Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Crazy Stacy

Sofia’s POV

I have so much fun with Sonia and Tonia, I can now tell them apart if I gaze a little bit more closely. Apart from their height and hairstyles, they both have different unique personalities that you could use to differentiate them. One is a little calm and has a cool demeanor while the other is hot-headed and wild, but they both have that strict, no-nonsense attitude that seems to run in the family.

I couldn’t get Sonia’s words out of my head. As much as I tried to, I just couldn’t. Damien had been in a relationship with that Stacy girl who seems to be so rude and cunning. She had tried to hurt me and I know she hates me for coming close to her man which is quite understandable, I mean, I would be pissed if I see him with another girl also, that’s just how it works.

But that’s not why I am this furious. I am pissed off at him for making me fall in love with him when he knows that he doesn’t love me. What was I even thinking when I opened my heart to him? Why did I fall for his stupid tricks after all the stories I’ve heard about him and after all the warnings I got from my parents.

He is a Mafia Lord, he takes a lot of girls as ransom on a daily basis, and I bet he treats them exactly the same way that he is treating me now. After making them fall in love with him, he’ll use them as he pleases and when he is done, he will toss them aside like garbage, then he’ll go back out there and search for his next victim.

I love his sisters and I enjoy hanging out with them because they remind me so much of my friends in school that I’ll probably never set my eyes on, ever again, but I can’t help but wonder if they know about their brothers philandering ways. It would hurt me to know that such beautiful, cheerful and kind ladies would be part of such an evil act.

I saw the way they had spoken rudely to Stacy, it’s almost as if they had a grudge against her. Maybe it’s the way things are around her. The Mafia Lord brings in a total stranger and his sisters befriend her, using kind words and good deeds to win her over to their side, then when he gets tired of her, they also terminate their friendship with her.

Does this mean that I’ll end up like Stacy someday?


It’s going to be so frustrating to live after that. Now I understand why she is so hurt and why she is trying so hard to hurt me. She simply wants to get her man back. I hope she knows that it’s not my fault but his, I hope she knows that I am just a slave like her and I am also going to be tossed aside someday.

What if he asks us to battle it out in a wrestling ring?

I’ve watched in some movies where the Mafia Lord has a wrestling ring and he puts whoever he chooses to put in the ring. If you come out victorious, you’ll be deemed fit to be by his side as his faithful follower. Is he going to make us fight to be with him?

Wait, better question, are there more girls like Stacy and I, that have dated him in the past, or are still dating him currently?


I don’t want to share him with anyone, I was t him all to myself. If that makes me a greedy bitch, then I really don’t care. It is what it is.

I had tried to push these conflicting thoughts to the back of my head as I enjoyed my shopping spree with the girls. I might as well enjoy it while it lasts, for all I know, I could be replaced tomorrow and I’ll be tossed aside like a ragged doll. I pretended to be cool and happy but immediately I set eyes on him when we got back home, it all came back to me, and as I looked at him, I realized that he isn’t really mine. Someday, he would get tired of me and I’ll be thrown into the garbage like trash.

I tried to avoid his eyes but he saw right through me. I could feel his burning gaze on me. Sonia and Tonia were engaged in a conversation with his friends, but I knew that he wasn’t paying any attention to what they were saying because his eyes were fixed on me. I think he is trying to read my mood and figure out why I am unhappy, but I won’t say a word to him. I can’t let him know that I am aware of his other girlfriend, he could get furious and kill me.

Wait a minute, would he really kill me?

He has been so good, loving, and caring since I got here and I can see it in his eyes when he told me that he loved me. But how do I know if he is telling the truth or maybe it’s all a part of his sick game that he loved playing with girls that he purchased with his damn money.

Would he really break my heart after making me fall in love with him? Is that how heartless he can be?

Right now, I don’t even know who he really is and what he is capable of. I just don’t know what to think or believe anymore. He seems like a good guy but then again, no good guy would have a girlfriend and still profess love to another woman. It’s just so infuriating and frustrating.

I kept standing in the same spot with my eyes on the floor, fighting with my own emotions, trying to get a perfect explanation for everything that’s going on. I did not realize that his friends have left the sitting room, nor did I notice his movements while he walked towards me, I only felt that amazing feeling that flows through me whenever his skin touches mine.

He stretched his hand forward and wiped away my tears that I never realized were flowing down my cheeks. I looked up and into his eyes and I got stuck in his deep green orbs that are so captivating and mesmerizing. His eyes held so much warmth and tenderness, it was so hard to look away when all I want is to be pulled into his arms right now.

