Teacher’s Student Mate


Zeke’s POV

I looked up to see Ryan worriedly ask the doctor for all details and I hopelessly heard all the dirty secrets of my past reveal from the doctor’s own mouth.

My eyes misted and stung with tears as I watched the doctor try to mellow out the details of my gory past as much as possible.

However, from Ryan’s fisted hands and the waves of anger rolling through the mate bond, I could tell that Ryan was ready to burst a vein or two any moment now.

“That son of a bitch !”, it was not Ryan who cursed. It was the Vampire King.

The doctor bowed and left the room as Dominic slumped on a nearby chair.

“I have three tasks for you, Ryan. First, is to cool the fuck down. You will scare away your mate with your murderous red eyes. Secondly, you are going on complete leave for the next 3 days to stay with your mate. Dylan will fill in for you and thirdly, after your mini vacation, you are going to capture someone who was near and dear to me. The traitor shall be severely punished”, Dominic instructed.

“Buh- but I- I …. “, Ryan mumbled, clearly at a loss of words but the higher ranked royal stopped his Beta’s rambling mid sentence.

“Just trust me on this one, Ryan. Also, I wanted to know Zeke’s true intentions and have a talk with him ALONE (he glared back at my mate before he could argue). You can let me know whenever you are ready for a one on one chat, Zeke but I hope that you know that you are staying with us now. That fucking devil almost killed you !”, he growled out the last sentence rather angrily and it was honestly, really overwhelming to know that there were people who cared for me now.

Hence, when I choked out a sob and said, “Thank you, Your Highness”, Ryan quickly rushed to take my hand in his and kiss my tear lined cheeks.

“Hey, hey, hey. Don’t cry, babe. Everything will be fine”, he cooed as he wiped my tears gently and placed a soft kiss on my quivering lips.

“I am just- umm, I am just not used to this kindness”, I confessed and turned my embarrassed face away from my mate so that he did not see the new set of tears pooling in my eyes.

Ryan forced my face towards himself and did not hold back himself after he smashed his lips on mine.

Dominic left the room and Ryan seemed to realize that as he took that opportunity to straddle me on the bed without disconnecting the kiss.

I knew Ryan cared for me but I did not know it was to this extent and that too in such a short time !

“Ryan !”, I breathlessly moaned as he continued rummaging my lips.

“My life !”, he rasped back.

“Gawd, you are a cheesy butt knuckle”, I chuckled and Ryan grinned as he looked at me fondly.

I was a breathless mess under him and suddenly felt shy under his lust filled gaze. His desire to love me, rav*sh me and own me was evident by the way he was restraining himself and his eyes were constantly changing colour.

“Thank you”, I sheepishly murmured before averting my eyes towards the walls.

“For what ?”, he huskily asked as he played with my dry outer lips by dribbling them between his own.

“For accepting me, inspite of not being- …. “, I tried to pry my ashamed face away from him again but Ryan seemed to be firm on maintaining eye contact by cupping my cheeks tenderly between his palms. ” …. inspite of not being pure”, I choked out.

“No !”, he fiercely lashed out. “You are the purest soul I have ever met !”, Ryan replied back instantly. “Don’t you ever say that again and shshhhhh, when I say that you are, then you are coz you are the best mate I could have ever asked for”, he tenderly said. “It is that fucking filthy minded piece of shit who tormented you, who is impure and should rot in blazing hell. Oh baby, you have no idea how much I want to show you, how much you mean to me right now”, he groaned.

“Why do you trust me so much ? We just met”, I had to ask him this. It was bugging me.

“For the same reason as you said you loved me too”, Ryan answered back and my cheeks tinted to a furious red at that.

“It is because I know you care for me. You came to my rescue, even when I told you to go away”, I reasoned out. “I trust you but you have no reason to trust me”, I woefully said as my voice got lower and lower with each word.

