Teacher’s Student Mate


Kai’s POV

“Babe ? Kai ?”, Dominic gently shook me when we reached my pad.

I mumbled about something being comfortable and shit like that before my eyes flew open and I noticed that my baby girl was being lifted out of my arms.

“Don’t take her away from me”, I protested and tugged her tighter to me as if another kid was taking away my teddy bear.

Dominic chuckled and mumbled a “God they are so cute !” before securing Bella in his hands and helping me get out of the car.

“I wanted to sleep some more”, I complained as Dominic dragged me inside my pad after punching in the code.

“You can but in bed”, Dominic said and without saying another word, I dropped dead on my bed face first.

The side beside me dipped a bit and with one open eye, I saw Dominic gently place Bella before sliding beneath the covers on my other side.

Wrapping my arms around my sleeping girl, I tugged her closer to my chest while Dominic stuck to my back and played with my nip buds under the sheet.

“Stop harassing me, Domz”, I mumbled groggily, too tired and sleepy to stop his teasing fingers myself.

“I missed you so much”, Dominic whispered in my ear before capturing my earlobe lightly between his teeth and played with the imprisoned portion with his teasing tongue making me moan at the pleasure that coursed through my body due to the unconventional massage.

“I missed you too”, I replied before sleep took over.

It was utter bliss to be sandwiched between the two people I had grown to love so much.

Kai’s POV

My body suddenly jolted as if a weird kind- a good weird kind of electricity shot through it and all the sleep that I had craved for, had long back flown away from my eye shutters when I felt a wet cave engulf my sex weapon and entice it with a slithery, dripping twister.

What the hell ?!

Someone is harassing me !!

Who the fuck is eating my dick as if it is a fucking lollipop ?Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Don’t get me wrong that I don’t like it- in fact, I love it but still ! What the fuck is going on ?

I quickly tried to close my thighs but strong hands gripped them while keeping them apart.

“Stay still baby”, the culprit’s naughty mouth breathed out and fuck if blood did not go rushing down to my nether region just by hearing his deep, husky voice alone.

“Perv”, I teased and I was surprised that I could tease my lover at this point of time and that too slip out a coherent word given by the way moans were escaping out of my throat incessantly after every pleasure filled dab along my length.

Dominic responded only by intensifying his assaults on my throbbing member and it made me whimper even more.

Fisting his hair in between my fingers, I forced him away from his lolli and replaced my dick with my lips in a very hungry kiss.

I needed him.

Needed him so bad.

“My feisty little minx”, Dominic fondly rasped as he straddled my lap and indulged me in a long, intense make out session.

“No, I am not”, I replied and claimed back his prized lips.

“Yes, you are such a tease”, Dominic panted out in the next break.

“No, you are the one”, I breathlessly said while standing my ground. I was the one who was sleeping ! He fucking swallowed me completely in his mouth first !!

Dominic chuckled and pumped my shaft with his hand while looking at me with lust filled eyes.

“You are such a naughty wolf, baby. You kept rubbing yourself against my canon and you looked so irresistible when you constantly purred in my arms”, he revealed and nothing in this universe could stop the beetroot red blush to creep up my cheeks.

If what he says was true then I was the one who was at fault, or rather, my Lycan, Dexter was the real culprit.

That naughty thing had been messing around Bella and Dominic whenever they were asleep or I was asleep.

He seemed to have grown too attached to them too !

“I didn’t mean to”, I softly said while batting my eyelashes innocently and bit my lower lip as I felt another moan threatening to escape out of my mouth due to Dominic palming my pulsing cock faster.

“You are so cute and you don’t even have a fucking idea how much I feel like sucking up your blood dry and then gobbling you up completely”, Dominic groaned as he ground his own core against my abdomen while he straddled me.

Sounds like a Vampire’s fetish to me but what the hell ! I don’t care !!

“We will wake up our princess”, I worriedly said while looking towards our sleeping Bella before arching my back and giving out a soundless scream suddenly.

Fuck !

The motherfucker bit me by my fucking neck again !!

His bites are so damn pleasure inducing !

Just like stories we heard about Vampire’s essence.

I swear this man is not a human but a damn mortal Sex God.

“Try to stay silent, ok ?”, was the only warning he gave before thrusting two of his fingers into my fucking ass !

“Ah !”, I moaned as his fingers scissored their way deep into my unexpecting hole and brushed against my prostrate before hitting the bundle of nerves repeatedly making my body spasm under the pleasure filled pain that I felt.

