Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

“WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK !”, Dominic bellowed lividly and it seemed like he would lose control any time, the moment we entered Kai’s apartment and walked in on that hussy of a teacher greedily and not so elegantly, if I may add, devour our boyfriend’s mouth !

“Dominic”, I whispered as I tried to calm him down and held him by the arm but Dominic seemed ready to unleash the tsunami of violence in him.

“I give you sixty seconds to get the fuck out of here, lady. After that not even the hounds will be able to find your slutty body”, he bellowed.

Ms Pierce seemed at the verge of slapping Dominic for a variety of reasons- the major one being that we interrupted her gala time with Kai followed by Dominic’s piercing words along with the order of throwing her out of her “colleague’s” house.

“Is this how you talk to your teacher, Mr Kent ?”, Ms Pierce shouted back and atleast had the decency to step away from a shocked Kai. “And why the hell do you have your students staying with you, Kai”, the hussy shrieked at the very man whom she was about to devour.

I should have been angry at Kai for letting the cunt near him but on looking at Kai’s relieved features, I could tell that he was the unwilling party in the entire fiasco.

However, Dominic was cut from a different cloth.

He was too blinded with rage that I was not sure if Kai shall survive his fury when he was done with the bitch in our apartment or not.

For now, his sole attention was focussed on the unwanted visitor in Kai’s apartment.

“Stop ordering him around”, Dominic growled through clenched teeth. “He can do whatever the fuck he wants. Now shoo away from here before I throw you out !”, he roared and his harsh order had the bitch scampering out of the condo in no time.

The door closed with a loud bang as Ms Pierce stormed outside and shouted threats about getting back to Dominic in the uni.

“You better have a good reason for having that leech here overtime and letting her disgusting mouth near yours, babe”, Dominic fumed. “Or else you are in for so much trouble. I swear you won’t like it one bit”, he added.

“She caught me by surprise. She was telling me her sob story one moment and the next second, I know that she was on my lap, sucking the french out of my lips. It is not like I wanted to be eaten raw”, Kai huffed before pushing aside Dominic and storming towards his room.

However, Dominic was having none of it and instead, caught Kai’s wrist, much to our surprise and snagged him back strongly to him.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me, Kai”, Dominic’s voice dropped to a malicious low. “Especially when I saw her tongue deep in your throat”, he added with clenched teeth.

“Fuck off, Domz”, Kai hissed. “I told you, I had no role in it”, he reiterated.

“Yeah ?”, Dominic growled. “Why the fuck did you not push away that nasty c*nt off you when she came near you in the first place ? It’s not like you are a weak ass, puny human who can’t push away an evidently slutty minded woman”, he fumed, so much so that his eyes turned deep red for a moment before they turned back to their beautiful ebony black ones.

What the fuck ?!

Kai’s eyes widened in shock too but that small incident was soon forgotten when Dominic pushed Kai against the wall and slammed his lips on Kai’s in a rough and punishing kiss.

Kai’s whimpers echoed throughout the hall while his hands tried to push away the highly possessive beast over him but Dominic seemed hell bent on stamping his ownership on the former’s lips.

“Dominic ! Stop hurting him”, I rushed to Kai’s help but to my utter surprise, I was unable to pull away the strong aggressor.

What the fuck is happening ?

Why am I never able to use my mere Lycan strength against these two ?

It is not like I am weak in strength, especially when I possess not only royal Lycan blood but am generally stronger than these humans.

Or are they not ?

Wait a sec.

Are they even humans ?

Dominic’s eyes are red, Kai’s sense of smell is remarkable, both are overachievers, their families ….

“Get off me, Dominic !! Please stop it ! It hurts. It hurts so bad”, Kai cried and pleaded while Dominic went on complete rampage mode.

“NO !”, he thundered. “You are bloody mine ! Only mine !! How dare you let that stinky skank even come near you. I will let you know who the fuck do you belong to. Those eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, lips- everything is fucking MINE and I will make sure to drive home that point in your fucking subconscious !!”, Dominic roared.

Ears flaming red and eyes stinging with tears, Kai non verbally pleaded for forgiveness but Dominic seemed to be in no mind to let go of his sobbing victim.

“Dominic, I swear to God if you traumatize him any more, I won’t go easy on you”, I threatened.

