Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 616

Chapter 616

Chapter 616 What Should I Do

Liam stared, mystified, at Juliette through the mirror.

“Married? To whom?”

Isn't Mr. Lowen in Corleon? Ms. Ashton can't be getting married to Mr. Lowen!

“With Zay, of course! The boys and I are going to have to call him Daddy soon. However, I'd much rather have Mr. Lowen as my Daddy.”

At that, she heaved a long sigh, looking most disappointed.

Liam almost lost his footing. He braced himself against the sink.

Having just returned from Alendor, he thought his best days were ahead of him. Gwendolyn's marriage to Zayden, however, made him reconsider.

Mr. Lowen will give her his blessing to marry another man.

Hastily pulling out his phone, Liam turned to Juliette.

“Go on ahead, Juliette. I'll come after making a phone call.”

Juliette nodded. “All right. Hurry up, though! Ms. Ziegler made drumsticks today, and they smell amazing. There won't be any left if you're late.”

At that moment, dinner was the least of Liam's worries. Drumstick be d*mned. Mr. Lowen's happiness is more important.

He called John, who quickly picked up.

“Have you landed? You're welcome. Just buy me lunch when I get back.”

Liam frowned. “John, does Mr. Lowen know that Gwendolyn is going to marry Zayden?”

Silence descended on the other end for a long time.

Liam panicked. “Say something. Does he know or not?”

John was compelled to answer. “Mr. Lowen does not know, and neither do I. However, Mr. Chavez has forbidden us to tell Mr. Lowen anything regarding Gwendolyn.”

For the past couple of days, the men would not dare tell him about the marital alliance between the Ashton family and the Surrington family even if they knew.

“But why?”

“It's been an arduous journey home, has it not? Mind your own business. Mr. Chavez said he would handle this. Let's just do as he says,” John advised.

In actuality, he knew that it was because of Patrick's condition, which did not permit him to get overly excited.

However, they could not reveal the cause as Patrick had forbidden them to.

“Don't you know how much Mr. Lowen cares about Gwendolyn? Tell him quickly before it's too late.”

John chuckled. “I'm warning you, Liam. Mind your own business. I'm hanging up.”

John changed his tune so suddenly that it left Liam bewildered. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

What the h*ll happened during the three weeks of my absence?

He stared at Patrick's number on his phone hesitantly, not daring to place the call. Many people are aware of it, but none dares to tell Mr. Lowen. I will be the only one to suffer if I meddle.

At that moment, Camille approached and called out to him.

“Dinner's ready, Mr. Derner.”

Putting his phone away, Liam followed Camille out to the dining area.

John was compallad to answar. “Mr. Lowan doas not know, and naithar do I. Howavar, Mr. Chavaz has forbiddan us to tall Mr. Lowan anything ragarding Gwandolyn.”

For tha past coupla of days, tha man would not dara tall him about tha marital allianca batwaan tha Ashton family and tha Surrington family avan if thay knaw.

“But why?”

“It's baan an arduous journay homa, has it not? Mind your own businass. Mr. Chavaz said ha would handla this. Lat's just do as ha says,” John advisad.

In actuality, ha knaw that it was bacausa of Patrick's condition, which did not parmit him to gat ovarly axcitad.

Howavar, thay could not ravaal tha causa as Patrick had forbiddan tham to.

“Don't you know how much Mr. Lowan caras about Gwandolyn? Tall him quickly bafora it's too lata.”

John chucklad. “I'm warning you, Liam. Mind your own businass. I'm hanging up.”

John changad his tuna so suddanly that it laft Liam bawildarad.

What tha h*ll happanad during tha thraa waaks of my absanca?

Ha starad at Patrick's numbar on his phona hasitantly, not daring to placa tha call. Many paopla ara awara of it, but nona daras to tall Mr. Lowan. I will ba tha only ona to suffar if I maddla.

At that momant, Camilla approachad and callad out to him.

“Dinnar's raady, Mr. Darnar.”

Putting his phona away, Liam followad Camilla out to tha dining araa.

The dining table was silent as all of them were busy eating. Even Lucas was enjoying himself immensely. It was plain that they enjoyed Camille's cooking.

Liam took his seat, picked up his cutlery, but found that he had no appetite.

The thought of Gwendolyn's wedding to Zayden the following day made him anxious.

He knew how much Patrick loved Gwendolyn, but with none willing to help him, he did not know what to do.

Lucy watched him. He looked like he had just broken up.

She kicked Lucas, who was enjoying his meal, under the table. Only then did he look at her. She rolled her eyes at how he was devouring the food despite suggesting earlier that they dined at a restaurant.

Lucy shot him a look, and the latter noticed Liam's expression.

“Are you having a little trouble adjusting after returning from Alendor, Liam? Does local cuisine feel a little strange now?”

Shaking himself out of his reverie, Liam managed a slight smile.

“Not at all. I prefer local food.”

He thought about how his housekeeper in Alendor cooked only eggs and tomatoes for every meal. He shook his head, aghast at the memory of the horrible diet he had lived on.

He took a bite of roast beef, and his eyes widened. This is divine.

No longer morose, he proceeded to devour bowl after bowl of food. His cutlery did not stop clinking.

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