“I want you to fill me up completely so bad”, I cried out as I pulled the handsome man topping me closer to myself.

“Yeah ? You want my huge cock to fill you up without prepping you up ?”, Dominic dirty talked to me.

“Uh huh”, I shamelessly nodded. “Want it to rip me apart so that I can’t walk and hence, you will have to carry me everywhere”, I replied making him smirk in amusement.

“What if Bella wants you to carry her ? What will you do then, pup ?”, he asked teasingly and I would have made a better comeback than to just whimper submissively but I knew that I had already slipped into a fuzzy head space where only Dominic’s cock mattered.

I whined when I realized that he won’t put his cock in my raw ass.

Why can’t he just give me his cock ?

I want him.

I want him so bad.

“Want you”, I pleaded and whimpered when he added another digit in my ass hole without any warning.

“You are so greedy, pup”, Dominic chuckled. “I don’t want this to be our first and the last time for this weekend”, he declared and distracted me with his soul burning kisses on my neck. “I am not going to break this tight, little ass before I am done with you by the end of this weekend”, he added before inching his lips to mine.

My stomach clenched when he bit my lip and fed on my blood ?

However, I felt so intoxicated that I let go of the matter and instead tore away his clothes off him and finally caught a glimpse of his mighty tall and proud dick that I wanted to devour since so long.

I could see a protruding vein spiral around his shaft near its head and it felt like it was screaming at me to give all of my damn attention.

Not able to withhold any longer clubbed with the fact that Dominic was working his fingers so well in my ass, I leaned up on my elbows and caught the portion of his dick that hung near my mouth.

“Fuck !”, Dominic cursed or more like groaned when I worked my tongue in his shaft head’s slit hole. It felt like I was fucking the pin sized hole with my tongue tip. “Babe, you are driving me mad ! I might cum just by that”, he growled and forced out his python out of my wrapped lips.

“Nooooooooo”, I whimpered when he did not let me touch him.

He suddenly pinned my arms above my head in a strong grip and smashed his lips on mine as he kissed me frantically.

It seemed like I had woken up the beast inside him as he ravished me like there was no fucking tomorrow.

If he were a beast in the supernatural world, I would say that he was surely a fucking vampire by the amount of arousing love bites he gave all the time !


“Slow – down – tiger”, I panted in between his kisses and he simply chuckled before sitting up straight on my torso and straddled it.

“I am gonna rock that ass so hard, babe”, Dominic said before he reached for the lube that he placed in the upper drawer during our last visit together.

The memories of that day and night came rushing in my mind and I tried so hard to not blush but judging by Dominic’s knowing smirk, I could tell I was looking like a freaking tomato again and that he had already figured out what I was thinking about.

“Don’t worry, babe. I am going to make this time more memorable for you”, he whispered teasingly and winked before I glared at him.

“Asshole”, I muttered but kissed him back nonetheless when he slotted his lips with mine making me moan.

“Sit on my face, baby”, Dominic ordered as he flipped us over with ease so that I was lying over his chest now.

Whoa !

How did he do that ?

Am I that light ?

He flipped us so effortlessly !!

“What are you going to do ?”, I asked while letting him guide my ass over his face.

“Eat you out”, he answered as casually as if he had just told me that he was going to eat a fucking pizza.

He is going to give me a rim job ?

“Hell noooooo”, I refused outright. “It’s dirty !!!”, I tried to reason out but the stubborn, sexy man beneath me had already buried his face between my ass cheeks and I could not help groaning when he pushed his enticing tongue into my rim.

“Fuck ! You taste like a sweet little baby out of a fresh bath !! Why do you smell and taste so nice ?”, Dominic queried as he lapped his tongue eagerly around my rim muscles.

Damn !

This feels so good.

Is he a magician or something ?

Ah ! It feels so thrilling.

Biting my lower lip, I tried to stop moaning so that Bella won’t wake up but the damn magical tongue of the sexy man beneath me forced out a few moans and whimpers out of my pursed mouth.

“Answer me babe. Why are you such a tasty pup, huh ? I love how you smell and moan for me. Do you want Daddy to take care of this cute little ass of yours ?”, he cooed and I would have certainly asked him to shut up and tell him that my ass was fucking huge but the praise still made me purr as my Lycan instincts took over.

I loved it when he called me a pup !

Made me want to lick him all over his face and neck and cling to him like a spoilt pup so bad.

However, I could not complain much because my lover was giving me one of the finest rim jobs ever. I know I never had one before but I could tell that this was certainly the best !!

It was like a cute little wet cock fucking my puckered hole.

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