Take Me Away

Chapter 134 The Video

Chapter 134 The Video

"What? Comic Bear?" Fiona stared at Spencer with a look of utter confusion on her beautiful face.

"What do you mean?"

"Comic Bear! The thing you couldn't stop talking about when you were drunk. It almost occupied half of

your bed. Don't you remember?" Soon, a knowing smile crept up on his lips. "Okay, Fiona. I know what

you're doing. You're deliberately annoying me."

"What? No! I really don't know what you're saying," Fiona replied, now frowning. Suddenly, a memory

flashed through her brain. "Did you give me that Comic Bear?"

"Okay, are you serious? Or are you suffering from amnesia?" With his hands on his hips, he sighed and

began explaining. "When you were at hospital in M City, I asked my man to take that bear to your ward.

It's about two meters long, and it's a limited edition! It took me an awful lot of time and effort to find it.

Who else do you think would give such a gift to you?"

Was it really from Spencer? She had thought that just like the pendant, the enormous Comic Bear was

also sent to her by Ryan.

It took a long time for her to come to herself, and when she did, she whispered, "So that was from

you..." While that Comic Bear meant a whole lot to her, it never crossed her mind that it was Spencer

who gifted it to her. Slowly, she began to feel overcome by emotions—mainly love—and she felt her

heart tingling from happiness.

When Spencer noticed the profound look on Fiona's face, he became curious. He wanted to ask her

more about it, but the moment he took a step forward, he heard Eric's voice.

"Spencer!" Eric exclaimed, out of breath from all the running he did all the way to the shooting range.

Both Fiona and Spencer were taken aback by Eric's sudden appearance. After sharing a look of

confusion with Fiona, Spencer turned his head to Eric and asked, "What's the matter? Did something


"Yes," Eric answered, still catching his breath. "Let's go to the meeting room. It's really, really urgent!"

Spencer frowned and sighed. "What is the meeting about? Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Well..." Eric stammered, not knowing how to reply. His gaze went to Fiona, then turned back to

Spencer. "Just go with me."

"Okay, fine!" Spencer conceded. He looked at Fiona and said, "You can practice shooting by yourself,

right? I'm going to pop into this meeting for a while and then I'll come back. If I don't come back in two

hours, however, go back to my dormitory by yourself. Understood?"

"Yep," Fiona responded. He walked up to her, touched her hair with his hand, and whispered tenderly,

"Be good. We will return to M City soon."

After that, he turned around and started walking away.

"Spencer!" Fiona called behind him.

"Yes?" Spencer turned back. Fiona didn't know what came to her that moment, but when Spencer

whipped his head back to look at her, he looked extremely handsome.

"Why didn't you save me?" Until now, it was a knot in her heart that kept her up at night. She wanted to

know why Spencer did what he did; she wanted to make sure that he did not give up on her.

Spencer, on the other hand, did not expect that kind of question from Fiona at that moment. When he

noticed the panic and helplessness in her eyes, he became flustered. A few moments passed until he

was able to form an answer. "If I had a choice, I would have saved you." He then walked to her and

held her tightly in his arms. "I'm sorry. I won't do that again. I will never let you get hurt, I promise you.

At that time, someone sent me an email asking me to save Celine. I was afraid that if I chose to save

you, it would anger them, so I asked George to do that instead of me. I'm so sorry, Fiona... "

Spencer didn't give up on Fiona, even for one second. It was Charles who planned on ruining their

relationship, sowing seeds of discord everywhere he could. In Spencer's strong, loving arms, Fiona felt

all her worries fading away.

"I just want an explanation," she said quietly.

"Don't worry," Spencer said, letting go of Fiona and looking directly in her eyes. "I will prove it with my

own actions."

"Spencer, it's time to go," Eric suddenly said, careful not to break the moment between the two lovers.

He understood that the two needed this time, but he was determined to put Spencer in that meeting.

Once again, Spencer rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. I will go with you now." He stroked Fiona's hair and

told her, "I'm really need to get going now."

Fiona just nodded. Spencer flashed her an incredibly sweet smile and left with Eric. As she looked on

at the figures of the two men leaving, she took a deep breath. Her head was full of thoughts about her,

Spencer, and their future. 'Spencer, if I tell you that I want to start all over again, will you say yes? I

know that we hated each other before, but I am willing to forget all of those. Are you? From now on, I

want us to live in a world free of hurtful memories so that we can rebuild our lives into something we

love, deserve, and desire.'

Her whole being became restless, and soon, she felt like she was slipping into another dimension. She

did not know when she fell for Spencer—all she knew was right at that moment, all she wanted was to

be with him and to live her remaining days beside him, for better or for worse.

When she came to her senses, Spencer and Eric had already gone. With that, she turned around,

focused on the target in the distance, and calmly raised her gun.


She pulled the trigger skillfully, and the bullet landed squarely in the middle of her target. Seeing this,

Fiona smiled.

"I don't know what happened to Fiona when she was in Cherry Grove Residence," Spencer said, on his

way to the meeting. "I know that we should put her under psychological rehabilitation. Spending that

much time in enemy premises would definitely cause her some kind of trauma. But considering how

poor her health is, I really can't bear to subject her to a process that requires her to open up the scars

she had acquired back there. Because of that, I just let her be. It makes me feel guilty, it truly does. It

seems like I haven't done enough to help her, and that I should care about her more."

