throne in Vampire Speed and my eyes nearly popped out after witnessing what happened next !

The fine assassins of the two royal guards at the door, settled themselves on each leg of the throne-sitting Vampire King with all their mate marks shining in a bright hue of sparkling golden and I could not stop the gasp that spilled out of my mouth because of it !

Even father dear looked on, at the turn of events in mind fucking shock and then anger.

What – the – hell !!

Mission Eyes- blink thousand times in shock again.

The fuck was going on ?

Mr Grayson and Bella ?!

They were Dominic’s mates !!

Am I dreaming ?

They all were there in front of my very nose this whole time and I did not even know !!

“HOW DARE YOU SIT ON MY THRONE WHEN I AM ALIVE !!”, the Dark Lord roared out in fury as he suddenly lost his cool on seeing the powerful trio sit at the helm of the Royal Symbol of Absolute Power.

I kinda enjoyed watching his shit rock and silently snickered when I watched the Dark Overlord’s aura turn darker with fury.

“Oh yeah ! Sorry, Dad. Forgive me for my mistake …. “, Dominic trailed off his apology, which was as hollow as a hole and as insincere as our evil dad’s black heart.

I was honestly, waiting for the punchline but Dominic seemed to have other thoughts and took all the time in the world before he completed his sentence.

This tease of a hell hag.


To add fuel to the fire, he showed off his mated mates to our father and lost no opportunity to remind the evil warlord of the prophecy and his impending doom with his non verbal actions.

Domz pampered his female mate with kisses all over her neck and played with his male mate’s chest under his shirt, that too in front of our fuming father !

The cheek of this boy to further aggravate the furious as fuck Dark Overlord !

Leave it to Dominic to push other’s limits. Pfft !

He just did it to tease and flaunt his bonded mates, who could not stop mewling uncontrollably under his sensually buzzing touch.

The dangerous game of provoking the Dark Overlord was turning effective and even I couldn’t stop myself from chuckling, especially when he sank his fangs in his mates’ bond marks while maintaining eye contact with the shaking, angry man at all times.

He really knew how to get on other’s nerves, especially our father’s. Hehe.

On a serious note, the old man better start counting his breaths now, especially when Dominic was back with his mates- completely bonded and ultra strong.

The trio’s auras reeked of royalty and power and it seemed like the prophesy was unstoppable now.

” …. we should not have dared to sit on the throne when you are alive”, Dominic continued while repeating the Dark Overlord’s statement and stressing on the last word. “I hope you willed all your property in my name, old man. I would hate to go through the miseries of fighting for what is rightfully mine otherwise …. “, he smirked. ” …. after your death”, he added and the reaction he got was pretty much known beforehand but I enjoyed the show nonetheless.

I had no sympathy for the dark hearted betrayer now.

That devil made me so bitter about him.

He deserved hell and I was going to give him for sure.

“You impudent brat ! Do you think, I- the most powerful War Lord of the Universe, the King of all Kingdoms and the Ruler of all Dimensions, shall die at the hands of a weak bastard ?”, the cracked man laughed mockingly.

I wanted to scream ‘Hell yeah !’ but I bit my sharp and nasty tongue hard before his focus turned back to me and my mate.

“I suggest you have your tea and get lost from here before I turn you all into my tea snack”, he thundered.

The tense and strained atmosphere of the room was however broken when Kai’s moan suddenly ripped through his throat uncontrollably, making Max and me laugh so hard at the same time that the tense family drama turned into a fucking comedy for us suddenly.

Oh fuck !

That was fucking hilarious.

Leave it to Dominic to be the omnipresent clown.

And the shocked look on the Dark Overlord’s face was priceless !

He had never experienced so much disrespect before !!

However, Kai glared at a smirking Dominic and tried to stop his moans but he was soon dropping against Dominic’s chest and arching his back, spilling moan after moan uncontrollably.

Dominic was not being very subtle while pinching Kai’s nipples, making the latter’s mate mark glow even brighter whenever he moaned. Gawd.

“You promised me coffee and cookies, remember ? And then, you were the creepy one who disturbed my sleep with your desperate calls to meet your son. So here I am ! We will be spending time together this evening as you wished !!”, Dominic chirped. “So what do we have planned ?”, he asked gaily as if he was truly here to have fun.