“I trust you because you saved us from the Dark Overlord too. You sensed my presence in the neighbourhood when we came to get you and succeeded in shooing away the Dark Overlord in time. You did not rat us out and we could have been easily captured at that time. There was no reason for you to save us otherwise, Zeke”, Ryan answered and then continued.

“And you have that innocent twinkle in your eyes that are open windows to your emotions. I can tell just by looking at them that you love me, the same way as your cheeks blush whenever I say something to you, especially something lovey dovey. You are so cute”, Ryan chuckled and I tried to glare at him but ended up laughing with him.

“So you meant it that you love me ?”, I had to be 100% sure.

“For this lifetime and beyond”, Ryan’s jolly face suddenly became serious before he captured my lips in an intense lip lock this time.

Zeke’s POV

“We need to talk, Zeke”, Kai stormed into the medic wing and flopped down on my bed with me.

“Still an ill mannered brat, I see”, I murmured, making Dominic and Bella chuckled in amusement.

“Still a mouthy bitch, I see”, Kai mimicked me while rolling his eyes and this time Ryan laughed along with Kai’s mates.

“You are one horny bastard. You lucky, lucky dawg. You got marked !”, I exclaimed as I saw the marks peak out of his collar. “I was out for what- a few hours and you already mated ?!”, I teased.

“Try mated twenty times atleast”, Bella scoffed and then sat down slowly while grimacing.

Dominic looked both worried and amused but Kai looked sheepish too.

Oh my !

“You were in a rut ?”, I asked bewildered as I looked at Kai. “Or was it heat for your p*ssy ?”, I teased while wiggling my eyebrows at him.

“Rut and shut up ! You make one more s*xual joke on me and I will not hesitate to kick your nuts, understood ?”, Kai growled.

“Yeah I understood, you dickweed. Now tell me why the fuck are you here ? Do you wanna know some trending positions or do you want to know all about the traditional Kama Sutra techniques ?”, I taunted and squealed immediately when Kai started tickling my soft spots.

However, I hit the doctor alarm by mistake and damn vampire speed !

A team of 4 nurses and 1 doctor were by my side in no time and a shocked Kai stilled like a statue with his culprit hands in mid air with mouth open, gaping.

“Umm, Beta Grayson, the patient needs to rest. I would advise Beta Zeke to lie down quietly and not move much till tomorrow morning”, the doctor told Kai to “knock it off” in polite words.

I chuckled when a red faced Kai pulled back his hands to himself and buried his embarrassed face in a chuckling Dominic’s vibrating chest.

“We came to talk about Amanda and this golden traitor of ours, actually”, Dominic spoke up after the medical team left.

Ryan’s head shot up towards his King’s side so fast that he kinked his neck.

“Fuck !”, he cried out as he clutched the side of his neck and then shook his head and came to the point, “Why now ?”, he protested. “Zeke needs rest”, he countered.

“Shut up ! It will not take much time”, Dominic facepalmed his own Beta away and sat near me.

“What do you want to know, Your High- …. ”

“Dominic. Just Dominic, Zeke. We are family”, he cut me off.

I nodded and parroted, “Dominic. So how can I help you ?”, I asked.

“We want to know the truth and the answers to real life situations that might occur in the near future. Are you ready ?”, Dominic asked and I simply nodded my head in return.

“Good. Now tell me this. If it comes to the situation of killing your sister, will you kill her ?”, Dominic dove straight to the point.

“No, I won’t”, I honestly answered and Ryan squeezed my hand in silent support. “She is my sister, evil doer she might be but she has been my only buddy until I met Kai. I love her”, I added.

“I see”, he replied. “Whose side are you on, Zeke ? On our side or the Dark Overlord’s ?”, he started from the basics again.

“Yours”, I pat replied, without any hesitation and Ryan’s grip on my palm increased.

“Hmm”, Dominic hummed. “What do we do about your sister then ?”, he asked.

