Taming the Beast

Chapter 39 (Caroline)

Chapter 39 (Caroline)

It was another week of teasing and underwear stealing. It was hard to keep my hands off of him at

school, but Thanksgiving break was coming up so that was something I wouldn’t have to worry about

for much longer. Danny seemed glad that Keegan was back. Wes was stable and I visited him every

day I could. After the first dinner at the Porter household, every time I stayed for dinner, I had to cook,

which I didn’t mind. I loved cooking. Finally it was thanksgiving break, and I for one, was happy on a

Monday. Keegan was hanging out with me at my house. Danny took Preston out for a day of fun so we

had the house to ourselves. We were upstairs in my room watching Inception because I didn’t get it the

first hundred times of watching it. Keegan’s arm was around my waist as I curled into his side. He didn’t

look like he was watching the movie though. He looked deep in thought. I watched him curiously before

I sat up.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked. He glanced at me before he sighed and turned the TV off.

“After this, you’ll know everything,” he said discreetly. That peaked my interest. Keegan had been

avoiding telling me everything because he said it wasn’t the right time.

“My dad was, well he still is, Alpha of our pack. We’re called the Red Sun Pack. It’s the biggest and

most successful pack in America. Half the kids at school are a part of it, you just wouldn’t know.

Anyway, when my father passes, his Alpha title will go to me. My Alpha training had to start early

because of my dad’s health. That’s also why I hadn’t gone to public school until now; I was training.

The council set me up with Natasha before because in order for the next Alpha to take the title, he has

to have a mate. That’s just the rule and I was okay with it until I met you. You are my mate. I knew that

from the first moment I saw you… but mates are normally other Lycan, or werewolves, like us. You…

you’re special and I have no clue why. No one, especially an Alpha, has been mated to a human and

the council isn’t sure to allow it or not. They’re debating whether or not to make me mate to Natasha or

let me have you,” he explained hesitantly. I let out a breath as I took that in.

“You would let that happen?” I asked softly. He immediately started shaking his head.

“No, of course not. I don’t know what I would do without you. That’s why I’m telling you now because I

made the decision that if I can’t have you, I’m not going to be Alpha,” he said determined. My eyes shot

to his beautiful amber ones.

“You can’t do that, Keegan. If being Alpha is that important, I’m not going to stop you. It would kill me,

but I’d do that for you,” I said softly. He leaned forward and kissed me deeply as his arms went around

my waist, sliding me on to his lap.

“No,” he said against my lips. “I love you and I want you and nothing is going to stop me from being

with you,” he said surely. I moaned as his tongue dipped into my mouth. I caught the hem of his shirt

and pulled it up and off of him.

“Then don’t stop me,” I breathed before my lips were on his again. Doing the exact opposite of what I

asked, he stopped me.

“The mating process is more complicated than that,” he sighed, taking my hands in his. I pouted. He

only chuckled and placed a quick kiss on the end of my nose. I’m not like an out of control horn-dog or

anything but I just couldn’t stand not having him when he was this close.

“What do you mean?” I asked him. He sighed and thought for a moment.

“There’s a whole process that comes with mating. We can’t just… have sex. It doesn’t work that way for

werewolves. Plus, I don’t just want to ‘have sex’ with you. That makes it sound like a one night stand. I

want to make love to you, but we have to go through the whole process first,” he explained. My heart

fluttered when he said he wanted to make love to me. I smiled gently as a pink blush covered my

cheeks. I knew I was probably already flushed but I couldn’t help it around Keegan. He touched my

cheek gently, admiring me.

“So what’s the process,” I asked after I calmed down a bit. He smiled.

“Well, I’ve already done the first step when we were at my house and every other time after that. I

pleased you. I put my needs on hold and took care of you first,” he said slyly. My cheeks heated at the

memories. “Then, I have to mark you. It’s like… a love bite that says you’re mine. After a few days,

then we make love,” he explained. I smirked at him.

“Then mark me,” I said simply. He looked at me hesitantly.

“Are you sure? Normally it wouldn’t be a big deal because werewolves heal quickly, but you're different.

I don’t know what it will do to you. It’s never been done to a human before,” he said. I sighed and

slumped a little before I pulled his lips to mine. He kissed me back, a little surprised at first, but he

kissed me back. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his.