“I am going to imprison you all and slowly kill you. The torture list will be revealed in my cell”, the Dark Overlord rebuked and I could not hold back my snicker, making him turn around and glare at me. ” …. and ofcourse, kill the human and feed his flesh to my daughter, whom I believe you have already met”, he added with a wicked smile while gesturing towards me.

My previous laughter was graduating into murderous emotions and yes, I was as serious as a heart attack when I said that I would do anything in my power to tear apart the wicked man in front of me.

I wanted to say a thousand words and lash out at the undeniably villainous bastard but I chose to stay silent and glare at him instead.

I would surely get back at him. Afterall actions spoke louder than words.

“Not much of a talker today, are we ?” he teased me when I refused to reply.

Or maybe I could speak my mind right now before my actions spoke louder than my words.

Oh c’mon, don’t blame me !

He taunted me first.

“No, I am just on energy saving mode”, I retorted back, making Max chuckle and Dominic clap and whistle. Even Bella and Kai were silent cheerleaders as they grinned at my response.

The powerful elder, however, did not take it too well and soon enough a ball of fire of the Dark Arts was launched to smash me painfully against a wall.

Oh fuck !

The man without a backbone (figuratively speaking), broke mine (literally speaking now, ughh shit).

Max came rushing to my aide and angrily growled out, “Don’t you have any fucking conscience for your own daughter ?”, he shouted at my father.

I was surprised that he was standing up for me even though my father had been anything but welcoming to him and I had kept my identity a secret from him since so many years !

I felt guiltier but I had to protect him right now and hence, I pushed him behind me when the crazy motherfucker flung a ball of fire in my mate’s direction.

“Oh I do have a clean conscience. It’s just that I haven’t used it once until now”, he laughed as he did not attack my mate anymore, after I kicked away the menacing Dark Arts weapon.

“You know what, we should find you something with more lumbar support. You have no spine at all, you chicken”, Max fumed.

Oh my God, where was all this rage and confidence coming from ?

“If I were you, I would put the human punk on a leash, Tyra”, the Dark Overlord smirked before tossing the deadly rope of Dark Arts towards my mate to strangle him. “He certainly looks like a stupid, wild dog”, he added, making me beyond furious. How dare he !

I let out the sharp claws of my hand and was waiting to strike down the weapon when I saw Bella send a ball of fire of her own and destroy the nefarious weapon before it reached Max and me.

Woah !

She knew the art of Dark Arts too ?

How strong was she ?

I believe, I underestimated the powers of Dominic’s mates.

“You just messed up with the wrong people, Dad”, I gritted out as I stepped forward towards him with flaming red rage burning in my eyes. “In fact, you just lost another child of yours because of your vicious, evil nature. Henceforth, I, Tyra Kent, Alpha of the Dark Moon Pack, severe all ties with you, the Dark Overlord and renounce my title as heir to the Dark Kingdom”, I roared out furiously and all the pillars of the palace shook and trembled under my booming Alpha voice.

“You won’t dare”, the Dark Overlord spoke through clenched teeth before his body started flaming in hues of orange and red in anger.

“Oh yeah ? Watch me !”, I replied back as I shook with anger. I wanted to harm him as much as possible after what he had done to my mate. “And I promise that I shall be the one to curse your evil soul after your death and not let you rest in peace even in that plane”, I swore.

I had way before lost my temper to the heavens above.

I was beyond livid.

And I swear, I was going to avenge my mate’s abuse in the hands of my estranged father multiple fold.

“Not if I kill you right now !!”, he roared and stretched his arms wide as he formed the Dark Arts Giant Wheel of Death.

“Is anyone getting us our cookies and coffee, or not ? I am famished”, Dominic whined and everyone murmured, “Asshole” before the Dark Overlord finished making the flaming green spoked wheel.

“What ?!”, Dominic feigned hurt at our response at such a critical situation. “Dad promised us ! I don’t wanna go without them”, he pouted like a stuck up child, only for Kai to give him a punishing kiss in his lap.

“Shut up, babe. I will bake you those back home”, Kai mumbled before Dominic captured back his mate’s lips in a sinfully hot kiss. Bastard. Does he ever get serious ?

