Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


Mike didn’t reprimand it this time since it was right. She was a bitch. A fucking bitch in fact. Well, fuck her. Wait, no. Wrong insult. He sighed, pulling an old shirt over his head, as images of her boobs jiggling while bouncing on the diving board filled his head.

How did she always know how to push his buttons so well? Practice maybe. They were always going at each other like that; Mike winning some, Danni winning more. He always managed to get in a few good hits though, before she threw the inevitable knockout blow. Unfortunately she’d gotten used to the insult ‘Hoover’, and it wasn’t winning any fights for him anymore. He’d have to come up of something else.

He went downstairs and avoided looking into the kitchen. The laughter had died down but he wasn’t going to take any chances of starting another volley. All four of them were in there yapping at each other. Why the fuck were they so damn talkative. Mike could spend a week in the house and not say a word. Not his damn sisters though. Yap yap yap blah blah blah fucking blah. Plus, the conversations they had were so damn ridiculous! Hair and makeup, boys, parties, reality television, it was all retarded to him. It was like he was living near a PMS tornado in an estrogen hurricane, desperately trying not to get swept away and still dealing with raging hormones to boot.

His mind began to inevitably replay the events of this morning, the dream, Emma, the shower. FUCK. Why did Danni have to pop into his head when he was masturbating? Fuck her, the nosy slut, always butting in where she wasn’t wanted. Damnit, fuck her.

“Yeah, go fuck her”

“Stop it, damn you. That’s so damn wrong!” he’d gotten far too loud now, in his head at least. Why had he felt the need to vocalize her name, and with Emma there! He felt himself getting flustered again and headed to the shed to find the lawn mower. He looked at the sun. It was barely up over the horizon. Screw it if the neighbors get upset. He didn’t care if it was early. He bent over to check the gas and oil.

He liked to think that it was an evil presence in his mind that was making him think all of these things. He didn’t know if it was really there or if it was a natural part of being a teenager. It had only started causing him grief recently. He’d only started getting interested in girls until he was out of high school. Having your parents die when you are still young does strange things to people.

All through junior high and high school he hadn’t really had a girlfriend. Quite obviously, he wasn’t interested in boys but he’d just never really pursued any girls. It wasn’t that he wasn’t attracted to them or get horny, he was and did. He just turned all that energy behind it to sports. Football, soccer, cross country, track, all of those he could understand. They translated well for him and they were where he had focused most of his frustrations. Bending over, he yanked on the starter cord and the mower roared to life.

College though, was different. He’d gone to a small town high school. Football was everything in Texas. If you didn’t play, you didn’t exist. If you did, you were popular. If you were good, you became a God among the locals. His sisters were stunned when he’d declined playing college football, though he’d been offered a few scholarships. He’d grown tired of it. He’d decided to put it behind him and focus on getting a degree, finding a good job and his place in the world. He hadn’t realized how much of his horny, crazy psyche he’d either repressed or even only restrained through his strenuous sports workout schedule.

He slowly mowed around the small peach tree he’d planted in the backyard for Beth, not wanting to damage the thin layer of bark at the base.

It was like someone had turned on a fire hydrant but only had a water hose to use with it. A sex hydrant, a rampaging sex filled fire hydrant running loose in his brain, continually raping the other loose thoughts in his head. He felt like his head was bursting at the seams and just knew that a horde of little pussies and breasts with arms and legs would burst out if it did, and then run off to go terrorize the neighborhood. Sex was all he thought about. It was all he wanted. He’d never been with a girl, though he’d kissed a few. That was another odd thing about him. Back in high school, being the star wide receiver meant that he could pretty much have any girl he wanted, that wasn’t already taken. Plenty tried to give it up for him, but he’d never seemed interested, never seemed like he really cared about it. He’d had a girlfriend in high school, but she was a very religious girl, and didn’t really seem to mind that he never wanted to do anything more than make out or maybe grope her boobs a little. It worked out great. They split up after graduation and both went to different Universities. It had been amiable and they still emailed each other from time to time, but he knew there were never any real feelings between them.

It had been more of a mutually beneficial partnership than anything else. It kept her from having to try to stave off sexual advances from every guy around her, and it kept him from having to come up with reasons for not sleeping with every girl that offered it to him. She liked him much more than he liked her, and she was very good friends with Emma. Still, he did get to cop a few feels, and would get occasional urges to take it further. By the time he’d have the chance to do so, a football game or a track meet would have taken his concentration and all of his focus. They’d been voted ‘Most Congenial’ in the yearbook. He wondered briefly why they didn’t have a ‘Most Likely to Masturbate to Your Sister’ category.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Walking over to the gate, he pulled the mower through and headed to the smaller front yard to finish. As soon as he was done mowing and had the mower put up, he trimmed the hedges, used the weed eater up next to the house and around the trees, edged the sidewalks and turned on a few hoses to water the lawn. Heading back into the shed, he grabbed the dip net to start fishing out the leaves from the pool.

The sun was up by now, it had been about 3 hours and it was already getting hot. It looked to be about 11 o clock. Sweat beaded on his forehead and trickled down his neck and chest. The door to the patio opened and Danni came out, followed by Beth, Emma, and finally Sarah, who was carrying a glass of water for him. She always looked out for him. She looked so small and vulnerable, so easily, breakable as she walked towards him. Her breasts were jiggling as she walked. STOP IT.

Danni walked around without saying a word to her brother and pulled her clothes off, revealing that same damned bikini that she always wore. Mike was glad he was wearing sunglasses. Emma was still pointedly not look at him, though, and Mike really couldn’t blame her. He felt himself start to blush, but knew the heat of the sun would hide any color that might show up on his face.

“Here sweetie,” Sarah said, reaching up and wiping sweat from his face and handing him the water. He downed it in a few gulps. Sarah turned to go back inside, presumably to clean something. Mike watched her until she had gone, her ass bouncing along behind her.

“Thanks,” he said turning his attention away from his sisters and back to the pool. He stopped and deciding it was getting entirely too damn hot for a shirt, pulled his off and tossed it aside. Sweat coated his chest and ran down his back. He picked up the dip net again and went back to work.

Emma had definitely been avoiding looking at her brother. She was still trying to process everything that had occurred this morning. She couldn’t help but notice as he took off his shirt, how well toned her brother was. He wasn’t an overly muscled lummox like most of the guys in college and back in her high school were, or were desperately trying to be. He looked lithe, muscular but not bulging. Suddenly aware that she was ogling her brother, she turned and concentrated on her book. A few minutes later she reached into her towel bag pulled some oil out of it and began to rub it absent mindedly across her body.

“Oh dear god no,” Mike said softly to himself as he glanced over and saw his twin rubbing herself down. He quickly turned his back.

Beth and Danni were lying on their backs, eyes covered with shades and bodies covered in oil. Emma lay down beside them to soak in the sun. They all reached beside themselves for magazines as their brother moved slowly around the pool, sweeping leaves out.

He was methodically moving around the bottom of the pool, scooping out any and everything that had fallen in during the winter and spring. “I should’ve done this when spring hit,” he said aloud, desperately trying to keep the voice quiet. It was screaming “BOOBS” over and over and pounding on his brain with tiny fists. “OVER THERE, BOOBS,” he couldn’t help himself and glanced over, immediately regretting it.

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