Eric didn't say anything. He had long noticed the change in Spencer, how he became gentler and more

caring with the people around him. In the past, he wouldn't think twice about kicking someone he

disliked to the ground.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Did your tongue got caught? Or is stupidity catching up to you?"

Spencer asked.

"We got a video from Charles," Eric said suddenly.

Immediately, Spencer knew that something was wrong. "A video?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You'll know when you get to the meeting room."

The shock made Spencer feel incredibly uneasy. Glancing at Eric, he quickened his pace.

The door of the meeting room swung open.

Inside, aside from Leo, only a few of the high-ranking officials were present. This made Spencer more

nervous. 'Is it possible that this video could not be shown to the public? Is it too high of a threat?'

Standing at the doorway of the meeting room, Spencer looked around and asked, "What video did

Charles send us? What kind of provocation is he using on us this time?"

But nobody answered. The atmosphere inside the room was highly tense.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked once again, raising his voice. Anger could now be seen in his eyes.

"What the fuck are you all being silent for? Just speak up! Tell me what's happening!"

Leo stood up and took a deep breath. "Look, Spencer. I personally didn't want to show this to you or

even tell you about it, but after discussing this with the other officials, we decided that it is very

important that you see this. We want you to watch it and tell us if it's real."

Spencer cast a confused glance at Leo. He walked straight to the conference table and clicked on the

video that was already pulled up on the laptop.


The moment the video played, a piercing scream rang out throughout the room. The scandalous sound

piqued Spencer's attention, whose eyebrows were now tightly knitted.

After a few seconds, the video gradually became clear. Apparently, the video was captured through a

monitor. While the video itself had a sound, a lot background noises made it harder to hear.

"Help! Get out of here, Charles!"

This voice made Spencer shudder all over. It seemed like his brain sent an electric shock throughout

his body. His eyes were now wide with horror. The video was showing recording of a living room in a

luxurious abode. There was a huge sofa in the shot, and a man could be seen standing with his back to

the monitor. His grip was tight on the woman, who apparently was the source of the hair-raising scream

they heard a while ago.

As the recording was a bit far from the monitor, Spencer could not make sure who the man was. There

was one thing he was sure of, however—the scream he just heard was an awful lot like Fiona's.

The video started to pick up and became more and more intense. It even got to a point where

everyone, except for Spencer, looked away, fear and second-hand embarrassment evident in their

eyes. Spencer couldn't help but clench his fists. The video was showing Charles making his way

through an unwilling woman. His heavy moans mixed with the woman's lamentations made the scene

too horrific to view, even for the strongest in the room.

As Charles was standing between the woman and the camera all the time, Spencer couldn't see the

face of the woman clearly. However, by the woman's figure and voice, Spencer could not help but think

that it was Fiona. Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

Then, Charles suddenly spoke. "You can't run away from me, Fiona! There is no escape!" He kept on

thrusting and thrusting into the woman on the sofa.

"Help me, Spencer!"


Spencer closed the laptop's lid so hard it almost smashed the screen into smithereens. The meeting

room fell into silence. He could feel the muscles on his face becoming stiff, making him look



"That's not Fiona!" There was no way he would admit that the woman in the video was Fiona. Internally,

he kept repeating it to himself as a way to comfort his slowly crumbling heart.

Hearing this, Eric thought that Spencer was really sure that the woman in the video wasn't Fiona.

However, when he turned, he saw that Spencer's body was trembling and his fists were tightly

clenched. He knew Spencer was not sure, either.

Leo began to speak up. "The video has been handed to the inspection department to check if it is true.

Maybe this is just a way that Charles came up with to rattle us. The video and voice can easily be

falsified. Spencer, we..."

"Shut up!" Spencer pounded his fists on the table, interrupting Leo's remarks. "Leave me alone for a


The others didn't say anything. They exchanged glances with each other and silently walked out of the

meeting room one by one. As soon as they walked out of the conference room, they heard the sound of

things breaking from the inside.

Daniel followed Eric and said, "How about we ask Fiona if the woman is really her? That way we can


Eric's head immediately snapped towards Daniel. Following that was his hand, which landed on

Daniel's forehead with a loud smack. "Fuck you! Do you really think we can ask her that? Please use

your brain even for a goddamn second! If you want to, you can go ask, you big dumb baby. There is a

reason why Spencer was called over and not Fiona!"

Daniel caressed his sore forehead. "Well, I was just trying to help. What should we do now?"

"Wait for the results of the inspection department," Eric answered, sighing.

The evening glow in P City was breathtaking. The fiery red sky in the West was one of the most

magnificent views in the land. Fiona walked briskly towards Spencer's dormitory. When she passed by

the kitchen downstairs, she suddenly had an idea to make a meal for him.

She felt that the effects of her captured by Charles and being detained in T Country could be reversed.

Even if she was still scared, she would not let it stop her pursuit of happiness. 'Let Celine go to hell!

From now on, it's going to be me and Spencer!' she thought happily to herself.

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