“Did I hurt you, my love?” he muttered softly to me, with his voice that sounded like music to my ears. A few seconds ago, I was confused and I kept wondering if he is as bad as everyone says he is but right now, as he pulls me close into his arms, I had to ask myself, “How on earth could I doubt this guys feelings for me?”


This is all so confusing.

Stacy’s POVContent © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

I thought I had him all to myself, I thought I’d succeeded in kicking every other girl out of his life, but I thought wrong, I fucking thought wrong.

When I thought that I’ve finally got him exactly where I want him to be, he suddenly announced to everyone that he had found his mate, can you believe that?

For five years I’ve been in a relationship with him, I’ve pleased him in every fucking way. Believe me, that guy can be so insatiable, he can go at it all day and all night and I am always there to satisfy him and make him feel good.

Yes, I have other guys that I play around with, I mean, I love Damien and I desire to be his Luna but I never get to see him always like I would love to. He is the Alpha and he is so damn busy. It is practically impossible to see him except he sends for me, and he doesn’t always send for me because of those dumb whores that flock around him.

I have needs too, you know. I can’t wait around for him like a faithful, obedient dog, can I? He spends so much time at his other businesses and even when he is around, he doesn’t give me all the attention that I deserve.

I have to let someone else take care of my needs while he is not around, what’s wrong with that? It’s not my fault that I have such an overactive libido, is it?

I must admit that he is such a good lover and he is so fucking good in bed, damn! That guy is so fucking talented with his lips and he always gives me multiple orgasms in one night, but I still want more, I want more of him, more sex, I want him to fuck me every fucking day, how hard can that be, I mean it’s just sex right.

Anyways, since he can’t be there for me, I get it elsewhere but trust me, I keep my other sexual adventures hidden from everyone, he doesn’t know about it, and I want it to stay that way. The fact that I love having fun doesn’t mean that I’m stupid, It still doesn’t change the fact that I plan to be his Luna. I’ve worked so hard for it, I won’t sit back and let one silly little girl take him away from me

That’s never going to happen, not while I am still alive!

I worked so hard to keep him all to myself, I even got my hands dirty, getting rid of every other gold digger that tried to get close to him. They never listened when I asked them to back off, they thought they could compete with me for my Alphas heart. I had to get rid of them completely.

It was so damn hard to cover my tracks when the girls went missing, I had to make it look like a rogue attack so no one would think otherwise. It had taken me weeks to plan each attack and execute my plans without anyone ever suspicious of any foul play.

The Alpha had blamed it on the rogues and he tightened the security around the packs, searching endlessly for the rogues that took the life of those cute, cherry ladies, but he never found any rogues around our boundaries because there were no rogues to be found. It was all me.

For five years, I’ve done many horrible things just to keep every other girl away from him and it’s been working up until now. I can’t believe that he broke up with me without so much as a second thought, he just pushed me away, dumping me like trash, can you believe that?

More annoying is the fact that his sisters that used to be my best friends have suddenly stopped talking to me, they do not want to have anything to do with me anymore and I just don’t know why. They now prefer hanging out with that goody two shoes that the Alpha claims is his mate.

She’ll never be Luna as long as I’m alive, I’ll show her exactly what a beast does to a fragile human girl. She has no idea who she is dealing with. And as for Sonia and Tonia, I’ll deal with those two when I become Luna, they will all regret treating me this way, I’ll make sure they pay dearly for treating me like crap.

Since she got here, I’ve been trying to find the perfect opportunity to have a little chitchat with her, but she has never been left alone since she arrived, he spends every damn minute with her and it’s so infuriating because he doesn’t spend that much time with me. That son of a bitch!

First, his sisters are being mean to me for no reason at all, now he’s sending Beta Ralph and some warriors to come to warn me to keep away from the Alpha and Luna, threatening to rain down fire and brainstorm on me if I ever attempt to hurt the Luna ever again. For crying out loud, She ain’t my Luna and she’ll never be. If she thinks I’ll let her waltz in here and steal my friends and my man, then she has something else coming. I’ll kill her goddammit! I’ll fucking kill that bitch, I swear it.

If he wasn’t the Alpha, I’d never let him treat me that way. Am too special to be treated like a whore, am too special to be playing second fiddle with a mere human, she is no match for me and I refuse to be compared to her in any way. Damien is mine, if I can’t have him, no one else can, not even his stupid human mate.

I’ll just give it a little time, just a little more time and I’ll find the perfect chance to get her alone, then I’ll show her who’s boss. She can cling to Damien for as long as she wants to, but rest assured, I’ll have him back in no time. She has no idea what I’m capable of, she has no fucking idea!

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