I would have enjoyed teasing and hurling taunt after taunt at them but too bad, our father was going to grill us alive in another 3 seconds.

Instead, I crunched my neck side by side before I sent three sizzling Water Darts of Dark Arts in quick succession before the vicious wheel could reach us and Bella flashed behind the Dark Overlord to kill him.

However, “ZEEEEEKE !!”, was the last word that the Dark Overlord shouted for his new Beta before he vanished into thin air.


We were so close to killing him !

Fuck his supreme powers !!

Now he will come back better prepared for us.

“Guards ! Kill them all !!”, the Dark Overlord’s Army Commander instead shouted as a huge sea of evil, black clad soldiers crawled inside the room. “Don’t let any one of them go !”, he ordered.

Where the hell was Zeke ?

“Sorry dude but we have overstayed our welcome here. We gotta go home. We have better things to do than to play with your barbie dolls”, Bella smirked as she flashed in front of the centuries old commander.

“We didn’t overstay our welcome”, Dominic murmured. “They were terrible hosts”, he scoffed and I swear Kai and I rolled our eyes together. This cookie monster. Argh !

Meanwhile, the Dark Overlord’s powerful warrior’s old body slumped down on Bella’s feet as the commander’s blood spilled on the floor.

“Oh shit ! What did you do ?”, Max shrieked at Bella as he grabbed my hand and ran away from the soldiers who suddenly went feral at us after their leader’s death.

“I don’t think Grandpa’s coming back. Atleast not under his own power”, Bella shrugged as she looked down at her victim’s corpse and joined us all at the highest step of the throne room where the throne stood.

“I am pretty sure we are going to be next”, Max trembled as the enemy soldiers rushed towards us.

“Chill man !”, Dominic rolled his eyes before Bella shot twenty four balls of Dark Arts fire towards the ceiling and Kai summoned his helicopter directly on top of us. How rich is this guy ?

“Alright Tyra ! Haul yourself up !! I will get Max for you”, Dominic shouted as Max climbed on his back and quick as lightening, everyone climbed up the ladder.

Meanwhile, two royal Lycans worked in tandem with each other to inflict maximum damage possible to the infinitely spilling army and giving us much required time to get away from the very place- to which I had given my loyalty and entire childhood to protect.

But not any more.

I was so fucking done !

As if understanding my thoughts, Max squeezed my hand in silent comfort and shifted me to his lap while a bloody mouthed Bella and Kai nestled in Dominic’s lap to doze off.

“Damn !”, Max whistled as he looked down at the smoking huge structure beneath us. “They wrecked havoc in the palace like a tornado on land !!”, he exclaimed making Dominic and me chuckle but then I remembered the cause of the place’s destruction.

“Are you mad at me, babe ?”, I brokenly asked my mate, not daring to look at him in the eye for more than a second after what had happened. “I am so sorry”, I hung my head in shame as I apologized.

I should have told him the truth in the very beginning and warned him about his safety.

I was so stupid.

What was I even thinking when I left him unprotected in the first place.

Oh yes, I feared about getting rejected, just like right now.

However, opposed to my paranoid thoughts, he gently nudged my chin up and smoothed my lower lip with his thumb before huskily breathing out, “Not at all ! I am not mad. Instead, I find all this very cool !! I am so glad you came to my rescue, baby. I could not be prouder of you”, he declared sincerely before his eyes lowered down to my quivering lips.

“Thank you”, I softly said, beyond relieved.

I shyly gazed back in his eyes before he could not control himself anymore and smashed his lips on mine in a fiery hot and passionate kiss.

A kiss that promised more years of togetherness, trust and love.

My eyes closed of my own volition as his questing lips caved deeper into mine and captured my heart and soul with them.

The last time I opened my eyes, I saw Dominic smiling at us before carefully turning behind him to instruct the pilot, not disturbing the sleeping mates in his lap.

Bella and Kai soundly slept throughout the way as we travelled through the night towards destination unknown while Max’s naughty hands and lips made it a point to keep me awake throughout the journey.

“I am so glad we are soul mates”, Max smiled after Dominic told him what a mate meant and the basics of the supernatural world.

“Me too, baby”, I smiled back before the helicopter took off to greater heights. “Me too !”

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