“Keegan…” I said slowly. “I want to be with you, forever. How can I do that if you’re too afraid to mate

me? I’m willing to take the risk… for you. Why won’t you do the same?” I asked him softly. He pulled

away and looked at me. From NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s going to hurt you,” he tried anyway. He seemed worried. I shrugged as I shook my head.

“I don’t care,” I whispered. He sighed before his eyes went to my neck.

“I’ll do it somewhere discreet. It might not heal for a while,” he said. I nodded. He kissed me deeply

making my heart and stomach flutter before he peppered kisses down my neck. He pulled off my shirt

easily and laid me back on the bed. He trailed kissed down my chest and stomach. He kissed along

each of my scars and groaned. I felt something sharp coming from his mouth. He looked at me

hesitantly, almost like he was waiting for permission to continue or waiting for me to change my mind. I

nodded, giving it to him. His lips trailed to my left side just above my hip before sharp teeth dug into my

skin. My eyes closed as I gripped my sheets and screamed. It hurt a lot, but at the same time, it

aroused me like you wouldn’t believe. Tears pricked my eyes as my body shook. Keegan’s hands held

my hips still as his teeth sunk deeper. I yelled out again. I knew he said it would hurt, but I didn’t think it

would hurt this bad. Finally, Keegan retracted his teeth and licked the small wounds. I sniffle and wiped

the tears from my eyes. Keegan pressed his tongue against all the wounds gently before he hovered

and looked at me.

“Are you okay?” he asked softly. I nodded but my tears were unmistakable. He sighed and sat back on

his heels. He looked away from me for a moment, regret flashing through his eyes. I sat up and cupped

his cheek in my hand, making him look at me.

“Hey, I asked you to,” I tried assuring him through my sniffling.

“Maybe this was a mistake,” he muttered, looking away from me away. I let in a quick breath as tears

stung my eyes for a different reason. His eyes snapped back to mine as they widened. He immediately

started shaking his head.

“I don’t mean you, Caroline! God, I don’t mean that you and I are a mistake. I just didn’t, and still don’t,

want to ever hurt you. God, I love you too much to even think about not being with you. I want to do this

with you. I want us to officially be mates. I just didn’t want to hurt you. I know that it physically hurt you,”

he rambled on quickly. I wasn’t upset at him anymore. It was actually kind of funny watching him flail

like that. I found myself laughing a little. He narrowed his eyes at me. “Why are you laughing?” he

asked curiously. I probably looked crazy right now but I didn’t care. I sat up and hissed in a breath

before my eyes were back on Keegan.

“It was funny watching you freak out,” I shrugged. My face got serious again. “I know you don’t doubt

us, Keegan. You’re defying everything you know to be with me and I won’t take that for granted. But

you can’t freak out every time I get hurt,” I said. He sighed and his eyes flickered down to his bite

marks. He smiled a little at the sight.

“Why did you leave it there?” I asked, curious. His smile widened as his eyes came back up to mine. I

saw nothing but love in them.

“Because I wanted you to think of your stomach as beautiful and not the way you think of it now. This

way you’ll think of me marking you, instead of your scars,” he explained. I leaned forward and pressed

my lips against his gently. His hand rested on my waist… right on his mark. I hissed in a breath and he

pulled away. I blushed.

“I’m still human,” I shrugged. He chuckled before he stood, offering me a hand. I took it and stood too.

“Let’s go get that taken care of,” he said. He pulled me towards the bathroom where the first aid kit

was. When we got there, he sat me on the counter. He grabbed a fairly large gauze pad and put it over

my, now bleeding, bite mark. It covered the whole thing perfectly. Keegan taped each side with medical

tape before he lifted me off the counter. I walked back to my room while he disappeared down the

stairs. Coming back into my room, he was holding a bag of ice. I thanked him before I laid down and

placed the ice against my side. Keegan laid down in the bed next to me and put his arm around me.

His thumb was rubbing light circles in my arms as he played the movie again. I looked up at his relaxed

face and gave a light smile.

“I love you,” I said softly. He smiled down at me and gave me a gentle kiss.

“I love you more,” he whispered back.

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