“She is loyal to whoever wears the crown. Get the real crown, Dominic. Many warriors and soldiers don’t even want to be with the Dark Overlord. They might work on his instructions but that is only because they are honourable guards and serve the crown loyally, irrespective of what kind of a head wears that crown”, I elucidated.

“Makes sense”, Bella chimed in.

“Did you know Ms Pierce is after our Kai and tried to force herself on him ?”, Dominic broke down the shocking news.

I gaped at that but then quickly recovered from the shock to answer him, “So you are the prof she is hopelessly in love with and hence, neglecting her duties ?!”, I put two and two together while looking at my brother.

“Yeah !’, Kai scratched the nape of his neck.

“Eww. That is totally inc*st !”, I scrunched my face, making everyone laugh. “Don’t worry, she will drop the chase when she comes to know that she has been crushing on her own cousin. However, she will stay true to her oath and duties towards the crown. Nothing will make her switch sides, so do not expect me to persuade her for this stuff. Just kill the damn rascal and free the world from his torturing soul”, I huffed.

“I have a question, Zeke. Ms Pierce and Kai are colleagues. Why did you never think they might meet ?”, Bella asked.

“I honestly, did not know about her mission and that she was teaching in the same university as Kai. The Dark Overlord and my father had sent me for rigorous Beta Training when she left, for which I was thankful for but it came at a heavy price too, which you all know about”, I truthfully told them everything. “After my father’s death in the blasts Kai and I engineered, the Dark Overlord told me everything for the first time”, I added.

“I see”, Bella nodded her head in understanding and smiled at me.

“Now tell me one thing, Zeke. If the Dark Overlord was to kill me, Bella and Kai- all three of us then who would be his heir ?”, Dominic asked.

“That is easy. It is his evil as fuck daughter who is an Alpha werewolf too. I can only say that she might not have been actively present in the royal household of the Dark Overlord but her nefarious activities are known throughout the length and breath of the army. However, I did not see her since she went for Alpha training five years back. She rarely visits her father, that too at flying visits or only when she is summoned for a mission by the latter”, I answered in detail.

“Does she have a mate ?”, Dominic asked.

“I don’t know”, I replied. “Personal affairs of anyone in that household are rarely known to me. I did not even know about my own sister !”, I deadpanned. “I only know that she is a really patient devil. She acts at the opportune moment, even if it means waiting for a hundred or thousand years. You catch my drift, don’t you ?”, I asked and everyone nodded. “She has a 100% track record of fulfilling all her missions and cleaning up her tracks. She is really good in what she does”, I added.

“Oh she definitely is !”, Dominic hissed. “She succeeded in manipulating all new students like Bella to talk to her as if she was a social butterfly and give her all details. She even ingeniously planted all the required tools in Max and Conor’s hands through her vanity box. That bitch is really cunning !”, he groused. “She is the traitor who is trying to track me down !!”, he added.

“The traitor is a ‘she’ ?”, Ryan spoke up after a long time, bewildered shell shocked nonetheless.

“Yes and we think that Max is her human mate. That boy definitely smells like a real human through and through, and is highly possessive of her like a typical mate- human or supernatural. However, that she devil puts a truck load of perfumes and scented suppressants to mask her true identity !!”, Dominic growled. “That conniving bitch !”, he cursed.

“How did she know that you are in that particular area and why has she not made a move if she knows who you are ?”, Bella asked.

“She clearly tracked my aura by matching her royal one to mine to get to this place but could not track the right person as I hid myself well. No wonder she burnt our dorm through Max and Conor so that the affected students were confined to only one block of hostels near the girls’ one and she could spy on all of them. It is pure luck that Bella and I were lodging in the faculty quarters and she never suspected us !”, he logically came to the right conclusion.

“What is your sister’s name, Dominic ?”, Ryan asked.

“She is not my sister !”, Dominic got worked up. “Nothing evil related to my sperm donor is my sister !!”, he growled.

“Alright, alright. Who is she ? Who is this golden traitor of yours ?”, Ryan questioned again.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Tyra !”

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