“I can’t believe it that you are taking this pup’s side !!”, Dominic exasperately growled.

“I am NOT taking sides !”, I shouted. “I am hurt but Kai regrets the incident too. Why are you so butt hurt ? It was clear that Kai did not want to be a part of the stunt that, that lady pulled off. Stop hurting him any more. It hurts to watch, what must he be going through !!”, I reasoned out.

Dominic released his hold over Kai and pushed him away before storming his way into the master bedroom and banging the door shut.

I caught Kai’s falling figure and carried him to the couch before settling the gorgeous giant in my lap.

All this while, Kai cried in my arms while burying his head in the crook of my neck.

“I-I d-didn’t mean to”, he sobbed as his tears trickled down my back.

“I know, baby. I know. Shshhhhh. Dominic knows too. He is just more possessive than us and loves us wildly. He is angry with Ms Pierce and I am sure he is already regretting about blowing it out on you”, I coaxed as I pulled out his crying face out of my neck and wiped away his tears with my thumbs.

“I feel terrible. I felt like killing her and in my bid to control my anger, I let her stay on me a few seconds more”, he explained woefully.

He shied away his head in shame but I guided back his chin towards me and captured his lips in a deep, searing kiss.

“Mhmm hmm hmm”, Kai hummed before resettling himself in a full on make out session mode on my lap before completely engulfing and dominating my mouth with his hot one.

Milliseconds turned into seconds and seconds turned to minutes and minutes started reaching the 60 mark.

Before the hour was up, no one knew how we managed to combust in our own clothes while simply kissing and rubbing against each other since so long.

Drowned in each other’s comfort and love, we did not hear when the master bedroom door opened and cautious footsteps approached us.

When Kai suddenly detected his presence, he whimpered against my mouth and tried to hide away but I kept him in place and snaked my tongue further in his throat.

A third pair of loving hands wrapped around us, from Kai’s back before they played with Kai’s sensitive nipples under his tee and hot kisses were placed along his nape.

I felt Kai arch backwards while I sucked on his belly button after Dominic forced out the tee out of the former’s chiseled, upper body.

“Do you realize how addicting you are babe”, Dominic rasped as he played with our lover. “No wonder others feel like leeching on what is ours”, he huskily said before nibbling on the sensitive underside of Kai’s ear tip .

“I- I a- am aa-aahhhh soooooo so-sorrryyyy”, Kai moaned out as I surprised him by taking his entire length in my wet oral cavern.

I had wasted no time in zipping out Kai’s hot c*ck and pushing the entire length all the way down my throat as I managed to relax my muscles around the hot thing.

“I am sorry too, babe. Forgive me ?”, Dominic cooed and the hella arousing sounds of slick and pops wafted throughout the room.

As Dominic made a hot meal out of Kai’s mouth, I hollowed my cheeks to fasten the pace.

“Mhmm you …. hmmm don’t …. ah- need to apologize”, Kai somehow managed to breathe out before he was screaming his explosive release in my mouth.

Damn !

He sounded so fucking hawttttt !!

I could give him another bj just to hear him scream like that again !

God, he was so s*xy and adorable at the same time.

“My baby”, Dominic cooed before catching Kai’s overwhelmed body and kissing him all the way to the shower cubicle while carrying him in his arms.

“Daddy”, Kai tiredly said as he let his head fall on a chuckling Dominic’s shoulder.

“Shower together or dip in the bath tub ?”, Dominic asked me.

I looked over at Kai’s tired figure and shook my head.

“You two get cleaned up quickly and get ready for bed. I will shower and serve you some hot broth in bed, alright ?”, I suggested.

“Sounds amazing, baby”, Dominic smiled before ravishing my lips completely.

“Easy tiger”, I chuckled before pecking his cheek. Kai looks like he will fall asleep here only”, I grinned.

“No I won’t”, the boy in question protested making me and Dominic laugh together.

“He is so adorable”, Dominic sighed before joining the gorgeous sleepy head in the shower.

“He certainly is”, I fondly concurred before blowing a kiss towards both of them and closing the door behind me.

Gah !NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

These s*xy, gorgeous, adorable dorks !!

They were a cute mystery but I did not wish to ponder on things that seemed too far fetched and good to be true.

I needed to wait.

Wait for my 18th birthday to confirm.

I had my suspicions however . . . .

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