Strings of Fate

Chapter 298

Strings of Fate

Cam 55- Cock tales and conclusions

I wake early the next morning, not used to sleeping next to someone, but I refuse to wake up completely or get out of bed. It’s my day off and I’m in no rush to face the day. Harry stirs not long after I do, but he is apparently on a similar lazy wavelength as me because he wraps. his arms around me and clings to me like I’m a teddy bear, burying his face in my hair and sighing happily. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so relaxed. Even his magic is relaxed, sending off sleepy vibes. Actually, that might explain my sudden desire to never leave this bed. That or the very naked Incubus. Okay, so probably the second thing. Still, since I want to make it clear to Harry that his magic definitely affects me, I take the chance to remind him.

“Your magic is making me lazy.” I grumble affectionately. Harry chuckles and hugs me even


“Sorry, I’m just comfortable. Did you need to get up?” He offers reluctantly.

“Nah, I’m good. I was just letting you know.” I answer drowsily and it doesn’t take me long to fall back to sleep.

Harry and I laze around in bed and nap until just before lunch when I’m finally forced to get out of bed, mostly just because I need the bathroom but also because I haven’t had my morning coffee and I’m craving one badly. I’m just pouring two coffees when Harry joins me in the kitchen, half dressed in his jeans with no shirt. I have to fight the urge to drool. Seriously, it’s like he’s photoshopped. He notices me staring and winks which leaves me blushing and flustered. Damn it, I was so good at maintaining my poker face before and now it’s just ruined. It’s probably going to be weeks before I can look at him without blushing. We sit on the couch to drink our coffee and Harry takes the chance to check in.

“Cam, how are you?” He asks. I shrug, not really sure why he’s asking.

“I’m fine, why?” I respond and he rolls his eyes..

“No, I mean… ugh… Are we okay? You’re not going to freak out on me or something are you?” He clarifies.

“Oh… I’m not planning to.” I answer with a shy smile. Harry grins at me, clearly pleased.



Cam 55- Cock tales and conclusions

“Good. So… What do we do now?” He continues. I’m not sure if he means right now or in general. I decide to answer it as a general question.

“We’re going to stay together, and if you ever leave me I’m going to have to hunt you down and poison you for real.” I answer in an overly pleasant voice. Harry laughs in delight. He

seems to enjoy my threat.

“I can work with that.” He answers easily. His eyes narrow at me a little.

“Are you going to be bothered if I tell my friends we’re… uh… that you’re my girlfriend?” He asks. The word girlfriend sounds awkward on his lips, like he isn’t used to it. I have to say it’s going to take some getting used to for me too.

“Nope, not bothered.” I confirm.

“I’m texting the group chat now!” He practically sings the words and I laugh.

chat?” I try

“Wait, if I’m your girlfriend, does that mean I get to join this super secrenit group

to ask casually, but I really want to be included. Harry and his friends are a tight knit group and I desperately want to be part of that group. To my delight, Harry immediately agrees.





-Cam has been added to the chat.

Harry- GUYS GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!

Ryann- You finally decided to stop stalking Cam and actually talk to her?

Megan- You both decided to pull your heads out of your asses and actually communicate properly?

Bellamy- Does this mean I won’t have to sit and listen to you complaining about being eternally single all the time?

Darrien- Good job Cam! And welcome to the chat. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.


Cam 55- Cock tales and conclusions

Harry. You guys didn’t even let me say it. Cam and I are together. Officially. She’s my girlfriend. She admitted it out loud and everything.

Harry- Maybe I should get it in writing. Hey Cam, can you please confirm that you are my girlfriend?

Ryann- You should both come to dinner tonight. 🙂.

Amber- They can’t come to dinner. They’re going to have other plans. But we’re all going to get lunch tomorrow. At Borderline before my shift. I know you’re all available so don’t even pretend otherwise.




Cam- Harry I am your girlfriend and you are my boyfriend. We are a couple. Happy now?

Cam- And I’d love to meet you all for lunch. Although I don’t know what dinner plans you’re talking about.

Megan- We’ll all be there!

Aaron Good job Cam..

Amber- Great, I’ll see you all tomorrow. I have to get back to work.

“Woah, this is a chaotic chat. Is it always like that?” I ask and Harry nods.

“Yep. It’s fun though. We actually started the chat so that everyone could keep up with my stories about seeing you.” Harry frowns..

“Did we make dinner plans that I forgot about?” He asks. I shrug.

“Not that I know about.” I respond.

I feel another wave of Harry’s magic, he’s excited, happy and kind of turned on and it’s making it super hard to focus. I shiver and comment on it.

“Your magic is very… strong today.” I point out. Harry actually blushes.


Cam 55- Cock tales and conclusions

‘Sorry, I’m a bit excited. I’ll get it under control. I don’t mean to influence you.” He apologises cheerfully but then his face falls a little.

“Actually, I should probably apologise. I’ve not controlled my magic around you as well as I should have. Particularly the night we had our fight. I was angry and I pushed my anger onto you too. I’m at least partially responsible for the fight getting out of hand.” He sounds guilty. Is he seriously trying to take responsibility for me being an idiot?

“I’m the one who pissed you off. I was far more responsible for that argument than you were. Can we please just put it behind us?” I ask. Harry nods his agreement and I relax.

My phone rings and I see my mum is calling. Harry tilts his head curiously when I actually

smile and answer.




“Hi mum.” I greet her cheerfully.

“Hey honey. I was just calling to see how you’re doing. I thought maybe you meet me for dinner.” She asks nervously. Oh, that’s a little unexpected.

t want to

“I’m actually doing great. Harry and I made up!” The words burst out of me. I can’t stop them. I really hope my mum meant it when she said she was going to start being more


“Oh I’m so happy for you. I told you that you could figure things out! Would… would you both

like to come for dinner?” Her tone is even more doubtful than it was for her original offer. I half expect her to backpedal and take it back.


Can I check with Harry and get back to you? I’ll call you back.” I promise. Mum agrees

and I hang up the phone.

“Did you hear all that?” I ask Harry. He nods.

“Yeah. I take it that there’s been some kind of progress with your mum? You weren’t taking her calls last I checked.” He asks curiously. I tell him about how she called to apologise and how she is trying to be more accepting.

“My grandmother is apparently still not happy with me, but… I don’t know. What do you


Cam 55- Cock tales and conclusions

think I should do? Should I give them another chance? A proper one?” I ask arcticusly Barry takes my hand and holds it firmly. His expression is serious and I’m a little scared that he’s going to tell me I should just cut them off. That the way they’ve treated me is unforgivable and that he will never be able to get along with them.

“I think that you should be careful. They treated you poorly and they definitely need some boundaries, but if you still love them then it’s worth giving it another shot. I never knew my parents, so I have no idea how that kind of relationship is supposed to feel, but I can understand how hard it is to find people who really care and if you believe that they do then that relationship is worth fighting for. Even if you don’t agree with everything they do.” He answers carefully. I suddenly want to cry again, but happy tears. I should have known that he would understand. I mean, he forgave me!

Unable to hold it–in anymore, I basically crawl into his lap and press my lips to his in a light kiss, trying to show him how much I appreciate him. He agrees to come to dinner and I call my mum to let her know when to expect us. I don’t know how dinner will go. I don’t know if I can really get along with my family anymore. But I do know that I have Harry and I am never going to let him go again.


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